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(Please write your Exam Roll No.) Exam Roll No. END TERM EXAMINATION __ SEVENTH SEMESTER [LLB] DECEMBER-2015 HH ie Code: LLB-405 ‘Subject: Intellectual Property Rights ‘Time: 3 Hours ‘Maximum Marks: ‘Note: Attempt any five questions including Q.No 1 of part A which is compulsory. Select one question form each unit of part B. PART-A Q1 Wate short notes on: - {6x5=25) ture of Intellectual Property Rights ‘invention’ under law of patents ‘Fair Use’ under copyright law (@ Deceptive Similarities’ in trade marks (of Aa ‘industrial Design. ow) UNIT-1 Q2 What is the extent of protection of copyright under the Copyright Law in India? Refer to the “idea-expression dichotomy” as propounded by the Supreme Court of India. (12.5) 6 Discuss the position of performers’ rights under the Copy Right Act of 1957 in the light of case law. (12.5) UNIT-I 4 / What is the criterion for grant of patents under the Patent Act of 1970 as amended up to date? Explain the term innovation’ as explained by the Supreme Court of India in its NOVARTIS judgment. (12.5), oe “ QS _ What were the modifications brought about in the Patent Law of India after the " pete ‘commencement of new economic regime through the latest Amendment Acts up Ys to 2012 especially regarding procedures and availability of remedies? (12.8) UNIT-I 6) What is ‘Trade Mark’? Why are trademarks covered under the law on Intellectual Property Rights? What is their importance under E-Commerce? (12.5) Q7 In the light of the Trade Marks Act, 1999 and judicial decisions give a detailed descriptions of ‘marks’ which cannot be registered as trademarks. (12.5) UNIT, sg What is the meaning of ‘design’ under the Indian Designs Act, 2000? To what extent industrial designs are protected under that Act? Refer to case law. (12.5) a Q9 Describe the nature of piracy prevalent in India and the remedies available to battle with conflicts under the Indian Designs Act, 2000. (12.5) fot

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