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What Is S|eepwa|k|ng?
noL all sleep ls Lhe same every nlghL We experlence some deep quleL sleep and some acLlve sleep
whlch ls when dreams happen ?ou mlghL Lhlnk sleepwalklng would happen durlng acLlve sleep buL
a person lsnL physlcally acLlve durlng acLlve sleep Sleepwalklng usually happens ln Lhe flrsL few
hours of sleep ln Lhe sLage called slowwave or deep sleep
noL all sleepwalkers acLually walk Some slmply slL up or sLand ln bed or acL llke Lheyre awake (buL
dazed) when ln facL Lheyre asleep! MosL however do geL up and move around for a few seconds
or for as long as half an hour
Sleepwalkers eyes are open buL Lhey donL see Lhe same way Lhey do when Lheyre awake and
ofLen Lhlnk Lheyre ln dlfferenL rooms of Lhe house or dlfferenL places alLogeLher Sleepwalkers Lend
Lo go back Lo bed on Lhelr own and Lhey wonL remember lL ln Lhe mornlng
8esearchers esLlmaLe LhaL up Lo 13 of klds sleepwalk regularly Sleepwalklng may run ln famllles
and someLlmes occurs when a person ls slck has a fever ls noL geLLlng enough sleep or ls sLressed
Is S|eepwa|k|ng a Ser|ous rob|em?
lf sleepwalklng occurs frequenLly every nlghL or so lLs a good ldea for your mom or dad Lo Lake you
Lo see your docLor 8uL occaslonal sleepwalklng generally lsnL someLhlng Lo worry abouL alLhough lL
may look funny or even scary for Lhe people who see a sleepwalker ln acLlon
AlLhough occaslonal sleepwalklng lsnL a blg deal lLs lmporLanL of course LhaL Lhe person ls kepL
safe recauLlons should be Laken so Lhe person ls less llkely Lo fall down run lnLo someLhlng or
walk ouL Lhe fronL door whlle sleepwalklng
What W||| the Doctor Do?
1heres no cure for sleepwalklng buL Lhe docLor can Lalk Lo you abouL whaLs happenlng and Lry Lo
flnd ways Lo help you sleep more soundly MosL klds [usL grow ouL of sleepwalklng
lor klds who sleepwalk ofLen docLors may recommend a LreaLmenL called scheduled awakenlng
1hls dlsrupLs Lhe sleep cycle enough Lo help sLop sleepwalklng ln rare cases a docLor may prescrlbe
medlcaLlon Lo help someone sleep Pere are some Llps Lo help prevenL sleepwalklng
O 8elax aL bedLlme by llsLenlng Lo sofL muslc or relaxaLlon Lapes
O Pave a regular sleep schedule and sLlck Lo lL
O eep nolse and llghLs Lo a mlnlmum whlle youre Lrylng Lo sleep
O Avold drlnklng a loL ln Lhe evenlng and be sure Lo go Lo Lhe baLhroom before golng Lo bed (A
full bladder can conLrlbuLe Lo sleepwalklng)
ow Do I 1ake Care of a S|eepwa|ker?
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Cne Lhlng you can do Lo help ls Lo clear rooms and hallways of furnlLure or obsLacles a sleepwalker
mlghL encounLer durlng Lhe nlghL lf Lhere are sLalrs or dangerous areas a grownup should close
doors and wlndows or lnsLall safeLy gaLes
?ou also mlghL have heard LhaL sleepwalkers can geL confused and scared lf you sLarLle Lhem lnLo
belng awake 1haLs Lrue so whaL do you do lf you see someone sleepwalklng? ?ou should call for a
grownup who can genLly sLeer Lhe person back Lo bed And once Lhe sleepwalker ls Lucked back ln
bed lLs Llme for you Lo geL some shuLeye Loo!
8evlewed by Larlssa Plrsch M
aLe revlewed lebruary 2008
Crlglnally revlewed by Mlchael P Coodman M

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