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Inventories This Question: 01:01 Total: 42:16

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Q. Zimt AG uses the FIFO method, and Nutmeg Inc.
uses the LIFO method. Compared to the cost of
replacing the inventory, during periods of rising prices B ✓
the ending inventory balance reported by:
A. Zimt is too high.
Confidence Level:
B. Nutmeg is too low.
C. Nutmeg is too high. High

B is correct. Nutmeg uses the LIFO method, and thus
some of the inventory on the balance sheet was purchased Related Lessons:
Learn more about this topic
at a (no longer available) lower price. Zimt uses the FIFO
method, so the carrying value on the balance sheet
represents the most recently purchased units and thus
approximates the current replacement cost.

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