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10 t h Gr a d e

fu n c t io n s
Hadia fouad 10A
T a b le o f c o n t e n t s

biology f in an ce
01 03

ph ysics t ech n ology

02 04
Real -life
e x a m p le s
The spread of a virus generally follows exponential
growth. This can best be observed by looking at the
spread of a viral disease. The virus causing the disease
gets transferred from the carrier person to the people
and objects that he/she come in contact with, thereby
increasing the number of people infected by it. The
number of infected people increases gradually at a fast
rate, and the growth is undoubtedly exponential in
Bacteria are single
-celled microorganisms that
cannot be seen by the naked eye. They are present
in almost every living or non
-living object present
on the earth and are capable of surviving extreme
temperature and pressure conditions. Bacteria
reproduce with the help of a process called binary
fission in which the parent cell gets divided into two
daughter cells. The daughter cells further get
divided into two cells each. The process goes on
and on, thereby displaying an exponential growth of
bacteria in a short time.
Cancerous Cells
If a healthy cell of a human body comes in contact with
the infected or cancerous cell, cancer or infection tends
to spread, thereby turning the healthy body cells into
cancerous cells. This process of passing the infection to
the neighbouringcells clearly represents an exponential
growth that goes on and on till artificial processes such
as laser surgery, radiotherapy, etc., are used to alter or
damage the chain of the cancerous cells.

One of the best examples of exponential growth can be

found in the finance domain. For instance, a saving
account that is applied with an annual compound
interest tends to give exponential returns to the account
holder. This helps the owner obtain a large amount of
capital even with a small investment. Similarly, economic
growth is yet another example of exponential growth in
real life.

Moore’s law is named after the -founder

co of Intel
Gordon E. Moore. It represents the ideology and
observation made by Gordon E. Moore that the number
of transistors used to make a microchip gets doubled
every year. This means that keeping a yearly record of
the number of transistors used by microchips display an
exponential curve and represents the exponential
growth of microprocessors.
How do you calculate exponential
fu n c t io n s o n a c a lc u la t o r ?
On most graphing calculators in order to raise e to a power you
must press the e key first, then press your exponent
key ^, and then enter in your exponent.

Where is EXP on calculator?

Click the Exp button which you will find in the left half of the
calculator keyboard. ('Exp' stands for 'exponent'.) This tells
the calculator that the next number you enter will be a
power of 10 and that you are working in scientific notation.
How do you calculate exponential
fu n c t io n s o n S P R E ADS H E E T S ?

EXP is a mathematical function in Excel that calculates the

exponential of a number. The EXP function takes a single
argument, which is the number you want to calculate the
exponential of. The function returns the exponential of the
number, if you typed =EXP(5), Excel would return the value
of e^5 (~148.413159102577).

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