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Programmetitle Higher National Diploma in Business Management

Assessor InternalVerifier

Unit(s) Unit 10: Financial Accounting

Assignmenttitle Prepare final accounts and perform bank reconciliation

Student’sname Tharushi Roshel Fernando

Listwhichassessmentcriter Pass Merit Distinction


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Tharushi Roshel Fernando

Financial accounting
Assignment 01
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Tharushi Roshel Fernando

Financial accounting
Assignment 01
Higher Nationals - SummativeAssignmentFeedbackForm

StudentName/ID Tharushi Roshel Fernando/75029

AssignmentNumber Assessor

Tharushi Roshel Fernando

Financial accounting
Assignment 01

LO1 Record business transactions using double entry bookkeeping, and be able to extract a trial balance.

Pass, Merit & Distinction P1 P2 M1 D1


LO2 Prepare final accounts for sole traders, partnerships and limited companies in accordance with appropriate
principles, conventions and standards.

Pass, Merit & Distinction P3 P4 M2 D2


LO3Perform bank reconciliation to ensure company and bank records are correct.

Pass, Merit & Distinction P5 M3 D3


LO4 Reconcile control accounts and shift recorded transactions from the suspense account to the right
Pass, Merit & Distinction P6 M4 D4

Grade: AssessorSignature: Date:


Grade: AssessorSignature: Date:


* Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external moderation has taken place and grades decisions have been agreed at the
assessment board.

Assignment Feedback

Tharushi Roshel Fernando

Financial accounting
Assignment 01
Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student

Action Plan

Summative feedback

Feedback: Student to Assessor

Tharushi Roshel Fernando

Financial accounting
Assignment 01
Assessor signature Date


Student signature

General Guidelines

1. A Cover page or title page – You should always attach a title page to your assignment. Use previous page as your cover sheet
and make sure all the details are accurately filled.
2. Attach this brief as the first section of your assignment.
3. All the assignments should be prepared using a word processing software.
4. All the assignments should be printed on A4 sized papers. Use single side printing.
5. Allow 1” for top, bottom , right margins and 1.25” for the left margin of each page.

Word Processing Rules

1. The font size should be 12 point, and should be in the style of Time New Roman.
2. Use 1.5 line spacing. Left justify all paragraphs.
3. Ensure that all the headings are consistent in terms of the font size and font style.
4. Use footer function in the word processor to insert Your Name, Subject, Assignment No, and Page Number on each pag e.
This is useful if individual sheets become detached for any reason.
5. Use word processing application spell check and grammar check function to help editing your assignment.

Important Points:

Tharushi Roshel Fernando

Financial accounting
Assignment 01
1. It is strictly prohibited to use textboxes to add texts in the assignments, except for the compulsory information. eg: Figures,
tables of comparison etc. Adding text boxes in the body except for the before mentioned compulsory information will result
in rejection of your work.
2. Carefully check the hand in date and the instructions given in the assignment. Late submissions will not be accepted.
3. Ensure that you give yourself enough time to complete the assignment by the due date.
4. Excuses of any nature will not be accepted for failure to hand in the work on time.
5. You must take responsibility for managing your own time effectively.
6. If you are unable to hand in your assignment on time and have valid reasons such as illness, you may apply (in writing) for an
7. Failure to achieve at least PASS criteria will result in a REFERRAL grade .
8. Non-submission of work without valid reasons will lead to an automatic RE FERRAL. You will then be asked to complete an
alternative assignment.
9. If you use other people’s work or ideas in your assignment, reference them properly using HARVARD referencing system to
avoid plagiarism. You have to provide both in-text citation and a reference list.
10. If you are proven to be guilty of plagiarism or any academic misconduct, your grade could be reduced to A REFERRAL or at
worst you could be expelled from the course

Student Declaration

I hereby, declare that I know what plagiarism entails, namely to use another’s work and to present it as my own without attributing
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2. I understand the plagiarism and copying policy of the Edexcel UK.
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Tharushi Roshel Fernando

Financial accounting
Assignment 01
4. I declare therefore that all work presented by me for every aspects of my program, will be my own, and where I have
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5. I acknowledge that the attachment of this document signed or not, constitutes a binding agreement between myself
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Student’s Signature: Date:

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Higher Nationals in
Tharushi Roshel Fernando
Financial accounting
Assignment 01
Unit 10: Financial Accounting
Assignment 01

Assignment Brief
Student Name /ID Number Tharushi Roshel Fernando/75029

Unit Number and Title

Academic Year 20……

Unit Tutor

Assignment Title Prepare final accounts and perform bank reconciliation

Issue Date

Submission Date

Tharushi Roshel Fernando

Financial accounting
Assignment 01
IV Name & Date

Submission Format:
The submission should be in the form of an individual written report. This should be written in a concise, formal
business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs and
subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and referenced using the Harvard
referencing system. Please also provide a bibliography using the Harvard referencing system.

Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO1. record business transactions using double entry book-keeping, and be able to extract a trial balance;

LO2. prepare final accounts for sole-traders, partnerships or limited companies in accordance with appropriate
principles, conventions and standards;

LO3. perform bank reconciliations to ensure company and bank records are correct;

LO4. reconcile control accounts and shift recorded transactions from the suspense accounts to the right accounts.

Assignment Brief and Guidance:

Activity 01. Record business transactions using double entry book keeping and be able to extract a trial balance
(Covers LO 01 and P1, P2, M1, D1 )

XYZ PLC has begun professional practice as a system analyst on July 1. He plans to prepare a monthly financial
statement. During July, the owner completed following transactions.

July 1. Owner invested LKR 500,000 cash along with computer equipment that had a market value of LKR 120,000
two years ago, but was now worth LKR 100,000 only.
July 2. Paid LKR 15,000 cash for the rent of office space for the month.
July 4. Purchased LKR 12,000 of additional equipment on credit (due within 30 days).
July 8. Completed a work for a client and immediately collected the LKR 32,000 cash.
July 10. Completed work for a client and sent a bill for LKR 27,000 to be paid within 30 days.
July 12. Purchased additional equipment for LKR 8,000 in cash.
Tharushi Roshel Fernando
Financial accounting
Assignment 01
July 15. Paid an assistant LKR 6,200 cash as wages for 15 days.
July 18. Collected LKR 15,000 on the amount owed by the client.
July 25. Paid LKR 12,000 cash to settle the liability on the equipment purchased.
July 28. Owner withdrew LKR 500 cash for personal use.
July 30. Completed work for another client who paid only LKR 40,000 for 50% of the system design.
July 31. Paid salary of assistant LKR 7000.
July 31. Paid PLDT billLKR 1,800 and Meralco bill LKR 3,800.

 Apply book keeping technique and develop relevant journal entries for given transactions and prepare
general journal..
 Apply the double entry book-keeping system of debits and credits for above given transactions in
general ledger.
 Produce a trial balance applying the use of the balance off rule to complete the ledger.
 Apply trial balance figures to show which statement of financial accounts they will end up in.

Activity 02. Prepare final accounts for sloe traders, partnerships and limited companies in according with
appropriate principles, conventions and standards.

Part (A) – Sole Proprietorship

Saman Trading is a sole proprietorship owned by saman. The trial balance of Saman Trading as at 31 st March 2019
is as follows.

Saman Trading
Trial Balance as at 31st March 2019
Tharushi Roshel Fernando
Financial accounting
Assignment 01
Description Dr (Rs. ‘000) Cr (Rs. ‘000)
Property Plant and Equipment (at cost)
Land and Building 51000
Motor Vehicle 8800
Office Equipment 5500
Accumulated Depreciation as at 01st April 2018
Building 10000
Motor Vehicle 2880
Office Equipment 1080
Trade Recievables / Trade Payables 13000 15200
Purchases / Sales 30000 71000
Provision for doughtful debts as at 01st April 2018 1240
Stocks as at 01st April 2018 7700
Drawings 2400
Sales Commision 4300
Telephone and Electricity 7600
Insurance 3660
Salaries and Wages 13000
Bank loan - 14% 19000
Cash in hand 5240
Bank Overdraft 3800
Capital as at 01st April 2018 28000
152200 152200

Additional Information –

01. Land Value of Rs. 11,000,000 included in the Land and Building cost.
02. The deprecation policy of the Saman Trading is straight line basis on cost. Depreciation rates as
Building 5%

Tharushi Roshel Fernando

Financial accounting
Assignment 01
Motor Vehicle 20%
Office Equipment 12%
03. Closing Inventory as at 31st March 2019 was Rs. 6,900,000
04. The telephone and electricity bill of Rs. 710,000 for the month of march 2019 was not paid as at
31st March 2019.
05. Insurance expense of Rs. 1,060,000 is relevant for the next financial year of 2019/20.
06. Trade Recievables from Nuwan Distributors amounting Rs 300,000 to be written off as a bad debt
and provision for doubtful debts to be made for the remaining receivable balance at the year end.
(Rate 2%)
07. The bank loan was obtained on 01st April 2018, payable in two equal instalments with the interest
It is due as at 31st march 2019.And it has been paid on 10th April 2019.

You are required to prepare following –

(a) Statement of Comprehensive Income for the year ended 31st March 2019.
(b) Statement of Financial position as at 31st March 2019.

Tharushi Roshel Fernando

Financial accounting
Assignment 01
Part (B) - Partnership

The summarized trial balance of ABN Associates (Partnership Business) as at 31 st March 2018 is given below.

ABN Associates
Trial Balance as at 31st March 2018
Dr Cr
Partners' Capital Accounts
Amal 500000
Bimal 400000
Nimal 400000
Partners' Current Accounts
Amal 225000
Bimal 125000
Nimal 85000
Partners' loan Account - Nimal 200000
Property, Plant& Equipment 900000
Amal 275000
Bimal 175000
Sales 0
Inventory 585000
Cost of sales 0
Trade Recievables / Trade Payables 280000 150000
Cash at bank 500000
Operational Expenses 850000
567500 567500
0 0

Adjustments needto be made for the following

01. Depreciation for the year was Rs. 180,000.

02. The profit sharing ratio of Amal, Bimal and Nimal is 4 : 3 : 3 respectively.
03. Interest is payable on Fixed Capital Accounts balances 10% per annum.
04. No entries have been made for Inventory costing Rs. 120,000 taken by Amal.
05. Interest on the partners loan is 20% per annum.
06. Amal took away the other equipment for his own use on 31st March 2018 at a valuation of Rs.

Tharushi Roshel Fernando

Financial accounting
Assignment 01
100,000. The book value of the equipment is Rs. 50,000.


Prepare the financial statements for a partnership including appropriation accounts

Part (C) – Limited Liability Company

The trial balance as at 31.03.2015 of Wiskam PLC which trades electric equipment is given below.

Property, Plant and equipment as at 2014.04.01

Dr. (Rs'000) Cr. (Rs'000)
Land 16,000.00
Building 5,000.00
Motor Vehicle 4,200.00
Computer system 600.00
Accumulated depreciation on property, plant and Equipment as at
Building 1,500.00
Motor Vehicle 1,260.00
Computer system 120.00
Sales 19,300.00
Cost of sales 12,000.00
Trade receivables 1,240.00
Tax paid 175.00
10% bank loan 1,200.00
Lease deposit account 300.00
Advertising expense 200.00
Inventory as at 2015.03.31 (at cost) 350.00
Trade payables 1,650.00
Salary and wages 1,800.00
Stated capital (ordinary share) - share price Rs. 50.00 10,000.00
Dividends paid 500.00
Revaluation reserves as at 2014.04.01 700.00
Retained earnings 7,500.00
Discounts 50.00 120.00
Provisions for doubtful debts as at 2014.04.01 100.00
Sales commission 20.00
Director's fuel and telephone allowances 175.00
Audit fee 60.00
Tharushi Roshel Fernando
Financial accounting
Assignment 01
Donations 30.00
Cash Balance 895.00
Bank overdraft 145.00

Additional information:

Before preparing the financial statements for the year ending 31.03.2015 the following adjustments have to be
 The cost of inventory as at 31.03.2015 has been valued at First in First out (FIFO) method.
 A debtor of Rs. 80 000 from trade receivable amount as at 31.03.2015 was bankrupted on 10.04.2015 and out
of this amount only 50% could be recovered. Further 10% on the remaining balance of trade receivable was
decided to provide as doubtful debts.
 An agreement was signed with an advertising company for two years by the company to promote the products
on 01.04.2014. Rs 200 000 of paid amount for a period of two years was recorded in the advertising expense
 All property, plant and equipment should be depreciated 10% on cost based on straight line method annually.
All property, plant and equipment are used for administrative purpose.
 Computers of Rs 400 000 which purchased on 01.10.2014 were recorded in the purchase account.
 A machine was acquired on 01.04.2014 under a finance lease for a period of 4 years. A down payment of Rs
300 000 was paid on this date and it has been recorded in a lease deposit account. Annual lease installment of
Rs 400 000 including of Rs 100 000 annual interest is to be paid at the end of each year. The bank loan was
obtained on 01.04.2014.
 It is reported that land revaluation loss of Rs 1 000 000 on 31.03.2015. because there is a highway in front of
the land but no entrance was to the highway in near the land. The revaluation reserve consists of land
revaluation surplus on 31.03.2010.
 The building of the business was revalued for the first time on 01.04.2015 for it’s fair value of Rs 4 500 000.
 It has been estimated that the income tax for the current year 2014/15 is Rs 220 000.
 The employer and employee contribution to the EPF are 15% and 10% on gross salary and wages respectively
and the employer contributes 3% to ETF. Only the net amount after reducing employees. contribution has
been recorded in salaries and wages account.
 It is decided to capitalized retained earnings 1/5th of the ordinary shares on 31.03.2015.
 The following decisions have been made by the board of directors.
 To pay a dividend of Rs. 1,500 000 to the ordinary shareholders of the company.
 To Transfer Rs. 300 000 for the general reserve

Tharushi Roshel Fernando

Financial accounting
Assignment 01

Prepare final accounts from given trial balance figures

The final accounts should cover following statements;

 Statement of P/L and Other comprehensive income

 Statement of Financial Position
 Statement of Changes in Equity
 Notes to the financials

Part (D) – Cash Flow Statement

Extractions of the summarized statement of comprehensive income and statement of changes in Equity for the
year ended 31.03.2015 of Ruba PLC are as follows;

Income Statement Rs. (‘000)

Sales 20,500.00
Cost of sales (14,000.00)
Gross Profit 6,500.00
Other income (Fized deposit interest) 75.00
Operating expenses (3,500.00)
Other expenses (Computer disposal) (50.00)
Financial Expenses (Loan interest) Rs.(‘000)
Profit before tax 2,265.00
Income tax (1,200.00)
Profit for the period 1,065.00

Statement of changes in Equity

Balance as at 01.04.2015 540.00
Total comprehensive income 1,065.00
Dividends (605.00)
Balance of retained earnings as at 31.03.2015 1,000.00
Additional information

1. Carrying amount of computer disposed on 01.04.2015 was Rs. 120,000.00

2. The depreciation of Rs. 300,000.00 was included in operating expenses
3. Following balances were extracted from the statement of financial position

Tharushi Roshel Fernando

Financial accounting
Assignment 01
Rs. (‘000)

2015.03.31 2014.03.31
Ordinary share capital 15,500.00 15,000.00
Preference share capital 10,000.00 10,000.00
Property, Plant and equipment 7,700.00 8,000.00
Cash and cash equivalents 1,440.00 300.00
Loan interest receivable 40.00 50.00
Other current assests 3,200.00 2,900.00
Provision of income tax 150.00 100.00
Proposed dividends 200.00 250.00
Accrued loan interest 120.00 60.00
Trade Payables/Creditors 860.00 750.00

4. Rs.120,000.00 worth of a photocopy machine was purchased during the period but it was not revealed under
property plant and equipment during the year
5. Note that other current assets include stocks worth 1000 and debtors/trade receivables worth 2200 as at
31.03.2015 and stocks worth 1500 and debtors/trade receivables worth 1400 as at 31.03.2014

Prepare Cash flow statement of Ruba PLC. Find the cash balance for the year ended by using relevant
accounting formats.

Part (E)

Compare the essential features of each financial statement (Complete set of Financial Statements) to analyse
the differences between them in terms of purpose, structure, content Etc.

Activity 03. Prepare bank reconciliations

Part (A)

The credit balance of the banks account of Araliya Business as at 31.03.2015 was Rs. 21,500.00. The book balance
was not agreed with the bank statement on that date. The following information were revealed in the

(i) Cheques deposit and date f realization are as follows

Cheque number Deposit date Realization date Value (Rs)

Tharushi Roshel Fernando
Financial accounting
Assignment 01
043250 30th march 2015 2nd April 2015 4,500.00
215412 31st March 2015 3rd April 2015 33,500.00
721210 31st March 20150 3rd April 2015 16,000.00

(ii) The following deductions were made by bank from business as bank account

Deduction type Value (Rs.)

Cheque book charges 400
Overdraft interest 1800
Bank charges 450

(iii) Leasing installment of Rs. 20,000.00 was paid by bank on 20th March 2015 on standing order. But it
has not been recorded in a bank account of the business.

(iv) Cheques issued and dates of presented for the payment were as follows;

Cheque number Deposit date Realization date Value (Rs)

010253 26th March 2015 10thApril 2015 95,000.00
010262 31st March 2015 04thApril 2015 16,500.00
010284 31st March 2015 04thApril 2015 21,500.00

(v) Business requested from the bank to stop for the payment for cheque issued for a creditor of Rs.
12,000.00 on 20th March 2015 and relevant adjustment was made in the business account, but it is
revealed that payment was made by bank.

(vi) An issued cheque of Rs. 8,900.00 already on 15th March 2015 was recorded in bank account of the
business as Rs. 9,800.00

(vii) Rs. 40,300.00 was directly deposited to the bank by a debtor.

Apply relevant accounting procedures to check the book balance with the bank statement balance. You are
required to provide relevant notes and extra calculations to support your answer.

Part (B)

Tharindu (Pvt) Ltd’s cash book as at 31st March 2017 had a credit balance of Rs. 227,700. Bank Statement was not

Tharushi Roshel Fernando

Financial accounting
Assignment 01
agreed with the cash book balance, Bank Statement had a balance of Rs. 90,000 (Credit balance). Following issues
were identified through investigations.

(i) Bank Statement did not include cheques amounting Rs. 522,000 issued by Tharidu(Pvt) Ltd.
(ii) Following cheques deposited during the march 2017.But Its shown in the bank statement of April

Cheque Number Amount (Rs.)

111201 50000
450222 60000
650108 82000
(iii) Dividend Received Rs. 15,000 to the bank account directly. Which is not recorded in the
cash book.
(iv) Customer deposited Rs. 5,400 directly in the bank during the month of March.Tharindu (Pvt) Ltd
recorded this amount on 06th April 2017 when the bank statement was received.
(v) Cheque issued to a supplier amounting Rs. 76,800 was showed in the bank statement
correctly.ButTharindu (Pvt) Ltd recorded this as a Rs. 78,600 in their books incorrectly.
(vi)Total payment side of a cash book was recorded Rs. 24,000 less.
(vii) Bank Charges was Rs. 10,500. Company has not recorded in the cash book.


(i) Prepare the adjusted cash book of Tharindu(Pvt) Ltdfor the month ended 31st March
(ii) Prepare the bank reconciliation statement as at 31st March 2017.

Activity 04. Reconcile control accounts and clear suspense accounts

Creditor Ledger balance of XYZ business as at 01.03.2014 are as follows;

Creditor Name Value (Rs.)

Tharushi Roshel Fernando
Financial accounting
Assignment 01
Asitha 25,000.00
Visitha 44,000.00
Lasith 12,000.00
Total 81,000.00

The summary of the transaction done with the creditors during the month of March 2014 is given below;

Creditor Purchases (Rs.) Purchases Return Payment (Rs.) Discount Received

(Rs.) (Rs.)
Asitha 160,000.00 - 130,000.00 6,000.00
Visitha 300,000.00 4,000.00 300,000.00 -
Lasitha 120,000.00 - 120,000.00 2,000.00
Rakitha 50,000.00 - 16,000.00 -
Total 630,000.00 4,000.00 566,000.00 8,000.00

As at 01.03.2014 the total of the creditors ledger balance agreed with the balance of the creditor control account.
As at 31.03.2014 the total of the creditors ledger balance did not agree with the balance of the creditors control
account. The reasons for this difference are given Below;

(i) Discount received from Asitha for Rs. 3,000.00 have been debited to creditors control account and
credited to discount received account. No other entries had been made in this regard.
(ii) Debited note of Rs. 4,000.00 sent to Visitha has not been recorded in his account.
(iii) Cash ssales of Rs. 20,000.00 have been credited to creditors control account.
(iv) Purchase invoice dated 28.03.2014 raised for goods purchased of Rs.12,000.00 from Muditha. Has not
been recorded in the purchase journal.
(v) The total of the purchase journal has been posted to the creditors control account as Rs. 603,000.00.


Explain the process taken to reconcile control accounts and provide relevant control accounts with reconciliation
statements to obtain the correct creditor balance in the accounts.

Tharushi Roshel Fernando

Financial accounting
Assignment 01
Tharushi Roshel Fernando
Financial accounting
Assignment 01
Grading Rubric - Pass
Outcome(s)/criteria Achieved

Outcome 1: Record business transactions using double entry book-keeping, and be able to extract a trial
P1. Apply the double entry book-keeping system
of debits and credits. Record sales and
purchase transactions in a general ledger.

P2. Produce a trial balance applying the use of

the balance off rule to complete the ledger.
Outcome 2: Prepare final accounts for sole-traders, partnerships and limited companies in accordance with
appropriate principles, conventions and standards

P3. Prepare final accounts from given trial


P4. Produce final accounts for a range of

examples that include sole traders,
partnerships or limited companies

Outcome 3: Perform bank reconciliation to ensure company and bank records are correct.

P5. Apply the bank reconciliation process to

prepare a number of bank reconciliations.
Outcome 4: Reconcile control accounts and shift recorded transactions from the suspense accounts to the right

P6. Explain the process taken to reconcile

control accounts and clear suspense accounts
using given account examples

Tharushi Roshel Fernando

Financial accounting
Assignment 01
Grading Rubric - Merit

Grade Description (Merit) Achieved Feedback

M1.Analyse transactions to show the progression

from previous trial balance to the next one using
double entry bookkeeping.

M2.Make adjustments to balances of sum accounts.

For example, accruals, depreciations and prepayments
before preparing the final accounts.

M3. Apply the reconciliation process demonstrating

the use of deposit in transit, outstanding checks and
NSF check.

M4. Demonstrate understanding of the different types

of accounts and how and why they are reconciled.

Tharushi Roshel Fernando

Financial accounting
Assignment 01
Grading Rubric - Distinction
Grade Description (Distinction) Achieved Feedback

D1.Apply trial balance figures to show which

statement of financial accounts they will end up in.

D2.Compare the essential features of each financial

account statement to analyse the differences
between them in terms purpose, structure and

D3. Prepare accurate bank reconciliations that apply

appropriate tools and techniques to check general
accounts and balance sheets

D4. Produce accurate accounts that have been

reconciled applying the appropriate methods

Tharushi Roshel Fernando

Financial accounting
Assignment 01
Activity 01


Date Discription Ref Debit Credit
1-Jul cash 500000
Owner equity 500000
Computer equipment
Owner equipment 100000 100000
(start the business)
2-Jul rent 15000
cash 15000
(paid rent)
4-Jul Additional equipment 12000
Creditors 12000
(purchased of a debtor)
8-Jul cash 32000
Sale 32000
(complete a work)
10-Jul Debtors 27000
Sale 27000
(complete a work for
12-Jul Additional equipment 8000
cash 8000
(purchased of a cash)
15-Jul Wages 6200
cash 6200
(paid for assistant)
18-Jul cash 15000
Debtors 15000
(cash from Debtors )
Creditors additional
25-Jul equipment 12000
cash 12000
(paid forCreditors)

Tharushi Roshel Fernando

Financial accounting
Assignment 01
28-Jul Drawings 500
cash 500
(personal use)
30-Jul cash 40000
Debtors 4000
(work for client)
31 Salary
Pldt bil
cash 1800
Meralco bill
cash 3800

Asset= Equity+ liability

600000 600000
-15000 -15000
12000 12000
32000 32000
27000 27000
-6200 -6200
15000 15000
-12000 -12000
-500 -500
40000 40000
-7000 -7000

Tharushi Roshel Fernando

Financial accounting
Assignment 01
-1800 -1800
-3800 -3800

679700 679700 0

Owners equity
500000 Rent 15000
Cash sales purchase
32000 d 8000
15000 Wages 6200
Cash sales for
4000 creditors 12000
Drawings 500
Salary 1800
balance c/d
587000 587000
Balance b/d

Equity account
balance c/d 600000 Cash 500000
Computer equipment 100000

600000 600000

Tharushi Roshel Fernando

Financial accounting
Assignment 01
Balance b/d 600000

Additional equipment
12000 balance c/d 20000

20000 20000
balance b/d 20000

Computer equipment
Equity account 100000 Balance c/d 100000

100000 100000
Balance b/d 100000

Office rent
Cash 15000 balance c/d 15000

Tharushi Roshel Fernando

Financial accounting
Assignment 01
15000 15000
balance b/d 15000

Additional equipment
Cash 12000 12000

12000 12000

Balance c/d
139000 Cash 32000
Credit 27000
Cash 40000
s 40000
139000 139000
e b/d

Sale creditors Cash 15000

Tharushi Roshel Fernando

Financial accounting
Assignment 01
Sale creditors

e c/d

67000 67000

Balance b/d 52000

e c/d
Cash 6200 62000

balance c/d
6200 6200
balance b/d

balance c/d
cash 1800 1800

1800 1800
balance b/d 1800

Tharushi Roshel Fernando

Financial accounting
Assignment 01
Meralco bill
Cash Balance c/d
3800 3800

3800 3800
Balance b/d


Details Dr Cr
drawings 500
cash 532700
equity 600000
additional equipmet 20000
rent 15000
sales 139000
debtors 52000
wages 6200
PLDT bill 1800
meralco bill 3800
computer equipment 100000
salary 7000

739000 749000

Tharushi Roshel Fernando

Financial accounting
Assignment 01
Activity 02

Part A- sole proprietorship

for the year 31st
march 2015
Sales 71000
Stoch as at 1st april 7700
Purchases 30000
(-) Closing inventory -6900 -30800

Gross Profit 40200

(+) Other Income

Provision for doughtful debts 986

(-) office & Administration expensess

Motor Vehi depreciation 1760
Bad debt 300
Sales commision 4300
Provision Doubtful 254 6614

Sales and distribution expensess

Building depreciation 2000

Tharushi Roshel Fernando
Financial accounting
Assignment 01
Office Equip 660
Electricity Bill 8310
Salaries & wages 13000 23970

Finance Expensess

Bank loan Intreset 2660 2660

(-) 33244

Net profit for the year 7942

Saman Trading
Statement of financial position
as at 31st march 2019
Non Current Assests Cost Acc.dep NBV
land & building 51000 -12000 39000
Motor Vehi 8800 -4640 4160
Office Equip 5500 -1740 3760
65300 18380 46920

Current Assets
Closing Inventory 6900
Forward Paid Insurance 3660
Trade Recievables 12700-254 12446
Cash in Hand 5240 28246

Total Assests 75166

Equity & Liabilities

Capital 28000
(+) net profit 7942
(-) drawings -2400 33542

Non Current liabilities

Tharushi Roshel Fernando
Financial accounting
Assignment 01
14% bank loan 19000

Current Liabilities

Electri Bill to be paid 710

Trade payables 15200
Bank overdraft 3800
Bank loan intrest To be paid 2660 23370

Total Equity & liabilities 75912

ABN Partnership
Trading A/l and appropriation A/c
for the year 31st march 2018
Sales 3800000
(-) Cost of sales 1900000

Gross profit 1900000

Depreciation for Year 180000

Expences 850000 1030000
Profit availble for appropriation 870000

Intrest on Capital A 40000
B 40000 130000

Share of profit A 348000

B 261000
C 261000

Tharushi Roshel Fernando

Financial accounting
Assignment 01
ABN Partnership
Statement of financial position
as at 31st march 2018
Non current assests

Property plant equipment 900000

Current Assets
Inventory 585000
Trade Recievables 280000
Cash at bank 500000 1365000

Total Assets 2265000

Capital of liabilities

Capital A/C
A 500000
B 400000
N 400000

Current A/C
A 348000
B 261000
N 261000

Partners loan -Nimal 200000

Tharushi Roshel Fernando

Financial accounting
Assignment 01
Current Liabilities

Trade payables 150000

To be paid Intrest 400000

Partners Current A/C


Balance 125000 85000 Balance 225000

s 275000 17500 Intrest of capital 50000 40000 40000

intrest of loan 40000

Share of profit

Tharushi Roshel Fernando

Financial accounting
Assignment 01
Part C- limited liability company

Wiskam PLC comprehensive income satement

For 31st March 2015

Sales 19300
Cost of sales -11600
Gross profit 7700

Other Income

Discount 120
Admin expenses 3715
Selling and distribution 230
Finance 220
Tharushi Roshel Fernando
Financial accounting
Assignment 01
Other expenses 330 -4495

Profit before tax 3325

(-) tax -220
Profit after tax 3105

Wiskam PLC Statement of financial Position

at 31st march 2015

Non current assets

Property, plant, equipment 23900

Current assets

Closing inventory 350

Debtors 1080

Tharushi Roshel Fernando

Financial accounting
Assignment 01

Prepaid expenses 100

Cash 895 2425


Equity and liabilities

Equity 12000

Revaluation reserve 1500

General reverve 300

Retained earnings 7805 9605

Non current liabilities

lease 600

bank loan 1200 1800

Current liabilities

Lease installment 300

Lease interest 100

Tax payable 45

Tharushi Roshel Fernando

Financial accounting
Assignment 01
ETF 60

Employer EPF 300

Employee EPF 200

Accrued Interest 120

bank overdraft 145

Trade payable 1650 2920


Wiskam PLC Statmet of changes in equity

As 31st march

Revaluation General Retained

Description Share capital Reserve Reserve Earnings Total

opening Balance 10000 700 7500 18200

Profit for year 3105 3105
Dividends -500 -500
Transfer to General
reserve 300 -300
Bonus 2000 2000
Land revaluation -700 -700
Building revaluation 1500 1500

Total 12000 1500 300 7805 21605


1. Cost of inventory at 31.03.2015 has been valued at FIFO method

Tharushi Roshel Fernando
Financial accounting
Assignment 01
2. Dividend declare of RS. 1500 to the ordinary share holders of the company.
3. Land revaluation lost of 1000 on 31.03.2015

Property, Plant & equipment

Description Land Building Vehicle Computer Machinery Total
Opening Bal 16000 5000 4200 600 25800
Leasing 1200 1200
Purchase 400 400
Reduction -5000 -5000
Revaluation -1000 4500 3500

15000 4500 4200 1000 1200 25900

Bal 1500 1260 120 2880

Depreciation 500 420 80 120 1120
Removal -2000 120 -2000

Sales &
Description Admin.ex distribution Finance Other

Bad debts 40
under prov. Of
bad d 20
Advertising 100
Sales comm 20
Discount 50
Director Allow 175
Audit fee 60
Salaries 2000
Depreciation 1120
Donation 30
Land rev. lost 300
Bank loan
Interest 120
Lease interest 100
Tharushi Roshel Fernando
Financial accounting
Assignment 01
3715 230 220 330

Part (D) – Cash Flow Statement

RUBA PLC Cash flow statement

AS 31 march 2015
profit before tax 2265
cash flow from operating activities
Adjustment for:
Depreciation 300
Disposal loss 50 350

Tax paid 1150

Interest paid 700 -1850

Des trade receivable -800

incre current loability 110
incre iventory 500 410

Net cash by operating activities 1175

Cash flows from investing activities

Intterest received 85
Dispostal PPE 70

Net cash by Investing Activities 155

Cash flows From Financing Activities

Issue Capital 500
Tharushi Roshel Fernando
Financial accounting
Assignment 01
Divident Paid -655

Net Cash Provided by Fiancing activities -155

Non incre in cash 1175

Cash 01.04.2014 300
Cash 31.04.2015 1440

Income tax payable

Cash B/F
1150 100
150 1200

1300 1300

Loan Interest Payable

Cash B/F
700 60
120 760

820 820

Tharushi Roshel Fernando

Financial accounting
Assignment 01
Loan Interest receivable
B/F Cash
50 85
75 40

125 125

Part E

Types of Statements

Statements Definition Important Terms

Balance sheet It is a tabular sheet of balances of Current Assets
assets, liabilities, and equity Non-Current Assets,
Property, Plant, and
Long-term Liabilities,
Common Stock,
Preferred Stock and
Retained Earnings etc.
Income Statement It is a statement of calculation of Sales,
the income of a particular period Operating Cost,
showing Net Sales and all types of Depreciation and
expenses. Amortization,
Interest Cost,
Tharushi Roshel Fernando
Financial accounting
Assignment 01
Preferred Dividends and
Net Income.
Statement of Cash Flows A cash flow statement is simply a Operating Activities,
statement of cash generation and its Investing Activities, and
use categorized under different Financing Activities
Statement of It is a statement showing the capital Common Stock,
Shareholder’s Equity investment by stockholders and the Retained Earnings
retained earnings of the company
Footnotes to Financial All other information in the annual Inventory valuation method
Statements report other than quantitative Contingent liability,
statements like above are footnotes. Disclosures, etc

Balance Sheet

As the term balance sheet suggests, it is a tabular sheet of balances of assets, liabilities, and equity. Assets are normally
classified as current assets and property plant and equipment. Liabilities are generally further classified into current and
long-term liabilities. Equities are common stock, preferred stock and retained earnings all shown separately. There is a
great significance of each and every line item on a balance sheet.

As we just noted that the balance sheet is nothing but a set of balances. Balances can change every day. Therefore, a
balance sheet is presented at the end of a particular date. The date for presenting a balance sheet for the annual report is the
last date of the financial year. In the US it is 31st December every year

Companies show balances of last year as well as the balances of last to last year for the sake of visible comparison. For
example, if the balance of equity at the end of 2018 is 1,000 million and 900 million at the end of 2017, the change in the
balance of equity by 100 million is clearly visible. The analysts will understand and interpret this change through their skill
of financial analysis.

Income Statement

Unlike balance sheet income statements are presented for a period and not as on a date. Here also, as the income statement
suggests, it is a statement that shows the calculation of the income of a particular period. The main components of an
income statement are net sales, operating cost, depreciation and amortization, the interest cost, taxes, preferred dividends,
and net income. All the components are deducted from net sales to arrive at net income. After deduction of every type of
cost, you arrive at a different interpretation of income which is expressed as below:
Tharushi Roshel Fernando
Financial accounting
Assignment 01
 Earnings before Interest Tax Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA)
 Earnings before Interest and Taxes (EBIT)
 Net Income before Preferred Dividends
 Net Income (NI)

Statement of Cash flows

All the while we have heard the importance of net cash flows in the calculation of the fundamental or intrinsic value of
businesses. Cash generation, therefore, has got more value than income reported in the financial statements. It is simply
because the real source of value creation is cash and not Income reported on the income statement.

A cash flow statement is simply a statement of cash generation and its use by different activities categorized under three
different broad activities i.e.

1. Operating Activities,
2. Investing Activities, and
3. Financing Activities.

There are many factors that make net income totally different from cash balance and they are

 Noncash adjustment to net income

 Changes in working capital
 Investment
 Capital Inflow and Outflow
 Dividend Payment

Statement of Stockholders Equity

It is a statement showing the capital investment by stockholders and the retained earnings of the company. Like the balance
sheet, a statement of stockholders’ equity is also a statement presented as on a particular date. This date is commonly 31st
December in the US. The two main parts of this statement are common stock and retained earnings and the total of both
make it to total equity.

Footnotes to Financial Statements

Tharushi Roshel Fernando
Financial accounting
Assignment 01
You may consider footnotes as one of the types of financial statements or additional information to supplement financial
statements. It will be misleading for investors if they do not understand the financial statements in their true sense.
Footnotes help in clarifying how financial statements are prepared. They provide information about inventory valuation
methods, contingent liability, etc. They also provide the disclosures with respect to compliance with
Standardized Accounting Principles. In the US, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) are followed and IFRS
is the International Standard for Reporting

Activity 3

Part A

Revised Bank Account

t Credit

Date Particular JF Amount Date Particular JF Amount

Deposit 40300 B/F 21500
Accounting Leasing
error 900 installment 20000
Cheque book
charges 400
interest 1800
Bank charges 450
Bank errors 12000

Tharushi Roshel Fernando

Financial accounting
Assignment 01
56150 56150

Bank Reconciliation Statement

Balance as 31.03 at revised bank account -14950

(+) Outstanding Cheque 95000

21500 133000

(-) Deposit but not clearing cheque 4500

16000 -54000

Balance of bank statement 64050

Part b

Adjusted cash book

Balance less note
227700 24000
Direct Recived Bank Charges
5000 10500
Direct diposit
wrong Note

Tharushi Roshel Fernando

Financial accounting
Assignment 01

249900 249900


Bank Reconciliation Statement

Adjusted cash book balance 215400

(+) Unpresented Cheques 522000

(-) Unrealized Cheques
111201 -50000
450222 -60000
650108 -82000 192000

Balance as per the bank statement 545400

Activity 04- Reconcile control accounts and clear suspense accounts

 Payables ledger accounts posted individually.

 Errors are effected to the creditors ledger.
 Purchased invoice has missed and not recorded in same time.
Tharushi Roshel Fernando
Financial accounting
Assignment 01
Creditors Control A/c
Debit Credit
Oparticula Amoun
Date r JF t Date Particular JF Amount
P ret 4000 B/F 81000
Discount 8000 Purchase 603000
Cash 566000 Sale 20000
B/c 704000 704000
B/f 126000

Creditors Reconciliation
1/3 Balance 126000

(+) 3000
Return 4000
P reducation 27000 34000

(-) Substraction
sale 20000 -20000


Tharushi Roshel Fernando

Financial accounting
Assignment 01

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