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Tracy Skinner PSY 230 April 29, 2011 Check Point: Stages of Ego Development Describe Jane Loevingers

stages of ego development in 200 to 300 words. Include examples of manifestations that might appear during each of the stages. What factors influence an individuals progression through the stages?

When looking at Jane Loevingers stages of ego development, we noticed that there are nine stages that start at Infancy and ends at Integrated. As stated in the McAdams textbook, Earlier stages must be mastered before subsequent stages can be approached. Each stage builds on its predecessor and ultimately encompasses all that comes before it (McAdams, 2006, p. 371). What this tells us is that, just like the other psychologists, Jane Loevinger believes that in order for a person to progress from one developmental stage to next developmental stage, all of the components that make up that stage must be met. The first stage is called the Infancy stage. During this stage, as we would expect, infants are non-verbal and can not be measured as well as the other stages. In this stage because infants have not begun to speak verbally, whatever conclusions that we form has to be based upon the observations that we see. The next stage is called the Impulsive stage. This stage is normally associated with toddlers but there are some people that can stay in this stage much longer than normal, sometimes even their entire life. During this stage a persons ego will focus

mostly on bodily functions, any basic impulses, or immediate needs. Also during this stage, since the ego is can not meet those needs by itself then it is dependent on others, the problem with this though is that in order to have those needs met the ego does not care about the people helping, it just wants the needs met now. The third stage is called the self-protective stage. This stage is normally associated to early and middle childhood. During this stage a persons ego develops the sense of cause and effect, and that rules are set up to be followed and that there will be consequences if those rules are not followed. Also during this stage, a person starts to understand how to manipulate others into getting what he or she wants. The fourth stage is called the conformist stage. This is the stage that we would associate with school age children, ranging anywhere between six years old and middle teenage years. People during this stage are the ones who are trying to belong to and obtain the approval of whatever peer groups that they want to be with. For the most part, this is the stage that you would find the school cliques forming and that is always based on looks and the status of the people in that group. A person understanding of what is right and wrong also starts to develop during this stage, but it is normally based upon what the good believes to be right and wrong. The fifth stage of ego development is called the conscientious-comformist stage, or what is commonly known as the self-aware stage. This is the stage that most adults in America find themselves in. During this stage, a persons ego shows an increased but incomplete awareness of profound matters, any deeper issues, and the inner lives of themselves and others.

The sixth stage of ego development is called the conscientious stage. During this stage, a persons ego values responsibility, achievement, and the pursuit of long-term goals. A person will start to have a high sense of identity that does not revolve around any groups. Something else that develops during this stage is that a person will start to feel guilty if he or she does not meet the expectations that person put upon himself or herself. The seventh stage of ego development is called the individualistic stage. During this stage, a persons ego develops a greater tolerance for and a greater awareness for others. A person gains a heightened sense of individuality and self-understanding that helps that person understand any inner conflicts or personal paradoxes that may arise. The eighth stage of ego development is called the autonomous stage. This is the stage where a person will cherish the individuality and uniqueness of someone and that persons uniqueness will develop an unexpected path that should be a source of joy and happiness. During this stage, self-fulfillment can manifest and it will replace the personal achievement as the central motivation of the conscience. The final stage of ego development is called the integrated stage. In this stage, self-actualization will manifest and a persons ego will show wisdom and empathy towards itself and also towards others. This is the stage where people make peace with whatever inner conflicts that they have because they understand that those issues may never be resolved, so there is nothing really to worry about.

Reference: McAdams, D. (2006). The person: A new introduction to personality psychology. (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. Retrieved from Axia College PSY/230Personality theory website. pp. 370-381

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