Dainty Flower Cardigan 2 To 3 Year Old 1

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Dainty Flower Cardigan 2 to 3 year old

Yarn Drops Saffron Cotton a thick 4 ply

For Standard gauge knitting machines with or without a ribber.

Acrylic 4 ply used for flowers using duplicate stitch (Swiss Darning)
A punchcard or mylar sheet could be made and flowers knitted as a motif
I used a Knitmaster 580 machine to knit this cardigan but any Standard gauge
could be used.
M/T 10
Sts 29 Rows 40 Amount 300 grams

M/T main tension CAR Carriage at Right
R/C row counter CAL Carriage at Left
RHS right hand side F/F Fully fashioned
LHS left hand side N/C Nylon Cord
DEC decrease st or sts
INC increase st or sts
W/P working position
ST Stocking Stitch
STS Stitches
M/B Main bed
Beg Beginning
H/P Holding position
M/B Main bed

Cast on 77 stitches in a 1 by 1 needle, set up either a manual rib cast on or follow
your machine instructions. Or if you have no ribber knit a hem of your choice.
Knit 11 rows T 6/6 followed by one row T 8/8 Transfer sts to M/B Inc 1 stitch to 78

R/C 000 T 10 Knit 76 rows

Armhole shaping
Cast off 4 sts at Beg of next 2 rows
R/C 076 Dec 1 st at Beg of next 2 rows
R/C 080 Dec 1 st each side, Knit to R/C 083 Dec each end also R/C 086, 089. Knit
straight to R/C 115
Set machine to H/P Hold 8 Sts at opposite side to carriage knit 1 row and wrap
stitch. R/C 116 Repeat for opposite shoulder.
Repeat on rows 117/118
Knit 1 row over all sts and place centre 28 sts onto W/Y and 16 sts each side for
shoulders onto W/Y

Cast on 35 stitches on one side of centre and complete rib as back. Transfer sts to
M/B and inc 1 st to 36 sts CAR
Knit to R/C 076 rows
Armhole shaping
Dec 4 st at RHS knit 2 rows
Dec 1 st Knit 2 rows
Dec 1 st rows 80, 83, 86 and 89

Knit straight to R/C 104 set for H/P

Place 3 sts to H/P at opposite end to the carriage. Knit a row, wrap stitch and knit
R/C106 3 sts at opposite end to carriage. Knit a row, wrap stitch and knit back.
R/C108 3 sts at opposite end to carriage. Knit 1 row.
Rows, 109,111 and 113 dec 1 st knit a row, wrap stitch and knit back.

Knit straight to R/C 115 set for H/P place 5 sts to H/P knit 1 row, wrap end held stitch
and knit back repeat 5 st H/P R/C 117 Knit 1 row, Wrap end Held stitch and knit Back
R/C 119 cancel H/P and knit 1 row over all sts (16) and place onto W/Y

Neck edge. Pick up 2 sts to 14 sts in total Knit 1 row then remove onto W/Y
For 2 nd front start Main Knitting from LHS


Cast on 47 sts in a 1 by 1 set up knit rib as back

Transfer to M/B and knit 2 rows inc 3 sts evenly over this row.
Inc each end on rows 19, 38, 57,76 knit straight to R/C 80
Cast off 4 sts at beg of next 2 rows.
Cast off 2 sts each end of rows 82, 84 and 86 ( I do this F/F by taking the end 2
needles and moving them in 2 places.
R/C 89 dec 1 st each end also rows 91, 93, and 95 knit to R/C 097
Dec 1 st each side to R/C 100
Set for H/P place 2 sts opposite Carriage knit 1 row wrap st repeat for opposite side.
R/C 102 3 sts into H/P knit wrap st repeat for opposite side.
R/c 104 Cancel H/P and knit 1 row over all stitches and place these 28 sts onto W/Y


Cast on 56 sts with W/Y plus one row N/C

Knit 2 rows T 9
2 rows T8**
2 rows 8*
2 rows 8
Knit 1 row T10 +
2 rows 8*
2 rows 8**
2 rows 9
1 row 9*
Turn knitting by garter bar or W/Y and knit 1 Row T10 +

Join Shoulders together by picking up held sts from the back piece and placing sts
behind latches.
Place sts from front onto latches, close latches and pull sts through. Knit a loose row
and cast off sts.

With the right side of the front facing you place held sts back onto 56 needles.
Add the last row of knitted neckband onto latches and pull the band through the neck
of the garment. Pick up cast on edge of the neck band to make a hem. Knit a loose
row and then cast off


Cast on 86 sts W/Y and complete as the neckband.

Pick up front onto 84 sts and finish as neckband


As neckband but add Buttonholes (In your favourite way) on rows 004 and complete
on R/C 013

To make up.
Add swiss darning randomly from the chart then sew sleeve and side seams. Sew in
the loose ends and add pretty buttons.

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