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¿How I meet my Best Friend?

The way I met my best friend, was how many met theirs, in school, in
elementary school. I remember it was the first day of school, I arrived and sat in
the front row when I realize that behind me sat 2 new girls.
Then at the beginning of the welcome to the school, I realized that they were
both nervous, but they seemed friendly, during the class I remember that one of
them called me and asked me if I had an eraser that she had not brought, so I
looked at her and said sure, no problem, then she tells me that her name is
milagros, and I tell her that my name is Mariafe and she found it curious
because she had never heard a name like that and she joked with me about it,
which made me laugh and next to her the girl who laughed was called Brigitte
who later became my best friend.
At the beginning Brigitte was very shy, quiet, but she was very smart and had a
strong character, but later she complemented the group of friends she already
had, we got to know her much better, even more me, because she was very
funny, she has a sense of humor, but she doesn't do it with everyone, that's why
most people see her as someone scary, which makes me laugh, but that's how
we started to live together and create a strong bond that lasted until we finished
elementary school and in high school in fact I feel that it became stronger, We
had so many anecdotes in that stage, that now brings me nostalgia and how we
watched each other grow, many of our friends left, our group changed, but we
were both there, we laughed, we argued, we cried, we were embarrassed, but
we were growing and evolving, and I find that incredible, I really appreciate their
friendship and everything we went through and will go through.

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