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Kerjakan tugas berikut pada kertas jawaban dan dikumpulkan

1. 3 pound n – butana dengan berat molekulnya 58,123 ditempatkan dalam vessel dengan
temperatur 120 oF dan tekanan 60 psia. Hitung volume dan densitas gas yang diasumsikan
sebagai gas ideal.
2. A gas well produces a specific gravity of 0.65 at a rate of 1.1 MMscf/day. The average reservoir
pressure and temperature are 1,500 psia and 150°F. Calculate:
a. Apparent molecular weight of the gas
b. Gas density at reservoir conditions
c. Flow rate in lb/day
3. A gas well is producing a natural gas with the following composition:

Assuming an ideal gas behavior, calculate:

a. Apparent molecular weight
b. Specific gravity
c. Gas density at 2000 psia and 150°F
4. A gas is made up of the following components ; 25 lb of methane, 3 lb of ethane and 1.5 lb of
propane. Express the composition of the gas in weight and mole fractions.
a. What is the apparent molecular weight of the gas
b. What is the gas gravity of the gas.
c. Calculate the pseudo critical temperature and pseudocritical pressure of the mixture.
d. Determine the compressibility factor at a temperature of 150 0F and a pressure of 3500 psia

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