ملحق الباهر خامسة ترم تاني 2024

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LaL-paver| CONNECT Final Revision Second Term SIL! Gualst Casall Primary PLP y © Some phrases are used to tell someone where things are. Heh OSs of Gan SY pasate on the right oon the left daw on the wall ~~ inthe middle of... we thaatia S next to ” (1, Read and choose the correct answer froma, b, ¢, ord. p20) atop yi51g hat 8 the right of the room, there is an armchair. a) At b) In c) OF d) On © My bed is next vou table. a) at b) in c) on d) to 9 the left of the room, there is my sister's bed. a) On b) To c) In d) OF 9 the middle of the room, there's a table. a) On b) To c) In d) At o the wall of the room, there are lots of posters. a) To b) On c) At d) In © Hamza sits to Omar. a) next b) behind c) middle d) from © Thang some photos . .. the wall. a) in b) on c) at d) by 2 Read and write the correct form of the word(s) between brackets. weigh guy UI Olas) aysall JSubJl alsig ot & There is a closet, (in) the right of the room. . My bed is next (of) a table. @ (To) the left, there is a desk. oO (On) the middle of the room, there is a table. 8 (In) the wall of the room, there are lots of posters. | (I! © scanned with OKEN Scanner X Language (A> Prefix A prefix is a set of letters, which we add before the main word to make a new word. Un- means ‘not’. eee We add "un-" at the Beginning of of a word to on the opposite meaning. friendly | —> comfortable ue l— lucky Byine| > safe oti happy ~~ fair te | > unfriendly ae | urcomfortable tee | unlucky Dohme i unsafe via urhappy eo | unfair we le a Read and choose the correct answer froma, b,¢, ord. Aaa) toy y15ig ‘a @ His cat died last week. He was very a) happy b) unhappy @ The armchair is very .. a) uncomfortable ) unkind @Olt's.. a) comfortable b) unhappy Olt's a) unlucky O He's very b) unfair b) unfriendly c) unfair to eat everything and don't leave ony for us, because he missed the bus. d) unsafe to sit on. c) unlucky 4) unfair ... to. go down the dark street alone. | c) unsafe — d) lucky c) unhappy d) unsafe c) unfair — d) unsafe pc anien- comer (0) © scanned with OKEN Scanner f° ) Final Revision © She's very oo. She never smiles or tries to make friends. a) unlucky ») unfriendly c) unfair d) unsafe © T'm glad that he didn't buy that couch. It was really 8) uncomfortable b) unhappy ¢) unlucky 4) safe OP She's VERY. onssnsnsnsnnnsnn BECAUSE She lost her homework. 9) unfriendly ) unhappy ©) unsafe 4) unfair | © That electrical wire looks very......... Don't touch it. 2) unsafe ») unfriendly c) unhappy 4) unfair © We all thought the new girl was...... but actually she just didn't talk much. s) unlucky b) unfriendly c) unfair d)_ unsafe \ The word "unsafe" means... 2) safe b) dangerous c) simple 4) easy We add the prefix............... to "happy" to give its opposite. ©) in- b) im- c) un- d) dis- Gs » The word "unhappy" is the same meaning as.... 2) sad b) glad c) funny 4) pleased @ Read and write the correct form of the word(s) between brackets. .Qulgéll gy UI OlSY ayroll YSubN wrisig {p51 © His cat died last week. He was very. soomeunneee (happy) © The armchair is very (comfortable). I can't sit on it. © He's very (lucky) because he missed the bus. That electrical wire looks very... (safe). Don't touch it. © scanned with OKEN Scanner Language @ | The Past Simple Tense tui pala gs} LL AE Usage 5-9!) 1-To talk about something that happened once. age aBiys ci cabo ysge gua! £9 I visited her house when I was five. 2- To talk about something that happened several times in the past. apt Gotebas Oto nh oe walt £9 We went to my aunt's house at the beach every summer. 3-To talk about something that was true for some time in the past. ap JCS OSUa ge os galt &% He loved living in his grandmother's apartment as a child. 4- Expressions with ago. P30) eclnaht _£% I met her in Zagazig two years ago. Form came i eat —— ate { see——> saw Regular verbs sctuoysil (OE Present giana rasta (§ivEnresent aaa Minas am | visit ax visited happen cs happened ‘love <»/ loved help sete | helped “carry ss» carried travel 34 traveled i look up 8 looked up | start us started la nate S| created — rain _*| rained Irregular verbs scat ye Jail Present Past/Present Past] 1) go <4 went | meet wa met | am / is oS was “tell a told | | are vis were | say se said i“ | take 2b took — | set out “nue set out | Oa © scanned with OKEN Scanner xb | ees | se Language @ Negative 4) ~ £% The people didn't help hitii with his work. Questions ) (Yes / No) question (Ja) ds) 29; Did you visit Ali yesterday? ._- Yes, I did. - No, I didn't. Wh- question i145 J) Q.W. + did + subject ww). + info) oa? &% When did you meet Heba? - I met her two days ago. Keywords “au1cusi') [eee vt last — ee) ago - 44] inthe past _ ug! rr eg] Once dos) @ Read and choose the correct answer froma, b,c, ord. Saya0)1 Gylopl yislg hat OI... w @ lovely day yesterday. a) has b) have c) having d) had © Last summer, I. .. to Alexandria with mum. a) go b) went c) goes d) going CE ©) © scanned with OKEN Scanner fe) Final Revision .... really beautiful. @ The sea nnn a) be b) being c) were d) was @ Yesterday, we ... _.juice at a café in the square. a) drink b) drinks ce) drank —d) drinking @ We......... ..to the market two days ago. a) drive b) drove c) drives d) driving @ Inearly . = .the train yesterday. a) missed b) hasmissed c) misses d) missing @1. _her house when I was five. a) visit b) visiting _c) visited d) visits © They ...... ....her in Zagazig two years ago. a) meet b) met c) meeting d) meets OHe cin. to South America, when he was younger. a) traveled b) travel c) traveling d) travels @ A local villager... him where there was a howler monkey. a) tell b) told c) tells d) telling @ The rain ... ..very heavy yesterday. a) were b) was c) been d) is @® She........ ... beautiful birds yesterday. a) see b) saw c) seen d) sees @ We... su. Some new friends last vacation. a) meeting b) meets c) meet d) met @ She to visit us yesterday. a) came b) comes c) come d) coming @ He didn't . nim all over Egypt: a) travels b) traveled c) travel _d) traveling © scanned with OKEN Scanner Language (oN .. eat Om Ali in Tanta last week. b) don't c) doesn't d) doing .. Ancient Egyptians build their homes? a) do b) does c) did d) doing © In Ancient Egypt, people water from the Nile. a) use b) used ce) using d) uses © What did people... ... to build their homes? a) use b) used c) using d) uses @® They didn .. by airplane. a) came b) comes c) come d) coming @ Where did you... _ be ... last week? a) go b) went c) goes d) going @ Read and write the correct form of the word(s) between brackets. ' uulgal J» HI Olas anal Jsuiit uisig at @ We... .. (go) to my aunt's house last summer. @ 1... .. (meet) her at the club two years ago. @ He. ... (visit) her house when he was five. @ He. (carry) our heavy cases to the car last night. @ Yesterday, my cousin... @ Ancient Egyptians. @ He didn't. © Our grandma. O It... @ Ancient Egyptians. @® Did you... @® What did he... un (Come) to visit us. (make) their homes near the Nile. (traveled) all over Egypt. ..(go) to Aswan last year. (rain) heavily yesterday. want) to keep their homes cool. | fe) FioatReviion | Verb, to“have~. the present simple. - We use (have) to talk about illness. Ply (eee ie (4) bay (NAVE) abl pss Form 1/You /We /They / Plural noun ——. have } £9. I have a headache. He / She /It / Singular noun ——- has } eg. Amr has a stomachache. <= Negative 1/You / We / They /Piural noun ——-+ don't have j £9. I don't have a sore throat. He / She /It / Singular noun __, doesn't have ) £9 He doesn't have a stomachache. Question (Yes / No) question: _ Do +1 /you /we / they /plural noun ——- have ...?_) ©9. Do you have a headache? - Yes, I do. - No, I don't. Does +he /she /it/ singular noun ———-- have ...? ) £9: Does Noha have a toothache? ~ Yes, she does. - No, she doesn't. © scanned with OKEN Scanner | ___tanguage_(@) Wh- question Q.W +(do/ does) + subject + have ...? ; _€9. What do you have? -I have a cold. €9. What does she have? - She has a backache. @ Read and choose the correct answer froma, b, ¢, ord. o42.0) 4219 pI ji5Iq Ip} - .....@ headache. a) has b) have c) were d) am ous Stomachache. a) has b) arehaving c) have d) having saw headache. a) has b) have c) ishaving d) having have a cold. a) We b) She ce) It d) He .. has a toothache. a) We b) They c) You d) He an earache? b) have c) having d) had snoun She have a cold? b) Do ce) Is d) Are uname they have a cold? a) Does b) Do c) Is d) Are © DO YOU esc nnn ... aheadache? a) has b) have c) had d) having oO! ... have a toothache. doing d) does Leann «comet 6) (0) ¢) © scanned with OKEN Scanner aie Nader have a headache? ** a) Do b) Does c) Didn't d) Doing ® He doesn't... .. a sore throat. a) has b) have c) having d) had an earache. have —d)_ having ... a stomachache. a) doesn'thave b) has d) having ® Nabla and Reem... wa @. cough. a) doesn'thave b) have c) has a) having ® My brother _ a toothache. a) doesn'thave b) don'thave c) have = d)_ having 2 have a cut on my arm. a) He b) She c) It a) I a) doesn'thave b) Ot. 2. have a headache. a) wasn't b) isn't c) don't d) doesn't ® Does she an earache? a) has b) have c) had d) having ® Do... _.. aheadache? a) haveyou b) hasyou c) youhas d) youhave ) Read and write the correct form of the word(s) between brackets. olga uy Ul OlaSD acl Ssh ATSIg ysl (has) an earache? ..(Do) she have a cold? (have) a stomachache. (doesn't) have a toothache. (don't) have a headache. .. (has) a headache. © scanned with OKEN Scanner Usage (9) We use "can" to talk about something we are able to do | in the present. gilda p5 ales exbiuai yu Ge sill "CAN" padi Form ass) |_Subject (sun + can + inf, (sea | £%; Birds can fly. Subject (yew) + can't + inf.Qrcs £9 Penguins can't fly. (Yes / No) question (u5).03—" Can + subject (yeu + inf ose _\8d-Cona @parrot fly? _- Yes, it can. (Question word + can + subject (yw) + inf... wt) 1 Wh- question “iGEs55) | £9 - What can youdo? —-- I can ride a bike. [ALSANER - comest()]()) © scanned with OKEN Scanner | fe) Final Revision «~~ Could - Couldn't CRRA Usage 3!) We use "could" to talk about something we were able to do in the past. pall pé ald esbius US cub de pail “could” pastas Form ws) ( Subject (gay + 0 inf. sau) ) £% I could speak French. 2% I could ride a bike. Negative a") ( i Subject (yew) + couldn't + inf. (aa ) £9 I couldn't take the metro so I had to walk. £9 They couldn't fly their kites. (Yes No) question (41-52*) £4, - Could you write when you were five? - Yes, I could. ss) {Question word + could + subject «wy + inf. (saat) . ) A chnesacaesetutnntenstenemmsarcnunenemnetteensnnenen Sed onsen £9, - What could you do when you were five? Wh- question -I could swim. © scanned with OKEN Scanner TN aie Language @G | a @ Read and choose the correct answer froma, b, c, or d. Saynoll @lopl yiilg hal @ Birds... fly. They have wings. a) can't b) can c) couldn't d) doesn't | @ Snails .. live in shells. | a) couldn't b) can ce) can't d) doesn't Snails . ..move quickly. a) can't b) are c) do d) can i @ Babies ..drive a car. ! a) do b) could c) can d) can't @ Bats can .. upside down on trees. a) sleeps b) sleep c) sleeping d) slept @ Ican... .. basketball. a) play b) played c) playing 4) plays @ Can lions... wu. Very fast? a) run b) runs c) running d) ran e. ... Play tennis? a) Youcouldn't b) Youcan't c) Youcan d) Canyou @ Parrots can... a) fly b) flies c) flying d) flew OI. wm Speak French when I lived in France. a) can b) can't c) could d) doesn't O te... . take the bus, so he had to walk. a) could b) couldn't ¢) can d) can't ® you ride a bike when you were three? a) Can b) Can't c) Aren't —d) Could © scanned with OKEN Scanner ts) Final Revision ® I couldn't say anything in German last year, but now a) can b) can't c) could = d)_couldn't ® Last year, he... aw fun very quickly, but now he can, a) can't b) could © °c) couldn't d) can 6. : a) Can b) Could g) Do d) Does ® Sorry, 1..... a) can b) can't c) could d) doesn't @ Amr... a) can b) can't ce) couldn't d) could ... you play the piano when you were a child? help you with your homework. I'm busy. see the board, so he moved to the front. ® Kangaroos...... _ Jump very high. a) can't b) couldn't c) can d) doesn't OI... a) can b) could ¢) can't = d) couldn't ® Thada sore throat, sol... a) can b) could c) couldn't d) doesn't @ Read and write the correct form of the word(s) between brackets. Qulgo gy UI OlalsU aya JS.shIl alstg {yo (can't) say anything in German last year. ... ride a bike when I was ten. (can't) jump very high. (reading) stories when he was seven? sum (Can't) Fly. (helps) me with my homework? © scanned with OKEN Scanner | 3k Language @ ; + ‘Adjectives ending in “-ed’ and ing” An adjective that ends in (-ing) describes ( whata thing is like). j gh gy BS) al (ina) 2 gt ha 8 - English is interesting! - The film is exciting. Vv An adjective that ends in (-ed) describes (how a person feels about something). Aang OS a ay pay a) aad (od J ASS GO a } eg, - I'mvery interested in history. - He is so excited. (r the verb ends in (-e) we take off the (-e) and add (-ed) or (-ing). | ng) I (0) Stays Sa (0) 2 Ja AS! @ Read and choose the correct answer froma, b, ¢, ord. a,20l dyloyl yisig st @ Iwas so .. with that movie. a) boring b) bored ¢) annoying d) amazing @ History is so... i a) interesting b) interested c) bored d) tired © That movie was so... a a) bored b) boring c) tired d) interested @ He is very... . in history. a) interested b) interesting c) interest d) interests © scanned with OKEN Scanner 7 af, | sary lh Final Revision ‘ k @ Lam very I want to sleep. a) tiring b) boring c) tired d) interesting © The bay view is. ... from the boat. a) amazing b) amazed c) annoyed d) bored @ She was very....... wu. When she saw her presents. a) surprising ) surprised c) annoying d) boring @ This way is very.... a) tired b) tiring c) excited d) amazed in computer studies. a) interested 6) interest c) boring d) amazing @ This party is... a) annoyed b) surprising c) surprised d) amazed 2) Read and write the correct form of the word(s) between brackets. -gulgdill gy UI OlalSY xan) JS BIg hat @ Iwas so. .. (boring) with that play. @ That movie was so... (bored). @ Math is so... (interested). @ He is very (interesting) in history. @ She is very. (tiring). @ Is the film. (amaze) or not? @ Iwas.. . (Surprise) to see my old friends. ® My friends are so. au (excite). © scanned with OKEN Scanner er one | 1 t ag Language @ | (Usage? cplaaiwill - We use imperatives to tell someone to do or not to do something. ; anges) JayollaLads pl Nip pds. &9 - Stand up. - Don’t run. - To make the affirmative imperatives, use the "infinitive" without "to". SO" gd Jad pane psd etal SN gysS- ((imf.) gain juss + dlaod (SL) £9 - Open the door, pleasé. - Please, pick up that trash. - To make negative imperatives, use "don't + infinitive " without "to". "tot one(don't+ nteaat) patel pial i oysSt)- a Don't + (inf.) wi | £% -Don’t eat in the library, please. - Don’t waste your time. A) Read and choose the correct answer froma, b,¢, ord. G2,20)1 Gyl>y y5Iq bys @.. our book on the shelf. a) Puts b) Put c) Putting d) Toput é... .. shout. Speak quietly. a) Don't b) Didn't c) Doesn't d) Do @... .. fruits and vegetables to stay healthy. a) Doesn'teat b) Didn'teat c) Eats d) Eat [ALBAHER - Connect 5){(15) © scanned with OKEN Scanner oe fo). Final Revision of 8. sen ...your time doing unimportant things. a) Doesn r'tspend b) Don't spend c) Spend d) Spends © Please, eervnnenrnnnenems YOU ANwer in short sentences. a) writing b) wrote c) write d) writes @ Stop making noise and ... .. to me, please. a) listen b) listens c) notlisten d) listening @ You're late... 2oup or you'll miss the train. a) Hurries b) Hurry c) Hurried =) Hurrying @ Don't... ... to bring your swimming shorts. a) forget b) forgetting>') forgets d) forgot é.. . your jacket, please. a) Wears b) Wearing c) Wore d) Wear ® Come and .... ... lunch with us. a) has b) had c) have d) having ® Don't .... unkind to your friends. a) be b) being c) been d) was e. = ..tell anyone your password. a) Didn't b) Doesn't cc) Don't d) Doing @...... ...the environment clean.’ a) Keep b) Keeping c) Keeps d) Kept .up the flowers. a) pick b) picked c) picking d) picks 6... come late or you will miss the lesson. a) Doesn't b) Don't c) Didn't d) Doing op © scanned with OKEN Scanner _ Language G @ Rewrite the rules with a suitable imperative form. Aunliall oll duo oaSiuis Glaylad 4115 acl © You should not eat in the library. @ You have to bring your book back in two weeks. OQ You cannot use your mobile phone here. © You need to drink your water outside. © You shouldn't come late. © You shouldn't tell anyone your password. @ Read and write the correct form of the word(s) between brackets. -Quigdi Quy I Otals.Y aural JSiddt 2isig hs! D orocosiuniinninniniinimnnnnninmnnninennnnes (DOBSN't) Sleep in class. OD voevionsnsnniniininninnninininninnnninnnnnennnnen (Eats) healthy food. DONE css nnn conus (Shouts) in class. Qo soo coos »(Listening) carefully to your teacher. innit «commun (Didn't) come late. O Don't 7 ... (swimming) here. (aC eanen - connect 5)) - ‘Connect Oa | © scanned with OKEN Scanner fs) Final Revision Prepositions of Time obillia aya alg J JL crea, CERT, a > & &) months ase the morning bee | in seasons usa! IN the afternoon Engle { years he the evening - Hae £% Grandma was born in 1962. - I go to Alex in summer. £9 It was warm in October. —_- He is active in the morning. £% They arrived in the afternoon. | days of the week esl On Saturday. | | ON special days desaxeel On my birthday. | specific dates satis On June 26", £3; I go swimming on Mondays. Tam having a party on my birthday. Iwas born on July 6" 2010. 2. @ times | at night | lunchtime £9 Our plane lands at 8 pm. £% I go to bed at night. £3 We play basketball at lunchtime. ey © scanned with OKEN Scanner Language A . qa) Read and choose the correct answer froma, b,c, ord. ay00)1 Yloy ssl fal @ Dad is a baker. He works, a) in b) on c) at d) to @We go to the club... a): in b) at! c) of d) on | \ @ Does our next class start..... a) in b) at c) of d) on @ Grandma was born... a) on b):in c) of d) to @ Sara's birthday is ..... : a) to b) of c) in d) on . .. Monday, we arrived in Amman. a). Of b) To c) On d) At ‘ the afternoon, we have lunch. a) To b) In c) On * d) At © Amman is a busy city... “3 a) on b) at ce) in d) of © It was warm... a) in b) on c) at. d) of @ It's cold a) on Lonnen -comect VG) © scanned with OKEN Scanner ? | i fs) Final Revision ® We play basketball :.. ... lunchtime. a) in b) on” c) at d) of ®I was born... a) in b) to c) at d) of ® We visit our cousins. a a) in b) with c) at d) on Di cncene z..cthe weekend, I visit my grandma. a) In b) Of c) By d) On @ Is your birthday a) in b) on c) at d) of © Our flight lands . ‘A a) of b)-at c) on d) in © We're flying to Morocco........ a) of b) on c) at d) in ® Our school ends ... _ a) on b) of c) at d) in © Our flight leaves ... we a) in b) of c) at d) on © Her cousins usually visit her... a) at b) in c) on d) of @ Read and write the correct form of the word(s) between brackets. -gulgsl Gv (DI Olas ayo [Subd wiSig IS at) the morning. - @ He goes to school @ I don't go to school in) Fridays. © He was born... (on) 2008. @ Tget up... _.(in) six o'clock. © scanned with OKEN Scanner Conia ) elevator cushion balcony television sleepingarea reed mat pot ecological jectives unfriendly > unsafe oe annoying ue friendly 3 boring ae Phonics N a } HOMES IN EGYPT (xittame closet ts. buy oven ai | (32° armchair webb ges | Jus shower a k tale roof um | is gate « dy | * blogging ot ge Upside down house comand | uncomfortable © e»# unlucky 5 | unhappy 2 unfair aoe awesome bse awful a | funny vaso interesting = brilliant the) cool. Bavtdue-ab Tong (ee) ii S sheep ous a seed bh “queen le i vs tree i “= cheese o | Gconnen comes) © scanned with OKEN Scanner Z fe) Final Revision xd, : — . ae The Rast Simple Tense- Sera Blall gsi 2 Usage -> — po ght ABE Oo ng 6 pat) PW Golpie dame ghoe uly PU Jl Ede Osler oe nual 7 260 arenas Form The second form of the verb. = JAA GUI pail £% helped my sister yesterday. ‘Subject (x) + didn't + inf. (a-.!) £% The people didn't help him with his work. Questions ) (Yes / No) question (5).0:) fr; . : (Did + subject (ew) + inf.Loou) £9; Did you visit Ali yesterday? - Yes, I did. - No, I didn't. Wh- question (NAT { Q.W. + did + subject (ew) + inf.Lo2) .....? £9 When did you meet Heba? - I met her two days ago. Keywords : (ee so | yesterday "| last "| in 2020 Lr ago _“linthepast #48] Once tyess| © scanned with OKEN Scanner @ Listen and circle the correct answer froma, b,c, ord. Aazaall &yloyll Jo? 6p5l> 2d pail @ Tike my... a) bathroom >) livingroom ¢) kitchen d) bedroom @ Ishare my bedroom with my..... a) sister b) father ¢) brother 4). grandma @ On the there is my bed. a) right b) left c) middle d) wall |! @ On'the wall, there are lots of posters of... a) people b) animals c) birds d) clocks @ Listen and circle the correct answer froma, b, ¢, ord. Sani &loyl Jg> lo adg poiwl @ I'min primary... a) five b) four c) six ) three ...cooks breakfast. a) mother b) father c) sister 4) aunt @ have breakfast with my . a) ‘friends b) family c) teachers d) aunts @ 1 g0 to school by... a) train b) car c) bike d) bus favaaven - comes {@) © scanned with OKEN Scanner fe), Final Revision @ Read and choose the correct answer froma, b, ¢, or a. éy00) &yloyll ySIq ‘a @ We have a modern oven in the. a) balcony b) kitchen —c) livingro room {u98 a1! UD «6 Olas ab @do- and - Where - live- Mohab - Ali -? - @ Read the following text and answer tl c) week d) month ...of soup. d) can c) bowl @ looks - unhappy, - He ~ mother- his- died - because e unlucky - because - the bus ~ He's -very -missed -he ~. Y Omet He - new - friends - some - yesterday 6 did - people - What - build ~to - homes - use- their e blogging - I - about - things - like - different is -also ecological - very ~. @ about - What - bedroom - the - new [re rern © scanned with OKEN Scanner Units G | | ee i Read and write the correct form of the word(s) between brackets. gulgall jay DI Olas araoll Sutil Wistg ysl | Cte (travel) all over Egypt la ie -(doesn' t) rain yebterday, @ His father 2 (goes) to Aswan last week. @Ididn't (meets) my friend two years ago. @ Did you @ I visited her house when I Reipegnennee (9G) Five. In) the left of thes room, there i ismy bed. _.(At) the.wall, there are.a Meet i (On) the middle of the rodm, there's aleloset. i @ My cousin came to visit us... neue _paiviollet an ABW). i @ Punctuate the following. °° lo cle pill ious pb | @ what did people use to build their homes | (visited) her house? | @) Writea paragraph of about (30) words. ants (60) yo a8 isi Homes in Ancient Egypt Guiding words: (build - river ~ mud ~ bricks ~ cool ~ paint ~ white ~ reed mats ~ sit ~ papyrus ~ cover ) @ Write a paragraph of about (30) words. dais (30) jo 8,44 wis! Your new apartment Guiding words: (new apartment ~ bigger ~ kitchen ~ oven - living room - TV ~ bedrooms ) Benne - comet NY) EEE n poet : — © scanned with OKEN Scanner pow illness / “ola cough .. sid | acold »| | toothache sb4a stomachace sud Jel) headache “| “dentist 92 pills | heal i] "shoulder aut ‘injection 4 relatives ieee) ankle patient ir | expert =| “hospital o= | unwell Protlive honey bandage sue | staff Jews medicine _ | earache 2519! corridor abl lemon . “helpful os sunscreen aorjins healthy i backache foletires gona! cut oe Pronunciation f “fan | leaf i life ferry ' | few 7 safe van leave tive very vi \ Swimming Football Reading "Favorite activity Taking long walks Number of students. © scanned with OKEN Scanner Favoriteactivity ing units_ (NX ‘ ij Verb.to,“hayer. in,the present simple Xi - We use (have) to talk about illness. oP pall aa (pleas /2sie / 42d) gam (NAVE) Jail aids Subject + (have / has) j €9; Thave a headache. | Form oss Negative. yay) Subject + (don't have / doesn't have), J : £9; I don't have a sore throat. ms | Question sou ~ (Yes / No) question: Do / Does + subject + have ...? ) j 29: Do you have a headache? -Yes,Ido. -No, I don't. | Wh- question: Q.W + (do / does) + subject + have ...? J }; What do you have? £9; What does she have? Opposite Prefixes ian/\ wude ghoi b> ++] unwell s% | unusual responsible ds | irresponsible “ ; ae | | irregular possible | impossible polite <4 | impolite 4) illegal © scanned with OKEN Scanner Listen and circle the correct answer froma, b, ¢, ord. 140 29} 2S aappallboyl Jp? Sb pdg aoiw! @ Banglore is a citY'in southetn eee a) America 5) France °) India = 4): England @ The hospital treats___ 2) Patients “yj. kids from all over the country. ©) children 4) women e With every patient, there'ré about .......... family members. oy five © ny six c) ten @) four @ It's unusual for a sick person to go to the...........----- alone. a) school b) hospital.) park d) restaurant @ Listen and circle the correct answer froma, b,cord. Japall cpu pg pall @ My school has got LS a) classrooms ») playgrounds ©) corridors 4) rooms Q There are... laboratories in my school. a) twenty b) two ¢) three 4) four ; © We have 0 BIg -eennininsnnnnnnnnnnn _.at the corridor. a) laboratory ») classroom c)library 4) room O The library is....... ..to the computer room. a) in b) on ¢)behind = d) next © scanned with OKEN Scanner ay Units @ ‘ @ Read and choose the correct answer froma, b,c, ord. ua! styl Ji5Ig hysl 7 BES make honey. a) Birds b) Monkeys cc) Bees d) Worms ..is,an injury that damages.your:skin. a) wound b) wind c) knee d) knot @We use the prefix " “ to give the opposite of "possible". a) il- b) ir- c) un: im=; @AIli is a responsible person, but Samy a) kind b) unkind c) ‘unfit “a Bhonsle @ When your head hurts, you have a / an, sitag, %. a) cold b) earache c) backache d) headache @ [ate something bad. I have a .. a) stomachacheb) backache ¢) col @ He is getting better because the doctor gave him some a) sweets b) sunburn c) medicine d) wound @ My grandma put a. ...on my knee cut. a) bandage b) scissors c) sunscreen d) pills @ The opposite of "usual" is .... a) unfit b) unkind c) unusual —d) usually @ He has a toothache. He should go to the a) doctor b) dentist c) teacher d) baker (3) Read and complete the text with the words in the box. pyall Yo OlalS) yall Jasig {51 bacteria- wounds - sweet - treatment - Scientists Honey is not only a food. It's is also used as a 1) . some injures and illnesses. It was first used to treat2) Ny Egyptian doctors around 5,000 years ago. 3) -. . know that some types of honey contain things that can help to kill 4) for j iiier coment oS) © Scanned with OKEN Scanner 1 ne P fo). Final Revision 4 ) Read and complete the text with the words in the box. 2 pyall yo OlalS yall JaSlg ly experts - exercising - water - body - hot Itisreally important to stay healthy. It's very important to drink plenty of 1)... cooseee This keeps your 2)... working well, It's especially important if it's a very 3) day or if your're «) @& Reai! the following text and answerthe questions. Aliwi ye woig JU! yall at Rania is my best friend. She was born in 2006. She is astudent at Ahmed Orabi School. There are thirty-five students in her class. Her favourite subjects are science and maths. She isn't good at social studies. Her school is near so she walks to school. She has got six lessons a day. A) Choose the correct answer. @ Rania has a lessons a day. a) seven b) six c) five d) four @ She goes to school : } a) bybus b) bycar —c) onfoot_—d)_bybike | B) Answer the following questions. @ What subject isn't Raina good at? @ What are Ranio's favorite subjects? | © scanned with OKEN Scanner tits _ Read the following text and answer the questions. Alii ge uzig «JW yall st My name is Ahmed. I have a friend from France. His name is Bill. He sent me a letter yesterday. He's coming to Egypt for a short holiday. I will meet him at the airport. I will take him to the Pyramids and the Cairo Tower. I'm sure he will enjoy them very much. 4) Choose the correct answer. _) Bill is coming to Egypt : ae a) by bike b) byplane cc) bycar d) on foot a) Egyptian ») English ~—c) French d) American 5) Answer the following questions. _) What does the underlined word "them" refer to?............ ) Why is Bill coming to Egypt? Put the wordsin the correct order to make correct sentences. Aan J2 QGSU anol LUD) ¥,# Dials ad throat -Do-a-you-sore -have -? Bto- How a ~ school -does -Eman -? 3 Jis- important - Which-most -food -the -? my - | -last -cut -week -knee -. Jyou - Did ~club -go -the -to -? Jyesterday - ate -bad -something -I . J aheadache - | -sorethroat - and -have-a-. J dentist - go -to - {ce -the -should il \ } ; | © scanned with OKEN Scanner le, © J All my sisters ) He / Ghada JI / They ) Do you ep 10 Core f the word(s) between brarkets, gulgaill gy DI OlalsU aural! JSuid! AiSlg iA) ‘has) a cold. don't) have a toothache, ‘have! an earache, (has} a stomachache. doesn't) have a toothache. ‘has) a cold? Do she have a sore throat? _ He speaks rudely. He is J Tarek is sad. He is _ Does Toka C _/ ihave atoothache _) does he have acold _/ amr has an earache from swimming © rt (30) words, Healthy food (polite). ‘happy). (has) a cold? gh lo le pss Oloale pd nls (30) (yo 8.6 isl (fresh - fruit - vegetables - do sports - healthy - snacks - fizzy) hout (30) we-ds. als (30) Jo 686 WISI The importance of water ‘ important - comes - fresh - salt- drinking - washing - . ‘ watering plants - save ) ee i © scanned with OKEN Scanner / Unit \@) MY FAVORITE ANIMAL | _Animals'and bird kangaroo *5 bat 4s penguin Sebel gle | panda “+ lion +) dolphin aailss | snail os parrot “42 dugong psbdI ole | Trees | 7 | trunk see save 42 branch = 0/63 nuts op shelter si breeze od rest %» exhausted << useless = Yee ungrateful = d,/+ comfortable ~» shade ee Suffix'(er) teacher climb oe footballer sess farm oe readey 88 travel oi Phonics vet violin est et volcano vest hale atermelon vase illage . heel ater \e I can play tennis. @ She could speak English. i) I'm very interested in history. @ History is so interesting. |AL-BAHER - Connect (5) ' © scanned with OKEN Scanner @ Listen and circle the correct answer froma, b, ¢, ord. dxnnll yy Jg> dil> 95g gaiw! park. @ Yesterday, Toka went to a....... a) amusement 5) dream c) wildlife 4) music © Toka went there with her... a) family ») friends ©) qunts_4)_uuncles @ They saw lots of different... a) books b) rides c) animals 4) cars @ Toka's favorite birds are the....... a) doves b) sparrows c) bats d) parrots @ Listen and circle the correct answer froma, b, ¢, ord. Aa1201) lay Jg> Oj)! pg anil @ Hanin went to....... a) London ») Cairo ¢) Alexandria 4) Hurghada © Hanin went to Hurghada by ... a) bus 6) train ¢) plane 4) bike © She swam and played... a) tennis b) squash _—_c) chess d) basketball © Hanin was......... a) unhappy —_») sad c) depressed d) happy to © scanned with OKEN Scanner Units, (a . i @ Read and choose the correct answer froma, b,c, ord. | @ Pandas eot...... . ene q a) spaghetti b) bamboo c) wheat d) rice ' @ My cousin is a very good ....... He reads about 20 books a year. a) farmer b) reader c) climber d) footballer ii @Mr Ahmed is a great ... He makes the lesson clear. 1 a) teacher b) farmer c) climber d) reader | @He worked all day so he was ae | a) relaxed b) exhausted c) rested d) relaxing @A breeze is alittle... | a) storm b) wave c) cloud d) wind | @ When something is ... .. we don't want to use it. a) useful b) simple c) useless d) easy @ The trees give us shelter and | a) water b) meat c) shade d) honey @A meeting point is somewhere where people ee | a) leave b) sleep c) eat d) meet @ Ahmed was ..... .in languages. a) interested b) amazing c)interesting d) boring @® The match was ..... « Tliked it. a) excited b) exciting c) bored d) amazed 8) Read and complete the tent with the words in the box. py y ¢ parrots - enjoyed Yesterday, Ramez went to awildlife 1).. family. He 2) it very much. They saw lots of different animals like 3).. kangaroos, and penguins, He saw his favorite birds, the 4). \L-BAHER - Connect (5) © scanned with OKEN Scanner with the words in th 4 pall Jo Olals) (pill Josig {ya This week we're talking alot about 1) animals at school. My favorite unusual animal from Egypt is the 2) Its nickname is the 3) . Iteats grass from the 4) © : oon : atiuit ge ualg (uu gal iat | Bob and Lili are giant pandas. When giant pandas are born, they weigh 80 to 140 grams. Adults usually weigh 80 to 125 kilos. Giant pandas eat bamboo. They walk and run on all four legs. They can climb trees and swim. Giant pandas live in the mountains of China. Around 700 to 1000 pandas are alive today. s Choose the correct answer _) Giant pandas eat % fish bamboo meat fruit ) Giant pandas live in the cou Of China. mountains © bamboo = parks «) school ©) Answer the following questions J) What are Bob and Lili? / How do pandas walk and run? © scanned with OKEN Scanner Read the following text and answer the Alii Je Lig JWI yall i) Yesterday, Ramez went to wildlife park with his family. He enjoyeditvery much. |<) sawlots of different animals like lions, kangaroos, and penguins. He saw his favorite birds, the parrots. He was a bit sad because he didn't see the bats and he's doing a project on them at school. A) Choose the correct answer. ~) The underlined pronoun "| ><)" refers to the... a) friends 5) animals c) birds © family ) Ramez went to a wildlife park with his family : «} lastFriday ») today ©) yesterday ~ tonight | ©) Answer the following questions. \ -) What did they see at the park? _) Why was Ramez a bit sad’ ® Put the words in the correct ur Aono Jo? WwgSU anol v I @does water » Where -from -come -? | Jyou- ~ride “Could ~abite - were ~ when you - “three? wind is ~ Ab eze alittle e movie ~was ~ boring ~So™. Jit eis ~Why ~plant qimportant ~to -trees -? Jtraveler- iy was - grandfather agreat Darew ~ “food - f the ~for ~ “everyone -. Je ike -f to -would- ‘teacher -. L-BAHER - Connect (5) }(43) © scanned with OKEN Scanner ee ¢)_ Final Revision @ Read and write the correct form of the word(s) between brackets, uulgadl gk gD) Olals.Y araall YSuhdl aIsig bar | @ Snails can't (moves) quickly, @ Pandas (can) drive a car, eI (can) speak French when I lived in France. @ Could you (rides) a bike when you were there? | @ He couldn't read when he (be) one. ( © Last year, he (can't) run very quickly. { @ Can you (playing) tennis? | © What could you (did)? | @ That story is very (bored). | @ That long walk was very (tired). | @® Punctuate the following. 4g lo Ge pissy Oloule ad | ® farouk is a farmer from aswan. j @ why are trees important for animals oo | @ Mazen sent an email to omar | e iwould like tobe ateacher i | ® Write a paragraph of about (30) words. — .aals (0) yo 684 ist | ‘ | Guiding words: (A school trip) | ( 200 - animals - school bus - happy ) @ Write a paragraph of about (30) words. ants 60) 40 04 Wrst : Unusual animal Guiding words: Pousvaloninaly ( dugong - sea cow ~ grass - sea bed ) a a © scanned with OKEN Scanner Places inacity museum ves bank : factory ie restaurant «= library its monument a market 4» square 24 shopping mall Sri Se beach & station tam’ park Use fs Directions Go straight stay ~ Turn left Savelied Turn right wus Cross the road dee net Phonics | Jao! ‘et! ow ait show eight toy right go make boy night grow bake enjoy write | Language \ 2) Come here, Lama! Oo a) Don’ t 't be ye late tom tomorrow. _) Go to the end of the street and turn right. » Math J What's 88+90+27? J It's around 200. -BAHER - Connect (5) — © scanned with OKEN Scanner (1) Listen and circie the correct answe / In our perfect town, there is a big ma, b,c, ord. an! dlp Jg> Slo adg paiw) park ~~ restaurant ~' zoo “) hotel / We can go there every om. after classes. ‘afternoon ~ morning ~ evening “) night / We can help feed the ee people © kids ©) children ©) animals J It's really in our town. cold © hot snowy’ ©) rainy ten and circ om anil byl ge Spl 59 pol! a,b,c, ord. Egypt is in “) Asia ~) Europe “America °) Africa J Cairo is the city in Egypt. °) smallest “shortest © biggest “) longest ') The River Nile is the river in the world. ®) biggest ») smallest ©) shortest —«‘) longest ) Tourists like visiting Egypt in the ®) winter >) summer — © spring “) fall My) © scanned with OKEN Scanner units_(ON @ Read and choose the correct answer froma, b,c, ord. Gourn)! &loyl sidlg ty) vacation here. a) in b) on c) at d) into .... ages walking around the city. i a) make b) do c)spend d) try i _... to borrow or read books. i a) library + »b) c) bank d) beach | _) Molokhia and rice are from the local Egyptian ... Ee i a) restaurant b) cuisine c) museum d) factory -» We can keep our money safely at the .. a) library b) zoo c) bank d) park ) The mani He speaks rudely. a) kind c) foolish — d) nice _) Look! There are....... ... trees in the garden. a) red b) black c) gray d) green @ Let's... ..a cake for my birthday. a) bake b) grow ce) ache d) write “) Gabi didn’ the road. a) read b) write c) recognized) sit ) We catch the train from the ...... a) Z00 b) station c) school — d) park ® Read and complete the text with the words in the box. fyjall yo OlalS) yall Jaslg 51 C park - trees - food - yellow - picnics ) Se There is awonderful market that sells all kinds of delicious 1) sree» like fresh bread and fresh fruit and vegetables. There is a big 2)... .with lots of 3)..... ... «owe can go for family 4)... inthe shade. (i-smen comer SO © scanned with OKEN Scanner fs) Final Revision © Read and complete the text with the words in the how. pyjall Yo Olals» yall JaSig iat each - beach - lake - tong - cool -- - There are many exciting things to doin New Alamein. The_ city is onthe 1)... so youcan visit the 2) seawhenit's hot. This beautiful beach is 14 km 3) There is a large green 4) ..........uen tight in the middle of the city. @® Read the following text and answer the questions. Aliwil ge wig (JWI yall al My friend Ramy was having a good time in Alexandria with his family. They visited Alexandria Library last Friday. They spent the morning on the beach swimming and playing. It was fun! In the afternoon, they went to a film studio. They watched the actors rehearse and took a photo with Adel Emam. In the evening they went to have dinner at a nice restaurant near the beach. The food was very delicious. They went home late. A) Choose the correct answer, @Ramy was having a good time in ......... a) Luxor b) Cairo c) Alexandria d) Aswan @Last Friday, they visited Alexandria ... a) Library b) Temple c) Citadel d) Museum B) Answer the following questions, @ Who did Ramy go with? © When © scanned with OKEN Scanner Units (N @ Read the following text and answer the questions. AlLwi Ye aig JWI yall 51 I am Kareem. I am from Mansoura. It's a nice city. It is the capital of Dakahlia. It has lots of places to visit. It has many beautiful parks and gardens, a theatre, cinemas and some sports clubs. On Fridays, I go to the club to play football. Sometimes, I go on a boat trip on the Nile. Mansoura has over 20 restaurants. It also has a good museum. Mansoura is called "The bride of the Nile". A) Choose the correct answer. @ Mansoura is a nice.. a) village b) country c) city a) park @ Mansoura has over. Bs a) twenty b) one ¢) forty 4) thirty B) Answer the following questions. @ Does Kareem go on a boat trip? @ What is Mansoura called 7.... ® Put the words in the correct order to make correct sentences. Guuap Jap (29ST aro WD! 4 Ola1SII ab © scanned with OKEN Scanner . fs) Final Revision { G Read and write the correct form ofthe wordls)hetween brackets. if gulgaill gu ¢D)OlaLSD ayaa JSuiul Wisig ht @ (Choosing) a good book to read. @ Don't... . . .. (closes) the window. a eee eee eee (Didn't) eat in the library. @ .... eee oe .. (Keeps) the environment clean. @ ..... (Doesn't) write in the book. @ How... ceo .. (does) I get to the station? @ Where = . (are) the post office? @ How do I... _.. (gets) to the museum from here? Q . (Crossing) the road. — ..... (Are) there a library near here? ® Punctuate the following. gl) le pis Oloule pd @ jens likes drinking tea in the hotel @. Write aparagraph of about (30) words. — dals 60) yo 584 wist _ Alexandria (exciting - beach - restaurant - museum) @ writeaparagraph of about (30) words. Anis 60) go 488 wuss New Alamein Guiding words: (on the beach - 14 kms - international park - fascinating - _history - treasures) Guiding words: G0) Final Revision © scanned with OKEN Scanner = Vocabulary jotat VACATIONS | he desert ves land metal oe | market place - hotel 25 swimming pool see camera © the theme park passport soe ticket s sunglasses S58 | museum au suitcase = tourist traditional ¢ “daytrip se wander ~~. handicrafts ~ stall ~~ bench ak diary “<< destination alka picnic +. Al-Azhar Park Ai Hae sy liga (th) 18) (thy 781 mouth » thing father - | they south Thursday .—~ mother | this birthday ©. | think leather = these 1% Language j - I go swimming on Mondays. i - We visit our cousins in June. - We play basketball at lunchtime. © scanned with OKEN Scanner Cc Listen and circle the correct answer froma, b,c, ord. Japan yl Jg> OH dg anil 0 On wo sssnttstiesneany WE arrived in Amman. 2) Sunday b) Monday ©) Tuesday “) Friday @ The __ - landed at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. @) flight ©) trip ©) voyage ©) journey O Ttwasso in October. 2) hot ®) rainy c) snowy °) warm © Our room in the hotel was very 2) uncomfortable ©) unlucky c) comfortable «) tiring 6 Listen and cirele the correct answer froma, b, ¢, ord Aaxnnll oy) Jg> 5p)b dg pawl 9 Tove anything to do with. . 2, science 5) maths ©) history ©) English D Lalways go to the at home. 2) museum —®) park ©) restaurant ©) zoo O The bus ride wasn't a . x 2, good ») bad c) kind «, nice O It took an/a to reach our destination. =, day &) week co) hour « halfan hour 1 © scanned with OKEN Scanner units_(@N @ Read and choose the correct answer froma, b,c, or d. dappol Yoyl yisig hal @ You need a... to travel to a different country. a) passport _b) hotel * e) park d) beach @ You put your clothes and other things in a ....... when you travel. a) ticket b) passport ~c) suitcase _d) table @1 always take my... ..80 I can take photos. a) ticket © b) camera c) sunglasses d) passport @ I write daily in my a) passport — b) ticket diary joni) Suitcase @An.. riangle has three equal sides. a) equilateral b) rightangle c) isosceles _d) scalene @ Aright angle triangle has one angle that measures .... a) 80° b) 90° 's e) 100° d) 180° @ Be careful! That snake is . = a) active b) fame c) poison d) poisonous @ Ali swims and runs. He's very . i a) poisonous b) expensive c) active d) enormous © You can make sand castles and swim in the .... a) peach b) beach c) suitcase —_d) hotel @® We have fun and go on different rides at the... } a) theme park b) hotel c) beach d) zoo ‘ @) Read and complete the text with the words in the box. -pjall Yo Dials yall Jasty {1 passport - cold - hot - plane - suitcase i Reemis going on vacation. She is traveling to Canada by | ... Today, she is packing her 2) -Itcanbe 4) 1). She is taking her 3)... so she is packing her sweater. . there, ' © scanned with OKEN Scanner ‘Final Revision @ Read and complete the text with the words in the box. wy Pic 2% Haalle pyjall yo Olals) (AU! Jasig 1,51 :&Pagsport- destination ART NR ody was the bes aay ever! Tlove anything to do with 2719Ww 337 eli always go to the2).... s;history- museum - bus 1) at home. The 3) .... fide wasn't bad. It only took an hour to reach our 4) iE bn Xs slognoa satin . G Reggie fauinetest chi Gnswerthequestions I'm having a real adventurebere inthe desert. We arrived on the weekend and set up our tent. It's quite difficult to sleep in a tent on sand at night. We sit around a fire. It gets really cold here at night. We sing songs and eat delicious food which we cook on the fire. You can see a million stars. It's beautiful. A) Choose the correct answer. @ The writer is having a real adventure in the . a) village b) city c) town d) desert @ The writer sleeps in a... a) tent b) hotel c) bed d) sofa B) Answer the following questions. @ How do they cook food? @ Is it easy to sleep in a tent on sand? (Gare) © scanned with OKEN Scanner se # @ Read the following text and answer the questions. units (A ALL ye Wig _ JW yall ist On the first day at school, Ahmed met his friends. They enjoyed talking about their summer vacation. Everyone talked about what he did on vacation. They ran, played, laughed and had d their breakfast at the school playground. Their teachers were very kind. A) Choose the correct answer. @ The teachers were very. a) bad b) happy c) kind d) unhappy @ Ahmed had his breakfast at the SCHOO] anne : a) playground b) naet c) science lab a) class ® Reorder the words to make correct sentences. farno tng Y§ST Olas) wp act @is-a -Singapore-city-wonderful - Os0 - to -club -Saturdays - We -the-on- © scanned with OKEN Scanner fs) Final Revision © Read and write the correct form of the word(s) between brackets. yvlgail Ju GI OSD arr! fsa)! isi fy) ®& We flew to Alexandria... zt (in) Monday. O Our flight leaves e260 coon (On) 8am. & Many people leave the city. : swe (@t) the summer. @ We are going to the park ...(on) the afternoon. © Her cousins usually visit her... a (on) July. © We go to the club i .wone(in) Saturdays. @ Grandma was bor .....0.0..rannennnnnnye (Ot) 1962. © Reem's birthday is sven (at) December 4h, 9 (In) Wednesday; I play football after school. if We play basketball: eld ..(in) lunchtime. @ Punctuate the following. glo Ge pibyil toate pd ® iy did seleem feel better at the end : 9 reem sirthdoyison december 8 our fight lands in the evening @ Write a paragraph of about (30) words. © ants (30) jo 68 ist My perfect vacation Guiding words: ( last summer - beach - snorkelling - race - beach buggies - hotel - comfortable - enjoyed ) @ Write a paragraph of about (30) words. ais (50) yo aa ist Guiding words: Al- Azhar Park ( Cairo - grass - trees - plants - birds - beautiful - show ) © scanned with OKEN Scanner ah Ancient:Egyptians have a great history. They were very clever | architects. dus of op § miod 2ow amb, a 4) Where did they buildtheirlidiies? 2) What did they use to build their homes? Why?» 3) What was inside the home? 4) How about the furniture? \L-BAHER = Connect (5) © scanned with OKEN Scanner ty) Final Revision School Class : "staying healthy” Health is very dear. It's better than money. ‘Write about »>———---— 1) Things we should do to stay healthy. 2) Things we shouldn't do to stay healthy. i © scanned with OKEN Scanner The Performance Task @ School Class: Name: Date: “Your favorite animal” You have a pet in your house. You want to introduce it to your classmates. } alne 2) Its description. 3) The food you feedit. 4) The things it can do. nal yniz | obs mbluode sw 27 -tilT 7 icone - comes) © scanned with OKEN Scanner fs) Final Revision es School: ___. Name ene eenemeene - 988 Date 2 eee neeene ~ “Let's visitEgypt” Egypt is a beautiful country. It's full of history and monuments Invite a friend to visit it. ‘Writeg@bout >—-———-_--—_—_____—_, 1) The places he / she can visit. 2) The things he / she can see anddo. 2) The weather. 4) The Ancient Egyptians. (— | | | © scanned with OKEN Scanner The Performance Task (A N Name: 0 NY Date: —______. “Diary entry” You write about a special day in your life. Write your diary entry. {Write about_}————— 1) Write the date. 2) Start with "Dear Diary”. 3) Describe the places and events. 4) Say how you felt. | | © scanned with OKEN Scanner School : Class: ... Honey: Honey is very useful. People use it for many things. Write about 1) Which insect makes honey? 2)What do people use it for? 2)Why do people like it? © scanned with OKEN Scanner 1) Listen and circle the correct answer froma, b, ¢, ord. @ Thad a lovely day in... a) Alexandria ) Cairo ¢) London ¢) Luxor @ I traveled with my mom to see my... seh a) aunt b) uncle ¢) grandma 4) grandpa © When we arrived, we rushed straight to my aunt's... a) restaurant b) park c) garden 4) house @ My aunt gave us a delicious... = e a) dinner b) breakfast c) lunch d) snack @ Choose the correct answer froma, b, cord. @ We go tothe. ...when we have a toothache. a) teacher b) dentist ¢) engineer 4) vet @ We sleep in the. f a) livingroom ») bathroom ¢) kitchen 4) bedroom has a shell but it doesn't have legs or arms. b) penguin c) panda) parrot @ My uncle works in a big food... te a) museum b) park c) factory d) waterpark (3) Read and complete the text with the words in the box. ¢ share - old - love - bedrooms - kitchen > I moved to anew apartment with my family. I 1)... it. It's much bigger than our)...... apartment. Thes) bigger and the oven ts more modern Wehave threes). _.. NOW. (Acaaien core 6) i © scanned with OKEN Scanner We) €)_Final Revision GW Read the following text and answer the questions. Whales are animals that live in the ocean. The blue whales are the biggest animals on Earth. They eat fish, seals and even other whales. Some whales have teeth to help them eat. They breathe air through a hole in the top of their head. They can live a long time even up to 90 years old. Whales don't sleep like people, but instead they take quick naps. A) Choose the correct answer, @ Whales breathe air through a hole in the top of their a) flippers b) heads —c)gills d) bones @ The general idea of the text is about ... a) sharks b) goldfish c) whales d) dolphins B) Answer the following questions, @ What do whales eat? @ How do whales sleep ) Put the words in the correct order to make correct sentences. @you - an - Do - have - earache -? @ school - play -I - On Wednesdays - football -after - . © Read and write the correct form of the word(s) hetween brackets. @ The people didn't oum (helped) him with his work. @ Amir on (have) a stomachache. @ Punctuate the following. @ my favorite unusual animal is the dugong ® Writea paragraph of about (30) words. : Guiding words: A school trip to Alexandria) i +... (friends - school bus) paar © Scanned with OKEN Scanner Exam (2) PN 9 ele isten and circle the correct answer froma, b, ¢, ord. @ Omar lives in a..... .. house. +a) small ») big °) tall a) long @ He lives with his... nun and his sister Hana. a) parents ») friends ¢) uncles 4) aunts @ His bedroom is white and... a a) black b) yellow c) brown d) blue @ In the middle, there's a big...... a) bed b) sofa ce) closet d) oven @ Choose the correct answer froma, b, cord. @ I put lots of..... _.. of animals on the wall. a) tools b) posters ¢) roofs 4) boxes ww livesin Australia and jump on two legs. a) kangaroo >) penguin’ ©) lion 4) bat © We put our clothes ina .. when we travel. a) suitcase b) passport c) beach 4d) camera @ My uncle is a professional............» He can climb a mountain, a) climbing ») climber —c) climbs d)_ climbed (3) Read and complete the text with the words inthe box. honey - earache - ankle - come - football Fares didn't have a good day at the club today. Five people didn't1)... smu to the club today. His friend Tarek hurt his 2). mata enna ... practice last night. Amr has ana) from swimming. Three of his friends have a cold. [Ar anieh- Comer] @) © Scanned with OKEN Scanner ei (Nile - mud bricks - white) fs) Final Revision 4) Read the following text and answer the questions. Alexandria is really exciting place to visit. There's a lot to see and do here. It's a big city with lots of amazing restaurants, stores, markets and museums. There's even a big beach. Lily is visiting Alexandria from Germany. She has been to many museums since her first day in Alexandria. She has been to Alexandria Library too. She likes sitting on the roof garden of her hotel drinking sweet Egyptian’ mint tea, and enjoying chatting to other people. - A) Choose the correct answer. a) Egyptian b) German c)French qd) Italian @ Lily has been to Alexandria a) Hotel b) Museum c) Beacl B) Answer the following questions. © Summerize the text in one sentence. ........ ® What does Lily like doing? . ® Put ‘ne words in the correct order to make correct sentences. @and - Nagwa - Soha - good - swimmers - are -. Qnear - Is - alibrary - here - there -, please -? @ Read and write the correct form of the word(s) between brackets. @ _ (Wearing) a jacket when it is cold. @He didn't (played) tennis yesterday. (@ Punctuate the following. Qe hospitalsi in India are often crowded ®) Write a paragraph of about (30) wert, Guiding words: Homes in Ancient Egypt © scanned with OKEN Scanner SLY J ee a Listen and circle the correct answer froma, b, ¢, ord. @ To stay. vunuWe should exercise every day. a) awake ») asleep ¢) healthy 4) unhealthy @ We need to sleep for eight or nine .. nen @t night. a) days b) weeks ©) months d) hours @ We should spend time with our aa a) teachers 5) friends e) doctots : a) epee! @ We should have a balanced... a) gym b) diet c) work d) sleep @ Choose the correct answer froma, b, cord. @ ..........make honey which is the sweetest substance on Earth. a) Cows b) Birds c) Bees d) Bacteria ...is a little wind. b) breeze c) storm 4) lighting © A meeting point is a place where people _ a) meet b) leave c) play a) run | @ We stay ina... vaee When we are on vacation. a) hotel b) monument c) beach d) ride (3) Read and complete the text with the wordsin the box. Uncle Aliis a doctor, He is very 1) .......---..and helpful. He works in a2).. vounase SOME 3)... .. help him with __ his work. He tells his patients to take 4). anes ceca © scanned with OKEN Scanner {) Final Revision “G& Read the following text and answer the questions. My name is Ahmed. I went to the zoo yesterday. I went with my family. I went with my father, my mother and my two sisters. We went there by bus. We saw a lot of animals. We saw monkeys, lions and elephants. Some people were unfriendly to the animals so my dad was angry. We had lunch at the zoo. We went home in the afternoon. I was very happy. A) Choose the correct answer. © "Unfriendly" means ....... a) sad b) tall ~ ¢) not kind : d) lucky © The text is about visiting the spestnntnnn a) school b) garden c) park d) Zoo B) Answer the following questions. © Where did Ahmed go yesterday? ... © How did Ahmed feel about the trip? .. & Put the words in the correct order tomake correct sentences. @ sister - aroom - i - with - my - share - . @Q should - You - food - healthy - eat -. @ Read and write the correct form of the word(s) between brackets. Qo (Didn't) ride your bike in the house. O Ali (can) run fast and he won the race. @ Punctuate the following. @ where is the kitchen @ Write a paragraph of about (30) words. (a Guiding words: My home ) (rooms - furniture) © scanned with OKEN Scanner SIND geen a) Listen and circle the correct answer froma, b, ¢, ord. @ Rahmais.. ante years old. a) 11 b) 120 c) 10 d) 13 @ She loves her... 3 a) bedroom >) bathroom ¢) kitchen 9) I @ She can do her... a) housework b) chores °) activities d) homework | @ She....... ..most of time in the bedroom. _a) runs b) waits c) spends 4) plays ] @) Choose the correct answer froma, b, cor d. | @ You need the............. when you travel to a different country. a) suitcase b) passport ¢) hotel d) beach @ We will take a..... ..boat trip on the River Nile. a) relaxing —_») fixing ©) boring 4) tiring © We have a new... ..which is much easier to cook in. a) television b) oven c) closet 4) shower @ My mother cooks food in the .... : a) kitchen b) livingroom ¢) balcony « d) | bathroom (& Read and complete the text with the words in the box. In my perfect town, there's a wonderful market that 4) ssussnnsuanatlll kinds of food like fresh bread, fresh 2) and vegetables. There's abig 3)...... ..With lots of green trees, sowe can go for a family 4) wom [acamien- coment OY) il © scanned with OKEN Scanner fs) Final Revision i ® Read the following text and answer the questions. In Ancient Egypt many people made their homes near the Nile. They used its water for drinking, cooking, and washing. They also used mud from the river to make bricks which made very strong walls. Ancient Egyptians wanted to keep their homes cool. The mud bricks helped them to do this. A) Choose the correct answer. ® Ancient Egyptians made their homes... a) far™ b) in c) under ® Ancient'Egyptians made their homes from... a) mud bricks b) wood c).straw d) reed B) Answer the following questions. . .,... a § © How did mud bricks help Ancient Egyptians? ©& What is the general idea of the text?..... ® Put the words in the correct order to make correct sentences. @& should- food - You- healthy- eat- . @ is - matter - What - the - , Ahmed-? G Read and write the correct form of the word(s) between brackets. & Fatma doesn't . ee (has) a cold. ® He (can't) speak German when he was three. @ Punctuate the following. @ doyouhave acold ® ite a paragraph of about (30) words. Guiding words: = (bigger - living room - kitchen - bedroom). --- © scanned with OKEN Scanner SNR ela st @ Listen and circle the correct answer froma, b, ¢, ord. @ Ahmed went to..... a) Luxor b) Cairo ©) London 4) “Alexandria @ Ahmed went with his... | a) friends b) family ¢) aunts 4) uncles { © They stayed ina 2 | a) hotel b) park c) factory d) “museum | @ They ha at the hotel. | a) breakfast ) dinner c) lunch = d) snack 1 @ choose the correct answer froma, b, cord. @ There are two bedrooms in my. = a) school b) lake ¢) kitchen ¢) apartment @ The phone is very... ... Can we buy a cheaper one? a) expensive ») expense ©) poison 4) poisonous © The library is the place where we can or read books. | a) buy b) live c) borrow 4) eat | Oa... a) suitcase —b) bank c) factory 4) hotel | (J Read and complete the text with the words in the box. | family - hot - picnic - Park - football | Last week, I went to Al-Azhar 1) . Iwent with my | DY) grace um « My mom made a 3)... We sat under a big | tree and on the grass and enjoyed the food. I played 4).... e | with my brother. | [ALoAHER - conectK3) .. is somewhere to stay when you are on vacation. © scanned with OKEN Scanner eos i ts Final Revision ®@ Read the following text and answerthe questions. It's important to eat healthy food like fruit and vegetables and have a balanced diet. There are lots of that we can do to look after our health. You should do some.exercise every day. It's very important to keep your body moving. Playing sport is a good way to exercise. It's important to get enough sleep so go to bed early. You should sleep about eight hours every night, Spending time with your family and friends is great. A) Choose the correct answer. © We should eat ....... food like vegetables and fruit. a) healthy b) bad ¢) wrong d) grows @ It's good for you to do some to be fit. 2) housework ) work c) homework d) exercise B) Answer the following questions. © Why is it important to go to bed early? .. © Summerize the text in one sentence. . = ® Put the words in the correct order to make correct sentences. @ Egyptians - did - How - ancient -build - their -homes -? @ the club - at - We - spend - decided to - time -. @ Read and write the correct form of the word(s) between brackets. | oninsmunnnnnne (DO@S) you have an earache? @When I was six, I oss (can) read and write. @ Punctuate the following. @ nay are you going ie play ® Write: a paragraph of about (30) words. Guiding elements: Al-Azhar Park (When did you go there? - What did you do?) mo © scanned with OKEN Scanner Exam varies seine (& Listen and circle the correct answer froma,b,¢, ord. @ I like having... for breakfast. a) eggs b) ches c) bread 4) “honey © Honey is the ...... substance on Earth. a) sweetest 5) nicest c) finest 4) smallest © Some types of honey can kill a) mice ») bats... ©) bacteria 4) flies @ Don't put honey on your cut a) eye b) head c) stomach 4) knee (CO) Choose the correct answer from a, b, cord. : @ Mohammed Salah is a very... ..footballer. a) bored b) famous ©) poisonous) unkind ® Ancient Egyptians slept on ree a) mat b) oven c) pot a) gate triangle has two sides of equal length. a) equilateral ») rightangle ¢) scalene a) isosceles @ Baby kangaroos can sit inside their mom's..... sont i a) eyes b) ears ¢) legs 4) pouch 3) Read and complete the text with the words in the box. beach - swim - peach - sea - amazing Alexandriais a big city. It's onthe}).... .. There's alot of)... sma things to do in Alexandria. My favorite place It's great to go there anda). Gaal is the9)...... © scanned with OKEN Scanner Final Revision G Read the following text and answer the questions. Farouk is a farmer in Aswan. Every morning, he wakes up early and puts on his galabeya and leather shoes. He boils some water for tea and eats bread and fruits for breakfast. Farouk is lucky because he lives on the fertile banks of the Nile. He uses the fresh water for his crops. Last week, Farouk put his crops into big baskets made from reeds and went to the market to sell his crops. A) Choose the correct answer. © Farouk is@ . a) vet b) farmer @ Farouk puts on his... ..and leather shoes. a) jacket b) hat ¢) galabeya 4) pants B) Answer the following questions. @ Where does Farouk live? __. © What does Farouk eat for breakfast? ® Put the words in the correct order to make correct sentences. @ living - here - Do - you -like -? @ India - in -is - Bangalore-acity-. © Read and write the correct form of the word(s) between brackets. @Hana.... : jocumtmunen (Visit) her grandma last week. @1 don't sesesessensiteerey So EO .. (has) a headache. (7) Punctuate the following. @ what is the matter, Ashraf (© Writea paragraph of about (30) words. Guiding words: Staying healthy (healthy food - balanced diet - exercise - enough sleep ~ sport) © scanned with OKEN Scanner YES J es (A) Listen and circle the correct answer froma,b, , ord. \ @ Mr Sami's family went to a) park b) mui @ They went to the zoo .... a) yesterday ) today c) now ¢) last Friday @ The kids were... tothe animals. a) bad b) unhelpful ©) kind 9) unkind @ Sagda loved the.......... i ‘the most. a) lion b) penguin —¢) kangaroo 4) elephant | @ Choose the correctanswerfroma,b,cord. 92> Cy @ It's a wonderful view from my .. = | a) oven b) elevator ¢) balcony —¢) closet \ @ His phone is very...... ...- It costs a lot of money. a) cheap b) expensive ©) poisonous 4) boring © We get... water from the River Nile. i \ a) rain b) hot ¢) fresh ¢) salt | @ He's very... ..because he missed the bus. | ‘ a) unlucky b) happy c) bored 9) unsafe J) Read and complete the text with the wordsin the bon. work - animals - path - traveled - friendly My uncle isa scientist. He loves 4)... sun When he was younger, he 2)... we Qlot in South America for work. He loved it there because the people were very 3)... and, helped him with his 4)... —— fronien- coma 3) | © scanned with OKEN Scanner

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