2018 Interpretation of Statutes

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Exa*t aotl No.

6fDs85 ti
(Pleasr wrlte gour EtcannRoll No.)

Ewp Tpnu ExaUINATIoN

Ercntr SpumrPn Mev-funp 2018
Paper Code: LLB'4O6 SubJect: InterpretatTon of Statutes

Maximum Marlcs: 75
@iexions tn qtllncludlng Q no.1 of PartA whtchts
compikory. Select one qyesttonfrom ercn u?U of pafi e

' Write-short notes:- {5x5=25)

-t I afrelevance of Punctuatio n in Interpretation r
, Yffi^odatorv and Directory Provisions.
$j4t^9"*"rri of Objects ,nd R"u"ons as an External Aid.
\b^ffi-ieralia sp ecialibus non derog ant
armo niou s C on stru c tion'.b'u
ain the nature and scope of Interpretation in detail. Do you *Iink
ttrat Interpretation and Construction are same? Discuss. (12.s}

Q3 "Vagueness and ambiguity are employed generically to indicate

indeterminacy which leads to interpretation" - Do you agfee with the
statement? Give your view. (12.5i1,

ti.ite Sk)o\c>
an essay on various parts of .s:tateq and their relevance in the a

process of interpretation. (12.51

eS Highlight the difference between proviso and exception and their

reUaUility in the process of interpretation with the help of decided cases. (12.51

ulur-rrr 5'-
Q6 Write short note on the following External Aids with relevant cases-(12.5) .
Legslative History
ai How far the constjtrrtional ri.ssembly debates were relied by the Apex
Court in Menaka Gandhiv. union of India, AIR 1978 SC 597? Discuss-(12.5|


g Expiain the Mischief Rule of interpretation by discussing the Heydon's

Case. How far the rule has been applied in India. (12'5)
o 6b

Qe "Ejusd,em generb and lVosczfur a soois are substantially same but there
is a Urin layer of difference between both". Explain. (12'5)

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