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Department of Physical Sciences

Banasthali Vidyapith

B. Tech –I SEM. Session: 2023-24

Handout: Paper- Physics (Applied Optics)

Course Code: PHY 110
Name of Teachers: Dr. Aditi Upadhyaya,

Scope of the Subject: Optics is the study of the combined disciplines of physics,
engineering and mathematics in order to develop an understanding of the interrelationships
of these three disciplines. Fundamental physics is combined with problem solving and
engineering skills, which then has broad applications. Career paths for Engineering physics
are usually (broadly) "engineering, applied science or applied physics through research,
teaching or entrepreneurial engineering". This interdisciplinary knowledge is designed for
the continuous innovation occurring with technology.
Optics in Engineering Physics is meant to provide a more thorough grounding in applied
physics of any area chosen by the student (such as nanotechnology, mechanical
engineering, electrical engineering, control theory, aerodynamics, or solid-state physics).
This is why in some countries only the B.Sc. part of the degree is called a degree in
Engineering Physics.
Text/Reference books:

1. S. Prakash, A. S. Verma, S. K. Gupta and P. A. Alvi: A textbook of Optics and Modern

Physics: Pragati Prakashan Meerut.
2. Shotwell R. Allen: An introducton to Fiber Optics: PHI
3. Seth SP: Elements of Electromagnetic Field: Dhanpat Rai & Company.
4. GhatakAjoy: Optics: Tata McGraw hill publication
5. Beynon: Introductory University optics: Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
6. Thyagarajan and Ghatak: Lasers Theory and Applications: Macmillan India Ltd
7. Senior John M.: An introduction to Fiber Optics: PHI
8. Sadiku Mathew N. O.: Elements of Electromagnetics: Oxford University Press.

Lecture Topics Section Books
No. referred
1-3 Interference: Basic idea of interference, Superposition of A 1 + 4+ 5
4-9 Theory and method of measurement of wavelength by A 1 + 4+ 5
using Fresnel's Bi-prism Interference in thin films
10-12 Newton's rings A 1 + 4+ 5
13-17 Fraunhofer's diffraction at a single slit, Fraunhofer's A 1 + 4+ 5
diffraction due to two parallel slits and N slits
18-19 Theory and method of measurement of wavelength of a B 1 + 4+ 5
given light source using plane transmission Grating
20-22 Concept of resolving power, Rayleigh's criterion of B 1 + 4+ 5
resolving limit
23-25 Production and detection of plane, Circularly and B 1 + 4+ 5
elliptically polarized light
26-28 Theory of the polarized light, Optical Activity B 1 + 4+ 5
29-31 Measurement of Specific rotation of a cane sugar solution B 1 + 4+ 5
using a Half Shade and a biquartz device polarimeter
32-33 Spontaneous & Stimulates Emission, Einstein’s C 1+6+7
34-36 Criterion of Laser action, Ruby and He-Ne Lasers C 1+6+7
37-39 Elementary idea of optical fiber, Light wave C 1+6+7
communication using optical fibers
40-41 Types of optical fibers, Step Index (Single mode and C 1+6+7
Multi mode), Graded Index fiber
42-43 Light Propagation through optical fiber, Critical angle, C 1+6+7
Total internal reflection
44-45 Acceptance angle, Numerical aperture of an optical fiber C 1+6+7

Assessment Schedule:

Component Mark Submission/ Allotment

s Examination date
Home assignment I 10 28 August, 2023 Topics shall be allotted in the
class by 12 August 2023
Periodical test I 10 8-11 September, 2023* -
Home assignment II 10 11 October, 2023 Topics shall be allotted in the
class by 25 September, 2023
Periodical test II 10 4-8 November, 2023* -
Semester 60 2-18 December, 2023* -
*subject to change.

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