Flat Unit 4

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Ay Pushdown Auto mode (PIA}) 3) Wir, So a Pushdown \vAcdomada 75° a Finile aubmade Wh extra memory. called stack cbich helps Pushdown actirnabe to Tecoanibe Conlext tree bomguoges. th pushdoumn ends je he eueues OQ nondehermmish: finfle. Quborrvade colt é2moves - Permitlea and’ Orie addPeimet Steer Capability On which Sh ‘can shve A: 'shivg of “Stree syn" 2 Pushdowm’ automrede is | simply “an NFA augrrenied colt an “eylemat stack wemery”., Ph PDA iy more poweat Fer FA, Any Aoryuege Which — cam be accepreble by FA can else be ecephale’ by PDAW PA alse _ accepls & clay of farguese whid, even Connot be accepled by FA: ee PDA 4 mush more © superior to FA + Basicaly a pushdowe autgmada MM - “pine tele Mache” 4"4 Steck.” * 4 pushaloan aubmade has 3, Cimponents- Is An Input Tape 2. A" conto) onit 3. A Shade evidh indmile sige © scanned with OKEN Scanner PDA = FA+ Stack OF tuple +. 2 sysbrhols 63 (tople) v Stack 21 St symbol = 20 Cshuces is oo) 2d Symbols ove the elements What you are going de Push fnto | bhe Stace. + Regular fool called’ 0% +. To Yecognize dle CPL. be yequire ere tool called — Pushdera Audometa Ctyper PDA= FArsteck (stple+ 2-sumbo ) 1 Sumbals Lela gr| » greeder Phan wt anda $ Assume ne 2B Grp Budder ately $ Fuss j teal | S D 1 = & Stackez0 ) YR. A shar Condo\ onl Voi) aac20 Pop ¥) Beh Stade 1) 1B2b ee 2 OP accept Resec} © scanned with OKEN Scanner Three Components (id ). Fnput Bulfer = To Store tle shiy jnfinde: erg dh. 6 * pohich of 2)- Conhol unit - relded gp dle convent sdede, pwitted ‘sizde, newt sted, Sinal stedes, Cno- of steele”), Accopt| veSect 2). shark - Sbre-the elements Csnfnie $122), the Shack head Scams te dop. Symbol af-le Steck. A Stact dow hoo operations: : Push a neLd symbo) 38 added ab Ha top. Pop - dla top symbol ug vead and yemoved . PPA Comporients: 4 Tmpud tape: The input — tape ts divided in many cells of Sywbols, The Input head y yead-only cmd may only move fom eft to ryt , One Sumbe) at a time, Finle Contol. the Ffintle Conhol hes Sore pointer —— esi tohich points dle — Cuvent symbol hich a to he yead Stack: ame i Sle stack sa Skuchre In elit 2e Con pith and yemove the Stems fom ene end only, Ft has an jnimile size. Sn PDA, the Stace iy used 7% Store dhe Hes — FemPorarily. © scanned with OKEN Scanner Graphite notation: Tater > Accept ov ReS ect S ry Accept / RoSect |e T © scanned with OKEN Scanner Fowl wotation of PPA: (#0 cee oa | PPA format Dednidos The fovyval | Peshdown acetonat (Ppa) involves 7 tuples. WE intle dle. , “ppa” ' nt specttreation of "PDAT WY ay dallovs: Me (@.E,17, §,%, %,F3 Q-A finile sed of shabes, like dke stedes ala Fas j 3 -A Site, set of Input alphatels) Symbols , eso i amelgrous, do dle cowespon divy ‘Component ben t FA : Pe A Baile stack alpatels Thi teple, wack has no Finile-actomadion alan analey, W dle set of Symbols thaf we, ave. allowed ty pls onte tle stack: ; ; S = The temsition function, As fr Limite § govems tho behaviow oF audor a ‘tiple notation dor a audomalion, neato. Formally , 6 taves as ariguavents 5 (4.0.X) tore! oo ism, stule mA. a ettler on Mped surntol ME Ov ace, dhe emph shivy, rwolich 4 asuned mak to be an Input sembo): X Ha state sym), theta 4 rember af [7 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Basically dle Complete deans} Puonchon af PDA A ayy, $: (ax (s vist) xX) 2 OY) ere tle oedput ob § ts. a& finde set ot pa (Py) whee py tle new sede, vd YH dle shi of He showe symbols that vaplaces X at dle tp of tHe slack- for inskemee jf Yee, dlen fle Shacey Popped, if S=X len Shack is onchinged , and $2 ye. alan X Js vveplaced by. Z and YoU pushed onto te. Steok Up = Tle infal stede. The ppd & Indes Stede before marity any Hansitions. 2 > The stace Stet syvabol . Gnidieally ; Ho PDAS Steck Consists oh one instore of dy Syrobol, and — nothivy else, pe Tle seh of Brod shales or aceptg sted. Systantaneous _Desesiption( ID) Gs an Infotrol notedion of how a Por “Compues" a impect ohig omd make a detitio thet Shing actepled of desected, ee © scanned with OKEN Scanner A 2) is ow hple (4,04) whee: iv) lq wu dle cenvend state. 2 0) 4s dle yemainiry Supech 8 ot ke dle shack contents op ot dle sek Tle Fallocaly dieggreo’ shows tramgihon Fro | a PDA Bom a shake “apy tp stadetr , Aarbeled Oo abe A, bre = 4 | ; F | pore oa a Push sumrdo). Symbel 7” ©) Conskuct fle pa. far de Aaryacge L-{2°8" fro} gly Tle weaning of He above. Jarguege is “tle shig should « stert eM a and ends with b ond fle number ef als and, 5. Should be Sarre. Assure thd ne3, nov dle shig hecowes aaabbhs- a | Sean tle elements, ‘uni{| tHe eceange of | fost--y' push all ‘a elements Into tle shack by Teplacivg to witha’ onk and Shey in the ay shote. af mee Frist 2 occurs Cherye dhe dransitio for % +b ay. weak F mee d veachs Shp the Procedore. j @ scanned with OKEN Scanner \e : | Zs * ac A a Shace Sie aflalalb e)»13 J 2 (% 22) Es 40) & aa) = Co) A0.) es BCA | 2 (eel) co = Se(Vo,b; aa): Oi, ‘) " eS “gmdicades that ve PoP He top. elerent Pam stack. Seti) Glalek bls : Senistoaela, ©) ig t Step 6: g bib le]s 5 (4b, 2%) = (41,¢) lee eye = ee © scanned with OKEN Scanner v Srelem trncous Dewsiptions E™~ } (We, A, 2) = (4% , 22») = Push - 5 (0 141 A2)= (Voi40) * re § (0.4, 46) = Cp a0) = Push py Of 7 7 § (vp, bana) = (4%, £) = PoP gan) by azey2 CM, &) = Po. (4b aa) = Cai, ) = PoP Cae en) : Caip 20) = Halt. 6. ala b, al £ oszalet . Bs OH@ 14, 58, stor, bi ) 4 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Take ona fip shig 5> aaaabbbs 5 (4,,4,20) = (4/420) § (Wo, 4, a20) = (Ao, acvze) 5 (4.4, ao) = (% | A002) § (Vo,4) aa) = (4p, Gaaaze) * ‘s Popa § (4p, by aa) = (a, €) Fri lace aps at Aaate 5 (41, baa) = C% 18) 9 Poe re 2) eat QOtp 5 (411 b,a%) = (41, 2) 3 ppm Now Siace Condeiins ate 8(41 b, Azo) * Thre. re Ba tremsitas on Qi enh dhe aah lso" shy the Proedwe dd output - fle shivy as no} Gecepled(Resect) because i+ has not been vealed do deh Skede. 22) Horeoor. ; Conshucr 990A fu dle Lavyrage. Ube fans" | nom70} EET TNR © scanned with OKEN Scanner | FAX Conshuch le VA te dle Aanyguage be gas rates’ Bo hain wet eh * [eJals Tayo» eB) iscsi A fas a arty IC REICRTT § (0,4, 220)= (48) org Gis FeREHS 5 (2/4, 88) + ce oy ne ae): -laoraa) og (a[ebiae Halt) vee aay fan 2D CALSTERIETETETE steed, w) slot) oe I5 i a \ @ scanned with OKEN Scanner AO CIE, ony ‘GEERDEER He Bs. she inshenleneous Descriplind Pe § (Mo, A. 2 2 (AeA) 5 Cos, 4.42) = (40, a0) § [ao by ae) = (An) $(a». b, aq) = (a ,£) ; Slay, by 44) = 8) $( 41,4) a%) = 2)’ BU 4 14) 4a) = Cap, 20) a | a, alan a, Ble Bele os pele! bale @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Examples: Conshuc) eye pA fer de Jengurege oy tole no; ah a's and. nos af pls» are Save. $2: fin the, abwe % cas Cleatly rie that nla): 10h) and abby Steuvtig and endig. Chavechers , might be aitler *p) 0 oarics Rerhowm gus _gpenetions fy dhe folleusiy RE m dle: ‘opt sll ie pao |b a ze as oo] b 2 () b blbb a a i 8 b b , | iy es Pedoim pop opertion dev dhe Allo 4 alé Sind Sulfes Tey of tle shock ge bo J o ; (ay). b 2 () Gf one % reacley do $4 shoce Consiits a only Hen wove from Yo to UF Jy ony Me LD a ‘Sl, $,2) = (4 7) @ scanned with OKEN Scanner indlandencors Desciptions: The follows ave de (4%, 4,20)= (Uo, 4%) by, bie | bb $ lao, b, 2) > (Uo, be) 5%», 4, 420) = (44,44) §(%s,b, b2) = (Uy, bb) > § (14, be) = C%,2) a bale § (a,b, az) > Cus,t) 7 bi aah 5 (44,20) = (Up,e0) Example 3° Condvuc PDA fer dle lomgunye nta) > nb) Fotample 4: Conshueh po fy the Languege Naa) 2 ncb) Frewple $< Deriyn a PDA. which accepls Le { ecw" | ew e(aty)$ (ov) Le Saw |o (arnt } _ Sais Read ‘the 5Niny Sw’ and: ues thon do dle shack ell 54 encounlers °¢'« Miler thet ead each Sumbol, Tt Tt medels LHL, bp & dle stacie POP oud dle symbol. Olen ee ee ae ane ieee @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ead Completely, dlen if Stace becomes Empty Alen id iy suceeded. * Te POA canbe given’ as id. F-€» Push tle ae itp dle sdack until “¢' hes been yeacled. if once ‘ec! “encoumlass ee ‘Vo to Y. (vil) 1p do] D2 pele awlae ciblb’ . aa. ; ciala ae) ee e C, 2/30 fn) jade aa . an The Snsherbancos Desilptos ay bp] ab - (Ws ie 5 (4 0426) + Co ne fie le 5 (Mo, b, 2) a Cp, b@ becurane of dah! 63, 31,92, Eb AT 3 Cee ine. ap Boer ted § lato 14, A%) = (Ue, 04) os e , 1), BV, 95, 93, s b 9, 4, HS, Slave 1b, be) =-(4o , 4 ) qe shace 6, 71, Tr, @,£o, laa, b2e) + (%, 4) a § lao», 4%) = CVo,ba) b (av, G2) = EY, 20) 5 (4%, & a) =(4), | a §(%0,¢, 4) = (a,b) nae @ scanned with OKEN Scanner § ay , 4, C20) = Cui, ¢) [ere are, belore 5 (41, 6,00) = Cart) | encounles porte § Canjb, ba) = (a1, £). \elenots, for aldo 5(a,b, bb) = (ai, €) $(41,$,2) = Cupido) — bet tle pocedor. Prawgle-b: Deign A PDA , thot accepts % shing of well Prmed — Pavertheits . Consider dle Paved 60343. ee SH! Fevally Le in Uo Stele I tip ‘babfer lewent x they 1 LC will pe Scanned and ab thet Line ih-dle- shack iy emphy push the Clerent into stack, - ; ie Slay, 42) > (Up, 1%) 5%, C, 2) = (Uy, (20) S (9, Lzoy: (%, L&) Cutty $f we ead wore eS Pevardbesiy then we simpy push low Inte Stack @ scanned with OKEN Scanner st 8,4, 4)- re, ee i. io S(u, t, ) > (Ve, iL) ~ ( : 5 (ua. i () 2 (4%, XE ic) stat, £). 2s th) 3 tan fy Lhe ct) g (ai, Ly Ore 0 LO bebe ti, ACM CY 2 6%, Ch) i g(a ¢, 2) = (ur CL) i \( Sei bok) 2 Ee tO thy if we read - any Dperig Parerdhers it onto dle Steck, Bed | We 8° om pushirg Yead closing Pecveebbesis MW Soom AH We (oO Bad parenthesis we shoot poppig He Stack elements. $( 411), 02 (%,€) § (41, 3,1) 7 Cue) | Stu. Teese (an, &) @ scanned with OKEN Scanner noo 3$ 4 occurs ten (4154, 2) = (%, 2) Lot wi stirulede 74 fl Sone fnped Shiy (4 313) 5 (a, (P3E3y, 2) = Hf 4c3}, C20) 4 (M1, 3695, {() A (a, £94) (20) +t (4 ,3)$, £(2) J (2,08, Ce) A (41,4, 2) (ap) 2) 5 Acceph she Exonple 2: ; a PDA cohich accepts Le{ ot |n2i - Cotth Design So: We have + match each © dioo ‘Ns. So read He 65 Gand push it onto tle stack Alter that » Yead 6re )' and Change che do cifdevent, Sdacke. Tlen yead Seed “tne pop off fom the stack and eset tle tede dy nfliak stadey comine te sane proces lott). €ach ‘). blen @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Jp 1 vead — Complobly, Hen Jf Stace becomes empty, dlen it succenssed- a4 0, alee Alt a “Bon Go sot st Instentomeous Descriptors one $ (40,0, 2) = (V0,02) §(%, 0,0) 7 (Us, 00) 6) 5-4, (dp (1, 0) * (4,0) 5( U1, 0) 2 (ar, €) 5 (ar, 1,0) 2 (9116) 5 $ (arg, 22) > (Ot >) s Assume ff N22 No tHe Shhy become 224% OO! 0 5 (Vo, bowing, Zo)A (% , Ol , O22) a (% yt, 002) + (an, i, ooze) @ scanned with OKEN Scanner - [2 ( \(e, Ing, 020) a (a, I$ ) Oz) 4 (ar, 4, 2) 4 (oy )%) 7 Acce pled Considey (oz OONN4 (0, b01113,, 2%) = (aw, Oll14, 20) 4 (Vo, 14» 0620) —t (U1, 4, 0b2) 4 (4, 14 (20) -| (ar if, 020) cerrom tede 18 there uno Hensitjon if dhe convent Sieve G\ and tapi pudter element Af 4 and Le Jop of dle slack uo. Sodle given 4 OO 4 not Accepld j-¢. fd cary be yesecled, @ scanned with OKEN Scanner * Lach an ; y dle PDA Exemple 8: Conshuc No" | NZO% accepls Le i abe tS SO) a (xD Here ensowe fect exactly osm ie yead — Infially. then yead att b's orde te Slack end match them with c's by poppig olde ve fv gals Pethormr ‘push opecdions p41 20,420 ROX a, alas (9 1 2, jf G, Aloe in , | a) 1 S } ve Hert Se? Uy gimilar bd dle nove bs 4 equal b tle noy of Cs such thot He shivg should — stev} iott> “band end eth “Here jf one dle f reader see that dle stack id shou U COnsiks S$ thee a's only, b] bb al —cblé b, by c ble @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Instandemeocs — clesevip tions. ove * S(4, 0.20) = (4, ad) S(4,4, 4%) = (ay aa) S(%,a,aa) = (s,a8) 5(43,$,a0) = Cap, aa) $(%3,b, a6) > (V3;be) Blas.c, ba Ca, #) HL %, ¢, py) > Ct) § Ck, Chain ce) Sa eB C4) 2) sla, $40) * Ce . v Kb, 23 |u)23 “MS, 64, 68, 46, H, #2, 43,44, 43, 18, 49, £2, 93,84 8s, 86,89, BB 20,76, 94, 92, EG, Ma, 66,674,649, Hi, BL, HB, By, Hs, Bb, 70,71, 78, ———____ 5+, 99 74, Ito, FI, Yr, * al? 63, Fl, 78, 84,4 G6, Go, G2, Gq, Ho, Hs, HS, Ha, Ha, TI, 38, ko, (er, IS, Ko, kt pe ba eer LEE Pe @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Converting Equivalence of Pps ond CFG: meaw om PDA dw cg ond Cha PDA o Tt 4 Possile to Convert fiom PDA to Kil) CFh and vite Veda Se PDA CFG Cfa to PDA The following ove the vues fox Convetsion of CFG PDA: oe 9. for non terminal Syinbals, add dle fello me. (a, £,A) > (4) Aa tohere Jie production rule Wy here ot is AC) (Exeople A bAC 2) fol each dermmal sumboly odd He Pllowty we 5C4, a, a) = (%.€) Pr ey enminal sumbel @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ) van 1 4A Ye Conshuel ppd da die sew Cor § 2 OBB Bas) Ie}o led PDA A 4 tw, (0,1, $5,801, 5, 0,8, $3 -) p SO The poduchm yules bX 8 Can de gen os gi: 80%, £,8) = Cv, 08R) &:§(% 6,8) <4 (2.03) }(ass)] 7,9} Re: §(4,0.0) > (a8) ga. SCA tit) > (% 9 a. de eg) ant & Gr the above fare on fy now terminals. yates hich pe haw wit Amd & and Ry ame lo vulor gobich ave have. unltden fy derminet Sandel. Verity dle impet sky 0lo000 ( §(%, oloo00, BS) > &(% 010000, ORB) 2) S s(w, lo000, BR) aes B oR > § (4, Joovo, 188) * Re =§(%, 0000» BB) PY > §(% 2000, 08) 1 Pa @ scanned with OKEN Scanner 2 &(%,000:8) * RB 2 5 (4,900, 088) 2 Pe (ab > &(4, 00, BB) 8 2 6(4, hon) 2 eg =§(v, oO 8) a3 - glu, 0 6 Re 2 glare) ~Aeccpred Conshuct dle PDA fe dle CFG. sa AAla A SA\ b veh for input shing abab. as PDA Ax {{, {a}, f5,4,4,33,8, %, 8) the productim — vuhles Gr § Can be givenas RI. Ca, €, 8) = {Cv,Ad), CU, 2} 5 (4, €) A) ={C% 5A), La, b)} §(v,4,a) = (0, 0} Sa, bid) > {Cored} 4 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner In the arove cose Ry) and Re ave te valley tohich weave wotitden it ee And @3 and Ry ave de ruses bolita» hove given Pv Formrrad Symbols. verily dle Mmput Shy abab fx Mon perdi. tf $(4, abeb, S) = $(% abeb, AA) RI 2 §() abad SAA) Re 2§(a, aba, ahh) ® alaipabal Aa), °S ela ove >8(4, ab, A) Ra 2$(4, ob, SA) Rr -§(u, ab, 24) R 2S luesb cA) Ry -6(4, b, b) Rv = (%, t) Accept @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Come PDA CFO Algesithon Br getty yl 8 CFO. tet pon pz (OE, 178%» Cha + (v2, 9.5) 2) yet t (sid Variables V Le special Symbol S 2. LP, %, 93 Whore pa ave Stedles ma and XB lr: Qule i: the Shatt surbol productn con be $2 1%, 2, V3 where aq ih He text Stele and Woe Stake, a) and Qo doforg 40 a. Ruler: gf flere 1 a move of PDA $ (4,4, 2+ (4, €) ylen le production qle cm be catitden of a(v,a9)2* iy shat Rulez: Gh flere exists A rove of PDA a §(@, 0,2) 24 (0, 1223 -- --- Bh then dhe product wl & Crh Can be Covidien as @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Slaraz) 2 afm, 21,03 [ Mr, 2,U33 L& Bw (a, 2, am) [Ay 2, Us - - Lamm, 3 Be each Un & ypbeve pate ; Example: tle ppA is given below Ae ehinen $0,13, 45, A3, 8, US os where § i given dolor $l, 1,5) ={L%,AS$ S$ lo, £,5) = (Vo.#) § (vo), A) = C40, AA) §(%0,0,A) = (4, A) glo, 1,4) = (ane 6 (qi,05) > > (oS) Conghuet He CFG equnalent _solpaien auige Tz fo. % My — ve 4 Sv4La0,A08, [40,A.81, £8, 5,003, fe, S; ad, Lor Aeaieke Lar, $, 03, foi, A, eh, fas 5 oy Nov dhe iepdinolor ules fx Sky Symbol by fom Ruler pj 3 [0,5,%0} ‘ Pe S > £0, 5,015 fo this PDA @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Now dare dio @ ID 604,15) 2 600,43) ' eus Usiry Rule 2 of am algoitnes i Pas [%,S, a} > 1 £4, A> VILVo, A, Apt Py [2 ,$,06} — Es La As aslo, $, a3 fae) 6,09 >! [aby As “a3 fv, oe wd » Law, $013 2 If, A, VL. S, as Wo Take ID § (ao,€,$) = (Wore) vsig Bede: 2 604, 4,2) = Cal, &) dlen Production Secomes Caf Say a Now producto decowes Ps.2 [ao 8,02) a5 Nos went 5D W SC 6,1,AR)* (V0,AA) vsig Rules of the agerith ytle productions belorey (ae, A, Vo] =A1L%e, A Up 3%, A, 23 Gt Lae, A, V4 AL Ve) A, VSL A, 05 Pio! £00, A, ay} —PALV A AWB L%, Ar 7) pire £ G,A od [00 Avid fy mary @ scanned with OKEN Scanner fer ' woe Fave next GD 8(o,0, Ae (a, A) Apply Rule 3 ay dlc production becores Mr: £00, A, 8 > Of%, 4,0 PB: Lo, A, Vos —> OlUry Ave) Now dave dle pert LD & (1, 1, A= (a,€) Apply Rule 2 now producto becomes Pla: gfay,, A, a | NOW Considoy dle reat DD 8(%,0/S)= (40,8) Apply Rule, ns de Producten becomes PIS: [41,5 , U0 _50f Vo ,$,%3 Piss Lar, $, a3 Of, $,%3 Le Grnmple 2: Conshuc He equivalent Che dle given PDA 8 $(g,a,%)= Cs, A¥) 8(S.b,A) = CS AN 5 (sg, 4,4) 5 (5,68) $e | @ scanned with OKEN Scanner GOON Deterministic PDA! (ny ~ R ppA athe has ad most one choice ef move iM any gtde called a detemingstiz PDA. Avondeteinistic PDA Cuppa) provides Non-deterernl sm m dhe moves — defined. 1 Detem mute «re PDAs CPPDAs) are very Wuelel in Programming Aargueges, SL: For example, Pavsers used Mm Yok Avail’ Grnpiler Compiler ( YACC) are. detewmistic PDAS. (DPDA). DeEaitin: A POA P> (@,E, 7,5, %0,20,F) 4 detemmnistic ff amd) only TF : C80 a,x) has of est ore me ~NEA , & LURES ond XE (D) £4 Sla,a,X) ja ned emp Pr Sone AEE then l4,£,X) musk be empty, DPDA is ews Powered dhan NBPDA. The CFls Could be YeCopnitred by NPPAs, Detemmistic CFL DCFL): Tle clan of dangunges accepled DPDA isin plo thet ef Yegulay Lavguepes and CFLS, 4 forpuoge 44 called a deheyministre Con “1 Gree Aavevoge CDeF), and iy steluet of @ scanned with OKEN Scanner tle argue ceepled PDA. MPDA can be Conshuclea Fer ccaeply Lavyuege of palindromes , but not by Dppa. the Sunfea of PL Can be described D&FLs- Compiler ening — System Yequines A Yeshicled itm of CEG, also Krom at CFG, LE Gravmas oe Yesticled —gramman thet — gerewde DCFL. Ty te useled foe the Compiter dlesizrev to Png etc oer dle Given Grmmar jj Suitedie fr doing lle Sumtex + dle deergtope.» To dnd aletler gle havguye is 4 CFL, We Com we dS pempty Lemme , buck this pumphy Jona camot be eed do fivd Wetlov fle Quen Grammar Le pel. To identity wheter dle daryucye 4 Deel x not we Gmewe fle Closure Propotties 8 DcFL. shies: ¢@, 67, H1, 24, 25,49, 98, 47, 81, 95, 86, 94, 93, %, 95, B, TF, bq Lo, Gb, GF, G2, 49, Ho, B\ i Hr, Ho, Hay, HS, He HF, BG, T1, 92, Ty, Ko, Fu, ks, ka, Fg Bh, Fb, 56, OF @ scanned with OKEN Scanner

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