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oral surgery

oral medicine
oral pathology
With sections OFI oral and maxiiiofacial radiology
and endodontics

oral surgery
School of Dental Medicine, Tufts University
1 Kneeland Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02111

Dying of cancer: A patient’s recollection of

her illness and of her doctors
David J. Krutchkoff, DDS. MS,” and Ellen Eisenberg, DMD,b Farmington, Corm.


A personal account of a patient’s long ordeal with cancer of the tongue is presented. The explicit journal
begins at the time that a lesion was first detected and ends approximately 4% years later, just 8% months
before the patient’s death from local disease. Important principles of clinical diagnosis and patient
management, vividly underscored by this case, are reviewed and discussed.

E ither through personal experience, professional

interactions, or both, diseaseswe know collectively as
by the dribbling of foul saliva, and then slow starvation
day by day until the final climax is reached in a gush of
cancer have touched virtually all of us in one way or blood or some equally terrible catastrophe.
another. We are all too familiar with the dry, didac-
tic dogma pertinent to oral cancer in general, tongue As vivid as this quotation is, nothing is more
cancer specifically, but, perhaps through subcon- emphatic than a specific illustrative caseto bring this
scious’avoidance,we rarely encounter the true horror point to life. We thus offer the following chronologic
of the afflicted patient in the course of their progres- account of a patient’s personal ordeal with cancer of
sive demise. In this context the eloquent words of Dr. the tongue. The journal, written by Mrs. “T.“, a
A. W. S. Hay’ are worth repeating and remembering: woman who coincidentally happened to be a nurse,
Of all the painful deaths by which men leave this world, begins when she was 49 years of age, at the time a
there are few more miserable and agonizing than that tongue lesion was first noted by her general dentist,
which results from carcinoma of the tongue. From the and extends through the various stages of diagnosis,
beginning to the dreadful end, one distressing event fol- management, mismanagement, treatment, and at-
lows another in rapid succession.Pain is followed by the tempts at palliation. It ends approximately 5 years
unspeakable vile fetor of ulcerating infected carcinoma, later, before her death, when she was so ravaged by
local diseaseand side effectsof treatment that shewas
no longer able to record her thoughts.
*Professor,Departmentof Oral Diagnosis,Division of Oral Pa-
thology,Schoolof Dental Medicine. Although several tragic errors were made during
bAssoeiateProfessor,Departmentof Oral Diagnosis,Division of the course of this illness, our aim in publishing this
Oral Pathology,Schoolof Dental Medicine. account is not to point an accusatory finger. Rather we
7/12/27100 wish to relate to members of the healing arts profes-
402 Krutchkof and Eisenberg ORAL SURG ORAL MED ORAL PATHOI.
April 1991

sion a patient’s perception of her affliction with can- When I askedhim if this could becomecancer, he told me
cer, including how sheviewed her doctors and profes- that a lot of things could turn into cancer such as moles and
sional staff. We also wish to convey a sense of the the like, but he didn’t think this would. He did not tell me
cancer patient’s inner feelings of hope, anger, despair, to come back or suggestanother opinion. He was very con-
and futility, which are too often ignored by those of
One year, 3 months, to 2 years, 2 months. As time went
us involved in various aspects of treating human on, I becamemore and more aware of the side of my tongue.
illness. We do this becausewe believe it can make a I started to compensateby swallowing my food faster, less
positive difference; perhaps through an account of rotation for the tongue. Discomfort in the tongue sometimes
suffering, we can gain somemeasure of improved un- bothered my speech. Whenever I looked at the tongue, it
derstanding of those involved in the desperate strug- looked the same. It never bled.
gle with cancer, thereby leading to better quality of Two years, 2 months (approximately). All of a sudden,
patient care. the tongue seemedmuch worse. In spite of this, I left for
One further pertinent remark: the following journal Europe with my husband since we had planned this trip for
represents direct transcription of the patient’s own some time. During our vacation, the tongue became even
words, edited only for context, brevity, and conceal- worse-why? I can’t say. The lesion seemedthe same size
but thicker, more granulated at the edges. It really inter-
ment of names,places,and dates that might otherwise
fered with eating, swallowing and speaking. I made up my
identify those actually involved. The account is oth- mind to seeanother doctor when I returned since I couldn’t
erwise explicit and to our knowledge completely take it much longer.
accurate. Two years, 3 months. I saw my internist, Dr. B. I wanted
to see if he could recommend or refer me to a specialist.
Initial oral surgeon (OMFS 1): Dr. “A.” When he looked at my tongue, he looked worried. He called
Family internist: Dr. “B.” Dr. A. and then called an ENT specialist, Dr. C., and sent
ENT surgeon (ENT 1): Dr. “C.” me right over to him.
ENT consultant (ENT 2): Dr. “D.” One hour later, Dr. C. examined me, and after he was
Oncologic surgeon (tumor surgeon): Dr. “E.” through, he sat me down and told me he was sure it was
cancer. However, since it seemedwell defined and didn’t
Second oral surgeon (OMFS 2): Dr. “F.”
seem to have spread elsewhere in the neck, he was quite
confident he would get all of it out with “microsurgery.” A
Day 1. My dentist noticed a lesion of the right side of my hospital date was set as soon as possible.
tongue and left cheek. He advised me to go to an oral SUP Two years, 3 months, to 2 years, 3 months, 1 week. I was
geon for a qualified opinion. admitted and the surgery was performed the next day. My
Day 22. I arrived for my IO:00 AM appointment with Dr. face, neck and tongue were extremely swollen. I could
“A.” [OMFS 11.After examining my tongue and cheek, he hardly swallow and consequently had very few liquids
said, “I think it’s a case of lichen planus, but I will take a orally. I was on IV’s til half an hour before I checked out.
biopsy of the cheek since that’s the sameas the tongue.” He Dr. C. [ENT surgeon l] was very happy with my progress
said that the tongue would require some type of sedation. and gave me a prescription for Keflex suspensionand Ty-
He did the biopsy, and I think I had 2 stitches in my left lenol plus codeine. I was also to gargle often with Cepacol
cheek. Neither my tongue or my cheek bothered me at the mouthwash.
time. Before I checked out, I had a CAT scan which I found
Day 29. Came back to have stitches removedand was told to be unpleasant psychologically. I kept praying throughout
about results of the biopsy. The diagnosis from the left the test-hoping they would not find anything. As it turned
cheek was “chronic inflammation with subepithelial vesicle out, it was negative. What a relief!
formation suggestiveof lichen planus.” He [Dr. A.] told me Two years, 3 months, 2 weeks. My first checkup after the
there is nothing to be done about it. “It is there to stay, won’t operation. Dr. C. was very satisfied with what he saw. Still,
go away, and you have to live with it.” He was extremely I had this terrible pulling on my stitches when I talked be-
confident, knew what he was talking about. fore lubricating my tongue. It was quite unpleasant, and I
During the ensuing year, my tongue started to bother me had to take Tylenol and codeine.
now and then depending on what I ate. Two years, 3 months, 3 weeks. Next checkup. Looking
One year, 3 months. My son had to have his wisdom teeth back, I found myself thinking how strange it was that a
pulled by Dr. A. When I took him to the office for surgery, person like me, who never smoked and drinks only a half
I made an appointment for myself one week later when his drink twice a year, and doesnot like pepper in things or any
stitches had to come out. My tongue had started to bother real spicy foods-gets this lesion on the tongue. Somehow,
me, so I wanted him to take a look. I can’t find peacewith that. I’ve been eating food the con-
One year, 3 months, 7 days. They fit me in while my son sistency of mashedpotatoes,cream-of-wheat, Enfamil, etc.
was taken care of. Dr. A. told me: “As I told you before, Anything coarse like toast, meat, chunky stuff, I can’t eat.
there is nothing you can do about it. It is there to stay, and I asked Dr. C. after my examination if this lesion could
it may or may not bother you at times. It is chronic.” have been cancer 2 years ago when it was first noticed. He
Volume71 Dying of cancer 403
Number 4

said theoretically, it was possible, but the biopsy told us 9 days, but due to family circumstances and Christmas, I
otherwise. When I pointed out that the biopsy had been askedfor it to be delayed. Biopsy was scheduled in 3 weeks
taken out of the cheek, nor the tongue, he was momentarily instead.
taken aback, but said there are many types of cancer. It Three days later, saw Dr. C. again to discuss the biopsy.
could have been a slow growing type that stayed dormant He made all kinds of excuses that “this all of a sudden
until something triggered a sudden growing spurt. “Yes, it developed. . .” I had been complaining all this time but he
could have been,” he said, “but the bottom line is, we got wouldn’t listen.
it all out, and the CAT Scan was negative.” I am to seehim Three years, 9 months. Saw Dr. D. again. He was very
again in 1 month. thorough and felt the area definitely neededto be biopsied.
Two years, 5 months. I saw Dr. C. at 10:00 AM. He was Three years, 9 months, 1 week. Biopsy and partial
very happy with my progress.The tongue was healing well, removal of fibroma done by Dr. C. in l-day surgery clinic.
and looked almost normal. A CT Scan was planned in 2 Stayed in bed with a lot of painkillers.
months. Three years, 9 months, 2 weeks (approximately). Results
Two years, 7 months. Saw Dr. C. again. Everything looks from biopsy: CA near jawbone on right side. Advised by Dr.
good. CT Scan scheduled in 3 weeks. C. to seeDr. E. [tumor surgeon] at university hospital (Dr.
Two years, 8 months. Results of CT Scan negative! E. was highly recommended). I asked him why was I being
Whoopee!! sent to the university hospital, and he said merely that I am
Two years, 9 months. Saw Dr. C. again, and all is well the proverbial “hot potato.”
so far. CT Scan planned in 3 months. Three years, 9 months, 3 weeks. Seen by Dr. E. at the
Three years, I month. Another CT Scan. Dr. C. noted a university hospital who sprayed my mouth with novocaine.
lump in my chin and said it was scar tissue forming. There His preliminary findings were that the tongue was still in-
was some tendernessso I was placed on antibiotics for the volved and was connectedby tumor to the glands in the chin.
infected gland. Another CT Scan was ordered next month He sent me to the Dental Department for special x-rays of
to see if it disappeared. the jawbone and teeth.
Three years, 3 months. Special type of scan attempted on Two days later, Dr. E. called and wanted me to go to a
ducts in the floor of mouth. Dye was supposedto be intro- tumor conferenceon Monday so all disciplines could discuss
duced into ducts. Duct on right side [side of surgery] could my case.
not be found. It was overgrown with scar tissue. Two doc- Three years, 10 months. Monday afternoon tumor con-
tors tried to probe but couldn’t find it. CT Scan rescheduled ference. There were 3 other patients besidesme to be eval-
after consultation with Dr. C. uated. First, each casewas discussedwith 15 other doctors
Three years, 3 months, 1 week. Regular CT Scan done. and then the patient is called in to be questioned and exam-
Results negative. Meanwhile, my husband and I, after a lot ined. Then the patient is sent out again, and the team would
of discussion, decided to sue Dr. A. We neededan unbiased discuss a course of action. My new oral surgeon, Dr. F.
opinion from a doctor not previously involved and made ap- [OMFS 21, wanted an x-ray called an occlusal, and based
pointment with Dr. D. [ENT 21. on that x-ray which showed thinning of jawbone, both Drs.
Three years, 4 months. Saw our consultant, Dr. D. who E. [tumor surgeon] and F. felt 4 molars should be extracted
took lots of notes but didn’t offer any opinion. and the jawbone sampled. My husband and I were a little
Three years, 6 months. Saw Dr. D. again. He favored shockedsince we were told a few days earlier that the bone
surgery in order to obtain tissue to seephysically why this and teeth were not involved.
thickness was present in the floor of the mouth. He didn’t In the meantime, we made appointment at Sloan-Ketter-
trust the CT Scan exclusively. ing Memorial Hospital in New York for another opinion.
Saw Dr. C. three days later. He felt there was nothing Two days later, after the examination, we talked with the
unusual about the situation. Don’t know who to believe. In doctor for almost an hour. He was very thorough but also
the meantime, I have a double chin due to the enlarged very depressing.He painted a very dark picture of what may
gland, and I have stabbing pains in the area. Will see Dr. have to be done. More x-rays were taken, and we went home
C. again in 6 weeks. very depressed.
Three years, 7 months. Saw Dr. C. at 11:OOAM. Despite Three years, 10 months, 1 week. 4 molars pulled by Dr.
my complaints about the thickness next to my tongue and F. He was extremely helpful in discussing all our fears and
glands in my chin, he feels everything is A-OK. “Don’t want questions.
to cut for no reason and don’t want to CT Scan-you- Four days later, I was still uncomfortable, probably be-
to-death. Will see you in 3 months.” cause of tongue movement and pulling of stitches. Drink
Three years, 8 months. Could not stand the pain with water all the time.
chewing. Decreasedmobility of my tongue and increasing Three years, 10 months, 2 weeks. Out of the house by
slurring of words. Made an appointment for Dr. C. to see 8:30 to get to Dr. F. for my 10:00 AM appointment to get
me today, and my husband came with me. Dr. C. looked in stitches taken out. We were 1‘A hours late becauseof a flat
my mouth and felt the growth. He thought it was a fibroma tire. I must say, I have never met a doctor more compas-
and advised another CT Scan. sionate, helpful and able as Dr. F. He took impressions of
Three years, 8 months 1 week. CT Scan done at 11:30. my upper and lower teeth in preparation for making a pro-
Results were negative but Dr. C. wanted to do a biopsy in tective gadget for my teeth which I wear when I have to go
404 Krutchkof and Eisenberg ORAL SCRG ORAL MED ORAL PATHOI.
April 1991

for radiation. Stitches were taken out, and he cancelled an weepy in evening. Can’t sleep, no energy. I draw strength
appointment to talk to us. Even though you sort of expect from prayers and from all my good friends.
bad news, hope never leaves you. Well, it has now. I tried Two days later, I’m back to seeDr. E. Fistula still wide
to control myself while he told us the jawbone was invaded open. Took some stitches out of my mouth. Keep up tube
by the tumor. Now, I’m worried about my ear or cheek- feedings.
bone-just don’t know where it will end. I literally could Three years, 11 months, 2 weeks. Saw Dr. F. who
strangle Dr. C. with his cool exterior and repeated assur- adjusted someof my rubber bands and made a small pros-
ances that all cancer was removed from my tongue. The thesis so my bite is more comfortable. Much easier to keep
tongue hurts me more than ever now. It has the feeling at my mouth or teeth from shifting. Later, I saw Dr. E. (tu-
the tip as if I burned it, and there’s a swollen hard feeling mor surgeon) who examined my fistula. Not closedyet. Will
along towards the back. Naturally, it’s full of cancer. have to wait with radiation until it does. Happy with my
Maybe I’ll lose my whole tongue and can never swallow or general recovery.
speakagain thanks to Dr. C. I can kick myself that I didn’t I do as much as I can around the house. Also, good for
listen to Dr. D. as far back as 7 months ago when he told my right arm. Other people shop for me since I have that
mea biopsy would be beneficial. Anyway, it’s water over the tube hanging out of my nose.Have to plan any absencefrom
dam, and hindsight doesme no good. I feel like I could eas- home as far as my feedings go.
ily becomea drug addict with this constant pain. I take ASA Three years, I I months, 3 weeks. Went to Dr. F. at 2:00
or tylenol around the clock but it doesn’t help. PM. He adjusted some braces & told me he thought hyper-
Three days later. Operation set for 4 days from today. baric oxygen might be of somehelp and suggestedI give it
Talked with another doctor who told me they would have to a try.
take tissue from my right breast to closethe surgical wound. Later that day, after a very nice explanation, I began
Now I’m scared. treatment. People there were really pleasant. They put me
Three years, 10 months, 3 weeks. Surgery completed af- on a stretcher-like bed which was wheeled into a clear plas-
ter 12% hours. My face was grotesquely disfigured and tic cylinder. The door was shut after I had two pillows un-
stretched out. My husband said I looked like a Buddah in der my head. It wasn’t high enough since mucous formed in
the intensive care unit. my throat but there wasn’t any more room. The whole pro-
Two days later. Beginning to be aware of things. I still cedure took l’/z hours, and I prayed it would be over soon
have a tongue and I can swallow although difficult due to so I wouldn’t choke. Tried not to think of the mucous; man-
the feeding tube. Have a trach in so I can’t talk at all. Write aged to swallow by turning my head to the side, but towards
everything down. the end, it became harder. You have to remain in one po-
Big scar going all around my right breast and 2 other in- sition. Can’t sit up or move. I was close to distress but
cisions, one from right ear to almost the left ear plus another couldn’t move or sit up. Even if they had to stop, you just
from the shoulder to the neck. Pectoral muscle cut so I have can’t open the cylinder door. First, the 02 has to be reduced
trouble lifting my right arm. No strength in it-right breast gradually. I was almost crying. If I hadn’t had the problem
much smaller than the other. Drs. E. and F. plus residents with mucous, it would have been OK. I kept thinking that
and interns came to see me every AM and PM. the minimum number of treatments is ten, and was it worth
After 4 days post-op, the trach comesout. Hole is closed it? Got to the point where I just couldn’t take it; not the way
up to heal. I can hear my voice or rather someother scratchy I am now. Didn’t get home till after 9:00 PM. Took two tube
voice. feedings together.
Three years, II months. Incisions healing well, stitches Seven days later, I’m eating & swallowing much better
taken out. I am promised my feeding tube will be taken out but at first, it was torture. Couldn’t get any more than 2 tsp.
next week. Wiring cut that holds my jaws together. of Jello which took % hour. Then, little by little, more each
Replaced by rubber bands. time. I know I have to go through this if I ever want to eat
Three years, I1 months, I week. The drain hole under my again. Don’t think my tongue knows what to do. Can’t put
chin became a fistula; not closed yet; being irrigated and my lips together. No feeling in lower lip and chin.
packed with iodoform gauze. As long as the hole is open, I Four years. Saw Dr. F. who made mouth guards for flu-
need a feeding tube since everything you put in your mouth oride that would protect my teeth from radiation therapy.
comesout through that hole. Healing retarded and risk of Later saw the radiation doctor and was very depressedbut
infection high, not sure why. Maybe fear of the unknown, side effects, how
Discharged 3 days later. Home! With feeding tube but I will feel, etc. Have to go 5 days a week for 6 weeks. Do
still home! Lots of supplies and fistula still open. Problem not look forward to any of this. Am always asked whether
with sleeping; have to sit up straight due to collection of I smoke or drink & answer emphatically, “No” to both.
mucous in the throat. Can’t sleepmuch in one stretch. A lot From 4 years, to 4 years, I month, 2 weeks. Radiation
of pain in right arm. Arrangements made for physical ther- treatments. Mouth keeps getting drier which is a mixed
apy at home. blessing. First, I had too much mucus, now not enough. I
Three years, I1 months, I week. Physical therapist here wake up with dry tongue and throat and have to wet it with
to work with my arm. Blood pressurequite good due to los- water. At least I can sleep now on 2 pillows instead of sit-
ing 17 pounds. No strength in arm. Very depressedand ting up.
Volume71 Dying of cancer 405
Number 4

During therapy, we went to see a law firm that special- again in the area under the chin. No more radiation since
izes in medical cases.I don’t like the idea of telling so many I had had the maximum. Chemotherapy planned.
people about petty little things, claiming injury, etc., but Back to Dr. F. for extraction of the rest of my bottom
looking at it objectively, it goes way beyond this sort of teeth. They were loose, and the bone had deteriorated due
thing. I simply want Dr. C. to be aware, to think twice be- to radiation or cancer. We’ll know in 5 days. I felt awful.
fore he treats someone beyond his capabilities. If he had Four years, 7 months. More bad news! CA all through
only shown some interest, some compassion. He never lower jaw, and all 3 doctors have to confer on what to do
looked me in the eye when he gave me the news. He never now. If it’s surgery, it means taking out my lower jaw and
called to seehow I was doing after the biopsy. He never in- more. Why go through with all this? There is no quality of
quired how I was getting along in the hospital. It would have life so I might just as well spare my family and myself all
made a difference. kinds of unnecessary grief. We’ll know for sure soon.
Past mid-point in radiation. The end is in sight! Eating Three days later, the big decision: No more surgery-
ability, swallowing is getting worse-It’s such an effort just they decided against it. Only chemotherapy.
to get 1 cup of milkshake or blenderized food down. I do a Four years, 7 months, 1 week. To the hospital for chemo.
lot of coughing, burping; liquids get in my nose. I’m not fit First 2 days wasted with tests. Finally they started with
to sit at the table with people other than my family. Terri- methotrexate followed by platinum 2 days later. The next
ble food restrictions. Nothing hot or cold. Dryness almost day, I feel nauseousand throw up. Next my mouth is full
unbearable. Lost 30 lbs. so far. Good thing I was over- of sores, swollen. Chemo is stopped. I can go home. I feel
weight. rotten. If I go near food, I throw uvan’t even think about
Four years, I month, 2 weeks. Last day of radiation! it. Losing more & more weight.
Can’t believe it’s actually over. My mouth is terribly sore, Four years, 7 months, 2 weeks. Home but feeling 100
and everything is just as awful as it was a few days before. years old. If I have to go through this every month in order
Better days are coming. Can’t wait! to stay alive, I opt for death. What kind of life is this any-
Four years, 1 month, 3 weeks. Saw Dr. E. and weighed way? If it wasn’t for my kids and my husband, I would never
in. Lost a total of 44 lbs. Lots of instructions about report- make it. I can’t sleepin his arms, I can’t hug him, can’t kiss
ing anything unusual. He seemedpleased with the way I him. What kind of wife is that? My jaw hurts, my left ear
looked. hurts, can’t even put my lips together to kiss. Shit! . . .
Four years, 3 months. Sorenesson left side of jaw, maybe
the gland. Feels swollen and painful. Am aware of it all the Mrs. T. continued to deteriorate and died of local
time. Saw Dr. E. the next day who said there is definitely disease 8% months from the last entry in her diary,
a lump under the ear. Very painful. approximately 5 years 3% months from the onset of
Two days later, a needle biopsy was done & later was her illness.
negative for tumor and negative for new cell growth. My Legal actions were later taken by the patient’s
prayers have been answered! Later, I was thinking that if family. Dr. A. approved a settlement just before the
Dr. C. would just have done this needle biopsy when I com- casewent to the jury; Dr. C. was found guilty of neg-
plained of pain and hardness in my chin 15 months ago, he ligence.
probably would have caught it in time. Instead he took a CT How vivid the lessonshere are! They are here to be
Scan. How differently doctors treat you!
learned by any doctor or, for that matter, any person
Four years, 6 months. Recent pain under chin. More pain
and tendernesson the left side again. Doctors feel it could
involved in various aspects of ancillary patient care.
be due to radiation, but they really don’t know for sure. Dr. The primary point that stands out is that proper di-
F. feels I should resume hyperbaric oxygen which I do in agnostic procedures must be followed. It is the
spite of the fact that I hate it. I am depressed,yet I feel I reasonable standard of care that persons responsible
should be happy that everything is OK. Still, I’m not. It’s for diagnosis and management of oral disease be
so hard to keep a “good” attitude and a smiling face. aware of cancer-prone areas of the mouth, and this
Four years, 6 months, 2 weeks. My neck now is very red, knowledge must be applied when determining site for
ready to burst. 9 hyperbaric oxygen treatments so far biopsy when multiple lesions exist. Second, it is not
including today, I becamedizzy & sweaty during treatment. acceptable to assume that a negative biopsy result
Still am very claustrophobic. I asked them to take me out from one area guarantees or even implies the same
but they can’t just open the door and do it. It takes 10 min-
diagnosis for another site. Third, it is vitally important
utes. Later that day, saw Dr. F. whojust touched my neck
and pus came out spontaneously. He took several specimens
to take steps to assure proper follow-up examination
and wanted to admit me that day. I went straight to the and evaluation. If conditions fail to resolve with the
hospital. prescribed course of therapy, matters must be reeval-
Several I t D procedures & biopsy specimensdone at the uated. One should never be so blinded, stubborn, or
hospital-two days later. Also, CT scans of head, neck & biased as to fail to consider that the initial impression
chest. may not have been correct. Finally, and perhaps most
Four years, dmonths, 3 weeks. Bad news!They found CA important, is the matter of compassion. How easy it
406 Krutchko$ and Eisenberg ORAL SLRG ORAL MED ORAI. PATHOI.
April 1991

is through long hours, crowded schedules, the multi- REFERENCE

ple aggravations with insurance forms, salespeople, 1. Hay AWS. In: Anderson W. Boyd’s pathology for the surgeon.
problems with office equipment and personnel, and 8th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1967:137.
other factors to forget that we are dealing with the
Reprint requests to:
feelings and lives of other people. Even with the
David J. Krutchkoff, DDS, MS
knowledge that errors were made, Mrs. T. perhaps Department of Oral Diagnosis/Pathology
could have accepted her fate had she simply felt that School of Dental Medicine
her doctors were concerned for her well-being. University of Connecticut
Farmington, CT 06030
Such are lessonsfor practice, lessonsfor life. Lest
we forget.


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