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True or False:

Enterprise systems include analytical tools.

Answer: TRUE

An enterprise system can help reduce redundant business processes.

Answer: TRUE

Extensive customization of enterprise software may degrade system performance.

Answer: TRUE

Supply chain management systems are a type of enterprise system.

Answer: TRUE

The upstream portion of the supply chain consists of the organizations and processes for
distributing and delivering products to the final customers.

Answer: FALSE

Supply chain inefficiencies can waste as much as 25 percent of a company's operating costs.
Answer: TRUE

Safety stock acts as a buffer for the lack of flexibility in the supply chain.

Answer: TRUE

The bullwhip effect describes consistency and continuity in demand for a product as it passes
from one entity to the next across the supply chain.
Answer: FALSE

Supply chain execution systems enable the firm to generate demand forecasts for a product and
to develop sourcing and manufacturing plans for that product.
Answer: FALSE

Before the pre-Internet environment, supply chain coordination was hampered by the difficulties
of making information flow smoothly among different internal supply chain processes.
Answer: TRUE

Inefficiencies in a supply chain are primarily caused by inaccurate or untimely information.

Answer: TRUE
In a push-based model of SCM systems, actual customer orders or purchases trigger events in the
supply chain.
Answer: FALSE

In a pull-based model of SCM systems, production master schedules are based on forecasts of
demand for products.
Answer: FALSE

Walmart is an example of a push-based model.

Answer: FALSE

Total supply chain costs in some industries approach 75 percent of the total operating budget.
Answer: TRUE

All CRM packages contain modules for PRM and ERM.

Answer: FALSE

Major CRM application software vendors include Oracle, SAP, and

Answer: TRUE

Cross-selling is the marketing of complementary products to customers.

Answer: TRUE

CRM software can help organizations identify high-value customers for preferential treatments.
Answer: TRUE

Analytical CRM uses tools to analyze customer data collected from the firm's customer touch
points and from other sources.
Answer: TRUE

Churn rate is an important indicator of the growth or decline of a company's customer base.
Answer: TRUE

Enterprise systems require fundamental changes in the way the business operates.

Answer: TRUE

Enterprise applications introduce switching costs.

Answer: TRUE
Enterprise applications are based on organization-wide definitions of data.

Answer: TRUE

SCM systems require multiple organizations to share information and business processes.
Answer: TRUE

E-commerce refers to the use of any networking technologies to transact business.

Answer: FALSE

Retail consumer e-commerce is growing at double-digit rates.

Answer: TRUE

The Internet reduces information asymmetry.

Answer: TRUE

All previous mass media in modern history, including the printing press, use a broadcast model
where content is created in a central location by experts.
Answer: TRUE

Disintermediation provides major benefits to the distributor.

Answer: FALSE

In general, for digital goods, the marginal cost of producing another unit is about zero.

Answer: TRUE

Traditional online marketing, such as display ads, still constitutes the majority of all online
Answer: TRUE

Information asymmetry exists when there is more information about one product than there is
about a similar product.
Answer: FALSE

Price transparency refers to the ability of consumers to discover what merchants actually pay for
Answer: FALSE

Switching costs are the merchants' costs of changing prices.

Answer: FALSE
Uber uses a form of dynamic pricing.

Answer: TRUE

eBay is an example of the market creator business model.

Answer: TRUE

MSN is an example of the portal business model.

Answer: TRUE

Web personalization is used primarily as a marketing tool.

Answer: TRUE

Podcasting allows subscribers to listen to live, streaming radio and other audio content.

Answer: FALSE

In the affiliate revenue model, firms derive revenue by selling information or services through
partner e-commerce sites.
Answer: FALSE

Rich media advertisements are a sales-oriented marketing format.

Answer: FALSE

Behavioral targeting occurs at two levels: individual websites and through ISPs.

Answer: FALSE

Advertising networks track a user's behavior at thousands of websites.

Answer: TRUE

Viral marketing is like traditional word-of-mouth marketing except that it is spread via online
Answer: TRUE

The behavioral targeting of ads results in consumers responding ten times more frequently than
when delivered ads randomly.
Answer: TRUE
EDI standards that take advantage of network communications have yet to be fully implemented
at the industry level.
Answer: FALSE

Net marketplaces may either support contractual purchasing based on long-term relationships
with designated suppliers or short-term spot purchasing.
Answer: TRUE

Exchanges have become one of the most popular types of Net marketplace because they
encourage competitive bidding that drives prices down.
Answer: FALSE

Indirect goods are not involved firsthand in the production process.

Answer: TRUE

While systems such as KWS can manage semistructured and unstructured information,
enterprise-wide content management systems are designed to manage a firm's structured
Answer: FALSE

Knowledge is "sticky" and not easily moved.

Answer: TRUE

For a firm, organizational resources are unnecessary to transform data into knowledge.

Answer: FALSE

Expertise is thought to be the collective and individual experience of applying knowledge to the
solution of problems.
Answer: FALSE

Document management systems are essentially large databases.

Answer: TRUE

Both structured and unstructured documents can contain knowledge.

Answer: TRUE

Structured knowledge is explicit knowledge that exists in formal documents and formal rules.
Answer: TRUE
Semistructured information is all the knowledge in a firm that resides in the heads of experienced
Answer: FALSE

3-D printers can produce fully functioning components, such as working batteries and LEDs.
Answer: TRUE

CAD and VRML are both types of KWS.

Answer: TRUE

Knowledge workers include all of a company's workers who are tasked with managing or
creating knowledge, from top-level scientists to clerical and data workers.
Answer: FALSE

VRML requires the use of a powerful server as well as large amounts of bandwidth.

Answer: FALSE

Today's 3-D printers can create objects out of human cartilage.

Answer: TRUE

The yellow first-down markers shown on televised football games are examples of AR.

Answer: TRUE

Expert systems are the primary tools used for knowledge discovery.

Answer: FALSE

Expert systems capture the knowledge of skilled employees in the form of a set of rules in a
software system that can be used by others in the organization.
Answer: TRUE

Expert systems are typically used in business in discrete, highly structured decision-making
Answer: TRUE

Expert systems work by applying a set of AND/OR rules against a knowledge base, both of
which are extracted from human experts.
Answer: FALSE

CBR is not well-suited for diagnostic systems in medicine.

Answer: FALSE
Fuzzy logic can describe a particular phenomenon or process linguistically and then represent
that description in a small number of flexible rules.
Answer: TRUE

Fuzzy logic systems "learn" patterns from large quantities of data by sifting through data,
searching for relationships, building models, and correcting over and over again the model's own
Answer: FALSE

Because neural network applications cannot always explain why they arrive at a particular
solution, they are not well suited for use in the medical profession.
Answer: FALSE

Hybrid AI applications are being implemented in home appliances, such as washing machines.
Answer: TRUE

Intelligent agents can discover underlying patterns, categories, and behaviors in large data sets.
Answer: FALSE

Today's AI systems are about to come up with new and novel solutions to problems.

Answer: FALSE

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