Co - Sonic Prime - Comics & Cartoons - 4chan

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1/19/24, 10:00 PM /co/ - Sonic Prime - Comics & Cartoons - 4chan

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File: Prime Tails.jpg (97 KB, 1192x670)

Sonic Prime Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:38:01 No.141783772
▶ >>141784249

How come none of the Tails variants are meaty as the original?

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:47:15 No.141783932 ▶

How come Our Knuckles had a different Voice Actor

than the Shatterverse ones?'s the real question.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)22:04:32 No.141784249 ▶

>>141783772 (OP)
The original Tails is the only one eating chili dogs with Sanic, all the other Tailses eat healthy food.

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