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View point Oriented Requirements method

Viewpoint-oriented requirements methods are approaches used in software engineering to manage

complex requirements by considering different stakeholders' perspectives or viewpoints.

They recognize that different stakeholders have varied needs, concerns, and priorities when it comes to a
software system.

Instead of treating requirements as a single, uniform set of instructions, these methods break them
down into distinct viewpoints, each addressing specific concerns.

Here are a few prominent viewpoint-oriented requirements methods:

1. Multiple Viewpoint Approach: This method breaks down the system's requirements into
multiple viewpoints, each representing a different aspect or concern, such as functionality,
performance, security, usability, etc.
Each viewpoint is handled separately, allowing stakeholders to focus on and prioritize their
specific concerns.


In developing a banking application, various viewpoints can include:

Functional Viewpoint: Describing features like account management, funds transfer, and
transaction history.
Performance Viewpoint: Specifying requirements related to response times, system load
handling, and scalability.
Security Viewpoint: Outlining authentication measures, data encryption, and access control
Usability Viewpoint: Defining user interface requirements for different user roles, ensuring ease
of navigation and readability.

2. Viewpoint-oriented Modeling: It involves creating separate models for each viewpoint. For
instance, an architect might create an architectural view, while a user experience designer might
develop a usability view.
These different models help stakeholders communicate and understand the system
requirements better.
In building a car-sharing platform, different stakeholders might create separate models:
Architectural View: Defines the system's structure, detailing components like the mobile app,
backend servers, and databases.
User Experience View: Focuses on the interface design, emphasizing user flows, wireframes, and
accessibility considerations.
Business Logic View: Describes the logic behind pricing, scheduling, and payment processing.
Data Management View: Illustrates the data storage mechanisms, including data models and
database schemas.

3. Quality-driven Requirements Engineering: This method emphasizes the quality attributes or

non-functional requirements (such as reliability, scalability, etc.) from various viewpoints. It
ensures that the system not only meets the functional requirements but also fulfills the quality
expectations of different stakeholders.


For a healthcare software system:

Reliability Viewpoint: Specifies requirements ensuring the system's uninterrupted availability,
especially in critical situations.
Scalability Viewpoint: Details how the system should expand to handle increased users or data
without performance degradation.
Privacy Viewpoint: Outlines compliance with patient data protection laws and encryption of
sensitive information.
Interoperability Viewpoint: Specifies requirements for integration with existing healthcare
systems for seamless data exchange.

4. Architecture-centric Methods: These methods focus on architectural views to capture and

understand requirements. Each architectural view addresses specific concerns, facilitating a
better understanding of how different parts of the system will function and interact.


When developing a smart city infrastructure:

Infrastructure Viewpoint: Focuses on the physical elements like sensors, communication

networks, and data centers.
Mobility Viewpoint: Describes requirements for transportation systems, traffic management,
and autonomous vehicles' integration.
Energy Efficiency Viewpoint: Specifies measures for optimizing energy consumption in buildings,
street lighting, and utilities.
Environmental Impact Viewpoint: Addresses concerns related to waste management, pollution
monitoring, and green spaces

Viewpoint-oriented methods can be instrumental in handling complexity and improving communication

among stakeholders with diverse perspectives. They enable a more comprehensive understanding of
requirements and help in creating systems that align with various stakeholders' needs and priorities.

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