Normal Sentence Pattern in English

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Normul Sentence Puttern ln Fngllxh

Subject verb compIement modifier

John and ate a pizza last night
We studied English last week

The subject is the agent of the sentence in the active voice; it is the person or
thing that does the action of the sentence, and normally precedes the verb.
NOTE Every sentence in English must have a subject. (n the case of
commands in English, the subject is understood.)

offee is delicious MiIk contains calcium.

The subject may be a noun phrase. A noun phrase is a group of words ending
with a noun. (t CANNOT being with a preposition.)

The book is on the table. That new, red car is John's


The verb follows the subject; it generally shows the action of the sentence.
NOTE: Every sentence must have a verb. The verb may be a single word.

John drives too fast they hate spinach

The verb may be a verb phrase. verb phrase consists of one or more
auxiliaries and more one main verb. The auxiliaries always precede the main

John is going to Quito tomorrow (auxiliary-is: main verb-going)

Jane has been reading that book (auxiliaries-has, been; main verb-reading)


A complement completes the verb. t is similar to the subject because it is
usually a noun or noun phrase; however it generally follows the verb when
the sentence is in the active voice. NOTE Every sentence does not require a
compIement. The complement CANNOT being with a preposition. A
complement answers the questions what? or whom?.

John bought a cake yesterday. (what did John buy?)
Jill was driving a new car. (What was Jill driving)
He wants to drink some water. (What does he want to drink?)
They called Mary yesterday. (Whom did they call?)
He was smoking a cigarette. (what was he smoking?)


A modifier tells the time place or manner of the action. Very often it is a
preposition phrase. A prepositional phrase is a group of words that begins with
a preposition and ends with a noun. NOTE: A modifier of time usually comes
last if more than one modifier is present.

Maria bought a book at the bookstore (Where did Maria buy book?)
modifier of place

Mario was swimming in the pooI yesterday (Where was Mario swimming?)
modifier of place modifier of time
(When was Jill swimming?)

He is working very fast. (How is he working?)
modifier of manner
We ate dinner at seven o'cIock (When did we eat dinner?)
modifier of time

The milk is in the refrigerator. (Where is the milk?)
modifier of place

Underline Subject, Verb, Complement, Modifier.

1. The girls are going to watch the movie.
2. George likes to read.
3. Mary, John, George, and went to a restaurant last night.
4. The weather is very bad outside.
5. The chemistry professor cancelled the class today.
6. The bank closes at two o'clock.
. She studies electronics
8. Jane is very tall
9. She must have gone to the bank
10. Joe has gone home
11. Mary is watching television
12. t was raining at six o'clock last week.
13. She called me a liar.
14. They made her a star.
15. They eat lunch everyday.
16. The camel carries the load.
1. The camel smells awful.
18. A car hit the lamp post.
19. Jill is buying a new hat in the store.
20. The students study at the library.
21. She opened a checking account at the bank last week.
22. Harry is washing dishes right now.
23. Betty is my friend now.
24. She lives there.
25. study in the evening.
26. The moon goes around the earth.
2. Mr. Smith drives the car very fast.
28. Sugar is sweet.
29. You are busy today.
30. Ana is in her office today.
31. Aspirin relieves pain.
32. wont be at home tonight.
33. Mary speaks English very well.

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