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Learn Advanced Java in 180 Days

Are you ready to take your Java skills to the next

level? In this comprehensive tutorial series, you
will learn advanced Java concepts and techniques
in just 180 days. Each day, we will cover a
different topic, ranging from Java 8 features and
functional programming to microservices, cloud
computing, and machine learning.
By the end of this journey, you will have a deep
understanding of advanced Java topics, such as
lambda expressions, streams, concurrency, Spring
Framework, containerization, and much more.
Whether you are an experienced Java developer
or just starting your programming journey, this
series is designed to help you level up your Java
skills and become a true Java expert.

Java, Advanced Java, Java 8, Lambda Expressions, Stream API, Optional Class, Date and Time API, Functional Programming, CompletableFuture,
Generics, Java Reflection, Java Annotation Processors, JVM Internals, Design Patterns, Security, Unit Testing, Mockito, JDBC, Hibernate ORM, Spring
Framework, Spring Boot, RESTful Web Services, Spring Security, Microservices Architecture, Docker, Kubernetes, Apache Kafka, GraphQL, Project
Reactor, Android Development, Kotlin, Machine Learning, Apache Spark, Spring Data, Web Development, Reactive Programming, Cloud Computing,
Native Applications, Apache Camel, Web Scraping, Image Processing, Vaadin, Reactive Streams, JHipster, Cloud-Native Development, Event-Driven
Microservices, Kubernetes Advanced Concepts, Micro Frontends, Model Deployment, Quantum Computing Algorithms.


Day Header Topic Detail
1-2 Introduction to Java 8 Familiarize yourself with Java 8 features such as lambda
expressions and the Stream API. Implement basic programs.
3-4 Advanced Lambda Dive deeper into lambda expressions. Explore functional
Expressions interfaces, method references, and advanced use cases.
5-6 Stream API Mastery Learn the intricacies of the Stream API. Practice using map,
filter, and reduce functions. Handle infinite streams and
parallel processing.
7-8 Optional Class and Null Understand the Optional class for better null handling.
Handling Implement safe practices to avoid NullPointerExceptions.
9-10 Date and Time API Explore the Date and Time API introduced in Java 8. Learn to
manipulate dates, times, and time zones effectively.
11-12 Functional Deepen your understanding of functional programming
Programming Concepts concepts. Focus on immutability, pure functions, and higher-
order functions.
13-14 Concurrency with Master concurrent programming using CompletableFuture.
CompletableFuture Learn to compose asynchronous operations and handle
exceptions gracefully.
15-16 Advanced Generics Explore advanced topics in generics, including bounded
wildcards, generic methods, and generic classes with multiple
type parameters.
17-18 Java Reflection Delve into Java Reflection. Understand its applications in
dynamic class loading, inspecting classes, and accessing
private members.
19-20 Java Annotation Learn about Java Annotation Processors. Create custom
Processors annotations and processors to generate code during
21-22 JVM Internals Gain insights into JVM internals. Understand garbage
collection, memory management, and JVM tuning for optimal
23-24 Design Patterns in Java Study common design patterns such as Singleton, Factory,
and Observer. Apply them in real-world scenarios for robust
code architecture.
25-26 Java 8 Security Explore security features in Java 8, including the
package and digital signatures. Implement secure coding
27-28 Unit Testing with JUnit Master unit testing using JUnit 5. Write effective test cases,
5 parameterized tests, and integrate testing into your
development workflow.
29-30 Mockito for Mocking Learn Mockito for effective mocking in unit tests. Practice
creating mocks, stubs, and verifications for comprehensive
test coverage.


Day Header Topic Detail

31-32 Database Connectivity Understand JDBC for database connectivity. Learn to execute
with JDBC SQL queries, handle transactions, and work with result sets.

33-34 Introduction to Dive into Hibernate ORM for efficient database interaction.
Hibernate ORM Explore entity mappings, CRUD operations, and Hibernate
Query Language (HQL).

35-36 Spring Framework Begin your journey into the Spring Framework. Understand
Basics inversion of control (IoC), dependency injection, and basic
Spring configurations.

37-38 Spring Boot Explore Spring Boot for rapid application development. Create
Fundamentals a simple Spring Boot application and understand auto-

39-40 RESTful Web Services Build RESTful web services using Spring Boot. Implement CRUD
with Spring Boot operations, handle exceptions, and explore best practices in
RESTful design.

41-42 Spring Security Secure your applications with Spring Security. Implement
authentication, authorization, and protection against common
security vulnerabilities.

43-44 Microservices Dive into microservices architecture. Understand the

Architecture principles, design patterns, and communication mechanisms in
a microservices environment.

45-46 Docker Fundamentals Learn Docker for containerization. Understand container basics,
create Docker images, and orchestrate containers for scalable

47-48 Kubernetes Basics Explore Kubernetes for container orchestration. Deploy, scale,
and manage containerized applications in a Kubernetes cluster.

49-50 Apache Kafka Understand the fundamentals of Apache Kafka. Learn about
Introduction topics, partitions, producers, consumers, and basic Kafka

51-52 Event-Driven Implement event-driven microservices using Kafka. Explore

Microservices with asynchronous communication, event sourcing, and eventual
Kafka consistency.

53-54 GraphQL Basics Learn the basics of GraphQL. Understand schema definition,
queries, mutations, and subscriptions. Implement a simple
GraphQL server.


55-56 Building GraphQL APIs Integrate GraphQL into Spring Boot applications. Create
with Spring Boot GraphQL schemas, resolvers, and explore advanced querying

57-58 Reactive Programming Dive into reactive programming using Project Reactor.
with Project Reactor Understand reactive streams, publishers, and subscribers for
asynchronous programming.

59-60 Advanced Spring Boot Explore advanced features of Spring Boot, including actuator,
Features profiling, and customizing application properties.

Day Header Topic Detail

61-62 Spring Data JPA Master Spring Data JPA for simplified data access. Learn about
repositories, queries, and entity relationships with Spring Data

63-64 Spring Cloud Basics Begin your journey into Spring Cloud. Understand distributed
systems, service discovery, and configuration management in a
microservices environment.

65-66 Spring Cloud Config Implement centralized configuration management using Spring
Cloud Config. Understand dynamic configuration updates and

67-68 Spring Cloud Netflix Explore service registration and discovery with Eureka. Create a
Eureka Eureka server and register microservices for seamless

69-70 Spring Cloud Circuit Implement circuit breakers for fault tolerance using Hystrix.
Breaker (Hystrix) Learn to handle failures gracefully and prevent cascading
failures in a distributed system.

71-72 Spring Cloud API Set up an API Gateway using Zuul. Understand the role of a
Gateway (Zuul) gateway in microservices architecture and implement routing
and filtering.

73-74 Spring Cloud Sleuth Explore distributed tracing with Sleuth and Zipkin. Understand
and Zipkin end-to-end tracing and monitor microservices interactions in a
distributed system.

75-76 GraphQL Federation Dive into GraphQL federation using Apollo Gateway. Understand
with Apollo Gateway how to compose multiple GraphQL services into a unified graph.


77-78 Testing Microservices Learn strategies for testing microservices. Explore unit testing,
integration testing, and end-to-end testing in a microservices

79-80 Container Explore OpenShift for container orchestration. Understand

Orchestration with features like deployments, scaling, and monitoring in a
OpenShift Kubernetes-based platform.

81-82 Advanced Kafka Deepen your understanding of Apache Kafka. Explore advanced
Concepts concepts such as Kafka Connect, Kafka Streams, and exactly-
once semantics.

83-84 Building Reactive Learn the fundamentals of the Akka framework for building
Systems with Akka reactive systems. Explore actors, concurrency, and fault

85-86 Introduction to Venture into Android development using Java. Set up an Android
Android project, create UI components, and understand the Android
Development lifecycle.

87-88 Android Networking Implement networking in Android using Retrofit. Fetch data
with Retrofit from a RESTful API, handle responses, and understand
asynchronous calls.

89-90 Android Persistence Explore local data storage in Android using Room. Implement a
with Room database, perform CRUD operations, and understand data

91-92 Advanced Android UI Master advanced UI components in Android using RecyclerView.

with RecyclerView Implement efficient and dynamic lists for improved user


Day Header Topic Detail

93-94 Introduction to Kotlin Get started with Kotlin, a modern programming language for
the JVM. Understand basic syntax, data classes, and null

95-96 Developing RESTful Implement RESTful APIs using Kotlin and Spring Boot.
APIs with Kotlin Understand interoperability between Java and Kotlin in a
Spring application.

97-98 Building Extend microservices development to Kotlin. Implement

Microservices with microservices using Kotlin and Spring Cloud for a polyglot
Kotlin microservices architecture.

99-100 Testing Kotlin Learn testing strategies for Kotlin applications. Explore unit
Applications testing, mock testing, and behavioral testing in a Kotlin

101-102 Introduction to Get an introduction to machine learning using Java.

Machine Learning Understand basic concepts, algorithms, and libraries such as
with Java Weka and Deeplearning4j.

103-104 Deep Learning with Dive into deep learning using Deeplearning4j (DL4J).
DL4J Implement neural networks, understand backpropagation,
and explore DL4J features.

105-106 Introduction to Explore Spring Data Elasticsearch for efficient data retrieval
Spring Data and indexing. Integrate Elasticsearch into Spring Boot
Elasticsearch applications.

107-108 Building Reactive Learn the fundamentals of reactive programming with Vert.x.
Systems with Vert.x Explore event-driven architecture and asynchronous

109-110 Java Native Interface Understand the Java Native Interface for integrating Java with
(JNI) native applications. Implement JNI for enhanced
performance and access to native libraries.

111-112 Aspect-Oriented Explore Aspect-Oriented Programming in Java. Implement

Programming (AOP) cross-cutting concerns and separation of concerns using AOP

113-114 JavaFX for Desktop Learn JavaFX for building desktop applications. Create
Applications graphical user interfaces, handle user events, and understand
scene graphs.


115-116 Introduction to Get started with Apache Spark using Java. Understand the
Apache Spark with basics of Spark, create Spark applications, and work with
Java RDDs.

117-118 Data Processing with Explore Apache Flink for stream processing. Understand
Apache Flink event time processing, windowing, and stateful processing in
Flink applications.

119-120 Introduction to Get an introduction to quantum computing using Qiskit in

Quantum Computing Java. Understand qubits, quantum gates, and implement
with Qiskit basic quantum algorithms.

121-122 Introduction to Dive into blockchain development using Web3j. Understand

Ethereum Blockchain Ethereum basics, create smart contracts, and interact with
with Web3j the Ethereum blockchain.

123-124 Building Chatbots Explore natural language processing (NLP) and build chatbots
with Java using Java. Understand dialog flow, intent recognition, and
integration with messaging platforms.

125-126 Introduction to Cloud Get started with cloud computing using the AWS SDK for
Computing with AWS Java. Understand AWS services, implement cloud storage,
SDK and explore basic cloud computing concepts.

127-128 Serverless Computing Explore serverless computing with AWS Lambda. Implement
with AWS Lambda serverless functions, understand event triggers, and deploy
serverless applications.


Day Header Topic Detail

129-130 Introduction to Begin exploring Quarkus for building reactive

Reactive Microservices microservices. Understand the advantages of Quarkus and
with Quarkus create a simple Quarkus application.

131-132 Developing Native Dive into GraalVM for building native applications in Java.
Applications with Explore ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation and understand
GraalVM the benefits of native images.

133-134 Introduction to Apache Learn Apache Camel for integration purposes. Understand
Camel message routing, transformation, and integration patterns
with Apache Camel.

135-136 Web Scraping with Explore web scraping using JSoup. Understand HTML
JSoup parsing, DOM manipulation, and data extraction from

137-138 Introduction to Get an introduction to machine vision using OpenCV in

Machine Vision with Java. Understand image processing, feature detection, and
OpenCV basic computer vision concepts.

139-140 Building Web Learn Vaadin for building web applications in Java. Create
Applications with responsive UIs, handle user input, and understand the
Vaadin Vaadin framework.

141-142 Introduction to Understand the principles of reactive streams. Explore the

Reactive Streams Reactive Streams API and its implementations for
asynchronous and non-blocking programming.

143-144 Building Real-time Dive into real-time applications using WebSockets in Java.
Applications with Implement bidirectional communication, handle
WebSockets WebSocket events, and build interactive applications.

145-146 Introduction to JHipster Explore JHipster for building modern, full-stack Java

147-148 Advanced Spring Data Explore advanced features of Spring Data JPA, including
JPA custom queries, auditing, and query derivation.

149-150 Introduction to Cloud- Understand the principles of cloud-native development.

Native Development Explore containerization, microservices, and DevOps.

151-152 Spring Cloud Sleuth and Get hands-on experience with distributed tracing using
Zipkin (Hands-On) Sleuth and Zipkin in a microservices environment.


153-154 Building Event-Driven Implement event-driven microservices architecture using
Microservices Spring Cloud Stream and Apache Kafka.

155-156 Kubernetes Advanced Deepen your understanding of Kubernetes. Explore

Concepts concepts like custom resources, operators, and Helm

157-158 Micro Frontends with Learn the concept of micro frontends using Single-Spa.
Single-Spa Implement modular front-end applications.

159-160 Machine Learning Explore deploying machine learning models using Java.
Model Deployment Understand model serving, containers, and REST APIs.

161-162 Quantum Computing Get hands-on experience with implementing quantum

Algorithms (Hands-On) algorithms using Qiskit in Java.

163-164 Blockchain Smart Develop and deploy smart contracts on the Ethereum
Contracts (Hands-On) blockchain using Java and Web3j.

165-166 Cloud Security Best Understand best practices for securing applications in the
Practices cloud. Explore identity management and encryption.

167-168 Serverless Implement serverless microservices using AWS Lambda

Microservices with and API Gateway. Understand the serverless architecture.

169-170 Quarkus Advanced Explore advanced features of Quarkus, including reactive

Features programming, native image optimization, and extensions.

171-172 GraalVM Native Image Dive deeper into optimizing native images with GraalVM.
Tuning Explore configuration options and performance tuning.

173-174 Apache Camel Learn advanced integration patterns with Apache Camel.
Integration Patterns Implement routing, transformation, and error handling.

175-176 Advanced Web Explore advanced web scraping techniques using JSoup.
Scraping Techniques Handle dynamic content, login sessions, and AJAX
177-178 Computer Vision Get hands-on experience with building computer vision
Applications (Hands- applications using OpenCV in Java.
179-180 Final Project and Code Work on a final project that integrates multiple advanced
Review concepts learned. Conduct a code review for optimization
and best practices.


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