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H. M. Nguyen et al., Vol.12, No.2, June 2022

Decentralized Optimal Dispatch of Reactive Power

Sources in Power Systems Based on Augmented
Lagrangian Method

Hoa M. Nguyen* , Tien N. Nguyen** , and Hoan V. Pham*‡

*Department of Electrical Engineering, Tra Vinh University, Vietnam

(hoatvu@tvu.edu.vn, pham.v.hoan@tvu.edu.vn)

**Department of Electrical Engineering, Can Tho University, Vietnam


Corresponding Author: Hoan V. Pham, Department of Electrical Engineering,
Tra Vinh University, Vietnam, Tel: +84 294 3855246,
Fax: +84 294 3855217, pham.v.hoan@tvu.edu.vn

Received: 20.03.2022 Accepted: 26.04.2022

Abstract- This paper proposes a sensitivity matrix-based formulation methodology for decentralized optimal reactive power
dispatch problems on multi-region interconnected power systems. A large power system is divided into multi-region, with
region operators agreeing on the progression of variables and determining optimal local control variables using the local
system model and a communication network with its adjacent control regions. The constrained objective function is substituted
with a sequence of unconstrained sub-problems using the augmented Lagrangian approach to achieve global optimization. To
specify control variables, such as reactive power injections, and transformer tap positions, a linearized objective function with
a set of local constraints must be addressed in each region. A nonlinear optimization algorithm using function fmincon in
Matlab is utilized to solve the mathematical model effectively and is applied to the modified IEEE 30-bus system to
demonstrate the validity and effectiveness of the proposed method.
Keywords - Decentralized optimization; multi-region interconnected power system; network partitioning; reactive power
dispatch; voltage control.

1. Introduction maintaining the system voltage profile, hence requiring a

sufficient amount of reactive power to manage voltage
As a sub-problem of optimal power flow (OPF), the violations in the transmission grid Hata! Başvuru kaynağı
optimal reactive power dispatch (ORPD) problem bulunamadı.,[3]. In typical circumstances, both the voltage
significantly improves the system security, voltage profile, profile and the active power losses are determined by the
power transfer capability, and overall network efficiency. system's reactive power. Active power losses minimization
The ORPD's goal is to fine-tune the control variables to must be considered a substantial goal when operating a
achieve permissible voltage profiles and minimal power power system efficiently Hata! Başvuru kaynağı
losses while lowering operational costs Hata! Başvuru bulunamadı.–Hata! Başvuru kaynağı bulunamadı.. As a
kaynağı bulunamadı.. By minimizing the real power loss, result, regional operators must coordinate control operations
the ORPD helps to reduce the system congestion. And while remaining local information relevant to system
adjusting transformer tap settings, generator voltages, and infrastructure undisclosed [12]. The objective function (OF)
reactive power sources like flexible alternating current in this paper is the minimization of the transmission power
transmission systems (FACTS) are all part of this strategy. losses while ensuring that the voltage remains within
The power system operators are in charge of operating and permissible limits.
H. M. Nguyen et al., Vol.12, No.2, June 2022

Various studies have been made to address the ORPD by 2. The RPD Problem’s Formulation
using centralized approaches, namely the centralized optimal
reactive power dispatch (C-ORPD). These approaches have a 2.1. Objective Function
significantly increased requirement of computation, storage
resources, and communication bandwidth along with the size A formulation of the D-ORPD problem is proposed in
of power systems. Furthermore, the system data are gathered this study to deal with the inequality constraints and reduce
and processed by the operation center; therefore, the data of active power losses across the power grid. The objective
all regions must be exposed. As a result, the traditional function J is loss minimization, and the voltage profile is
centralized optimization is inapplicable to the multi-region allowed from 0.9 to 1.1 p.u. Sensitivities achieved by
interconnected power systems. The distributed optimization linearizing the PF equations are used to introduce the OFs in
method known as fast calculation speed, high robustness, and (2) in a linearized form. Changes in the control variables
the decomposition capability is a suitable solution to the wi (k ) are obtained by minimizing the OFs (2).
multi-region optimization problem. This paper presents a
distributed optimization scheme using the Lagrangian Na
decomposition algorithm and augments the OF by including
global optimization of linearized multi-area power systems
min J =  J i (1)
Hata! Başvuru kaynağı bulunamadı.–Hata! Başvuru
kaynağı bulunamadı.. The goal is to keep centralized
coordination among regions, considering loss reduction as   Ploss  
J i =   i  wi (k )  (2)
  wi 
investigated distributed optimization while safeguarding each
region's important data. Each region's OF efficiency is due to 
the application of sensitivity of active power loss to the T
wi =  ui  , v ij'  
system's control variables. In the initial stages, sensitivities
of the loss to the control variables are employed, which are    
generated using the linearized system model Hata! Başvuru
kaynağı bulunamadı., [17]. Finally, this paper addresses a where Na is the number of control regions in the
centralized optimization problem using the decomposition interconnected power system, Pi / wi and vi / wi
are sensitivities of the loss and the voltage to control
The classical technique for tackling constrained '
variables of the region i, respectively, and vij is voltage
optimization problems is lagrangian decomposition. The
augmented Lagrangian approach simulates a Lagrange magnitude at boundary nodes, linked to the region i, of
multiplier by adding the term to the unconstrained objective adjacent regions j which is desired by the region i. ui
[18]. This method has been widely utilized to solve various represent control variables of the region i.
engineering problems, particularly in the field of power The sensitivities in the D-ORPD can be calculated in two
systems Hata! Başvuru kaynağı bulunamadı.–Hata! layers, as shown in (4).
Başvuru kaynağı bulunamadı.. The benefit of this method
is that local grid data remains confidential. However, because Pi loss Pi loss vi
it takes iterating several times to reach the optimization, it = (4)
degrades computational efficiency. wi vi wi
Strategies using nonlinear power flow (PF) equations in
solving the ORPD are frequently used; however, they usually According to the number of branches N br of the region
suffer from a significant computation burden due to loss
i, the active power loss Pi of region i is presented by
repetition of the PF calculation, making them unsuitable for
real-time applications [13]. To overcome this shortcoming, N br
the ORPD problem is formulated by using sensitivity Pi loss
=  G k [va2 + vb2 − 2va vb cos( a −  b )] (5)
analysis in this paper. k =1

In this paper, the augmented Lagrangian technique was where G k is the branch k’s conductance which links buses a
developed and studied using loss minimization as the OF. An
unique formulation employing sensitivity analysis to to b.
characterize the decentralized optimal reactive power The equation (4) is then used to calculate the partial
dispatch (D-ORPD) is presented. Not only can our method loss
derivatives of Pi to the voltages at nodes a and b as
handle decentralized problems of optimal reactive power
dispatch, but it can also tackle decentralized real-time follows:
computing difficulties in the multi-region interconnected
power systems. Furthermore, the D-ORPD employing the = G k [2va − 2vb cos( a −  b )] (6)
proposed formulation is applied on a modified IEEE 30-bus va
system, and the control scheme’s performance has been
investigated for numerous scenarios, followed by a

H. M. Nguyen et al., Vol.12, No.2, June 2022

Ploss vi vi qtap ,i

= G k [2vb − 2va cos( a −  b )] (7) = (11)
vb  tap ,i qtap ,i  tap ,i
The sensitivities of the loss to all node voltages in the The sensitivities vi / qtap ,i are a sub-matrix of the
system are formed by adding partial derivatives for each bus.
vi / qg,i . While vi /  tap ,i is calculated as follows:
The control variables' vector w i is the result of
' Due to the direct involvement of two nodes in the tap
combining the inter-region variables v ij , generator reactive
changing process, transformer tap change is more
power injection qg ,i , and tap ratio  tap ,i . As a result, the challenging to simulate. Consider the transformer in Figure 1
that connects nodes a and b with a tap  . An equivalent 
second layer was defined by calculating 03 sensitivities:
circuit can be used to represent this branch.
vi / vij' , vi / q g ,i , and vi /  tap ,i .
The branch admittance is:
It is obvious that vi / v
ij is a unity vector and yab = g ab + jbab (12)
vi / q g ,i is the Jacobian matrix inversion calculated From Hata! Başvuru kaynağı bulunamadı.1, the
below: injection of complex power to node a is
Injection of reactive power into bus k *
sa = pa + jqa = va ia* = va va ( 2 −  ) yab  (13)
N bus
qk = vk  (G km vm sin  km −Bkmvm cos  km ) (8) where * shows the complex conjugate. Hence,
m =1
sa = va2 ( 2 −  ) g ab − jva2 ( 2 −  )bab (14)
Then the Jacobian matrix is structured in the following
way: Similarly, node b is shown as
qk sl = vl2 (1 −  ) g ab − jvb2 (1 −  )bab
J km = = vk (G km sin km − Bkm cos km ) (9) (15)
From equations (14) and (15), we have
J kk = k = 2vk (G kk sin  kk − Bkk cos  kk ) qa = −va2 ( 2 −  )bab (16)
N bus
(10) qb = −vb2 (1 −  )bab (17)
+  vm (G km sin  km −Bkm cos  km )
m =1, m  k If qa is the change of q a in regards to tap position and
voltage changes, then
a 1:  yia b
qa q
qa = va + a  (18)
va 
a  yab b However, for the PF in Hata! Başvuru kaynağı
bulunamadı., we have
Sa Sb
qta = −qa (19)
( 2 −  ) yab (1 −  ) yab
So, differentiating (16) with respect to va and ,
Qta Qtb
qta = 2bab va ( 2 −  )va + bab va2 (2 − 1) (20)

Fig. 1. Equivalent  circuit for the tap changing Similarly, differentiating (17) with respect to vb and 
qtb = 2bab vb (1 −  )vb − bab vb2  (21)
Changing the transformer's tap ratio is equal to injecting
two reactive power sources into the transformer terminals in Equation (20) can also be rewritten:
this paper. As a result, the sensitivities vi /  tap ,i are qta = 2bab va ( − 1)va
comparable to the following two levels of sensitivities:
+ bab va2 ( − 1) + bab va2

H. M. Nguyen et al., Vol.12, No.2, June 2022

Since  is close to unity, va and  are small, of numerous operators with local control emerges. For a
system to be efficient and reliable, these operators must
communicate with one another. Nonetheless, regional data
qta such as reactive power reserves, power generation capacity,
= bab va2 (23) and infrastructural details, among other things, must be
 safeguarded against one another. Assume v ji is the
In the same way, from equation (21), magnitude of the voltage at these buses, but is expected by
qtb its region j. Achieving consensus in these locations entails
= −bab vb2 (24) negotiating the voltage profile at the tie-lines, as shown in
 equation (25). The regions are connected via tie-lines or
linking buses, as shown in Figure 2, and the voltages
2.2. Constraints v ij solution to the previous equations for Na regions regulate
vij' = v ji (25)
the entire system.

3. Augmented Lagrange Method

wimin  wi ( k )  wimax (26)
The augmented Lagrangian methods have obtained large
v min
i  vi ( k + 1)  v i max
(27) attention in the recent past for solving constrained global
optimization problems. In the same way that penalty methods
replace a constrained optimization problem with a set of
v imin  vi ( k + 1)  v max
(28) unconstrained problems and add a penalty term to the OF,
the augmented Lagrangian techniques add yet another term,
 v  aiming to simulate a Lagrange multiplier. The augmented
vi (k + 1) = vi (k ) +  i  wi (k ) (29) Lagrangian is similar to, but not identical to, the Lagrangian
 wi  D multiplier approach.
Due to the boundary constraints, the overall control
where and are the maximum and minimum of problems (1)–(3) and (25)–(29) cannot be divided into sub-
voltages that are permitted in region i respectively. The problems utilizing the variables of the region i only. As a
aforementioned equations' constraints are the result of result, in this section, a distributed algorithm based on the
linearizing the PF equations. They depict voltage limitations, augmented Lagrangian method is developed and presented to
reactive power injections through devices, and transformer deal with the global OF of the entire system by addressing
tap-positions. The regional operators would analyze and re- local problems independently.
calibrate these parameters after each local optimization.
To integrate the boundary constraints of equation (25)
into the global goal function (1), the augmented Lagrangian
v12 = v21
v21 = v12' technique is employed. The global goal, as well as the losses
Region 1
and inter-region constraints, can now be displayed in (30).
Region 2
v13 = v31
 J i +  (ij )T (vij' − vij ) 
v23 = v32
Na jNi 
L( ) =    (30)
i =1   ' 2
 + vij − vij 2
 2 
with constraints ranging from (26) to (29) and a penalty
parameter  penalizing interconnecting constraint breaches.
v31 = v13' v32 = v23

Then the equation (30) is rewritten in the form of

Region 3 individual sub-problems

  vij'  
 J i +   (ij ) (− ji )   

  
Fig. 2. Multi-regions interconnected power system jNi  vij 
managed by decentralized algorithm based system min'   (31)
wi ,vij 
  I 0  v ji , prev  0 I  vij 
' '
+  − 
In real-world circumstances, power systems cover
   
thousands of kilometers, sometimes even countries and  2 0 I  v ji , prev   I 0  vij  2 
continents, mostly for the sake of improved use, efficiency, 
and management. When these regions are divided into
where the subscript prev denotes the value of the variables at
several regions, each operated by a local operator, a network
the previous iteration step.

H. M. Nguyen et al., Vol.12, No.2, June 2022

Figure 3 depicts the algorithm for implementing the 4.1. Test System
augmented Lagrangian method. To identify the optimal local
and boundary variables, each region first updates its The proposed method was tested using a modified IEEE
sensitivity and then minimizes its issue (31) while 30-bus system from [22]. As illustrated in Figure 4, the test
unchanging the variables of the other regions. After the last system is divided into three sections, totaling 10 tap-changer
region finishes solving its sub-problem, termination equipped transformers, each with 02 generators and multiple
requirements such as the condition on the maximum loads. There are seven tie-lines, which correlate to fourteen
permissible number of iterations in (34) or the boundary boundary variables. Table 1 gives the details of the
variables in (35) are checked. The selected actions are carried partitioning of the IEEE 30-bus system. It also gives details
out if the requirements are met. In the case of the on the number of boundary buses and tie lines present in
requirements unfulfilled, the equations (32) and (33) are used each system.
to update the Lagrangian multipliers, and the procedure is
repeated. Table 1. Details of the IEEE 30-bus system and its
loop = 0
No. of nodes 30
No. of regions 3
loop = loop + 1 No. of transformers 10
Nodes in each region 11, 10, 9
i=0 No. of tie-lines 7
Boundary nodes in each
3, 4, 3
i = i +1 region

Update sensitivities
4.2. Simulation Process
Region i addresses its problem in (31)
regions The simulation results displayed below are based on
Table 2's control parameters. They are divided into global
Transmit the inter-region
variables to its adjacent regions
parameters that apply to the global optimization and
augmented Lagrangian parameters that apply to the
augmented Lagrangian approach.
i  Na
Transmit Lagrangian
multipliers to local Communication
areas links

Using (32)-(33) to
update Lagrangian
Check termination
condition in (34) or


Fig. 3. Flow chart of implementation algorithm

 =  +  ( vij' - v ji )
ij ij

 =  +  ( v 'ji - vij )
ji ji

loop  loop max (34)

Fig. 4. Modified IEEE 30-bus test system.
v - v ji  
(35) A larger N step may imply stronger performance but also
a greater computational load. In this case, N step = 4 is chosen
with i, j  N

intuitively. Furthermore, it is expected that the controller's

calculating time to provide values of the control variables is
4. Simulation Results
within 2 seconds.

H. M. Nguyen et al., Vol.12, No.2, June 2022

4.2.1. Performance comparison between decentralized To investigate the effects of control settings on
method and centralized method performance, we simulate each scenario below with only one
of the parameters altered while keeping the other parameters
Figure 5 shows that the centralized method delivers a
fixed. The settings are presented in Table 2.
greater convergence value of the losses compared to the
decentralized method. This is most likely since the greater Figure 6 shows loss convergence for various voltages
the  value of the consensus on boundary variables in (34) with varied change limits. The narrower constraints, as

is, the poorer the performance of reducing losses. Moreover, illustrated below, result in a slower convergence speed but a
the convergence speed of the centralized method is quicker. higher convergence value within the first control circles,
which is far from optimal. Because the algorithm
Furthermore, the simulation results demonstrate the performance is inversely proportional to the limitations,
potential of the proposed control algorithm in promoting significant limits frequently cause the convergence value to
regional collaboration to attain the global goal. Figure 5 fluctuate, increasing the probability of triggering the
shows that the loss in region 3 (D-Region 3) shows a trend termination condition (34).
toward a rise from the control circle 12, whereas the losses in
other regions fall and the entire system reduces in response. As shown in Figures 7 and 8, the greater change in
magnitudes of control variables may harm the algorithm’s
Table 2. Setup parameters performance. It is obvious since calculated sensitivities are
utilized for modest changes in control variables.
 iloss (MW) 0.01

vimax & vimin (p.u.) 0.03

parameters qimax & qimin (p.u.) 0.02

 imax &  imin (p.u.) 0.002

Parameters  (p.u.) 0.0005
of multi-
 9.5
system loop max 300
Fig. 6. Convergence of losses with varied voltage limits
8 =
D-Region 1 D-Region 2 D-Region 3 D-ORPD

C-Region 1 C-Region 2 C-Region 3 C-ORPD


Total loss (MW)

Fig 7. Convergence of losses with varying reactive

power injection limits from generators
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Control circle No.

Fig. 5. Comparative convergence profiles of power loss

between centralized and decentralized methods

4.2.2. Effects of global parameters on the control


H. M. Nguyen et al., Vol.12, No.2, June 2022

on the updating of the Lagrangian multipliers, the augmented

Lagrange decomposition approach has the drawback of no
longer being separable across subsystems. We can instead
employ the alternating direction method of multipliers,
which has been widely adopted in numerous industries due to
its ease of decomposition and convergence guarantees on a
wide variety of problems, to accomplish both separability
and robustness for distributed optimization.
This study was fully funded by Tra Vinh University
under the project contract No. 212/HĐ.HĐKH- ĐHTV dated
on September 16, 2019.
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