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Autophagic Punctum article addendum

Communicative & Integrative Biology 3:6, 1-4; November/December 2010; ©2010 Landes Bioscience

Cooperative signaling behavior of roost location in a leaf-roosting bat

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Gloriana Chaverri1,* and Erin H. Gillam2

Biology Department; Boston University; Boston, MA USA; 2Department of Biological Sciences; North Dakota State University; Fargo, ND USA

R esearch suggests that social calls are

important for conveying information
about food and roost location in bats.
cooperative behaviors have been described
in a wide diversity of taxa, including crus-
taceans, insects, fish, birds and mammals.1
However, no studies have specifically Types of cooperative behaviors include
documented calls that are used to actively caring for young, grooming, sharing food,
attract conspecifics to roosting locations. defense against predators, group hunting
Here we describe the cooperative signal- and sharing information about predators
ing behavior of roost location towards fly- and food location.2-11 Information transfer
ing conspecifics in Spix’s disc-winged bat about food location, in particular, has been
(Thyroptera tricolor), a species that uses a a widely recognized cooperative behavior
highly ephemeral roosting resource. Two that has apparently played a major role
types of calls were recorded during field in the evolution of sociality in birds and
experiments; one from flying individu- bats.12,13
als termed “inquiry calls” and another Even though locating adequate food
from roosting bats termed “response patches is a critical daily task for bats,
calls”. Inquiry calls were emitted by fly- finding and securing suitable roosting
ing bats immediately upon release, and sites is also important, as roosts provide
quickly elicited production of response protection from predators and inclement
calls from roosting individuals. Most fly- weather, and also serve as sites for social
ing bats entered the roost when roosting and reproductive activities.14 Bats use a
individuals responded, while very few wide diversity of structures for roosting,
bats entered the roost in the absence of a including caves, rock crevices, tree cavities
response. During playback experiments, and plants.15 Depending on the ephemer-
we found significant differences in ality of a roost and the particular needs
response rates among individuals, which of the bats, such as avoiding predators
could be caused by diverse intrinsic and and parasites, roosts may be used by indi-
extrinsic factors. In addition, results of viduals for several years or for very short
Key words: cooperation, information our ongoing field studies suggest that periods of less than 24 hours.16 Using such
transfer, roost, social calls the cooperative signaling behavior of ephemeral roosts means that individuals
Submitted: 08/06/10 roost location is important in maintain- need to locate suitable sites more often.
ing social cohesion, and that the use of Unfortunately, very little is known about
Accepted: 08/06/10 a larger home range when resources are how individuals locate sparse and ephem-
Previously published online: scarcer may decrease group stability by eral roosts. A few studies have suggested hindering communication. that acoustic signals may be an important
article/13277 cue used by bats to recruit conspecifics to
Cooperation, a behavior performed by an roost-sites,17-19 but to date no research has
DOI: 10.4161/cib.3.6.13277
individual that provides a benefit to a recipi- examined if social calls are in fact actively
*Correspondence to: Gloriana Chaverri; ent, poses a problem to evolutionary theory used for this purpose.
because it potentially has negative fitness Our study of the social calls emit-
Addendum to: Chaverri G, Gillam EH, Vonhof MJ. consequences on the performer. Thus, in ted by Spix’s disk-winged bat (Thyroptera
Social calls used by a leaf-roosting bat to signal the absence of a specific mechanism for the tricolor) provides, for the first time, con-
location. Biol Lett 2010; 6:441–4; PMID: 20071395; evolution of cooperation, natural selection clusive evidence that a bat species uses
DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2009.0964. should favor defectors. Notwithstanding, cooperative signaling behaviors to convey Communicative & Integrative Biology 1

Figure 1. Sonograms showing (A) an inquiry call and (B) a response call.

information about roost location towards We conducted playback experiments The cooperative signaling behavior of
flying conspecifics.20 Spix’s disk wing bat is with 53 bats, in which an individual was roost location towards flying conspecifics
a neotropical species that maintains highly placed in a tubular leaf and presented in T. tricolor may be an important means
cohesive social groups,21,22 yet roosts in a with a series of recordings of inquiry by which individuals help conspecifics
very ephemeral habitat—the furled leaves calls. We found that response rates dif- reduce the costs associated with flight,
of members of the order Zingiberales. In a fer considerably between individuals, such as high energetic expenditure and
series of field experiments, we found that with 42% of bats responding quickly increased risk of predation, 27,28 as these
when individuals are looking for roosts (i.e., immediately after the first inquiry calls apparently increase the probabil-
or roostmates, they emit “inquiry calls” call was broadcasted) and vigorously (i.e., ity of finding roosts.20 These social calls
(Fig. 1A) that often elicit a response from loud and repetitive calls within a bout), may also significantly increase the ability
individuals who have already entered a to inquiry call playbacks. Another 19% to locate group members, particularly if
furled leaf. These “response calls” (Fig. responded, vigorously or not, within the they contain specific signatures unique
1B) frequently drive the flying individual first 10 broadcasted calls, while another to each individual, increasing group sta-
into the roost. Response calls appear to be 7% responded only after the same set of bility. However, when bats inhabit areas
emitted by roosting individuals intention- inquiry calls had been repeatedly broad- of scarce roosting resources, individuals
ally to aid conspecifics in the location of casted (i.e., after 20–30 calls). Thirty- must travel long distances to locate suit-
roosts because they are emitted only after two percent of individuals sampled able furled leaves and their social calls
an audible inquiry call and vocalization of never responded to any of the inquiry may not be audible to all group members
response calls ceases immediately after the calls broadcasted. Response rates did not due to atmospheric attenuation,29 result-
flying individual enters the roost. appear to be influenced by factors such ing in group fission. Our ongoing research
Results of acoustic trials show that as time of day, temperature or time since on the social organization of T. tricolor
flying bats typically emit an inquiry call capture, as individuals tested consecu- shows that individuals use larger areas
immediately after being released, but do so tively often differed significantly in their when roosts are scarcer and, as predicted,
rather infrequently (i.e., once every few sec- response to inquiry calls. These results have lower association indices compared
onds), while roosting bats emit numerous suggest that there may be differences in to individuals using smaller areas with
response calls in close succession. During cooperative rates among individuals, and abundant roosting resources (Fig. 3).
these response bouts, the maximum ampli- that these rates may be influenced by fac- Because a decrease in encounter rates is
tude of calls showed a decline with time tors such as reproductive status. Other known to hinder reciprocation,30 further
(Fig. 2). Thus, response calls emitted right factors that are known to affect coopera- research is necessary to understand if the
after the inquiry call were louder compared tion include dispersal patterns, resource cooperative signaling behavior of roost
to response calls emitted later in a bout. We abundance, predation risk and group location observed in T. tricolor is more
also observed that lactating females did not size,23-26 but whether any of these are rel- prevalent in populations that inhabit
respond to inquiry calls or responded with evant in explaining cooperation rates in areas with a greater abundance of furled
only a single, weak call. T. tricolor remains to be tested. leaves.

2 Communicative & Integrative Biology Volume 3 Issue 6

Figure 2. Change in amplitude of response calls per individual. Bars indicate the difference in amplitude of first calls and subsequent calls emitted in a
bout, with increasingly darker bars representing later calls.

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