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• What is the difference between computer security and

network security?
• Discuss :-
• Security
• Privacy
• Security
• Discuss The Goal of Security
• Explain common security attackers
• What are types of Vulnerabilities and explain them
• Define physical security
• Discuss :-
• Hacking Attack
• Denial of Service attack
• Physical attack
• Malware attack
Computer security and network security are two distinct concepts.
Computer security is a technique used to protect data stored on a
single computer. This type of protection ensures that the data or
information stored on your computer cannot be accessed, read, or
otherwise compromised by any individuals without appropriate
authorization. Computer security systems range from simple to
complex depending on the level of security desired. Nonetheless,
most techniques utilize a variety of measures for protection,
including data encryption and password protection. Data encryption
is a technique of literally translating data into a form that is
incomprehensible or even unintelligible unless deciphered by the
appropriate mechanism. This form of protection delivers the highest
level of computer security. Passwords or password protection simply
limit access to users without the appropriate password or sequence
code. This type of security can be used to protect documents,
programs, and entire systems.

On the other hand, network security is the measures taken to

protect your network. This type of protection covers any computers
connected to the network and involves securing use, integrity, and
safety of your network and any data linked to the network. These
systems feature a variety of protective measures to prevent
infiltration of unauthorized users, as well as technological attacks.
Network security packages are typically comprehensive and feature
a variety of components. The components of these systems work
together to protect you, your information, and your company.

The goal of security is to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and

availability of information. Confidentiality ensures that only
authorized individuals have access to information. Integrity ensures
that information is accurate and complete. Availability ensures that
information is available when needed.

Common security attackers include:

- Malware attacks: Malware is any software that is designed to cause
harm to a computer system. Malware can be used to steal sensitive
information, damage files, or even take control of a computer.
- Hacking attacks: Hacking attacks are attempts to gain
unauthorized access to a computer system or network. Hackers can
use a variety of techniques to gain access, including exploiting
vulnerabilities in software or using social engineering techniques to
trick users into revealing their passwords.
- Denial of Service (DoS) attacks: A DoS attack is an attempt to
make a computer system or network unavailable to users. This is
typically done by flooding the system with traffic or requests,
overwhelming the system and causing it to crash.
- Physical attacks: Physical attacks involve physically accessing a
computer system or network to steal information or cause damage.
This can include stealing a laptop or breaking into a server room.
- Social engineering attacks: Social engineering attacks are attempts
to trick users into revealing sensitive information. This can include
phishing attacks, where attackers send emails that appear to be
from a trusted source in order to trick users into revealing their
passwords or other sensitive information.

There are several types of vulnerabilities, including:

- Software vulnerabilities: These are weaknesses in software that can
be exploited by attackers to gain unauthorized access to a system or
- Network vulnerabilities: These are weaknesses in a network that
can be exploited by attackers to gain unauthorized access to a
system or network.
- Configuration vulnerabilities: These are weaknesses in the
configuration of a system or network that can be exploited by
attackers to gain unauthorized access to a system or network.
- Insider vulnerabilities: These are vulnerabilities that are caused by
insiders, such as employees or contractors, who have access to
sensitive information.
- Physical vulnerabilities: These are vulnerabilities that are caused
by physical access to a system or network, such as stealing a laptop
or breaking into a server room.

Physical security is the protection of people, property, and physical

assets from real-world threats. It includes access control,
surveillance, and response to attacks. Physical security systems for
protected facilities are generally intended to deter potential
intruders, detect intrusions and monitor/record intruders, and
trigger appropriate incident responses. Physical security measures
that are appropriate for a high-security prison or a military site may
be inappropriate in an office, a home, or a vehicle, although the
principles are similar.

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