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R o y W.Miller
Atkins & M e r r i l l Inc.
Ashland, M a s s .

meparad for


Lewis Research Center
Cleveland, Ohio

Contract WAS 3- l78U

H.6. Price, Project Manager





Chamber Geometry.. ..................................

Operating Conditions.. ................................


STRAINANALYSIS............................ ..............
Finite Element Model.. ...............................
Temperature Distribution.. ............................

Material Properties.. .................,...............

Structural Analysis.. .................................

RETSCP Program Execution. ............................


FATIGUE LIFE ANALYSIS,. ..................................

Material Properties. ..................................

Fatigue Damage ......................................


CONCLUDING REMARKS.. ..................................

PAGE ~ f l
p B ~ ~ m G iii
A previous report, Referenca 1, prepared under t h i s contract, described

a computer program, designated RETSCP, for t h e a n a l y s i s of rocket

engine thrust chambers with cyclic plasticity. That report included a

complete description of the program logic, together with a users manual,

It is the purpose of this report t o illustrate t h e detailed application of

the RETSCP program. Volume I describes the analysis of a re-

generatively cooled OFHC copper combustion chamber. Operating

conditions a r e such that plastic strains dominate and fatigue life

is in the low cycle regime. Volume I1 describes t h e a n a l y s i s of a n

attitude control thrust chamber. Operating conditions for that

engine a r e such that the material behavior is e l a s t i c , or on the

threshold of the elasto-plastic regime; thus, the fatigue life is in

the high cycle regime.


A three-dimensional finite element elasto-plastic strain analysis w a s

performed for the throat section of a regeneratively cooled rocket

combustiori chamber, The analysis employed the RETSCP finite

element computer program (NASA CR- 134640). The analysis included

thermal and pressure loads, and the effects of temperature dependent

material properties, to determine the strain range corresponding t o

the chamber operating cycle. The analysis w a s performed for chamber

configuration and operating conditions corresponding t o a hydrogen-

oxygen combustion chamber which w a s fatigue tested to failure at

the NASA Lewis Research Center. The computed strain range a t

typical chamber operating conditions was used in conjunction with

OFHC copper isothermal fatigue test data to predict chamber low-cycle

fatigue life.

A new generation of htgh performance liquid rocket engines is being

considered for main propulsion i n Space Transportation Systems. The

high performance goal which has been established for these engines

demands high chamber pressures with resulting high heat flux levels

in the combustion chamber. For Space Transportation System applications,

engine reusability is a prime objective. Thus, the s t r e s s analyst must be

able t o define the life potential of a given design under conditions of

thermal and pressure cycling.

Combustion chambers c a n be designed to operate a t suitable temperature

levels by e m ~ l o y i n gregenerative cooling. The combination of high heat

flux and high pressure necessitates the u s e of materials with high thermal

conductivity. Such materials permit prectical values of wall thickness

without creating excessive hot gas side ,wall temperatures. Typical

construction consists of a copper based alloy combustion liner, containing

milled coolant passages, combined with a nickel alloy structural jacket.

The thermal analysis of combustion chambers such a s this follows established

methodology. Empirical data is available for estimating combustion g a s

and coolant heat transfer. The temperature distribution within the structure

i s computed using one of many available finite difference computer codes

for transient or steady s t a t e heat conduction in two or three dimensions.

The state of s t r e s s in regeneratively cooled rocket chambers varies in

three dimensions. The situation is further complicated by the strong

dependence of material properties on temperature. It i s the range of strain,

through which a given chamber is cycled, that determines fatigue life.

A numerical method of structural analysis must be employed for such

complex configurations .
The objective of Volume I is twofold. First, there is the application

of a three dimensional finite element computer program t o determine the

thermal strain behavior of a specific regeneratively cooled copper

combustion chamber. An indepth study of this type, not only provides

strain range data for fatigue life analysis; but a l s o lends insight

into the structural response of the chamber under complex loading

conditions. The copper chamber configuration and operating conditions

correspond t o a chamber which was fatigue tested to failure a t the

NASA Lewis Research Center.

The second objective is to illustrate in detail the use of the RETSCP

finite element computer program for chamber configurations where

plastic strains dominate; that i s , low cycle fatigue. Thus, considerable

attention i s given t o the finite element model, material properties, and

execution of the program.

The combustion chamber configuration, operating conditions, and t e s t

results are described in sufficient d e t ~ i tlo conduct the strain analysis

and compare results. The strain analysis is then presented in such

a manner that the work could be extended t o other configurations and

operating conditions. The fatigue life analysis section describes the

predictive method used for the copper chamber; and, a l s o indicates

methods which could be employed for other studies. The

Concluding Remarks include discussion of future applications for

the RETSCP computer program, including refinements for fatigue

life prediction, and phenominalogical studies of the thermal

strain behavior.

The fatigue life analysis w a s conducted for the throat section of a

specific regeneratively cooled rocket thrust chamber which w a s

fatigue t e s t e d to failure a t the NASA Lewis Research Center. Since

t h e experimental results a r e unpublished, those facets of the

geometry, operating conditions, and t e s t data which pertain t o the

life analysis a r e given below.

The overall combustion chamber geometry and construction data a r e

shown in Figure 1. The b a s i c component of the chamber for high

heat flux and high pressure is the OFHC copper liner. This liner

contains sixty milled axial coolant flow passages. The high thermal

conductivity of the copper produces two beneficial effects. First,

from a manufacturing standpoint, the material permits practical

values of wall thickness. The allowable hot wall operating temperature 8

together with the imposed heat flux value, determine the wall thickness.

Thus, for materials with low thermal conductivity, s u c h as nickel

a l l o y s , extremely thin walls a r e required. The second effect, due t o

high thermal conductivity, is that the ribs which divide the cooling

p a s s a g e s a r e very effective a s cooling fins.

,15 h ( 3 8 . 1 cm)



(Injector end)


Chamber structural integrity is maintained by the electroformed

nickel closeout jacket. The nickel has low thermal conductivity

(as compared with copper); and, therefore, low temperatures are

encountered throughout the operating cycle. Thus, the nickel

jacket restrains the chamber pressure hoop and thrust loads during

engine operation, Note, that the nickel structure contains integral

coolant manifolds; and, that the coolant flow direction is from

chamber nozzle toward engine injector.

The chamber is instrumented t o measure chamber and coolant pressures

a s well a s coolant inlet and outlet temperature. At the throat section,

the nickel jacket and copper liner temperatures are measured a t four

circumferential stations. Nickel jacket thermocouples are attached

t o the outer wall surface. Copper liner thermccouples are located

nominally a t 0.050 in. (0.127 c m ) from the hot gas side surface,

circumferentially centered w!?hin the liner ribs. One rib temperature

thermocouple was inoperable due to damage during chamber fabrication.

Operatinu Conditions

The fatigue t e s t thrust chamber is a regeneratively cooled hydrogen-

oxygen chamber which is cooled by cold hydrogen near 50 R (28'~)
6 2
inlet temperature and 1066 psia ( 7 . 3 5 ~ 1 0 ~ / m) inlet pressure.

Coolant flow preceeds chamber firing and by-passes the chamber;

thus, producing precool to a uniform temperature near 50 R (28' K).
I - A

Figure 2. Thrust chamber operating cycle.

The thrust chamber pressure pulse is indicated by the solid line curve

in Figure 2, During the chamber s t a r t transient, the chamber pressure

is increased t o 610 psia (4.21 x 106 N/m 2) in a 2.25 second interval.

The s t e p transient start is required by facility limits, Measured

thrust force d u r i n ~the 2.0 second operating phase w a s 4686 lbs. (20840 N).

Thrust chamber shutdown occurs over a 1.7 5 sc:';ond interval. The

hydrogen coolant bypass flow is maintained for the 2.1 second period

between pulses. The test chamber w a s subjected t o pulse trains

consisting of one t o eleven pulses of the type described.

6 2
Combustion g a s conditions a t the throat station a r e 347 psia (2.39 X 10 N/m )
0 0
static pressure and 6143 R (3413 K) adiabatic wall temperature. Coolant

temperature and pressure a t the throat during steady s t a t e firing a r e

6 2
1 3 2 ' ~ (73'~) and 1045 psia (7.21 x 10 N / m )respectively.
The measured temperature response a t the chamber throat is depicted

by the dashed line curve ( A T) in Figure 2. The value A T represents

the difference between the measured copper liner temperature and t h e

nickel jacket outer wall temperature. During the engine start transient 8

the copper liner heats a t a greater rate than the low ci:nductivity

nickel jacket. After the copper has reached steady state temperature,

the nickel approaches steady state conditions; thus, generating the

thermal overshoot in Figure 2. A similar cooling overshoot occurs

during thrust chamber shutdown.

The thrust chamber was tested a t the operating conditions previously

described for pulse trains of 1,1,1,1,5,4,3,11,1,2,3,5,3,2 pulfies

each for a total of forty-three cycles. Visual inspection afte-, .

forty-third pulse revealed a thru-crack from the coolant passa, :;,the

combustion chamber interior a t the chamber throat. The thru-crack

probably occured on the thirty-ninth cycle when a change in the t e s t

cell noise pattern was perceived.

It should be noted that geometric changes were observed along the

combustion chamber length a s the t e s t program progressed, coolant

channel bulging and surface roughening of the hot gas side copper

surface occurred. These effects were apparent after only a few cycles

of testing. Associated with these changes, the thermal characteristics

of the engine were altered, and the measured copper temperature levels
showed a gradual increase with each successive firing.


It is well known that fatigue life depends on the cyclic strain range

magnitude. One could compute the strain range for each loading

cycle using the RETSCP program, Reference 1 , and determine the

amount of fatigue damage by applying the linear cummulative damage

law, Reference 2. In th, mterest of computional practicality, the

strain analysis is based on a set of typical or average material properties.

Finite Element Model

The RETSCP strain analysis employed the thirty-four element model

of t h e copper chamber throat section shown in Figure 3. The cross

section shown is one of 120 similar symmetry sections. Each element

has the same thickness of 0.010 in. (0.025 cm) in the z - direction.
Of course, the throat station w a s chosen for analysis since it is the

location of the extreme thermal condition.

The number of elements was selected t o adequately represent the

structure, More elements were used i n locations where large changes

in strain and temperature are expected; for example, near the hot g a s

side surface. It w a s noted in Reference 1, that the RETSCP program

is based on a n isoparametric element; and thus, few elements a r e

required t o model the structure.

(O., .340)




(o., .121)
L044,. 1211

(x, Y )
Coordinates in
with nodes at-
Program 31
Even nodes at
z =0.01 in
(0.025 c m )

(a) Geometry and Element


Figure 3. Finite element mode

Boundary conditions i n the RETSCP program a r e i n t h e form of prescribed

nodal point forces or nodal point displacements. The symmetry of the

34 - element model was previously noted. The corresponding boundary

condition is zero displacement of boundary points normal to t h e symmetry

plane, and free movement of nodal points in t h e radial direction. This

condition is indicated by t h e roller notation i n Figure 4. The symmetry

condition along t h e 3 surface is accommodated by a coordinate

transformation within the RETSCP program.

The surfaces exposed t o the coolant and combustion g a s s e s experience

prescribed force i n the direction normal t o t h e surface. The pressure

is replaced by force components at e a c h nodal point a s indicated in

Figure 4. Each point carries load from adjacent pressure surfaces.

Of course, t h e force components on the combustion surface a r e zero

for engine-off conditions.

The boundary conditions in t h e z - direction require s p e c i a l consideration.

A very thin section is taken a t t h e throat, s o that t h e rocket engine

contour curvature c a n be neglected. That is, constant thickness elements

a r e used. Under load, t h e section remains plane; and a l s o , t h e total

load on the section is equal t o t h e engine thrust load. This corresponds

t o t h e generalized plane strain condition.

Symmetry plane Symmetry plane


Combustion Gas Pressure Force

Figure 4 . Force and displacement (symmetry) boundary

Recall that in the RETSCP program, either forces or displacements are

prescribed a t the nodal points. In this c a s e , we prescribe zero

displacement of a l l points on one f a c e , and a single displacement

value for a l l points on the opposite face. Since the nodal point forces

are output by the RETSCP program, we make a posteriori check that

the sum of the forces in the z - direction equals the thrust force.
If not, the z - displacement is adjusted and the process repeated.

The initial displacement estimate is based on the generalized plane

strain equation applied to the nickel closeout structure; namely,

Reference 4 , (Symbols are defined in Appendix A)

Stresses in the y- direction are neglected. The x - s t r e s s i n the

nickel is approximated by the pressure hoop s t r e s s . That value is

adjusted due t o the thermal expansion force exerted by the copper liner

in the hoop direction. The copper is a t yield s t r e s s conditions.

Similarly, the z - s t r e s s is approximated by the axial thrust s t r e s s

which is corrected due to the force exerted by the copper in the axial

direction a t yield s t r e s s conditions. The computed strain is then

converted t o displacement, and adjusted by the average thermal growth

of the nickel to give the initial prescribed displacement estimate.

i Thus, the terms in equation (1) are:

* .
+ [internal
][ throat
+ l v e r a g e copper
yield stress
copper radial thickness
a t coolant pas-sage
u =

a n 0
[nickel radial thickness
I: Y

a = t
s t + [average copper
yield stress

ILnickel cross
copper cross
sectional area
sectional area]

In principle, the above procedure will lead to a consistent s e t of results

with the proper axial force solution. In the c a s e of the copper chamber,
the copper strain behavior is s o dominated by the thermal growth, that

the small axial displacement value has little effect. Thus, correction of

the initial guess value is not warranted; and, although the stress field in
1 the nickel may be somewhat erronious, the strain range of the copper

liner is not effected.


Temperature Distribution

A complete thermal analysis was performed for the regeneratively cooled

copper combustion chamber. The calculation of heat transfer coefficients,
overall heat balance, and coolant properties was performed by NASA and

is furnished data.

Transient heat conduction temperature distributions were computed for an

89 node model of the configuration shown in Figure 3 , by using a


finite difference computer program. Based on t h e computer output,

interpolation w a s used to obtain t h e average temperature for e a c h

of t h e 34 finite elements, Figure 3.

The predicted temperature v a l u e s , corresponding to the measurement

locations, showed excellent agreement with t h e values measured

during t h e first few c y c l e s of testing. As previously noted, t h e

measured temperature values showed a gradual increase a s testing

progressed. Thus , the temperature distributions were recomputed

with input boundary conditions such that results would agree with

temperature values from t h e twentieth test cycle. The twentieth cycle

is approximately one half of t h e chamber life; and, is thus assumed

t o represent average or typical conditions. Input conditions were

selected in the program such that computed r e s u l t s agreed with t h e

thermocouples i n the copper liner. Measured values on t h e nickel

were somewhat lower than the recomputed values which indicated that

convection t o t h e surroundings and a x i a l conduction heat transfer

were significant. The nickel elements were further adjusted t o

account for t h i s deviation.

The NASA furnished s e t s of temperature data for the finite element model

are listed in Table I, for t h e four critical points of the operating

cycle indicated in Figure 2; that is; (a) precool-intercool, (b) start

transient peak overshoot, (c) steady state chamber firing, and

(d) cooldown transient peak overshoot. Sample results, taken from

the four s e t s of 34 temperature difference values are shown in Figure 5.

Note that the maximum temperature value is 1 4 9 3 (829'

~ ~ K) which
corresponds t o the temperature difference of 993 R (552' K) , which

occurs during the steady s t a t e chamber firing. Temperature differences

in Table I and Figure 5 are in units ( OR) suitable for the RETSCP program.
FOR TWENTIETH TEST CYCLE (T ref = 5 0 0 ' ~ ) .


1 -450.
2 -450.
3 -450.
4 -450.
5 -450.
6 -450.
7 -450.
8 -450.
9 -450.
10 -450.
11 -450.
12 -450.
13 -4 50.
14 -450.
15 -450.
16 -450.
17 -450.
18 -450.
19 -450.
20 -450.
21 -450.
22 -450.
23 -450.
24 -4 SO.
25 -450.
26 -450.
27 -450.
28 -450.
29 -450.
30 -4 50.
31 -450.
32 -450.
33 -450.
34 -450.

*Note: Values are in OR ( 1 . 8 x K) which is suitable unit for RETSCP.

(b) s t a r t 0
state 413
overs hoot firing
56 8
830 776 893 841
9 9 *
9 * * a
951 896 864

-450 -45C

-262 %-450
cooldown 0
(a) precool-
transient -27$ intercool -450
overshoot -288 -4 5C

-450 -450 -
-303 -3oc

-e e *
-450 -450 -450

Figure 5. Computed temperature difference

(ATIT-T r e f ) for twentieth t e s t c y c l e (T ref = 5 0 0 ~ ~ ) .
Values a r e in OR (1.8 x OK) which is suitable unit for RETSCP.
Material P r o ~ e r t i e s

Materials properties a r e input as functions of temperature in t h e RETSCP

program. Also, RETSCP plasticity a n a l y s i s is b a s e d on bi-linear

reprePentation of t h e uniaxial test s t r e s s strain curve. It is well known

t h a t materials s u c h a s OFHC copper, work harden, or work soften, or

harden then soften upon plastic strain cycling, Reference 5.

Experimentally determined s t r e s s -strain curves a r e seldom available

a s functions of temperature and the number of strain c y c l e s . Thus, it

is n e c e s s a r y t o constnict stress-strain curves based on theory together

with the b e s t available experimental data.

I t turns out t h a t for plastic behavior, the true stress-true strain curve

appears a s a nearly straight line when plotted on logarithmic coordinates,

Reference 6. Room temperature data for annealed OFHC copper, Reference 7 ,

is presented by t h e open c i r c l e s in Figure 6. Other curves were constructed

c.nd a r e shown in Figure 6 , based on t h e 0.2 % offset yield s t r e s s , and t h e

ultimate tensile s t r e s s at 40% strain which is assumed t o correspond t o

t h e s t a r t cf necking for annealed OFHC copper a s reported in Reference 8.

These data a l l apply for virgin material.

The c y c l i c stress-strain curve, Reference 9 , h a s great value for strain

c y c l e calcu!ations. Such curves a r e constructed with t h e aid of fatigue

test data. The t e s t strain range, together with t h e measured s t r e s s range

which occurred a t one-half the number of c y c l e s t o failure, defines a

point on t h e c y c l i c stress-strain curve.

The cyclic stress-strain curve for annealed OFHC copper, shown in. Figure 6 ,
is based on copper fatigue test data. Reference 10. a t 1 0 0 0 (538
~ ~ C)

(closed circles). The effect of cyclic work hardening is quite clear

(about 30%). Since strain hardening of copper occurs in the first few

cycles, work hardening is accounted for by using the cyclic s t r e s s strain


The stress-strain data a r e replotted in Figure 7 for strain values up to 3%.

The plastic portion of the curves were constructclrd directly from Figure 6.

The pre-yield portion of the curves, in Figure 7 , are faired curves to

smoothly connect the linear e l a s t i c curve, based on modulus, t o the

plasticity data. The cyclic data in Figure 7 shows 30% hardening

(stress increase over virgin material) a t 3% strain.

Cyclic s t r e s s strain curves a t other temperatures were constructed by

increasing the s t r e s s 30% a t 3% strain and redrawing the curve to the

same shape. Results are shown by the dash line curves i n Figure 8.

The bi-linear representations, which were used for the rocket chamber

strain calculation, a r e shown by the solid lines in Figure 8. Stress-strain

data a t intermediate temperature values is camputed within the program

by linear interpolation between the values shown in Figure 8.

Note, that for small elasto-plastic strain values (less than 0.5%), the

bi-linear approximations in Figure 8 d o not approximate the actual curve

very well. Thus, a set of bi-linear curves for strains up to 0.5% were
Yield s t r e s s a t -320'~ (-195 C ), Reference 11
Yield stress a t room tempe~ature,Reference 10
Stress -psi Yield stress a t 1000°F (538%), Reference 10
N / ~ ~ )
Stress a t Nf/2 for straln shown, at
1 0 0 0 (538%),
~~ Reference 10


/ --' ---.-
-- cyclic
/ - -

1 0 0 0 (~ ~ 3 8 ~ ~ )
(344 7)

0 I Percent
1 2 strain

Figure 7. Stress-strain curves for OFHC copper

35,000 v



Stress - psi
(10-4 ~ / m
2, I

0 1
2 J
Figure 8 . Bi-linesr cyclic stress-strain curves for OFHC copper
up t o 3 percent strain .
-2 5-
Stress p s i
(1o ' ~x ~ / 2,m

Percent Strain

Figure ? . Bi-linear c y c l i c stress-strain curve for OFHC copper

up to 0 . 5 percent strain.
constructed, and are presented in Figure 9. Sl ecit. ally, these curves

were used in the analysis for element number 7,8,9 and 10. The

applicability of this strain level for thos.? element? will be apparent later.

A summary of a l l data used in the RETSCP program for the CFHC copper combustion

chamber is given in Table 11.

Structural Analysis

First, l e t u s qualitatively examine the structural behavior of the combustion

chamber as it is subjected to operating conditions and thermal loading

such as depicted in Figure 2 and 5.

0 0
The chamber is initially subjected t o a 50 R (28 K) precool temperature in

combination with the coolant pressure load. Since the copper has s larger

coefficient of thermal expansion (contraction) than the nickel, precool

tensile s t r e s s e s result in the copper and precool compressive s t r e s s e s

are induced in the nickel jacket. The high strength nickel jacket is

sufficiently massive t o remain elastic; however, the copper s t r e s s l e v 4

may be high enough that yielding of the copper occurs.

Upon heating t o the start transient peak overshoot level, the sitrlation

is reversed. The large amount of thermal growth of the copper liner

generates plastic compressive deformation. The nickel structure behaves

elastically in tension t o resist the chamber pressure hoop loading.



English Metric
Units Units
Thermal Expansion Coefficient:

Modulus of Elasticity:
Nickel 3 0 . 0 ~ 1 0+6 p s i
Copper-cold 1 6 . 6 ~ 1 0 ' ~p s i
Copper-hot 10.0x10+~ p s i

Poisson's Ratio:

Yield Stress: ((=,Uo

l , -At T)
Nickel 55,000 psi
Nickel 0.
Copper Large -hot
Strain ( 0 0 ) 9,200 p s i
Copper Large Strain ( 11)
-hot 4.63 p s i p ~
Copper Small Strain ( a o )
-hot 6,000 p s i
Copper Small -hot
Strain ( X I ) 2.63 p s i / O ~
Copper Large Strain ( ao )
-cold 17,700 psi
Copper Large Strain ( X I )
-cold 0.
Copper Small Strain ( a0 )
-cold 11,000 p s i
Copper Small Strain ( XI )
-cold 0.
-3 )iTxlO -6
Plastic Modulus Ratio: (m=moxl 0
Copper Large Strain ( mo) -hot
Copper Large Strain ( X, ) -hot
Copper Small Strain ( mo) -hot
Copper Small Strain ( ) -hot
Copper Large Strain (mo ) -cold
Copper Large Strain ( X2 ) -cold
Copper Small Strain ( m o ) -cold
Copper Small Strain ( k ) -cold
Nickel (mo)
Nickel ( k )
The stress-strain condition a t steady state chamber firing may introduce a

variety of effects. Just a s the nickel-to-coppr r temperature difference :s

relaxed; so is the thermal strain level relaxed. The important p0ir.t 's that

this relaxation takes place along the elastic line. This point will be

illustrated later. The strain relaxation may terminate either with t . nsile

or compressive elastic s t r e s s e s in the copper; or, relaxation may be

sufficiently grsat to generate tensile plastic deformation.

The cooldown transient peak overshoot corresponds to the maximum strain

s t a t e under cold conditions. A s the chamber returns t o uniform intercool

conditions, 5 0 ' ~ (28'~) with coolant pressure loading, relaxation type

behavior will again be exhibited.

The second test cycle will produce similar qualitative behavior with two

major differences. First, the residual strain values, for a l l segments of

the cycle, will differ from the first loading cyc!e. Second, the material

will have work hardened a s a result of deforming plastically. A few loading

cycles will "shake-down" the effect of the residual strain starting point.

Also, strain hardening of the copper will diminish after a few cycles,

Reference 12 and 13. For the present calculation, work hardening is not

accounted for on a cycle by cycle basis; rather, hardening is included

through the use of cyclic s t r e s s strain data. Thus, a repeatable hysteresis

strain cycle will eventually be established. It is noteworthy, that, the

maximum strain range for any cycle will be determined by the peak t o peak

variations in nickel-to-copper temperature difference.

RETSCP Prosram Execution
The detailed copper chamber strain c y c l e w a s computed using t h e 34

element model shown in Figure 3. In the a b s e n c e of c y c l e b y - c y c l e

strain hardening d a t a , t h e c y c l i c stress-strain curves presented in

Figures 8 and 9 , and d i s c u s s e d previously, were employed. Otht.

input material properties a r e listed i n Table 11. Pressure h d s .~ci

boundary conditions correspond t o Flyure 4. Thermal loads were

based on t h e twentieth c y c l e temperatur:? differences given in Table I

and Figure 5. Thus, t h e calculated strain c y c l e corresponds to a n

average or typical test cycle.

Each computer run c o n s i s t s of strain a n a l y s i s based on one s e t of

operating conditions together with one s e t of prestrain data. The

calculation Eta& by introducing t h e precool condition (a) from Table I

together with cold material properties data and zero chamber pressure.

The RETSCP program output c o n s i s t s of a stress-strain listing plus

punch card residual strain data for e a c h element. The punch cards a r e

entered with condition (b) temperature in Table I; a n d , using t h e hot

material properties data and maximum chamber pressure v a l u e s , the

heating transient part of the strain c y c l e is computed. Again, punch

card residual strain data is output for subsequent calculations.

A typical set of input data for t h e chamber strain a n a l y s i s is given in

Appendix B. The particular d a t a is for the transient heating condition

(b), see Reference 1 for d a t a card content and format.

Input for other conditions is similar t o that listed in Appendix B.

For the RETSCP program, a secant modulus plasticity iteration,

Reference 1, is performed within each run. Five such iterations

were required for convergence of a l l elements with the bi-linear

stress-strain curves. Total computing time for each run was 27

minutes on the IBM 7094 computer.


A typical computed effective stress-effective strain diagram is shown

in Figure 10 for a specific ?lement; namely element 34, which is the

element a t the hot gas side surface beneatn the rib, with temperature

differences designated (864, 930, -300, -450) in Figure 5. Figure 10

depicts six strain loop calculations. The aforementioned effect of

different pre-strain values on successive loop results i s apparent. The

net effect of strain hardening is automatically included by the use of

cyclic-stress strain data. The important point i s that a stable hysteresis

loop is achieved which is representative of the strain range for that

particular element on the twentieth cycle of thrust chember operation.

Referring to Figure 10, consider the detailed behavior of that particular

element. Initial pre-cooling of the virgin material produces tensile

yielding to the point (a). During the start transient, yielding occurs

a t a lower yield s t r e s s , point (b) , corresponding to the elevated

material temperature. The transient peak strain corresponds to point

(c) on the curve.

Now, a s the temperature difference is relaxed and steady s t a t e is

achieved, the stress relaxes along the elastic line from (c) toward (d),

In f a c t , for the particular element being examined, the strain relaxation

is sufficient t o produce a very slight amount of tensile yielding a t the

hot conditions (such a s the point d o ) . The cooldown transient results in

the tensile s t a t e , point (e). Cycling continues between these temperature

limits; and, it is the magnitude of the stable strain range, such a s

betw~rtnpoints (f) and (g) , which will later be used t o predict fatigue life.

Stress-strain cycles are shown in Figure 11, 12, and 13 for elements

15, 17, and 30 respectively. Behavior similar to element 34 can be

identified. The convergence t o a stable s t r e s s strain cycle is

demonstrated in Figure 14. The peak strain values for each of the four

elements 15, 17, 30, and 34 is plotted versus the calculation loop

number. Note, that a constant value of strain range i s approached for

each element.

Sample output from the RETSCP program is given in Appendix C . Data

from the hot and cold transient overshoots is given since these are

limiting points of the strain cycle. The nodal point displacements

(inches) and the yield data summary (inches/inch or psi where applicable)

are given for both parts of the cycle.

Element 34
o Element 30
+ Element 17
Peak x Element 15
Strain c min

+ - - -- T
I E ma%* Calculation

0 . "- - $x4,3<-- I
3 '4 5 ' 6 7 1 8 w


E min.

Figure 14. Strain range convergence .

The strain range is determined a s follows: the difference between the

total and plastic strains for the cooling cycle is the elastic strain,

corresponding to the line 3-4 at the top of Figure 14. Thus, the

effective strain range for the element, is the total strain from the heating

half cycle 4-5-6 8 plus the cooling elastic strain 3-4.

The effective strain range distribution, at the combustion chamber

nozzle throat, is presented in Figure 15. It is obvious that large strains

in the copper liner are associated with regions of high temperatures.

Also, as expected, the nickel closeout jacket behaves as an elastic structure.

Note, that the peak strain range location does not coincide with the

peak temperature location. That is apparently due to the effect of

coolant-to-chamber pressure differential. From elastic plate theory,

pressure loading at run conditions would increase compression on the

coolant side and relieve compression on the chamber side, along the

line (i) - (ii) i n Figure 15. Thus, the incompressibility of plastlc strains

increases the strain magnitudes toward the liner rib along the hot wall,

point (iii) in Figure 15.

By extrapolation (cross plots of the strains at the element centers) to the hot wall

surface, the maximum strain range is 2.46%, at point (iii) in Figure 15,
where the maximum copper temperature is 970 F ( 521°c). Strain range

values are generally between 2.0 and 2.5 percent throughout the hot

portion of the copper liner.

element with ---:
peak temperature 1 4 9 3 ' ~ (€329'~)
'z (iii)
element with pear
strain range
Figure 15. Effective strain ranye distribution (%) at nozrle throat.

The strain range r e s u l t s , which a r e t h e b a s i s of the life estimate,

depend on the extremes of the operating cycle. Intermediate points

of t h e cycle may, i n certain c a s e s , be equally important i n determining

engine life. It w a s previously noted, that s t r e s s relaxation following

the s t ~ transient,
t could lead t o t e n s i l e hold strain under hot conditions.

This phenomena is quite damaging according t o the strain range

partitioning method, Reference 14. Damage of t h i s type is related t o

run time, Reference 19. For t h i s particular c a s e , run times a r e small

(total accumulated run time less than 80 seconds) and t h e t e n s i l e hold

strains are a l s o small. Thus, the important point here is that t h e

program has the ability t o predict such hot t e n s i l e hold strains.

As a n example, distributions of t h e hoop s t r e s s component within

the copper a r e shown in Figure 16. The extremes of t h e c y c l e

corresponding t o the hot and cold transients are s h o m by the solid

lines in Figure 16. Stress distributions a t steady run conditions a r e

indicated by the shaded area under the d a s h line curves. A s anticipated,

the s t r e s s relaxation is sufficient t o produce hot tensile hold s t a t e s .


Rediction of chamber 1.. e is made by using the computed

. - ~ u life

maximum effective strain range value in conjunction with uniaxial

fatigue test data. A fatigue damage law is used to relate the actual

operating c y c l e to uniaxial test conditions.

Material R o ~ e r t i e s

Typical low-cycle fatigue experimental data for OFHC copper, at

room temperature is shown by the open circle in Figure 1 7 , Reference 12.

This data is compared with t h e well known Universal slope^ life

p r e d i c a ~ i o n(c f Reference 15); namely,

where, the ultimate tensile strength ('u ), modulus of elasticity (E)

and reduction in area (RA) a r e based on the short term tensile t e s t .

The comparison not only shows the applicability of the Universal Slopes

method; but, a l s o indicates the degree of scatter which is associated

with fatigue t e s t results.

Now, for elevated t e s t temperatures, the Universal Slopes prediction

is modified, Reference 16. First, equation $2) is based on the short

term properties a t the elevated temperature. Then, t o account for

reduced life a t elevated temperature, the "average" life is defined a s

one-fifth of the value !n equation (2 ) , Nf /5.

- This prscedure was based

on comparison with a great deal of experimental data. Universal Slopes

average life is compared, in Figure 17, with isothermal fatigue t e s t data

for OFHC copper a t 1 0 0 0 (~ ~~ 3 8 ~ ~ ) .

Total Strain
hct (%I

C y c l e s to Failure, Nf

Figure 17. Isothermal fatigue of annealed OFHC copper.

The above sets of data a r e based on isothermal fatigue. That is,

mechanically produced strain a t a constant temperature. Thermal

fatigue test data is obtained by thermal strain cycling between two

temperature limits. This type of data w a s obtained for a zirconium-

copper a l l o y , which w a s thermally cycled between 5 0 0 ' ~ (260 C)

and 1 0 0 0 ~
~ Reference 17. For t h e s e conditions, fatigue

life w a s lower than for isothermal testing a t either of t h e temperature

extremes. Other factors may have been involved i n t h i s life degradation.

For t h e present work, t h e OFHC copper chamber fatigue life will b e

based 3n t h e 1 0 0 0 (538'~)
~ ~ d a t a shown in Figure 17 (dash line curve).

Fatiuue Damase

The linear cummulative damage law, Reference 2 , is useful when t h e

loading produces varying strain range values. According t o that l a w ,

if nj and nk c y c l e s a r e applied a t conditions for which t h e fatigue life

would b e N and N respectiveiy; then, t h e damage is accumulated

i fk

linearly a s follows:

Failure occurs when the cumulated damage totals unity.

For the c a s e a t hand, mean or typical loading conditions a r e assumed.

Thus, the fatigue life is obtained directly from t h e material fatigue

test data. Had t h e strain calculation been performed for various loading

conditions; t h e life would b e computed using equation (3). It w a s a l s o

noted t h a t , for t h e copper test chamber, experimental run times were

small. Thus, creep or hold time effects a r e negligable. When t h i s

is not the c a s e , a method for incorporating hold time e f f e c t s , such

a s t h e strain range partitioning method, Reference 1 4 , is employed.

Much work h a s been done in t h e area of fatigue damage, along both

the experimental and analytical l i n e s . The topic is touched on

briefly here only t o indicate how a n accurate loading spectrum would

be treated. Also, a precautionary remark is included, that engine

firing hold time is critical t o t h e operating life.


Recall that the maximum value of effective strain range for the

twentieth t e s t c y c l e of t h e copper chamber w a s 2.46% a t t h e hot

wall centered under the rib. Based on t h e isothermal fatigue data

a t 1000 F ( 5 3 8 O ~ ) ,d a s h line i n Figure 1 7 , the predicted fatigue life

for the copper chamber is 8 0 c y c l e s . The point represented by t h e

copper chamber life (39 c y c l e s ) , and the maximum strain value for

the twentieth c y c l e , is indicated by x in Figure 17.


A detailed life a n a l y s i s w a s conducted for a configuration and loading

conditions which correspond directly t o actual thrust chamber test

conditions. In this manner a direct comparison of predicted and

obsewed fatigue life is possible.

The analysis approximates the operating cycle by a succession of

quasi-steady s t a t e s . Thus, actual points within a c y c l e , and cycle

t o cycle variations c a n be identified. For example, this is the first

known computation of tensile hold strain a t hot engine t e s t conditions.

Hold t i m e strain damage analysis was not performed s i n c e total hold

time at steady s t a t e run conditions was less than 80 seconds for t h i s

particular chamber. However, for other configurations with longer

t e s t firings, hot tensile hold periods could be quite damaging a s predicted

by the strain range partitioning method.

The mathematical representation of the OFHC copper loading spectrum

could be improved as follows: Calculate the strain-cycle a t thermal

conditions corresponding t o the start and end of the t e s t program; for

example, cycles five and forty. Account for cycle by cycle strain

hardening (isotropic or kinematic hardening) until hardening is sufficient

that cyclic stress-strain data is applicable. Use the linear-cummulative

damage law with the individual s e t s of strain data t o predict life.

Geometric changes such a s coolant passage bulging, and the bulging

effect on heat transfer, could a l s o be included in such a n analysis.

finally, the full three-dimensional capabilities of the RETSCP program

could be exploited. For example, axial curvature a t the throat, with

the resulting change in boundary constraint, could be modeled.

Also, axial temperature distribution could be included. It is suspected

that axial strain relief would be indicated by both of these three-

dimensional phenomena.

It i s the author's opinion that analytical refinements, such a s those

extended in this report and those proposed in the concluding remarks,

not only produce more accurate life estimates; but a l s q lead to greater

understanding of the structural behavior of reusuable rocket engines.

Fatigue damage fraction

Modulus of elasticity

Plastic modulus ratio

Plastic modulus ratio at reference temperature

Universal slopes cycles to failure

Number of cycles to failure


Chamber pressure

Reduction i n area


Thrust chamber run time

Cartesian coordinates

Total strain range

Strain (effective)

Stress (effective)

Yield stress

Yield stress at reference temperature

Poisson's ratio

Yield stress slope with temperature (Ao /AT)

Plastic modulus slope with temperature (Am/AT)
The following input listings are from the hot transient overshoot

portion of the test c y c l e . The data are input from the sixth

calculation loop. The data are included a s programming guidelines.

For complete description of input data and format see Reference 1 .

OCIG'C- C S Z i *C C'PlC'C
'G CSZC'L i9li0F
'0 Gq7C-C 'C
CGlC'C- GC£C*C Rh3C'i
'6 CSFC0C kb9G.C
OGlO.0- GSE0.C i95C0C
'6 G5EC'C iQ50'3
CCIC'C- CSEO'i iS'rC'i
'C G S C G .C ic'P0't
OG10'0- GqEG'C C'PTO'C
'C G 5 F G 'C i'P1C*3
'0 C 5 C C 'G 'C
OCIC'C- CCSC'G 9 i . L G'G
'6 iC5C'C 9CL C 'i
GClG'O- 0G40°C C'WG'C
'0 CCSC'C C94G0i
CCIL'C- CCSC'C L ' r * i .C
OO1G'O- GCR0.C 6 9 5 0 *i
GGlO'O- GLBC 'C Lf+i0C
'0 GCBO*C 0'6
0 4. G C 1 1 'C R E L C *i
'6 GCII'C C f * C'C
OG1Ci'O- OCST'C 0 S L C 'C
'0 GCSI'C hSL5.G
CCIC'C- OCS1'C c9s0-c
'0 00s 1'0 GoSG'G
0010'G- GCS1'0 G+*O'C
0c10-0- OOSI'G 'C;
'0 O G S 1 'C '
'0 OO€Z'C 1000'0
0010'0- O C E Z'G G9SC00
'6 CCCZ-c C9SC°C
oc10-0- O O E z '0 G**O'O
'0 OGtZ'O C**O'C
'5 OOEZ'C '0
0010'0- BLEE'C 6S80mC
'0 BLEC'C 6586 'C
0010'0- 9BE€'G 09S0°0
'0 9 8 E E 'G 0 9 S G '0
00T0*0- b8ES'C C*SC*C
'0 68EE'O o,*o '0
0010'0- 'C
-0 '0 '0- I
ocoe0a occc -0 GGCO-CCOOGOOI
002 C* 9 CCGL'LII CCC9'Z CCCC ' C C C 9
0008-6 OOEE -0 oooo~oo~oaoo~
OGO~-EE 000~*1+ GCE~** CCCC*CCZ~
Z C 1 16 w
C 6 6 L +€
(iL L 9 6 2
99 sc; *Z
*C €9 61
23 I€ +I
C€ 11 01
91 6 9
8 I E
0010'0- 81OC'O- C89C.C
'G SIGG'G- G 9 S G *G
OOTC'C- 7100'C- CS60'C
'C ZlCC'C- G**C°C
OCIG'O- 8COO'G- Cb73'C
'0 BCCC'C- L b Z C 'C
CC1C'C- *CCC*i- C+TC'G
'0 *GGO0G- CfIt'C
CCl0'0- 'C C'
'C 'C ct
'0 CSCC'C C89C.C
cc1c-c- GSCC'C C**C C
'C C S i C 'C C'l+i0C
GC19'C- OSCC'C i9TC'i
'G O S C G OG i315'G
O O I C'C- GSii'C bR93.i
'0 GGIC'C (1BIC'i
G C l G'C- CSlC'C C9GCSii
'G C S I G 'C L9SC.C
'0 CSIO'G Gb?O'C*
'C C~lC'C C310'C
CSZC'C f 69i '
GGIO'C- OSZO 'C c 33c-C:
'0 CSfC'C C+3G'C
'0 OSZO'C C6ZG00
i 3 l a d 62S*HOA
VOR4528 P R I C E
0 C, c‘ 0 O h 0 C' OC .-I0 h
oo c' 0 o I- on no CI 3 o
00 F0 00 0 0 00 0 CI 0
on c' I- 01- 0 0 0 0 no 0
00 rn a o I- 00 OC, 00 C,

zz c'o
m o
0 0
o '3
0 0
n I-
n CI
oc' o
* * . * * . . . * . * ~ ~ * * * . ~ . * * * * * * ~ * ~ * * * m * . . . * * * ~ * * * * * * * * * * * * *
o o a o n o m m ~ o o h o o m m o ~ o o ~ 0 0 m o 0 ~ n m m 0 ~ , 0 ~ m m ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
1 1 1 1 l l 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 l l 1 1 I I l l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l ! l l l l l l l l l l l l l
99E0°0- '0 E*
-0 5160'0 8E
'C 4160'0 l€
'6 89s 1'0 ZE
'0 8% 1 '0 1€
'0 6281'0 92
'C 6281 '0 sz
0411'0 4*01 '0 02
O 4 l l '0 Sf01 '0 61
CS11'C G' 81
OStl'0 '0 L1
00000000'€- '0 '0 0 1 0 ZOT
00000000'€- 'C '0 C 1 3 ICT
'0- 'O- '0 - 0 1 T 001

- 0



6 6
'0- '0- '0- 0 1 1 9 6
'G- '0 'C C . 1 1 4 6
'0- 'O-
- 0
'0- '0- '0 C I C 2 6
*C- -0 '0 0 1 0 1 6
00000000'E- '0 0 0 0 0 6
00000000'E- '0 '0 C 1 0 6 8
'C- '0-
- C
C 1
1 8
'0- .a-
- 3
l T
1 9
'0- -0- '0
- 0
f 8
'0- '0
'C- 06- 'G - 0 1 K 2 8 &

'0 - 0
0 1
8 ~



06- 'C-
- L 1
O 1 1 S L
1 9 L
'0- '0- C' - C * L
'6- 'C 'C C I E L
o 0- *G- '0- C I Z L
-0- 'G '0 C. 1 1 1 L
'C- 'C- sir- i 1 1 O L
'G G I 1 6 9
'C -
'0- '0- 0 1 0 8 9
-0- '6 'i i I O L 9
CGGCGCCG*€- -0- '0
- i t
t . 1 0 4 9
0 9 9
00000000'E- *G
.*a-- -

f 9
'G- 'G 'il G I 1 1 9
'C- 'G- 'G- G T O 9
OO- '0 '0 6 1 1 6 s
'G- '0- '0- 0 1 1 8 %
'G- 'L '0 C 1 1 L S
'0- '0- '0 - C 1 J 9 S
'6- '0 -0 0 1 O S S
331Ud B Z S * I G A
The following data from the hot and cold transient overshoots i s

given s i n c e these are limiting points of the strain c y c l e . The

nodal point displacements (inches) and the yield data summary

(inches/inch or p s i where applicable) are given for both parts

of the c y c l e .
. . ..
m N
sr-m m 9
*N N NI-
N 0N
NNU mm

m 9

Y q t l 4 5 2 t PRICE

Cold Transient Overshoot - Condition (dl - Sixth CalcuLatlon Loop.

56 0. -0. 25970243E-02
57 O13C92J059E-04 -0125427761E-C2
58 0 13WZF3OlE.O+ -0025427763E-02
S9 0069855956E-04 -0.23828126E-02
60 O06S85f Pe7E-04 - 0 0238 28132E-02
C1 0.55957443E-05 -0.22707196E-C2
CZ 0 1 5 5 9 5 ? 3 ? 1E-05 -0.22707189E-02
63 -0.49624C,47E-O4 -0022860422E-02
64 -0.456245tiE-04 -O.Z286C427E-02
65 - 0 . 1 2 0 2 1 0 1 4 ~ 0 3 -0.229374702-C2
66 -0 .12021014E-03 -0.22937468E-02
67 -0. -0.2481116%-CZ
68 0- -0.24871161E-02
69 O.9463f 5 7 5 E - 0 4 -0.24297C87E-CZ
70 0.9463tC24E-04 -0.242S7097E-02
71 0.1C775747E-03 -0.23313008E-C2
72 O.lC775137E-03 -0.233 L3CO8E-02
73 0 0 4 7 3 C 4 0 7 1 E - 0 4 -9.22724085E-C2
74 0.473C27CCE-04 -0.22724381E-02
75 -0.3980zet4~-04 -0.22693110~-~~
76 - 0 0 3 5 8 C i 8 t 4 E - 0 4 -0.226S3116E-C2
77 -0.1203t251E-04 -0.2296C544E-C2
78 -0.1203tiSlE-03 -0.2i96tE43E-CZ
, 79 -0. - 0 0 2 3 2 3 8 8 1 tE-C2
80 0. -0.23238815E-C2
7 81 0.1 1676125E-03 -3.231081816-C2
82 0 . l l 6 l t l ? 7 E - O 3 -3.23108214E-02
83 0.1517tCS7E-03 -0.2285497LE-C2
es o.lrl1tcxi~-o3 -o.ztes49st~-oz
85 0.7852'535tE-04 -0.227 55395E-C2
86 0.7eSET4iZE-04 -0.227553StE-CZ
87 -0.1 10 11289E-04 -0.ZZRlO224E-02
en -0.1 10 11C85E-04 -0.2i81022SE-C2
89 -0.12075 1 lOE-03 -0.23048334E-C2
90 - 0 . l Z 3 7 C 117E-03 -0.2'04833tE-02
51 -0. -9.223 55898E-C2
52 0- -0.22355E97t-C2
93 0.12555417~-~3-.0.2240ei2~~-c2
54 0.125LZ4ieE-03 -0.2240815SE-C2
55 0 . 1 5 6 4 1 e l l E - 0 3 -0.225725CCE-C2
96 0.15641eC2E-03 -5.22572512E-C2
57 0.943 2513CE-04 -0.2278CtOCE-CZ
98 0.94325 C36E-04 -0.2i786592C-C2
59 -O.6C*f 5CC4E-C5 -O.ZZ95l 782f-C2
100 -0.6047t437E-05 -C.Z2951785E-C2
1C1 -0.121511'?EE-O3 -0.22265ESJE-C2
1C2 -0.12151135E-03 -0.22265 E95E-C2

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