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PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 129, 222001 (2022)

Determining Feynman Integrals with Only Input from Linear Algebra

1,* 1,2,†
Zhi-Feng Liu and Yan-Qing Ma
School of Physics and State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Technology, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
Center for High Energy Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China

(Received 1 September 2022; revised 11 October 2022; accepted 2 November 2022; published 23 November 2022)

We find that all Feynman integrals (FIs), having any number of loops, can be completely determined
once linear relations between FIs are provided. Therefore, FI computation is conceptually changed to a
linear algebraic problem. Examples up to five loops are given to verify this observation. As a by-product,
we obtain a powerful method to calculate perturbative corrections in quantum field theory.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.129.222001

Introduction.—Feynman integrals (FIs) encode key In this Letter, we make the following observation.
information of quantum field theories. The study of FIs Boundary information for AMF, which can always be cast
is important both for exploring mysteries of quantum field to single-mass vacuum FIs, can be related to propagator
theories and for their phenomenological application. integrals (p integrals) with one less loop. Then, p integrals
Integrating over some variables is found to be a necessary can again be calculated by using the AMF method, with the
step to determine FIs in all known systematic methods. This input of new boundary information having one less loop.
seems to be a reasonable phenomenon, as FIs themselves By using this strategy iteratively, we eventually do not need
are defined by integrating over loop momenta. However, any input for boundary information in the AMF framework.
because it is usually hard to perform integration in a Thus, it is surprising to find that integration is totally
systematic and efficient way, is it possible to totally bypass bypassed in determining FIs.
integration in determining FIs? As a result of our observation, FIs can be completely
Available systematic methods to compute FIs can be determined once linear relations between FIs are provided;
divided into direct methods and indirect methods. Direct these relations are used to decompose all FIs to a small set
methods include sector decomposition [1–13], the Mellin- of bases, called master integrals (MIs), and to set up η-DEs
Barnes representation [8–13], loop-tree duality [14–23], of these MIs. We note that numerically solving ordinary
and so on, where one computes FIs by directly performing differential equations (like η-DEs) is a well-known math-
integration over some variables. Indirect methods compute ematical problem [51]. Therefore, the problem of integrat-
FIs indirectly by solving corresponding equations, which ing over loop momenta is now conceptually changed to a
include difference equations [24–27] and differential equa- linear algebraic problem of exploring the linear space
tions [28–40]. To uniquely determine the solution, boun- of FIs.
dary information is needed in these indirect methods. In the rest of this Letter, we first review the AMF method
Unfortunately, the only known systematic way to obtain and emphasize its input. We then describe our method to
boundary information is to use direct methods to calculate compute boundary conditions within the AMF framework,
them. Therefore, integration is still necessary in these in- without any unknown information. Some examples are in
direct methods. order to verify this method. Finally, we propose a powerful
The auxiliary mass flow (AMF) method [38–40] is a way to calculate perturbative corrections within dimen-
kind of differential equation method, which computes FIs sional regularization.
by setting up and solving differential equations (DEs) with Before continuing, let us first give a brief introduction to
respect to an auxiliary mass term η (called η-DEs). The FIs. A family of FIs is defined by the following integrals
virtue of AMF is that its boundary conditions at η → ∞ are with various values of ν⃗ ,
simply vacuum bubble integrals, which can be more easily
calculated by using other methods [41–50]. Z Y  −ν −ν
dD li D Kþ1    DN N
I ν⃗ ¼ Kþ1
; ð1Þ
i¼1 iπ
D=2 Dν11    DνKK

Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of where L is the number of loops; li are loop momenta; D is
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the dimensionality of li ; D1 ; …; DK are inverse propaga-
the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, tors, with ν1 ; …; νK being integers; and DKþ1 ; …; DN are
and DOI. Funded by SCOAP3. irreducible scalar products introduced for completeness,

0031-9007=22=129(22)=222001(6) 222001-1 Published by the American Physical Society

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 129, 222001 (2022)

with νKþ1 ; …; νN being nonpositive integers. It has been

proven that a family of FIs forms a finite-dimensional
linear space [52]. In other words, any FI in a given family
can be decomposed into a linear combination of MIs,
which is a finite set of bases of the linear space formed (a) (b) (c)
by the family of FIs. Coefficients in this decomposition
are rational functions of all natural variables, like D,
Mandelstam variables, masses, and the η introduced in
AMF. Information of the linear space is completely
encoded in these decompositions, or linear relations
between FIs. Decomposition of FIs is usually realized (d) (e)
by integration-by-parts (IBP) reduction, which has been
extensively studied [24,53–73]. Having IBP reduction FIG. 1. Some typical Feynman diagrams of single-mass vac-
uum FIs up to five loops, where solid lines denote massive
relations, we then only need to study MIs.
propagators and dotted lines denote massless propagators.
Furthermore, because FIs containing linear propagators
can be determined by FIs containing only quadratic
propagators [74], we will not consider linear propagators nonzero contributions only come from integration regions
anymore. where
pffiffiffiffiffilinear combinations of loop momenta are either of
Auxiliary mass flow method.—To determine I ν⃗ defined in Oð jηjÞ or Oð1Þ [75,76]. In each of these limited number
Eq. (1), in the AMF method, one introduces an auxiliary of regions, a general propagator can be expressed as
family of integrals defined by
Z Y  −ν ;
L −ν
dD li D̃ Kþ1    D̃N N ðlL þ lS þ pÞ2 − m2 − κη
Ĩ ν⃗ ðηÞ ¼ Kþ1
: ð2Þ pffiffiffi
i¼1 iπ
D̃ν11    D̃νKK where lL is the Oð ηÞ part of the loop momenta, lS is the
Oð1Þ part of the loop momenta, p is a linear combination of
Without loss of generality, we assume ν1 > 0 and external momenta, m is the mass, and κ ¼ 0 or 1. Then, if
D1 ¼ l21 − m2 þ i0þ , where m can be zero. We can then lL ≠ 0 or κ ≠ 0, we can simplify the propagator by
choose the propagator mode [40] to set D̃i ¼ Di for i > 1 1 1
and modify the mass term for i ¼ 1 by ∼ : ð6Þ
ðlL þ lS þ pÞ2 − m2 − κη l2L − κη
D̃1 ¼ l21 − m2 − η: ð3Þ Otherwise, the propagator is unchanged. After the above
simplification, the new FIs at the boundary are either
The original I ν⃗ can be obtained by taking η → i0− , single-mass vacuum FIs or simpler FIs compared with
the original FIs. For the latter cases, we can compute them
I ν⃗ ¼ lim− Ĩ ν⃗ ðηÞ: ð4Þ again using AMF, which needs even simpler FIs as input
for boundary conditions.
Let us denote MIs of the auxiliary family by J̃⃗ ðηÞ and By using AMF iteratively, to determine any L-loop FI,
denote its dimension by n. Using IBP reduction, we eventually only need single-mass vacuum FIs with no
⃗ more than L loops as additional input, besides IBP
ð∂=∂ηÞJ̃ðηÞ can again be expressed as linear combinations reductions. Diagrams of some typical single-mass vacuum
of J̃⃗ ðηÞ, which results in a system of closed η-DEs, FIs are shown in Fig. 1.
Determining single-mass vacuum Feynman integrals.—
∂ ⃗
J̃ ðηÞ ¼ AðηÞJ̃⃗ ðηÞ;
Now, let us assume that I ν⃗ defined in Eq. (1) are single-
∂η mass vacuum FIs, with D1 ¼ l21 − m2 þ i0þ as the only
massive propagator and ν1 > 0. Without loss of generality,
where AðηÞ is an n × n matrix with entries rationally we set m2 ¼ 1 in the rest of this Letter.
depending on η. Supposing that we already have boundary Let us define a massless p integral
conditions in hand, we can solve the η-DEs numerically
⃗ ⃗ Z Y  −ν −ν
[38,51] to obtain J̃ðηÞ and thus their limit J̃ði0− Þ. As Ĩ ðηÞ
dD li D Kþ1    DN N
Î ν⃗ 0 ðl21 Þ ¼ Kþ1
can be expressed as linear combinations of J̃⃗ ðηÞ using IBP i¼2 iπ
D=2 Dν22    DνKK
reduction, all original FIs I ν⃗ (and certainly also their MIs)
are eventually determined. with ν⃗ 0 ¼ ðν2 ; …; νN Þ, where l1 is its “external momen-
An advantage of AMF is that boundary conditions at tum” and l21 is the only mass scale. Based on dimensional
η → ∞ can be systematically calculated. In this limit, counting, we have

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 129, 222001 (2022)
Î ν⃗ 0 ðl21 Þ ¼ ð−l21 Þ 2 −νþν1 Î ν⃗ 0 ð−1Þ; ð8Þ dD l2 1
Ĩ ð1;0Þ ðηÞ ¼ ; ð13Þ
iπ D=2 l22 − η
where ν ¼ Ni¼1 νi . The original integral I ν⃗ is then factor- Z
ized into two parts and can be evaluated as dD l2 1
Ĩ ð1;1Þ ðηÞ ¼ ; ð14Þ
iπ ðl2 − ηÞðl2 þ pÞ2
D=2 2
Z ðL−1ÞD
dD l1 ð−l21 Þ 2 −νþν1
I ν⃗ ¼ Î ν⃗ 0 ð−1Þ which are MIs of the corresponding auxiliary family.
iπ D=2 ðl21 − 1 þ i0þ Þν1
Denoting J̃⃗ ¼ ðĨ ð1;0Þ ; Ĩ ð1;1Þ ÞT , η-DEs can be obtained using
Γðν − LD=2ÞΓðLD=2 − ν þ ν1 Þ
¼ Î ν⃗ 0 ð−1Þ; ð9Þ IBP reductions,
ð−1Þν1 Γðν1 ÞΓðD=2Þ
∂ ⃗ 0
which determines an L-loop single-mass vacuum FI I ν⃗ by J̃ðηÞ ¼
η ⃗
J̃ðηÞ: ð15Þ
an (L − 1)-loop massless p integral Î ν⃗ 0 ð−1Þ. This relation is ∂η 1−ϵ
well known. pffiffiffi
The key observation is as follows: The (L − 1)-loop As η → ∞, only the integration region jl2 j ∼ Oð ηÞ gives
massless p integral Î ν⃗ 0 ð−1Þ can be computed via AMF a nonzero contribution. Thus, we have
discussed in the last section, which requires single-mass Z
vacuum FIs with no more than (L − 1) loops as additional dD l2 1
Ĩ ð1;0Þ ðηÞ ¼ η D=2−1
input, besides IBP reductions. Therefore, we find that, with iπ D=2 l22 − 1
linear algebra provided by IBP reductions, single-mass
¼ ηD=2−1 ð−1ÞΓð1 − D=2Þ; ð16Þ
vacuum FIs with L loops are determined by those with less
than L loops. This works iteratively until the boundary at
where in the last step the relation (9) has been used, and
L ¼ 1. Vacuum FIs with L ¼ 1 are completely determined
by the relation (9) by noticing that the value of the zero- Z
η→∞ dD l2 1
loop p integral is simply 1. Ĩ ð1;1Þ ðηÞ ¼
We eventually arrive at a surprising conclusion that all iπ ðl2 − ηÞl22
D=2 2
single-mass vacuum FIs, and therefore all FIs, can be d l2 1
completely determined once linear algebraic relations ¼η D=2−2
iπ D=2 ðl22 − 1Þl22
between different FIs are provided. This conclusion is Z D
d l2 1
valid for any number of loops L and arbitrary dimension- ¼ ηD=2−2
ality D. iπ D=2 l22 − 1
Examples.—To better understand the above observation, 1
let us compute some FIs. ¼ Ĩ ð1;0Þ ðηÞ ; ð17Þ
One of the simplest examples is the two-loop single-
mass vacuum integral shown in Fig. 1(b), defined by where scaleless integrals are omitted in the third line.
By solving the η-DEs in Eq. (15) together with boundary
dD li 1 conditions at η → ∞ in Eqs. (16) and (17), Î ð1;1Þ ð−1Þ ¼
I ð1;1;1Þ ¼ ; ð10Þ
i¼1 iπ D=2 ðl2 − 1Þl2 ðl þ l Þ2
1 2 1 2 Ĩ ð1;1Þ ði0− Þ is determined. We thus obtain the desired FI
I ð1;1;1Þ using the relation (11).
where the Feynman prescription i0þ for each denominator Clearly, the same procedure can be used to compute any
is suppressed. The relation (9) gives FI. Let us give the result of another example shown in
Fig. 1(e), which is one of the most complicated five-loop
Γð3 − DÞΓðD − 2Þ single-mass vacuum FIs. Following the above-described
I ð1;1;1Þ ¼ Î ð−1Þ; ð11Þ
−Γð1ÞΓðD=2Þ ð1;1Þ procedure, we can compute all MIs in this family to a very
high precision, with only input from the IBP reductions.
with The result of the corner integral with 10-digit precision is
given by
dD l2 1
Î ð1;1Þ ð−1Þ ¼ D=2 l2 ðl þ pÞ2
; ð12Þ − 2.073 855 510ϵ−2 − 7.812 755 312ϵ−1 − 17.258 828 64
iπ 2 2
þ 717.680 884 5ϵ þ 8190.876 448ϵ2 þ 78 840.29 598ϵ3
where pμ satisfies p2 ¼ −1. þ 566 649.1116ϵ4 þ 390 171 3.802ϵ5 þ 237 023 84.71ϵ6 ;
To calculate the one-loop p integral Î ð1;1Þ ð−1Þ via the
AMF method, we introduce auxiliary integrals ð18Þ

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 129, 222001 (2022)

where we have set D ¼ 4 − 2ϵ with only 9 orders in ϵ improve the estimation with uncertainty suppressed by one
expansion shown, although more orders and digits can be higher order in ϵ.
easily obtained. The first seven terms of the expansion In this method, we do not need to manipulate a Laurent
agree with those obtained in Ref. [48], and other terms expansion of ϵ during the intermediate stage of the calcu-
are new. lation; thus, the computational time can usually be reduced by
A new method to calculate perturbative corrections.— several times. This improvement of efficiency is very impor-
An important feature of our strategy is that the FIs we tant for cutting-edge problems. Actually, using this method,
calculate can have arbitrary dimensionality. On the one we have successfully calculated the above-mentioned tt̄
hand, this makes our strategy applicable for a general production to next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order for the
theory, e.g., nonrelativistic theory with dimensionality first time, which will be presented elsewhere [80].
equal to 3. On the other hand, by sampling different Summary and outlook.—By combining the recently
dimensionality around a fixed value, say 4 − 2ϵ with some proposed AMF method and Eq. (9), we find that all FIs,
small values of ϵ, we can fit the Laurent expansion with with any number of loops and arbitrary dimensionality, can
respect to ϵ to any desired order, which is actually the way be completely determined once linear relations between FIs
we obtain the results in Eq. (18). are provided. This interesting observation conceptually
If we apply the above strategy directly to physical changes FI computation to an algebraic problem. We have
processes, we arrive at a new and powerful method to explicitly verified this observation using some examples up
calculate perturbative corrections—for example, the next- to five loops.
to-next-to-leading-order (NNLO) QCD correction to a top- For phenomenological purposes, many general FIs need
antitop quark pair fully inclusive production cross section to be calculated. The mainstream method to compute FIs
in lepton colliders eþ e− → γ  → tt̄ þ X, which have pre- can be divided into two steps. In the first step, one reduces
viously been calculated in Refs. [77–79]. In our method, we all FIs to MIs, and in the second step, one calculates the
calculate a bare cross section (before renormalization) with MIs. Both steps are found to be very difficult for current
a numerical value of ϵ and then renormalize it in the cutting-edge problems. With our strategy, IBP reduction
standard MS scheme, with the same value of ϵ. To show the becomes the only obstacle for FI calculation. Our strategy
numerical result, we choose the center-of-mass energy s, has been implemented using the package AMFlow [81],
renormalization scale μ, and the top quark mass as μ ¼ which can automatically calculate general FIs, with any
pffiffiffi number of loops, to high precision, as long as IBP reduction
s ¼ 1 and m2t ¼ 1=8. We ignore contributions from
internal top quark loops and those from photons interacting is successful. These features make our method unique
with the other five types of quarks because these contri- compared to other available methods of FI computation.
butions are very small. Then, if we set ϵ ¼ 0.001, the Because FIs with any dimensionality can now be
NNLO correction gives calculated, we can determine physical processes directly
with a given small value of ϵ, the dimensional regulator. In
2 this way, we can significantly improve the efficiency of
0.001 =ðααs Þ ¼ 9.261823090; ð19Þ
perturbative calculations. Furthermore, our method is
applicable for a general theory, like nonrelativistic theory
where only 10 digits are shown. Because the cross section
with dimensionality equal to 3.
is a physical quantity that is free of divergence, σ NNLO
ϵ can
give an estimation of the total cross section up to an OðϵÞ We thank X. Chen, X. Liu, X. Li, X. Guan, and W. H. Wu
error. Now let us calculate the cross section with another for useful communication and discussions. This work is
value ϵ ¼ 0.0011, which gives supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation
of China (Grants No. 11875071 and No. 11975029), the
0.0011 =ðααs Þ ¼ 9.262629688: ð20Þ National Key Research and Development Program of China
The fact that σ NNLO under Contract No. 2020YFA0406400, and the High-
0.001 and σ 0.0011 have a relative difference at

the Oð1=1000Þ level confirms two things. First, the σ NNLO Performance Computing Platform of Peking University.
calculated here is free of 1=ϵn divergence; otherwise, the
difference should be at the Oð1Þ level. Second, σ NNLO ϵ1 ¼
ϵ2 þ Oðϵ 1 − ϵ 2 Þ is justified. Therefore, we can fit a *

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