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CDTrack1: Entry of the Gladiators 2:21

Composer: Julius Fucik (1872-19L6)

About the composition: This march was written for the 86th Austro-HungarianRegiment Military Band. Fucik was the
bandmasterof this band in the early 1900s. This is circus music. In the first strain, we hear the activity of the circus. In the
second,we hear the lions growling in the trornbonesection.

Objectives: Standards:2,5,6
) The studentswill be ableto recognizethe A, B andC sectionsin the marchand demonstratethis througha
. rhythm instrumentplayalongor cup game.
.D The studentswill be able to play a rhythm instrumentalong with the piece.

1. Introduce this selectionas a STILL piece. Make an overheadof the listening log and completeit with student
2. Listen to the piecefollowing the listeningmap provided. Use the timesto assistyou in finding the sections.
3. Play rhythm r 6 b a r s along with phemusic. Put flashcardsin a popketchart or write the rhythms on the
- R s sinstruments
board.- A :J J ) ) l n JlJJrsx) B:JlJillJJl (8x) Reit2bars
C:J JJ J J I J JJ J l(sx) Rest6bars c: J Jl J J I J Jf'J ttsx)
4. Play rhythm instrumentsalongwith the pieceusingthe chart onpage23.
5. Play the cup gamethat follows.

ListeningMap - Entry of the Gladiators

-M, Rest6 bars

:l l-:38
A: Circus Theme
4iSo A:J ) i J I J7 D J J(sx)
A: CircusTheme

: 3 9 -1 : 0 7
B: Trombone B:J i J I lJ J J r (8x)
B: Trombone

l : 0 7 -l : l 0
2 bar transition Rest2 bars

I : 0 9 -I : 3 8
C: String & triangle
l: C:)J)))l)JlJt(sx)
C: Add Brass
l : 3 9 -l : 4 8 Rest 6 bars
6 bar transition

C: Full orchestra c:J.l-l ))l) JlJt(sx)
C: Full orchestra
Rhythm Instrument Playalong- Entry of the Gladiators

0-:ll I -
Fanfare: |

: I l-:3g rvoodblocks:
A: Circus Theme
) ) ) ) J]J7)) )rJr ))J I t+'l
: 3 9 - 1: 0 ' 7
B: Trombone
B:Trombone ) t J l ) ) ) l lr i ) ] lr ) J ] | (4 x)

1 : 0 71- :1 0 | -
2 bar transition II

I :09-1:38
C: String/ Triangle
C: AddErass '|
'| '| )17)) )lJr J ) ) ] llro.r

6 bar transition
C: Full orchestra o,"t'g
C:Fullorchestra J Ja ) ) )J7)) ) l ) r ) ) J i lltoo
Cup Game- Entry of the Gladiators
J ) J )|;J7il))
play on cup
| i ) ).
clap hit cup clap hit cup
) ) r rll
clap pickup pass resl
clap clap clap clap

)c l a p tJu r n p )a l m fJl)
) J rll
Rknee Lknee floor clap
)t u r n b a c k )p a l m if l o o r l)R k n e e )L k n e e Jp a s s rtll

J Jl ) J ll t J t I I fi ) ) ) ) i ll
ll clap pickup
the floor I hit cup on hit cup on palm hit cup on floor pass rest

Begin the cup game by learning the A pattern. Passcups using this patternfor the A sectionand the first C section. ln the other
sectionsofthe march,set the cupsdown and have studentscopy a body percussionpatternthat the teacheror studentleadercreates.
When studentshave masteredthe A pattern,teachthem the B pattern. Every time a new sectionbegins,changepatterns. Finally,
'turn', grab the
teachthe C patternand play the cup game using A, B and C patterns. Note: when the directionssay cup on the
'turn back', turn the cup upsidedown again.
oppositeside that you normally would and turn it right side up. When it says

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