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Fey_> [oformaties Stidies. ISSN 2520-530s, Vol. S, Issue 2 BY" Second Quasterly Issue. Apsil — June, 2018. P 109-119) Stephen Hawking Bibliography Gilu G Ettaniyil Abstract Stephen Hawking has numerous publications which include books, papers and confereace presentation on the areas of cosmology, general relativity and quantum gravity, especially ia the context of black holes, In the 19608 and 1970s, he worked on ground-breaking theorems regarding singularities within the framework of general relativity, and made the theoretical prediction that black holes should emit radiation presently known as Hawking tadiation, He has also works on popular science in which he discusses his own theories and cosmology in general, Teh present bibliogaphy lists his important books and papers Keywords: Stephen Hawking, Physics, Theoretical Phy Radiation, Geavity, "No Hair! Theorem, Space-Time. , Cosmology, Black Holes, Hawking, Bardeen, JM., Carter, B.& Hawking, SWW(1973). The Four laws of black hole mechanics. Commun Math.Phys, .31 Bousso, R. & Hawking, $.1¥.(1996). Pair creation and evoluzion of black holes in inflation. Helv.Phys.Acta , 69 Bousso, R. & Hawking, $.W/(1996). Pair creation of black holes during inflation Physics Review, Bousso, R. & Hawking, S.W.(1996)., Primordial black holes: Tunneling versus no boundary proposal. GravCosmol.Suppl. 4 Bonsso, R. & Hawking, S.W/(1997). (Aniijevaporation of Schwarzschild-de Sittet black holes. Physics Review D, 57 Bousso, R. & Hawking, $W.(1997). Black holes in inflation, Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplements, Informatics Studies 5), April June, 2018 Bousso, R. & Hawking, $.W.(1997). Evaporation of cosmological black holes. Prepared for Conference: C97-11-11.1 Bonsso, R. & Hawking, $W.(1997). Evaporation of cosmological black holes. In Ambleside 1997, Pasticle physics and the eadly universe, 481-494 Bousso, R, & Hawking, SWW.(1997). Trace anomaly of dilaton coupled scalars in two- dimensions, Physics Review D, 56 109 Su Bousso, R. & Hawking, $.W.(1998), Losentziaa conditior Physics Review D, 39 Bousso, R. & Hawking, SW¥i(1999) Primordial black holes: Pair creation, Lorentzian condition, and evaporation, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 38, Bousso, R.& Hawking, $Wi(1995). The Probability for primordial black holes Physics Review D, 52 Carr, B.J.& Hawking, $.W.(1974).Black holes ia she early Universe Mon Not Roy Aston Soc. 168 Cassidly,. MJ. & Hawking, $.1¥(1998). ‘Models for chronology selection. Physics Review D.57 1 quantum geavity. Chamblin, A. Hawking, SAW. & Reall, HS. (1999), Brane world black holes, Physics Review D, 61 Collins, CB. & Hawking, is dhe Universe isotropic?, Journal, 180, 317-334. Collins, CB. & Hawking, $W.(1973). The rotation and distortion of the universe. Mon.Not Roy.Astron.Soc., 162 $W.(1972). Why “Aswrophysies Coperniens, N., Kepler), Galalei,G., Newton, & Hawking, S.\W.(2003), On the Shoulders of Giants. Ruaning Press Gibbons, G.AK; Hawking, SW. & Perry, ‘ML).(1978). Parh Integrals and the ional Action. Gibbons, GW. & Hawking, 8.W1976). Action Integrals and Partition Fuacti Quantum Gravity, PaysRev. D, 15 . Gibbons, GW. & Hawking, $901 Cosmological Event Horizons, “Thermodynamics, and Particle Creation. Physics Review D, 15 Gibbons, GW. & Hawking, $.W(1978). Gravitational Multi - Instantons. Physics Letiers B, 78. sin 110 .o Hawking Bibliography Gibboas, G.W. & Hawking, SW.191. Selection 2ules for topology caange. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 148 Gibbons, G.AV.(1992), Kinks ind topology change. Physics Review Letters, 69 Gibbons, G.AW, & Hawking, $.W.(1971) Theory of the deiectioa of shor: bursts of gravitational radiation. Phys.Rev. D, 4 Gibbons, GW, Hawking, SAW, & Stewart, J.M.(1986), A Nawazal Measure Oa The Ser Of All Universes. Nuclear Physics B, 281. Gibbons, GW, Hawking, SAW. , Siklos, SILC. (1982), The Very Early Universe. Proceedings, Nuffield Workshop, Cambridge Gibbons, GW, Hawking, SW, Horowitz, * 8 Perry, M.].(1983). Positive Mas ‘Theorems for Black Holes. Comnmnicationsin Mathematical Physics, 88 Gibbons, GW.8e Hawking, SWifeds} Eaclidean quantum pravity Singapore: ‘World Scientific. Gibbons,G.Wae Hawking, SWi(1979}. Classification of Gravitational Instanton Symmetries. Commun Mat Phys. 66 (1979 Haco, SJ, Hawking, SW, Perry, MJ. & Bovsjaily, L{2017). The Conformal BMS Group. Halliwell, . 8 Hawking, SW.(1984), ‘Quantum Flueiuations as Tae Cause OF Tahomoge: "The Universe Proceedings, Quantum Gravity. Moscow Halliwell, J. & Hawking, SX¥(1985) Quantum Cosmology - Beyond Minisuperspace. Proceedings, General Relaiivity, Pe. A. Rome. Halliwell, JJ, & Hawking, SW1985). Origin of Structure in the Universe Physics Review D, 31 Tnfoxmatics Sdies 52 Gi: G Buaniyil Harte, [B., Hawking, SW & Heriog, ‘T2008. The Classical Universes of the No-Boundary Quantum State. Harle, |, Hawking, SW; & Hertog, T. 2910), Local Observation in Eternal inflation, Physics Review Letters, Hartle, J, Hawking, S.W. & Hervog.T. (2010). The No-Boundary Measure Regime of Btesnal Inflation. Physics Review D,82 Hartle, J.B. & Hawking, S.A¥(1976). Path Integral Derivation of Black Hole Raduinee. Phys.Rev. D, 13, Hartle, ).B. , Hawking, 8.Wié& Hertog, ‘T. 2007}, No-Boundary Measure of the Universe. Physics Review Letters, 10! Harile, )B.& Hawking, SW (1972), Solusioas of the Eins:cin-Maxwell equations with many black holes. sitions in Mathematical Physics, SMW & Hertog, Accelerated Expansion from Negative Lambda. Hartle, J.B, Hawking, S\Wé& Hertog, (2013). Vector Fields in Holographic Cosmology: Harlle, JB, Hawking, $.1W(1983). Wave Function of the Universe. Paysics Review D,28 Hawking , SW. & Mlodinoy, L42010), The Grand Design, Hawking , SW. & Horowitz, GT.1996). ‘The Gravitational Hamiltonian, action, enitopy and surface terms. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 13 Hawking, \B., Hawking, SW. & Hestog, T.2012). Quanmam Probabilities for Inilation from Holography Hawking, L, & Hawking, 5.2009}, George's Secte: Key to the Universe. New York: Simon and Schuster Books for Young Children Informatics Studies 5(2), April-June, 2018 Hawking, L. & Hawking, SAW2010) George's Cosmic’ Treasure Hont. New York: Simon and Schuster Books for Youag Children Hawking, L. & Hawking, $¥.(2012) Gcorge and the Big Bang, New York: Simon and Schuster Books for Young, Children. Hawking, L. & Hawking, SAW.(2014).George and the Unbreakable Code, New York: Simon and Schuster Books for Young Children Hawking, L. & Hawking, SW. 2016) George and the Blue Moon. New York: Simon and Schuseer Books for Young Children Hawking, 5. Wi & Bilis, G. E.R. The Cosmic Black-Body Radiation and the Bxiszence of Singulanties in Our Universe, Astrophysical Journal, 152, 25 Howling, 8. (1965). Properties of expanding universes (doctoral disser-ation). Retrieved from heeps:/ /, Hawking, SS & Hertog, T2003). Living with ghosts. Physics Review D,65 Hawking, $.97 & Sachs, RK.1974) Cansally continnons space-times. Comama.Mach Phys. 35 Hawhking, 8 W & Stewarz, 1.M.(1993). Naked and shuaderbolt singularities in blackhole evaporatioa. Nuclear Paysics B, 400 Hawking, SAV & Tayler , JR. (1966). Helium productioa in anisouopic big bang universes. Nature 209 1966}. Perturbations of aa verse. Astrophysics Jouraal Hawking. expanding uab 145, 11 Hawking, 5. universe. Pi W( 1966}. Singularities in the sies Review Letters 17 nt Stephen Hawking Bibliography Hawking, 8. 1966). The Occurrence of singulasities in cosmology 1. Proceedings Society of London, Series Hawking, $.W( 1966}, The Qceurrence of singularities in cosmology II. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A294, Hawking, SW( 1967). The Occurrence of singulasities in cosmology III. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A300 Hawking, SW( 1968). Gravitational radiation in an expanding uaiverse Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Seties A,294. Hawking, $.W( 1968). Gravitational radiation in an expanding universe Journal of Mathematical Physie,s 9 Hawking, SW(1971). Stable and generic properties in general relativity. General Relativity and Gravitation 1(4), 393-400 Hawking, S\W(2002), Sixty years in a auishell. Prepared for Workshop on Conference on the Futue of Conference. Haveking, SW, & Hertog, T(2002). Why does inflation start at the top of the hill? Physics Review D, 66. DOL: 10.1103/ PhysRevI266,123509 Hawking, SW. & Horowitz, G’T(1995) Entropy, Area, and black hole pairs. Physics Review D, 51 Hawking, SW. & ID, Hayward( 1994) Quanmm coherence in two-dimeasions. Physics Review D,49. Hawking, SW. & Ellis. GER (1965). Singularities in homogeneous world models. Physies Letters ,15 Hawking, SW! & Ellis, GARGY Large scale steucause of space-time. S.\W, Hawking, GER, Ellis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 112 Hawking, 3. & Gibbons, GAW.(1971). Evidence for lack holes in binary star systems. Nature ,252 Hawking, S.W & Hartle, 1B.(1972). Energy and angular momentum flow into a black hole. Commuaicarions in Mathernatical Physies, 27(}, 283-290. Hawking, S.W & Flertog, T2012 Accelesated Expansion from Ni Lambda Huawling, S Smooth Exi & Hertog, T2017). A from Eiernal Laflation Hawking, SW & Heriog, T. Populating the landscape: A Top down approach, Physics Review D, 73 Hawlking, SW & Hunter, C.),(1998). Gravitational encropy and global simucrure Physics Review D,59 Hawking. S.W, & Israel, Wid) (1987). “Vhtce Hundred Years of Gravitation, Cambridge: University Proceedings Hawking, SAV. & israel, W. (1890). General Relativity, An Einstein Centenary Survey. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1980, Hawking, SW. & Istacl, W. (1980). The Path Integsal Approach To Quantum, Graviry. General Relativiry Hawking, SW. & Israel, W(197 Relativity, An Binst 1. United Kingdom: Hawking, 5.W. & Laflamme, R.(1988). Baby Universes And The Nonrenormalizability Of Gravity.Physics Levters B, 209, Hawking, SW, & Laflamme, R.{1993). The Origin of time asyenmetry. Physics Review: DA. Hawking, SW, & Luztrell, C. (1984), Higher Derivatives in Quantum Cosmology. 1. The Isotropic Case. Nuclear Physics B, 247, Informatics Smdies 5@), AprilJune, 2018 Gio G Beeaniyil Hlawking, S.W. & Moss, LG. (1982) Supercooled Phase ‘Transitions in the Very Early Universe. Physics Letters B, 110 Hawking, SW. & Obregon, 0.1993), Supersymmetiic Bianchi models and the square root of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation. Physics Letters B, 300 Hawking, SW. & Page , DIN.(1983) ‘Thermodynamics of Black Holes in ansi- De Sitter Space. Communications in ‘Mathematical Paysies, 87 Hawking, SW. & Page, DIN. (1986). ‘Operator Ordering and the Flainess of the Universe. Nuclear Physics B.264. Hawking, SW & Page, DN.(1990). The spectrum of wormholes, Physics Review Hawking, S.W. & Penrose, (1996). The Nature of space and time, Scientific American, 275, 44-49 Hawking, SW. & Perrose, R.(1970). The Singularities of gravitational collapse and cosmology. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A.314 Hawking, SW. & Pope, C.N.(1978). Symmetry Breaking By Instantons In Supergravity. Phys. B46 Hawking, SW. & Rocek, M. (1981) Superspace and Supergraviry: Proceedings of the Nufiield Workshop, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Hawking, SW. & Ross, S.F(1995). Dualiey between electricand magnetic black holes. Daz Physics Review D, 52. SR Ranganathan Memorial Volume “Me oe —- ‘The year 2017 is the Quasquicentennial year of Sri $ R| Ranganathan. With the development of ICT and its enormous influence in all areas of library science, it has become a fashion everywhere 0 sideline SRR} smdies. But that the concepts and techaiques caunciated by him stands test of the time and semaias| live ia the ever-changing informatics field, His works| acted as the foundation of the Informatioal Management of the yesteryears, Kaowledge| ‘Management of the modera-day and shall continue showing light to the fuse dispensations. They sill remain a source to the practical and theoretical] solutions for policies, plans and programmes, innovations, services, systems, networks, etc, Informatics Studies commemorates his contributions to LIS profession by publishing a special volume We invite papers for SR Ranganathan Quasquicentennial Memorial issue of Informatics [Studies to be published as Volume 6(1) January 2019, During the ceatenary of his bisth in| 1992, numerous biographical and autobiographical materials and collections of essays| reflecting Ranganathan’ influence were published, Informatics Studies invites biographical sketches, papers on his views, plans, research, theories, standards, procedures, and| programmes correlating with the current developments in the Knowledge management] scenario, Articles can be uploaded at informaticsstudics.ia or can be ¢-mailed to| the editor@informaticssiudiesin as MS Word file attachment, Last date of submission is} 15% November 2018. Informatics Studies 5), AprilJune, 2018 13, Su AW & Ross, S.P.(1995), Pair production of black holes oa cosmic strings. Physics Review Lexers, 75 Hawking, SW, & Ross, SE{1997), Loss of quantum coherence through scattering off virtual black holes, Paysics Review D, 56 Hawking, SW. & Taylor charges ia elevea-dimen Review 1, 58 M.(1997}. Bulk 8. Physics Hawi , & Taylor, M.(1997}, Evolution of near exitemal black holes. Physics Review D, 55 Hawhing, SAW. & Wu, Z.C, (1985) Numerical Calculations Of Minisuperspace Cosmological Models. Paysies Lexrers B, 151 Hawking, SAW, (1981), The Cosmological Constant and the Weak Anthzopic Principle. Proceedings, The Quansum Seructure of Space and Time Hawking, SAK. (1981). ‘The Loss of Quanwm Coherence Due To Virtual Black Holes, Proceedings, Quantum Gravity Hawking, SW, (1982). Euclidean Approach to the Inflationary Universe Proceedings, The Very Harly Universe, Cambridge, 287-296 Hawking, $2 (1982). The Boundary Conditions of the Universe. Pontif. Acad Sci Sctivaria 48, 563-574 Hiawhiag, 8.18; (1982). The Development of Integularities ina Single Bubble Inflationary Universe, Physics Letiers B, ns Hawking, S. Unpredicrabili Communicacions ia Mathematical Physics, a ‘ (1982), The of Quantum Gravity, Hawhking, SW. (1984), Nontrivial ‘Topologies in Quantum Gravity. Nuclear Physics B. 244 14 .o Hawking Bibliography Hawking, 5. (1993). Einstein's dream: Expeditions to the frontiers of space-time Black holes and baby universes and other essays, Reinbelx: Rowohle Hawking, SW (1996). Loss of information ia black holes. Conference oa Geomestic Issues in Foundations Hawhing, SW. King, A.R., Mccarthy, PJ.,(1976). A New Topology for Curved Space-Time Which lacomporates the Cavsal, Differential, and Conformal Sirvetures. JMath Phys, 17 1g, SAW Hunter, C.].& Page, 999, Nuc charge, anti-de Sitter space and entropy. Physics Review D, 59 Hawking, SW. and Moss, LG. (1982). Fluctuations in the Inflationary Universe. Nuclear Physics B, 224 Hawking, SW& Luttrell, JC. (1984), The Isowopy Of The Universe. Physics Letters B 145, 83 Hawking, $.W& Israel, Wi1979). Relativiey ‘Today. New Sci. 81 Havwkings, $38i& Page, D.N.(1988), How probableis inilation?, Nuclear Physi B298 Hawking, $W.& Penrose, R.(1996). The Nature of space and time. University Proceedings, Princeton, USA Hawking, $W& Pope, C.N.(1978). Generalized Spin Seructures in Qua Gravity, Phys.Lett. B73 Hawking, SW Pope, C.N.(1979). ¥% mills Instanvons And The $ Matrix. Nucl.Phys. B,161, 93, DOL: 10.1016 /0550- 3213(79}90 Hawking, S.W.& Reall, ELS. (1998). Inflation, singular instanzons and cleven dimensional cosmology. Physies Review D, 5o Hawking, SWi& Reall, H.S.(1999) Charged and rotating AdS black holes and their CET duals, Paysies Review D,61 Taformaties Smdies 522), April-June, 2018 Gi: G Buaniyil Hawking, sw.& Sciama, DAW. (1969). ularities in collapsing stars and universes . Comments on Astrophysics and Space Physics, 1, 1 Hawking, SWW.8e Turok, N. (1998). Open inflation witout false vacva. Physics Letters B, 425. Hawking, SW 1991). The chronology proteciion conjecuute. In Kyoto, Recent developrrenss in theoretical and, experimencal general relativity, praviation and selativistic field theories, pt. A Hawking, $NNi(1965). Occurrence of singulazizies in open universes. Physics Review Lesters, 15, 689-690 Hawking, $1¥.(1965). Oa the Hoyle- Natlilkar Theory of Gravitation Proceedings of the Royal Sociery of London. Series Physical Science: Mathematical and (1406), 313-319 SAW.(1968). On the Rotation of the universe, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 142, 129-141. Flawhing, $.18,(1968). ‘The Existence of cosmic time functions. Proceedings of the Royal Sociexy of London, Series A,308,435-435. Havwking, SWW.(1970}. The conservation of matter in general relativie Communications in Mathematical Physics, 18 Hawking, $.%(1971). Gravitational sadiation Lrom colliding black holes. Physics Review Letters, 2. Hawking, S.8.(1971). Gravirationally collapsed objects of very low mass. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 152, 75 Hawking, SW(1971), The Detinition and occurrence of singularities in general relativity. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Informatics Sedies 5(2), ApzilJune, 2018 Hawking, $V.(1972). Black oles in general relativity. Communications in ‘Mathematical Physics.25(2), 167-171 Hawking, S.w:(1972). Black holes in che Brans-Dicke theory of gravitation. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 25(2), 167-171. Hawking, $W.(1975}.A Variational principle for black holes. Commun.Math Phys. 33 Hawking, S.W.(1974). Black hole explosions. Nature, 248. Hawking, SW:(1975). Particle Creation by Black Holes. Commen.Math.Phys, 43 Hawking, S.W(1976). Breakdown of Predictability in Gravitational Collapse Physics Review D, 14 Hawking, 5.9¥:(1976).Black Holes and ‘Thernsodynamies, Phys.Rev. D,13 Hawking, S W197 Regularization of Pai Space-Time Commun.Math, Zev Function Integrals in Crrved 55 Hawking, SWV.(1977). Gravitational Instantoas. Phys.Let. A, 60 Having, $W.(1977). The Quantum Mechanics of Black Holes. Sci.Aim. 236 Hawking, SW(1978). Space-Time Foam, Nucl.Phys. B44 Havwiking, 8.9%1978).Black Holes and Unpredictabilicy, Phys. Bull, 29 Hawking, SAW(1978). Theoretical Advances In General Relativity. Hawking, SWW.(1979}. Euclidean Quantum Gravity, NATO Adv Study LastSer.B Phys., 44,145, Hawking, SWW.(1980). Acausal Propagation in Quantum Gravity. Quantum Gravity, 2 Hawking, $.V(1980), Interacting Quantum Fields Around A Black Hole. 15 Su Communicatioas in Mathematical Physics, 80 Hawking, $.¥:(1981). Is ‘The End In Sight For Tacoretical Physics?. Physics Bulletia,32, 15-17 Hawking, SW(1981). Why Is TS Appareat Cosmological Constant Zero? Ia *Mucnchen 1981, Proceedings, Uaitied Theories Of Elementary Particles Hawking, $.W.(1982). The Unpredictability of Quantum: Gravity, Communications in Mathematical Paysics, 37 Hawking, SAV(1983), Quanea Costnology. Proceedings, Relativiry, Gronps and ‘Topology. Les Houches Hawking, S\W(1983). The Boundary Conditions for Gauged Supergravisy Physics Letters B, 126 Hawking, SW(1983), The Unilicasion of cambridge: Cambridge University SAW(1984). The Cosmological sat Is Probably Zero. Physics Letters 1984), The Quantum State of the Universe, Nuclear Physics B, 239 Hawking, 8W.(1985). Limi Inflationary Models of The Universe. Physics Letters B, 155 Hawking, $.¥(1985). The Quantum Mechanics Of The Universe. Proceedings, Large-scale Seruciure OF The Universe, Cosmology and Fundamental Physics, on 985). The Arrow OF Time In Cosmology, Physics Review D, 22 Hawking, S.Wi(1985). Who's Afraid OF (higher Derivative) Ghosts?. In Batalin, 1, Quandum Field Theory and 1m Statistics, Vol.2 5.W¥.(1986). Lectures on Cosmology. Cambridge University 11s .o Hawking Bibliography Hawking, $.W.(1986). Lecmzes on Hawking, $1986), Quancun Cosmology. In Hawking, SAW. & Israel, W. (eds }, Taree hundred years of gra 631-651 acon, Hawking, $.W.(1986). The Density Matrix OF The Universe, Physica Seripya T, 15 Hawking, $.¥(1987), Quantum Coherence Down the Wormhole. Physics Letters B, 195. Hawking, $.W(1987). The Direction OF Time., New Science, 115 Hawking, S.W.(1987). ‘The Ground State Of The Univers, Closing Remarks given at Conference: C87-05-01,2 Hawking, $.1¥.(1987). The Origin of The Universe, Cambridge, CU. Hawking, SW(1987), The Schrodinger Equation in Quantem Cosmology and String Theory. Cambridge Hawking, 8.Wi(1988) . A Brief History of Time. New York: Banvom. Hawking, $.Wi(1988), Baby universes, Ia Proceedings, A.A, Friedmann: Censenary volume, 81-92. Leningrad Hawki 1, S.AK.(1988). Open inflation. Prepared for 2nd Samos Meexing on Cosmology, Geometry and Re Conference: COBRA Hawking, S.AWi1984), Quantum Cosmology: In Fang, Li-Zhi. Ruff S1W(1988). The Quantum ‘Theory Of The Universe. Proceedings, Inteesection between Elemeatary Particle Physics and Cosmology. Jerusalem Hawking, SW.(1988), Wormholes in Space-Time. Physics Review D, 910, doi: 10.1103/ PhysRevD.37.904 Tafoxmatics Smdies 5(2), ApsilJuoe, 2018 Gio G Beeaniyil Hlawking, $.WW(1989). Black Holes Fxom. Cosmic Strings. Physics Lewess B, 231 Hawking, $.W.(1989). Do Wormholes Fix ‘The Constants Of Naaure? Nuclear Physics 1B,335, 155 Hawking, S.W/(1989). The Edge Of Space- time. In Davies, P(Ed), The New Physics, 61-68. Hawking, S.W(1989). The Formation and evolution of cosmic strings. In GW. Gibbons, $.W. Hawking, T. Vachaspati, (eds) University Proceedings, Workshop, Cambridge Hawking, $.W.(1990). Baby universes. 2 Modern Physics Letters A, 5 Hawking, $.W.(1990), Gravitational radiation from collapsing cosmic string loops. Physics Letters B, 246 Hawking, SW(1990), The beginning of the universe. Prepared for (TUPAP) International Conference on Primosdial Conference. Hawking, $.¥.(1990). The Effective action for wormholes, Nuclear Paysics B, 363. Hawking, $18.(1990), Wormholes and nonsimply connected manifolds. Proceedings, Quantum cosmology and baby universes, 245-267 _ Jerusalem Hawking, S:W.(1990}. Wormholes in dimensions 1 - 4 Proceedings, Particles, strings and cosmology, 623-634. Boston Eugene Garfield: Informatician Nonpareil Bugene Garficld’s (1925-2017) contribution to the field of data analytics and scientomettics is landmark. He launched Garvent Contents, the catlicst effort t0 compile important information on the scieatific literature. Garfield's greatest contribution to science was zhe Science Citation Index (SCI, which is a system that used to chart sonnections between pieces of scientific Inerarure. It is not only an intellectual achievement, but also an informazion- engineering marvel covering millions of records, from numerous subject fields communicated over worldwide nesworks. These dazabases became the foundation of the online research tool called the Web of Knowledge. And ix has now become accessible electronically via the Web of Science, Gasticld has lefthis mask on science. His life and work will surely inspire generations of scientists ia advancing the frontiess of humaa knowledge. Informatics Seudies 4(2) is Eugene Garfield Metmotial Volume. It contains papers on. his life and work incading a transcript of| an 80 page interview in which Garfield pre- sents his views on impact of information systems in scientific research, NGOs, the fume of Open Access, current research, and Big science published first time The Garfield Memorial Volume is free with all new Subscriptions Informatics Studies 52), April-June, 2018 Stephen Hawking Bibliography Flawking, $.W.(1991). ‘The no boundary condition and the arrow of time, NATO ‘Workshop on the Physical Origin of Conference: C91-09-30.4 Hawking, SW.(1991}. Beginaing or end? Inaugural lecture. Paderborn: Junfermana Hawking, SW.(1991). The Alpha parameters of wosmholes. Paysica Scripma:T, 36 Hawking, S.W(1992), The Chronology protection conjecrure. Physics Review D, 46,608-611, DOI: 10.1103/ PhysRevid.46.603 Hawking, $.V.(1992). Evaporation of wo- dimensional black holes. Physies Review Letters, 69, 406-409. DOI: 10.1103/ Hawking, $.4¥(1992). two-dimensional black holes. Proceedings, ‘The senaissance of genesal seladivity and cosmology: Trieste aporation of Hawking, S.W.(1994), The Superscattering matrix for swo-dimensional black holes. Physics Review 1,50 Hawking, $.1¥.(1994). Black holes and baby universes and other essays. Toronto: Bantam Books Hawking, S\W.(1994), Nancte of space and time. htaps:/ dewils/arxiv- hhep-2h9409195 Hawking, S.W.(1995), Quantum coherence and closed time like curves, Physics Review D,52, Hawking, SW(1996). Singularities and the geomeuy of space-time. The Exsopean Physical Journal H Hawking, 8.181996). Virtual black holes. Physics Review D, 53. Hawking, $..¥/(1997). Evaporation of primordial black: holes. . Prepared for 6c, Conference on Quantum Mechanics of Conference: C9T-11-11.1 118, Hawking, §.1W11998), A debate on open inflation. AIP Conf Proc. 478 Hawking, $1¥(1998). Is information lost ia black holes? In “Wald, RUM. 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