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6, JUNE 2018 843

Quaternion Switching Vector Median Filter Based

on Local Reachability Density
Zhiliang Zhu , Lianghai Jin , Enmin Song, and Chih-Cheng Hung

Abstract—Impulse noise detection is important to the restoration including partial differential equation methods [4], wavelet do-
of color images contaminated by impulse noise in switching vector main methods [5], soft-computing techniques [6], [7], and ma-
median filters. To increase detection accuracy, an effective color- chine learning method [8] is also effective to remove color im-
impulse detector is presented. A new color distance metric based
on quaternion theory is proposed. The proposed color distance pulse noise. For more information, the readers are referred to [9].
metric is used to calculate the local density of a color pixel. A hard For color impulse noise, the classical vector filtering tech-
thresholding strategy is used to determine whether a color pixel nique is vector median filter (VMF) [10], which is based on
is corrupted by impulse noise or not (i.e., an outlier). The noisy the reduced aggregated vector distance ordering principle. To
pixels detected will be restored by a weighted vector median filter, enhance the effectiveness of VMF, basic vector directional filter
while the noise-free pixels remain unchanged. The experimental
comparisons show that the proposed algorithm can obtain lower [11] and directional distance filter [12] are proposed. These
false and miss detection rate, and produces better performance in methods use Euclidean distances, angle distances, or mixed
terms of peak signal-to-noise ratio and feature similarity measures, Euclidean-angle distances to measure the distance of two color
compared to other well-known color image filtering methods. vectors. They filter out all pixels in an image, no matter whether
Index Terms—Color images, impulse noise, local reachability the pixels are noisy or not. This will introduce blurred edges
density (LRD), quaternion, vector median filter (VMF). and damage image details. To solve this problem, various kinds
of switching VFs have been proposed, such as fast peer group
I. INTRODUCTION filter for VMF [13], robust switching VMF [14], and switching
weighted VMF (WVMF) [15]. These methods usually contain
OLOR images play a vital role in image processing and
C computer vision [1]. Due to the malfunctions and faults in
camera sensors, transmission exception, and other errors during
two steps: noise detection and removal. The switching methods
only restore the pixels that are identified as noisy in the first step
and thus preserve more details of original images. The effec-
images acquisition, communication, or recording, color images tiveness of the switching filters is closely related to the accuracy
often suffer from the contamination of impulse noise. Hence, of noise detection.
the preprocessing of noise removal is becoming increasingly To improve the noise detection accuracy, some effective color
necessary in image processing applications. distance metrics based on the quaternion representation have
A great number of methods for removing impulse noise in been developed [16]–[20]. These methods can obtain satis-
color images have been proposed in past years, which can be factory restorations for impulse noise pixels, but with the in-
roughly divided into three categories [2]. One is called marginal crease of noise density, their detection precision for noisy pix-
or component-wise technique, which processes each channel els decreases sharply. However, these methods indicate that
independently by the method used for a gray-scale image. This quaternion-based methods seem to be more effective in color
method ignores the strong spectral correlation between color image denoising.
channels and may produce color shifts or distortions. The sec- In this letter, we present a new quaternion-based color dis-
ond category, which is called vector filter (VF) [3] treating color tance metric. Based on the new color distance together with
images as vector fields, is widely adopted. The third category local reachability density (LRD), a new color-impulse detector
is developed. LRD was first proposed by Breunig et al. [21].
Manuscript received December 24, 2017; revised February 6, 2018; accepted LRD was used to calculate the local outlier factor (LOF), which
February 12, 2018. Date of publication February 21, 2018; date of current
version May 2, 2018. The associate editor coordinating the review of this is a classical outlier detection strategy in data mining. Wang
manuscript and approving it for publication was Prof. Joao M. Ascenso. This and Lu [22] used the LOF to quantify the distinction of a gray-
work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under scale pixel polluted by impulse noise. Unlike Wang’s method,
Grant 61370181 and Grant 61370179. (Corresponding author: Lianghai Jin.)
Z. Zhu, L. Jin, and E. Song are with the School of Computer Sci- the paper in this study only uses LRD to identify whether the
ence and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, pixels in color images are noisy or not and then uses a WVMF
Wuhan 430074, China (e-mail:;; to restore the noisy pixels. The simulation results show that the
C.-C. Hung is with the Center for Machine Vision and Security Re- proposed method is better than the traditional VMF and some
search, Kennesaw State University, Marietta, GA 30144 USA (e-mail: other improved vector median filtering methods. The rest of the letter is organized as follows. Section II de-
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this letter are available online
at scribes the proposed quaternion-based color distance measure
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LSP.2018.2808343 method and provides an overview of LRD. Section III describes

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See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Constantin Vertan. Downloaded on October 07,2020 at 11:48:39 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

the proposed method in detail. In Section IV, the experimental distance dl and chromaticity distance ds as in the following
results and comparisons are given. Finally, the conclusion is formulae:
drawn in Section V.   √   √
dl = qdl  3, ds = qds  2. (6)
II. LOCAL REACHABILITY DENSITY BASED ON QUATERNION The two constants in (6) are used to guarantee that the maxi-
A. Color Distance Based on Quaternion mum distance in both dl and ds is equal to 255, which is consis-
tent with the distance between two gray pixels. Obviously, if q1
A quaternion q is a four-dimensional complex number, which is the same as q2 , both the brightness distance and chromaticity
can be expressed as follows: distance are equal to zero. But if only brightness distance or
q = s + xi + yj + zk (1) only chromaticity distance is equal to zero, q1 is not always the
same as q2 . To guarantee the uniqueness of brightness distance
where s, x, y, and z are real coefficients and (i, j, k) are the three and chromaticity distance, we define a hue distance and add it to
imaginary components, which obey the following multiplicative both brightness distance and chromaticity distance. Every hue
rules: line represents a hue, so we can use the angle between two hue
i = j 2 = k 2 = ijk = −1 lines to describe the hue difference. The RGB color space is
. (2)
ij = −ji, jk = −kj, ki = −ik actually a finite universe, and the minimal angle between two
hue lines is 0° and the maximum angle is 90°. If the angle is the
A pixel with the color value [r, g, b]T in RGB color space can minimal, their hue distance should be equal to 0, which means
be represented as a pure quaternion, that is, q = ri + gj + bk. the two hues are the same. If the angle is the maximum, their
The gray line is a ray passing through the origin of the RGB hue distance should be the maximum. According to these anal-
space, on which pixels have values r = g = b. Then, we can call yses, we use the sine of the angle to measure the degree of hue
the pixels on the gray line as gray pixels and other pixels as color difference as in the following expression:
pixels. In gray-scale images, the distance between two pixels is
defined as the difference of their gray values. A gray pixel in the dh = w · sin(θ) (7)
RGB space has the same visual effect as the corresponding gray where θ is the angle between two hue lines and w controls the
pixel in the gray-scale image space. So, the distance between maximum value of hue distance. In our method, we set w = 1.
two gray pixels in the RGB space should be equal to the distance Karakos and Trahanias [12] used the multiplication operator
between two corresponding gray pixels in the gray-scale image to combine the distance sum criterion and the angle sum criterion
space. That is, the distance between two color pixels q1 = x1 i + to denoise a color pixel. Similarly, we also use the same operator
x1 j + x1 k and q2 = x2 i + x2 j + x2 k can be calculated as to combine the brightness distance and chromaticity distance
d(q1 , q2 ) = |x1 − x2| . (3) and then the final formula to calculate the color distance between
two color pixels q1 and q2 is defined as
In the RGB space, the R, G, and B axes represent the three r 1 −r
primary colors. Similar to the gray line, we call the rays passing d(q1 , q2 ) = (ds + dh) · (dl + dh) (8)
through the origin of the RGB space, except for the gray line, where r controls the importance of the chromaticity distance
as the hue lines. Then, the plane that is perpendicular to the and brightness distance. According to [12], we set r = 0.75.
gray line and passes through the origin can be regarded as √a From (8), we can see that the brightness distance is modi-
chromaticity plane. According to [23], if R = (i + j + k)/ 3, fied as the sum of brightness distance and hue distance, and
RqR̄ represents a three-dimensional (3-D) rotation of color the chromaticity distance is modified as the sum of chromaticity
vector q through
√ an angle of 180° about the gray line whereR̄ = distance and hue distance. Thus, if the brightness distance or the
(−i − j − k)/ 3. So we can get the projection ql from the chromaticity distance is equal to zero, the hue distance will al-
pixel to the gray line and the projection qs from the pixel to ways be equal to zero because all the distances are non-negative
the chromaticity plane in a quaternion form as in the following and then we can get that q1 is the same as q2 according to the
expression: 3-D geometrical computation.
ql = (q + RqR̄)/2, qs = (q − RqR̄)/2. (4)
B. Local Reachability Density for Color Images (CLRD)
Then, the brightness difference qdl
and chromaticity differ-
ence qds between two color pixels q1 and q2 can be expressed We call the LRD of a color image as CLRD for convenience.
as the following quaternion form: To calculate the CLRD by quaternion distance, we need to re-
view the following definitions [21]:
qdl = q1l − q2l , qds = q1s − q2s (5) Definition 1: k-distance of a point p:
where q1land q2l
are the projections from two pixels to the gray dk (p) = max{d(p, o)|o ∈ Ω} (9)
line, and q1s and q2s are the projections from two pixels to the
where Ω is the k-nearest neighbors of p in a local window, and
chromaticity plane.
d(p, o) denotes the distance between p and o.
The brightness difference and chromaticity difference are
Definition 2: k-distance neighborhood of a point p:
defined as the quaternion form and we use their modules to
measure their degrees. That is, we can define the brightness Nk (p) = {q|d(p, q) ≤ dk (p)} (10)

Authorized licensed use limited to: Constantin Vertan. Downloaded on October 07,2020 at 11:48:39 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

and |Nk (p)| denotes the number of elements in Nk (p). We select six images from the Categorical Image Qual-
Definition 3: Reachability distance of a point p to another ity Database ( [25] and the im-
point o: age retargeting subjective quality database ( [26] as the test
R Dk (p, o) = max(dk (o), d(p, o)). (11) images to determine the optimal value of T . These color im-
Definition 4: Local reachability density of a point p: ages include Fisher, Lady_liberty, and Monument with size 512
× 512 and Kodim03, Kodim16, and Kodim23 with size 512 ×
|Nk (p)| 768. First, we change T from 0 to 0.5 with step 0.1 to get the
lrdk (p) =  . (12)
o∈N k (p) R Dk (p, o) peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) values with p = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3.
The results showed that the optimal value of T should be smaller
Finally, the CLRD of a color image can be obtained by cal-
than 0.2. Then, we change T from 0.01 to 0.2 with step 0.01 and
culating the distances in (9)–(11) by (3) and (8).
the results show that the optimal T always lies between 0.08
and 0.12. Thus, we set T = 0.1.
III. SWITCHING VECTOR MEDIAN FILTER BASED ON CLRD We choose some well-known switching methods to compare
with our method. These methods include fast peer group filter for
A. Impulse Detector Based on CLRD VMF (FPGFvmf) [13], robust switching VMF (RSVMF) [14],
fast averaging peer group filter (FAPGF) [27], edge detection-
The CLRD of a color pixel p represents the degree of group
based switching VMF (EDSVMF) [28], quaternion directional
similarity in the neighborhood. If the CLRD is large, the p
switching VMF (QDSVMF) [17], quaternion-based switch-
and the pixels in its k-distance neighborhood are more likely to
ing filter (QBSF) [19], two-stage quaternion switching VMF
belong to the same cluster, that is to say, the pixel p is noise free.
(TSQSVF) [20], and fuzzy two-step color filter (FTSCF) [6].
Otherwise, the smaller the CLRD, the more likely p is noisy.
For all the methods used in the comparison, parameter settings
Thus, we can set a threshold T to determine whether a color
suggested by the reference papers are used in our experiments.
pixel is noisy or not. The hard thresholding strategy can be used
In our method, the window size of 5 × 5 and k = 3 for calcu-
as follows:
 lating CLRD are used. The window size for the WVMF is set
1 if CLRD(p) < T as 3 × 3.
N (p) = (13)
0 otherwise We perform these denoising methods on the six images, which
are contaminated with different levels of impulse noise ranging
where N (p) = 1 denotes the pixel p is noisy, otherwise, p is from 0.05 to 0.3 in the step of 0.05. Three widely used objective
noise free. criteria for the evaluation including PSNR, structural similarity
index (SSIM) [29], and feature similarity (FSIMc) index [30]
B. Impulse Filter Based on the Weighted VMF are used to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.
If a pixel p is identified as noisy, it will be replaced by the out- We first discuss the impulse detection accuracy of various
put of the WVMF. The WVMF is expressed as in the following VFs based on the quaternion in terms of false detection rate
formula: (FDR, the percentage of the false impulse pixels to the total
 noise-free pixels) and miss detection rate (MDR, the percentage
pW VM F = min wo · d(p, o) (14) of the true impulse pixels that are detected as noise free to the
o∈Ω total true impulse pixels). Table I lists the results with p = 0.2.
where d(p, o) denotes the Euclidean distance between p and o, It can be seen from the table that the proposed method always
and Ω denotes the filter window. Notation wo represents the obtains a small FDR value as well as a small MDR value.
weight of pixel o, which is calculated as follows: Although other methods may have smaller FDR values, their
  MDR values are larger. Similarly, other methods may obtain
η2 smaller MDR values, but their FDR values are larger. Both
wo = exp − 2 (15)
2σ the mean MDR values and the mean FDR values indicate the
where η is the Euclidean distance from the position of o to the following conclusions: when p = 0.1, the FDR and MDR are
center of Ω, and σ controls the weighting effect. According to 0.09% and 6.60% or so; whenp = 0.2, the values of FDR and
[20], we set σ = 1.6. MDR are 0.28% and 5.81% or so; when p = 0.3, the values of
FDR and MDR are 1.09% and 5.05% or so.
Then, we evaluate the restoration performance by these ob-
jective criteria. Tables II–IV illustrate the obtained results with
A universal impulse noise model for color images is defined p = 0.2. From these results, we can see that our method achieves
as follows [24]: the best values in terms of PSNR, FSIMc, and SSIM.
 Finally, we give some enlarged image patches restored by var-
n(i, j, c), with probaility p
x(i, j, c) = (16) ious methods based on the quaternion with 20% impulse noise
o(i, j, c), with probaility 1 − p
to compare visual performance in Fig. 1. We can see that the
where p is noise density and c = 1, 2, 3 denote three color chan- proposed method exhibits the best visual performance compared
nels. The more information about how to simulate the contami- to other quaternion methods. Table V shows the mean compu-
nated images by this model can be obtained in [20]. tation times of these methods performing on six images. These

Authorized licensed use limited to: Constantin Vertan. Downloaded on October 07,2020 at 11:48:39 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.


Methods FDR MDR

Pic. 1 Pic. 2 Pic. 3 Pic. 4 Pic. 5 Pic. 6 Mean Pic. 1 Pic. 2 Pic. 3 Pic. 4 Pic. 5 Pic. 6 Mean

QDSVMF 0.0017 0.0005 0.0005 0.0020 0.0001 0.0013 0.0010 0.0726 0.0715 0.0701 0.0681 0.0706 0.0694 0.0704
QBSF 0.2927 0.2670 0.2928 0.2400 0.2563 0.2564 0.2675 0.0582 0.0574 0.0567 0.0558 0.0580 0.0555 0.0569
TSQSVF 0.0041 0.0038 0.0047 0.0039 0.0004 0.0024 0.0032 0.0797 0.0733 0.0765 0.0712 0.0782 0.0725 0.0752
Proposed 0.0043 0.0017 0.0032 0.0048 0.0004 0.0026 0.0028 0.0623 0.0579 0.0579 0.0551 0.0588 0.0568 0.0581


Methods PSNR

Pic. 1 Pic. 2 Pic. 3 Pic. 4 Pic. 5 Pic. 6

Noisy 13.47 13.62 12.23 13.46 13.78 13.06

FPGFvmf 25.81 25.92 22.15 26.01 25.76 25.39
RSVMF 19.79 19.89 17.87 19.87 19.96 19.56
FAPGF 29.36 28.10 24.69 30.12 28.35 29.36
EDSVMF 28.48 27.89 23.75 29.51 27.78 28.77
QDSVMF 29.39 28.79 25.61 29.82 28.44 29.93
QBSF 28.28 27.00 24.13 29.02 27.53 28.82
TSQSVF 30.27 29.42 26.29 31.15 29.69 31.21
FTSCF 28.55 28.58 24.49 28.37 27.71 27.97
Proposed 30.73 29.98 26.57 31.56 30.07 31.62

Fig. 1. Enlarged image patches of Kodim23 image restored by various quater-

nion methods with 20% impulse noise. (a) QDSVF, (b) QBSF, (c) TSQSVF,
TABLE III and (d) our proposed method.

Pic. 1 Pic. 2 Pic. 3 Pic. 4 Pic. 5 Pic. 6

Methods Image size 512 × 512 Image size 512 × 768
Noisy 0.6810 0.6297 0.7082 0.6249 0.6752 0.6018
FPGFvmf 0.9188 0.9348 0.8873 0.9239 0.9216 0.9240 p = 0.1 p = 0.2 p = 0.3 p = 0.1 p = 0.2 p = 0.3
RSVMF 0.8369 0.8189 0.8279 0.8178 0.8365 0.8039
FAPGF 0.9673 0.9680 0.9401 0.9634 0.9492 0.9753 QDSVMF 2.72 2.91 3.15 4.20 4.55 4.82
EDSVMF 0.9502 0.9608 0.9105 0.9550 0.9407 0.9659 QBSF 0.28 0.36 0.40 0.42 0.55 0.60
QDSVMF 0.9650 0.9653 0.9470 0.9593 0.9535 0.9690 TSQSVF 1.64 2.54 3.34 2.29 3.76 4.86
QBSF 0.9467 0.9463 0.9168 0.9435 0.9336 0.9563 Proposed 30.88 30.74 31.98 47.39 47.82 47.27
TSQSVF 0.9695 0.9730 0.9511 0.9685 0.9619 0.9787
FTSCF 0.9289 0.9380 0.8998 0.9249 0.9231 0.9262
Proposed 0.9717 0.9765 0.9540 0.9705 0.9633 0.9804
methods are implemented by MATLAB mixed with VC++ on
a desktop computer running 64-bit Windows 7 with 3.2 GHz
Intel Core (TM) i7-4790 CPU and 16 GB memory. It can be
seen from Table V that the proposed method takes more com-
ALL THE SSIM VALUES FOR SIX IMAGES WITH p = 0.2 putation time. This is because the k-distance needs to perform
sorting operation and the CLRD is required to compute the k-
distance of each pixel in an image. A parallel implementation
Methods SSIM
strategy proposed in [31] can be used to speed up the CLRD
Pic. 1 Pic. 2 Pic. 3 Pic. 4 Pic. 5 Pic. 6 computation.
Noisy 0.0901 0.0971 0.1407 0.0738 0.0922 0.0679
FPGFvmf 0.7169 0.7204 0.6319 0.6914 0.6786 0.6757 V. CONCLUSION
RSVMF 0.3664 0.3588 0.4015 0.3289 0.3612 0.3215
FAPGF 0.8335 0.8688 0.7614 0.8512 0.7832 0.8757 This letter proposes a new quaternion distance metric to mea-
EDSVMF 0.7904 0.8208 0.6874 0.8012 0.7439 0.8006
QDSVMF 0.8236 0.8553 0.7958 0.8359 0.8010 0.8531 sure the difference between two color pixels and then combines
QBSF 0.7836 0.8205 0.7278 0.8036 0.7508 0.8244 the distance metric and LRD to construct a new impulse de-
TSQSVF 0.8462 0.8878 0.8201 0.8767 0.8327 0.8857 tector. Experimental results show that the new noise detector
FTSCF 0.7898 0.8334 0.6960 0.7836 0.7179 0.7952
Proposed 0.8643 0.9064 0.8329 0.8932 0.8504 0.9038 combined with a WVMF can obtain better results than some
other denoising methods.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Constantin Vertan. Downloaded on October 07,2020 at 11:48:39 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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