Lec 1 CG

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Which area of graphics deals with the mathematical specification of shape and appearance properties

in a way that can be stored on the computer?

A) Modeling
B) Rendering
C) Animation
D) User interaction

Which term, inherited from art, deals with the creation of shaded images from 3D computer models?
A) Modeling
B) Rendering
C) Animation
D) User interaction

Which technique is used to create an illusion of motion through sequences of images?

A) Modeling
B) Rendering
C) Animation
D) User interaction

Which aspect of graphics deals with the interface between input devices, application, feedback to the
user, and other sensory feedback?
A) Modeling
B) Rendering
C) Animation
D) User interaction

Which area of graphics attempts to immerse the user into a 3D virtual world?
A) Modeling
B) Rendering
C) Animation
D) Virtual reality

Which area of graphics attempts to give users insight into complex information via visual display?
A) Modeling
B) Rendering
C) Visualization
D) User interaction

Which aspect of graphics deals with the manipulation of 2D images and is used in both graphics and
vision fields?
A) Modeling
B) Rendering
C) Image processing
D) User interaction
Which area of graphics uses range-finding technology to create measured 3D models?
A) Modeling
B) Rendering
C) Image processing
D) 3D scanning

Which field is responsible for modeling the way light interacts with the world?
A) Physics
B) Mathematics
C) Human perception
D) Human computer interaction

Which field is used to describe shape and other things?

A) Physics
B) Mathematics
C) Human perception
D) Engineering

Which field is focused on understanding the visual system and other receptive systems?
A) Physics
B) Human perception
C) Human computer interaction
D) Engineering

Which field is dedicated to understanding how people can best interact with computers?
A) Mathematics
B) Human perception
C) Human computer interaction
D) Engineering

Which field considers the constraints of bandwidth, memory, and processor speed?
A) Physics
B) Mathematics
C) Human perception
D) Engineering

Which field shares the aim of communication?

A) Physics
B) Human perception
C) Human computer interaction
D) Graphic design

What is computer graphics?

A) The science and art of communicating visually via a computer's display and its interaction
B) The process of creating computer-generated images.
C) The study of algorithms used to display and manipulate images on a computer.
D) The design and development of graphics software.

Which direction does the visual aspect of communication usually occur in computer graphics?
A) From computer to human.
B) From human to computer.
C) Both directions equally.
D) It depends on the specific application.

What is the current trend in the human to computer direction in computer graphics?
A) Visual data is flowing back to the computer.
B) Humans are perceiving imagery differently.
C) Interfaces are becoming more complex.
D) Computer vision algorithms are becoming obsolete.

Why is understanding how humans perceive imagery important in graphics program design?
A) It helps improve computer vision algorithms.
B) It allows for more accurate rendering of shapes.
C) It ensures the user interface is user-friendly.
D) It helps reduce the computational cost of graphics programs.

Which fields of knowledge are essential in computer graphics?

A) Perception, physics, mathematics, and engineering.
B) Computer science, art, and psychology.
C) Programming languages, software development, and user experience design.
D) Data analysis, graphic design, and computer hardware.

What tasks are involved in building a graphics application?

A) User interface work, modeling, and rendering.
B) Data analysis, programming, and debugging.
C) User research, prototyping, and testing.
D) Project management, documentation, and maintenance.

What does rendering in computer graphics refer to?

A) The process of creating computer-generated images.
B) The conversion of 2D images to 3D images.
C) The manipulation of images using computer vision algorithms.
D) The interaction between a user and a computer graphics application.

Why is a physical understanding of light important in accurate rendering?

A) It helps create realistic lighting effects.
B) It ensures compatibility with different display devices.
C) It improves the efficiency of rendering algorithms.
D) It allows for real-time rendering of complex scenes.
Which aspect of computer graphics involves making a representation of a shape?
A) Modeling.
B) Rendering.
C) Animation.
D) Simulation.

Which industry often uses sophisticated 3D models and rendering algorithms?

A. Video games
B. Cartoons
C. Visual effects and animated films

How are cartoons often rendered?

A. Directly from 2D models
B. Directly from 3D models
C. Through hand-drawn animation
D. Through stop motion animation

Which industry uses almost all types of computer graphics technology?

A. Video games
B. Cartoons
C. Visual effects and animated films

4. What does CAD/CAM stand for?

A. Computer-aided design and computer-aided modeling
B. Computer-aided drawing and computer-aided manufacturing
C. Computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing
D. Computer-aided drafting and computer-aided modeling

5. Which of the following is NOT an application of computer graphics?

A. Video games
B. Cartoons
C. Visual effects and animated films
D. Medical imaging

What is an image?
A) A physical object or person
B) An artifact that displays and resembles a physical object or person
C) A group of small dots termed as pixel
D) An optical device

What are pixels?

A) 2D or 3D images
B) Natural objects and phenomena
C) Optical devices
D) Small dots that make up an image
Which devices can capture images?
A) Cameras and telescopes
B) Water surfaces and human eye
C) Microscopes and lenses
D) All of the above

What is a digital image?

A) A representation of a 2D image in binary format
B) A physical object
C) A natural phenomenon
D) An optical device

What is the purpose of a lens in image capture?

A) To display images on screens
B) To represent images in binary format
C) To capture images optically
D) To create 3D images
How are images displayed on screens made up?
A) By natural objects and phenomena
B) By a group of small dots called pixels
C) By optical devices
D) By lenses and cameras

What type of images can be captured?

A) 2D images only
B) 3D images only
C) Both 2D and 3D images
D) None of the above

What is the sequence used to represent a digital image?

A) Ones and zeros
B) Letters and numbers
C) Colors and shades
D) Pixels and lines

Which of the following describes raster images?

A) Created with vector software
B) Made up of geometric shapes
C) Created with pixel based programs or captured with a camera or scanner
D) Used in CAD and engineering

What is the purpose of vector images?

A) Applied onto a physical product
B) Used for web graphics
C) Created with pixel based programs
D) Widely used on the internet
Which file formats are commonly associated with raster images?
A) jpg, gif, png
B) svg, eps, ai
C) bmp, tiff, raw
D) docx, pptx, xlsx

In which industries are vector images commonly used?

A) Web development and graphic design
B) Film production and animation
C) CAD, engineering, and 3D graphics
D) Photography and photo editing

How are raster displays characterized?

A) Showing images as geometric shapes
B) Representing images as pixels
C) Listing the shapes contained in the image
D) Displaying images in a rectangular array

Which type of display represents an image as a list of geometric shapes?

A) Raster display
B) Vector display
C) Flat-panel display
D) Television display

Which of the following is true about vector displays?

A) They are commonly used for web graphics
B) They are created with pixel based programs
C) They represent images as pixels
D) They list the geometric shapes in an image

What is the main difference between raster and vector images?

A) Raster images are made up of geometric shapes, while vector images are pixel-based
B) Raster images use file formats like jpg and png, while vector images use svg and eps
C) Raster images are commonly used in CAD and engineering, while vector images are used in web
D) Raster images represent images as pixels, while vector images represent images as a list of
geometric shapes

Which of the following is NOT true about raster images?

A) They are more common in general
B) They can be created with vector software
C) They are widely used on the web
D) They can be captured with a camera or scanner

What type of software is used to create vector images?

A) Pixel based programs
B) CAD software
C) Scanning software
D) Raster software

What is a pixel?
A) A line in a raster image
B) A square in a raster image
C) A single point in a raster image
D) A combination of colors in a raster image

How are pixels typically arranged?

A) In a random pattern
B) In a regular 2D grid
C) In a spiral shape
D) In a triangular formation

How can a pixel be identified?

A) By its color
B) By its size
C) By a pair of integers representing column and row numbers
D) By its shape

How are columns numbered?

A) From top to bottom, starting with zero
B) From left to right, starting with zero
C) From right to left, starting with one
D) From bottom to top, starting with one

How are rows numbered in most graphics systems?

A) From top to bottom, starting with zero
B) From left to right, starting with zero
C) From right to left, starting with one
D) From bottom to top, starting with one

What do row and column numbers identify?

A) A single point in a pixel
B) The color of a pixel
C) The location of a pixel
D) The intensity of a pixel

How many components does each pixel typically have in color systems?
A) One
B) Two
C) Three ( Red , Green , Blue )
D) Four

What is the resolution of a picture based on?

A) The size of the image file
B) The number of pixels in the image
C) The color depth of the image
D) The file format of the image

What can be noticed when viewing an enlarged or zoomed portion of an image?

A) The individual pixels as squares
B) The smoothness of the image
C) The absence of pixels
D) The change in color intensity

What does the intensity of a pixel refer to?

A) The brightness of the pixel
B) The size of the pixel
C) The transparency of the pixel
D) The shape of the pixel

Which of the following statements is true about vector graphics?

A) Images are composed as shapes.
B) Images are composed as pixels.
C) Images flicker when the number of primitives is too large.
D) Scan conversion is not required.

What is a characteristic of vector graphics?

A) Draw continuous and smooth lines.
B) Refresh process is independent of the image complexity.
C) Graphic primitives are specified as endpoints and must be scan converted.
D) Can draw mathematical curves, polygons, and boundaries of curved primitives only by pixel

Which type of graphics occupies less space?

A) Vector graphics
B) Raster graphics
C) Both occupy the same amount of space
D) It depends on the image quality

Which of the following file extensions are commonly associated with vector graphics?

Which type of graphics has a higher cost?

A) Vector graphics
B) Raster graphics
C) Both have the same cost
D) Cost depends on the image quality
Which type of graphics occupies more space?
A) Vector graphics
B) Raster graphics
C) Both occupy the same amount of space
D) It depends on the image quality

What is a characteristic of raster graphics?

A) Draw continuous and smooth lines.
B) Refresh process is independent of the image complexity.
C) Graphic primitives are specified as endpoints and must be scan converted.
D) Can draw mathematical curves, polygons, and boundaries of curved primitives only by pixel

Which of the following file extensions are commonly associated with raster graphics?

Which type of graphics requires scan conversion?

A) Vector graphics
B) Raster graphics
C) Both require scan conversion
D) None of the above

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