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AT THE CINEMA Cinema words Label the pictures with the words below. a box office a projector a soreen a seat atticket popcorn Yeo Film genres How many different kinds of films can you think of? Continue the list below. action comedy Name one film for each genre, for example: “The Expendables isan action film. eaLIVEWORKSHEETS People in films Match the people to the definitions, and then complete the sentences below. 1. anactovactress 2. @ person na film, book or story 2. afm director . a person who gives professional opinion about a fim 3. a composer a person who tells the actors ina fim what to do 4. acc 4. a person who writes music 5. a character {© someone who stars in a fm 1. Brad Pit isa very talented. ‘Steven Spielberg is @ famous American, Han Solo is the name of a In the film Star Wars, ‘The film received very good reviews from fans end. ‘The music was very bad. This film needs a better Describing a film Match the questions to the answers. Can you guess the film? 1. What kind of fim is? a,_Itcame out in October 2015. 2. Whereis it set? b. action fim 3. Who'siniv? ¢. Its setin Mexico and London 4, When diditcome out? 4, It stars Daniel Craig S8LIVEWORKSHEETS Titanic is a drama movie. It was released in December, 1997. It stars Leonardo Di Caprio. It is set on a ship. Title Setting Actors Genre Release date Titanic onaship Leonardo DiCaprio | drama Pecember, fi997 ‘The Godiather | in New York Marion Brando gangster March, ji972 Gladiator inRome Russel Crowe, action, Mey, 2000 Star Wars, Inspace Harrison Ford, ‘science fiction |May, 197 Lincoln the United States | Deniol Day Lewis | historical November porz Casablanca in Morocco. Humphrey Bogert | drama January, ‘and Ingrid Bergman fi943, S8LIVEWORKSHEETS

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