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Electro-discharge machining

– deep drilling

Mechanical ingineering


I. Introduction.................................................................................................................................... 3
II. General equipment needed to make electro-discharge machining ................................................ 4
III. Electro-discharge machining for deep hole process ....................................................................... 5
IV. Comparison of the process with three different materials ............................................................. 6
V. Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... 7

I. Introduction
Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM), commonly known as electrical erosion machining, is an
advanced manufacturing technique extensively utilized in the industry to obtain complex shapes and
perform high-precision drilling operations, especially in conductive materials like metals. This method
offers significant advantages in creating deep holes, meeting the growing demands of industries
requiring components with specific depth and precision characteristics.

Deep hole drilling via electrical discharge machining involves the use of controlled electrical discharges
to selectively erode the material, thereby enabling the creation of holes of substantial depth without
compromising the quality or precision of the workpiece. This technique exhibits unique characteristics,
providing an effective alternative to traditional drilling methods where deep and precise perforations
are required in materials known for their difficulty in machining.

Electro-discharge machining process has several advantages and disadvantages. Here is a general list
of the main advantages and disadvantages of this method:


• High Precision: Electrical discharge machining allows for achieving high levels of precision in
drilling deep holes, even in extremely hard-to-machine materials.
• Ability to Drill Hard Materials: This method is effective in drilling hard materials such as
hardened steels, special alloys, carbides, etc., where conventional drilling methods might be
• No Shape Constraints: The complex geometry of parts does not affect the ability to drill deep
holes, offering great flexibility in design.
• Reduced Thermal Stresses: Compared to other drilling methods, electrical discharge machining
produces less heat, reducing the risk of deformations or alterations in the material structure.
• Less Tool Wear: Since the process is non-mechanical, there's no direct contact between the
tool and the workpiece, reducing tool wear and extending their lifespan.


• Slower Drilling Speed: Compared to some conventional drilling methods, electrical discharge
machining can be slower in drilling deep holes, which might impact productivity in certain
• High Initial Cost: Equipment required for electrical discharge machining can be expensive to
acquire and maintain, posing a barrier for some small businesses.
• Need for Specialized Expertise: Effectively implementing this method requires in-depth
knowledge and specific expertise to optimize process parameters, which may require
additional training for operators.
• Waste Disposal: The production of waste in the form of metal particles resulting from the
erosion process requires proper management to avoid contamination or environmental

While electrical discharge machining for deep hole drilling offers numerous advantages, it is crucial to
weigh these advantages against the specific disadvantages in each industrial application to determine
whether this method is the most suitable to meet production needs.

II. General equipment needed to make electro-discharge machining
The general equipment required for electrical discharge machining (EDM),
particularly for deep hole drilling, includes several essential components:

• EDM Machine: This is the primary element of the entire process. This
machine utilizes controlled electrical discharges to selectively erode the
material. There are different types of EDM machines, including wire-cut
EDM, sinker EDM (also known as plunge EDM), and drilling EDM specifically
designed for deep hole drilling.

• Power Generator: It provides the necessary electrical power to generate controlled electrical
discharges used in the EDM process. This generator supplies high-frequency and high-voltage
electrical pulses.

• Electrode: The electrode is the tool used to perform material erosion. It can be made from
various materials (copper, graphite, brass, etc.) depending on specific application needs and
the material being machined.

• Cooling System: EDM machines generate heat during the process. A cooling system is necessary
to control the temperature and prevent overheating of machine components.

• Waste Filtration and Disposal System: During electrical discharge machining, metal particles
and debris are produced. Therefore, a filtration system is required to filter the waste and
prevent contamination, along with a disposal system to properly eliminate the waste.

• Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Software: To control and automate the machining process,
CNC software is used to program the movements and parameters of the EDM.

• Measurement and Control Equipment: Precise measuring equipment is necessary to control

the depth, diameter, and other dimensions of drilled holes to ensure the required accuracy.

These components constitute the basic equipment necessary for electrical discharge machining.
However, depending on specific application needs and the characteristics of the material being
machined, additional accessories or supplementary equipment may be required to optimize the

III. Electro-discharge machining for deep hole process
The process of electrical discharge machining for deep hole drilling involves several specific steps to
accurately create deep holes. Here are the main steps.

First, The workpiece is securely fixed within the electrical discharge machining (EDM) machine.
Typically, this workpiece is made of conductive material such as metals. An electrode, also known as a
drilling tube, is installed in the EDM machine, aligned with the workpiece. The electrode, made from a
suitable material, is sized to achieve the desired diameter and depth of drilling. Using computerized
control, the machine precisely moves the electrode toward the workpiece. A small gap is maintained
between the electrode and the workpiece surface, creating a pathway or channel for drilling. Once the
drilling path is established, the electrical discharge machining process begins. A dielectric fluid is used
to create a circuit between the electrode and the workpiece. Controlled electrical discharges occur
between the electrode and the workpiece, gradually eroding the material to form the hole. The
electrode progressively advances into the workpiece following the previously created pathway. As the
erosion process continues, the hole is gradually widened and deepened according to required
specifications. Throughout the process, parameters such as current, voltage, electrode feed rate, and
other factors are monitored and adjusted as needed to maintain precision and quality drilling. Once
the drilling reaches the desired depth, the electrical discharge machining process is halted. The
workpiece is inspected to ensure the hole dimensions align with the required specifications.

IV. Comparison of the process with three different materials
For our laboratory, we're going to compare the creation of EDM drilling on three different materials.
To do this, we will have three different blocks: one of aluminium, one of steel and one of cast iron.
These three blocks have the same thickness of 20.5mm. To compare the creation of a hole in these
three different materials, we will carry out the following checks:

• Measuring the electrode: we will measure the electrode before drilling and after drilling to
see which material consumes the most energy when drilling a hole using EDM.
• Measuring the distance between two points: We will use a microscope to precisely measure
the distance between two points in the hole to check that the diameter of the hole
corresponds to the diameter of the electrode used.

To begin our comparison, we made a hole in the aluminium block. The length of the electrode before
drilling was 290.45mm and the final length was 288.58mm. For a hole of 20.5mm, we therefore used
1.87mm of electrode, which isn't much.

The second hole was made in the steel block. For this one, the electrode before the process was
288.58mm long and the final length was 271.76mm. For a 20.5mm hole in a steel block, we therefore
used 16.82mm of electrode, which is more than for aluminium.

Finally, the last hole was made in the cast iron block. For this, the starting electrode was 301.1mm and
the electrode after drilling was 259.7mm. For a 20.5mm hole in cast iron, we therefore used 41.4mm
of electrode. Cast iron is therefore the material that consumes the most material and, above all, the
one that took the longest to make.

Finally, the last check was on the diameter of the holes made. The three holes were made with a
3mm diameter electrode, but we only carried out this check on the first aluminium block. To do this,
as explained above, we noted the positions of two opposite points on the contour of the hole. The
difference between these two points will give us the exact diameter drilled by the electrode. In our
case, the first point was positioned at 6.560mm and the second at 9.785mm. With a 3mm electrode,
we therefore drilled a hole of 3.225mm, which is still fairly accurate given the fineness of the hole.

V. Conclusion
To conclude this report, I was very interested in discovering this method as I was not at all familiar with
it and had never heard of it. However, I found it complex to set up because, despite its great precision,
it requires a certain amount of equipment and above all time, more than other drilling methods. I think
it's important to be familiar with this method in our engineering student culture, as it's part of the
various design and manufacturing processes. However, I don't think it will be as useful for me to know
about the processes studied in the other laboratories.

Despite this, it should not be forgotten that technological advances in EDM machines, CNC software
and control techniques are continually improving this process, opening up new possibilities for its use
in a variety of industries, from aerospace to automotive to mould making and much more. EDM
machining for deep drilling remains a promising method offering remarkable precision and flexibility
for creating deep, complex holes in conductive materials. Its use continues to drive innovation and
improve manufacturing processes in a variety of industrial sectors.

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