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1/19/24, 9:59 PM /co/ - Hazbin Hotel - Comics & Cartoons - 4chan

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File: Tumblr_l_65951763418212.png (621 KB, 1136x640)

Hazbin Hotel Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)18:12:56 No.141780638
▶ >>141780722 >>141780906 >>141780962 >>141780975 >>141781757
>>141781764 >>141781851 >>141782786 >>141783447 >>141783478 >>141784065

Glad deer boy got BTFO during episode 3

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)18:17:57 No.141780722 ▶


>>141780638 (OP)
Did he get raped?

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)18:20:32 No.141780765 ▶ >>141781048

File: GDkaYedaEAAymCG.jpg (1.16 MB, 4096x2521)

Sadly not


>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)18:25:23 No.141780849 ▶ >>141780863

Alastor ain't shit. He's just a creep preying on the weak-minded.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)18:26:28 No.141780863 ▶ >>141782243

Agreed. He's a fucking pussy.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)18:27:34 No.141780875 ▶
angel and husk are in a bit of a predicament 1/28
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>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)18:29:16 No.141780905 ▶ >>141780953 >>141780958 >>141781012 >>141781114
>>141781250 >>141781301 >>141781656 >>141784074
File: GEMDmxRWsAAHs5t.jpg (214 KB, 1080x1500)


>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)18:29:19 No.141780906 ▶

>>141780638 (OP)
I wish. He just got slightly disrespected. He needs to lose a fight on screen.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)18:31:29 No.141780927 ▶ >>141781140

I unironically liked Ep4

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)18:32:17 No.141780937 ▶

He's one of the subtlely funniest characters to me. He always feels obligated to keep smiling but
people won't stop testing him by being assholes or turning him into some sort of errand boy.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)18:33:03 No.141780953 ▶

File: 1641496945651.jpg (214 KB, 440x462)

>pissed away his power until he had to sellout to
Alastor just to survive

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)18:33:08 No.141780955 ▶

Spoonfeed me a torrent please

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)18:33:11 No.141780958 ▶

REINSTATE this man! Husk won! Alastor is not my overlord!

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)18:33:20 No.141780962 ▶ >>141783830

File: 1705266578664077.png (116 KB, 571x589)

>>141780638 (OP)
All demons are for black men.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)18:34:33 No.141780975 ▶ >>141781008

>>141780638 (OP)
so where the fuck can I watch this? I can't find it on any torrent page or free streaming website. 2/28
1/19/24, 9:59 PM /co/ - Hazbin Hotel - Comics & Cartoons - 4chan
>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)18:36:35 No.141781008 ▶ >>141781052


>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)18:36:51 No.141781012 ▶

File: 1705627228289545.png (868 KB, 1136x640)

Fuck Alastor, Husk is
my new overlord daddy

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)18:39:11 No.141781048 ▶

File: cf4194d2a.jpg (45 KB, 564x423)

>we won't get a full ep of Vox
and Alastor hate sex
Literally unwatchable

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)18:39:26 No.141781052 ▶

File: apu heart.jpg (41 KB, 696x608)

thx anon

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)18:43:21 No.141781114 ▶ >>141781156 >>141781171 >>141781280 >>141781423

On an individual level this was a cool bit of backstory. But in a broader sense, this is one more resident
of the hotel that is some famous special over powered super villain, which now amounts to pretty
much all of them. So I kinda miss assuming he was just some random ass drunk.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)18:44:48 No.141781136 ▶ >>141781218 >>141781261 >>141781361

File: GEOGVdqXwAATqV8.jpg (40 KB, 640x480)

Why do I have the feeling that at some point it will be revealed that
these two are related?

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)18:45:00 No.141781140 ▶ >>141781283 >>141781292 >>141781750

I just hope it doesn't go too much into gay drama like Helluva Boss.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)18:46:15 No.141781156 ▶

I think it shows that when it comes to sinners the ebb and flow of power can change for anybody. The
ONLY thing separating Overlords and Sinners is whether or not they've made deals. I think the only
two there with any real power are Charlie/Alastor. Everyone else are just kind of losers in comparison
to others

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)18:46:58 No.141781171 ▶

It felt like a way bigger deal than the moment was even giving itself credit for, yeah, he was the oldest 3/28
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motherfucker of the group according to when they died it seemed (potentially outside of Alastor?) but to
actually showcase even Overlords aren't untouchable is something else.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)18:47:26 No.141781181 ▶ >>141781190 >>141781202 [Embed]
What is Charlie saying here?

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)18:48:02 No.141781190 ▶ >>141781259

"Where did you people come from"

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)18:49:10 No.141781202 ▶ >>141781259

Where did all you people come from

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)18:50:00 No.141781218 ▶ >>141781269 >>141781321

I figure Vaggie is half-angel or a full-angel.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)18:52:44 No.141781250 ▶

Surprsed nobody recognized him

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)18:53:07 No.141781259 ▶

Thanks for helping an ESL out.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)18:53:10 No.141781261 ▶ >>141781381

Their duet was so random
>being a lesbian is just like being a mother, guys

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)18:53:48 No.141781269 ▶

File: 1703454047175.png (1.29 MB, 1406x769)

>I figure Vaggie is half-
angel or a full-angel.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)18:54:35 No.141781280 ▶ >>141781386 >>141783917

File: vanellope.jpg (40 KB, 456x705)

the thought process of a basic fiction writer of Viv's level is as follows:
"This character is ONLY important so long as he's powerful and has royalty. He can't just
be a Nobody who came from nowhere."

Honestly, surprised that Disney's Wish didn't do that with any of the protagonist
characters, because they tend to do that with A LOT.
>vanellopy just HAD to be the Princess of the game's land

Viv's special because she's made ALL of her OC's some level of "all powerful" person with
connections to the elites. Blitzo and Fizz are poor but they're only important to the story because
they're dating Hell Lords and she'd rather write stories about THEM and THEIR feelings of loneliness.
The Poorer characters are just there to be stepped on and abused by the rich and powerful demons. 4/28
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In Viv's world, there is NO attempt to over throw the status quo and let the monarchs of hell be punished.
They're all "good" on the inside really. It's all HEAVENS Fault!

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)18:54:45 No.141781283 ▶

this show is way too much of a character mess to have focus on a character like Helluva Boss did with

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)18:55:07 No.141781292 ▶

Anon, what do you expect from these shows?

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)18:55:32 No.141781301 ▶


>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)18:56:49 No.141781321 ▶

is that even a twist when \everal demons already are angels like Lucifer and Charlie

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)18:58:49 No.141781351 ▶ >>141781390 >>141781417

>bad abusive contracts

Why don't Charlie just ask Lucifer to break them?

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)18:59:34 No.141781361 ▶ >>141781495 >>141781561 >>141781782

Carmilla is one of the oldest overlords and Vaggie is either a heavenborn (lol) angel or an ex-mortal
prostitute that died in 2014 (if the old lore is still canon). Also, one is a moth and the other one is a
black swan so doubt they're blood-related.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:00:39 No.141781381 ▶ >>141781424

>Their duet was so random
>being a lesbian is just like being a mother, guys
Really? I thought their connection was that Vagina killed the angel and Weapons Mommy was keeping
it a secret and pretending that she was the one who did it. I may have just been jumping to
conclusions since I skipped half the song because it was shit.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:00:50 No.141781386 ▶ >>141782267

Princesses and upper class have been part of soap opera since theatre was invented.

This isn't a Marxist show. The class stuff is there for drama

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:01:00 No.141781390 ▶ >>141781430

Lucifer most likely wouldn't care at all about some abusive relatioship between two random sinners

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:02:43 No.141781417 ▶

Lucifer has more important things to do, like collecting rubber ducks 5/28
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>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:02:52 No.141781423 ▶ >>141781458 >>141782886

Angel might be the only person in the hotel who's actually normal. Of the residents there are:
>the princess of Hell
>former overlord
>fallen angel (not Dust)
And I don't know Niffty's deal, but if it's anything like Husk she's like an oni or something. Maybe
Pentious is kind of normal, although he has the whole supervillain thing going and participates as his
own faction in turf wars. He might be overlord-adjacent.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:02:56 No.141781424 ▶

I think vaggie is singing about protecting Charlie in this song, while Carmilla is singing about protecting
her daughters and not wanting war or something and the whole parallel is "let me be your protector".
Unless I'm remembering it wrong. I also tuned out during this song because it's easily the worst one so

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:03:19 No.141781430 ▶ >>141781449

Yeah it's like asking a king to deal with a petty domestic issue. He might do it for a friend of the family.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:04:25 No.141781449 ▶ >>141781500

...which it will be a request from his daughter?

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:04:47 No.141781458 ▶

He's an aspiring overlord. Has big plans but loses all the time. He's an overlord in the way dick
dastardly is a racer

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:05:05 No.141781460 ▶ >>141782079

Does anyone have the mega for all the episodes?

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:06:37 No.141781484 ▶ >>141781503 >>141781567 >>141781616 >>141781620

>>141781702 >>141781840 >>141781897
File: GEOQD6uW4AAqCJb.jpg (106 KB, 750x418)

Does this retarded moth has a death wish or what?

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:07:16 No.141781495 ▶ >>141781782

>the other one is a black swan
Oh THAT'S what she's supposed to be. I couldn't place it. I though she was some kind of wildcat, what
with those big meaty paws.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:07:31 No.141781500 ▶ >>141781774

Maybe. Demonic contracts in fiction are usually unbreakable and there is either an escape clause or a
way to trick the demon.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:07:32 No.141781503 ▶ >>141781637 >>141781666 6/28
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I seriously thought Velvette was gonna be the most stupid of the 3, but holy shit this guy.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:09:35 No.141781535 ▶ >>141781600

No one has any respect or apprehension for Charlie, and by extension Lucifer, which makes her being
the princess of hell mean nothing. It would at least make sense given the context of source material,
that no one would want to touch the hotel assuming it was another trick by Lucifer in his unending
torment of people there, with the joke hitting because Charlie is sincere.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:10:41 No.141781561 ▶ >>141781616

Carmilla is a hellbor right? Why did the Angels attack her/her daughters? Is this supposed to be some
Heaven altering the deal or did they forget about the only sinners targeted part

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:11:04 No.141781567 ▶

I also thought this way about al trying to make a deal with the kings daughter.

Charlie is nice to a fault and doesnt want to 'be mean' but Lucifer shouldn't also be a doormat.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:11:09 No.141781568 ▶

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>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:12:59 No.141781600 ▶ >>141781690

lucifer doesnt torment. it's in the intro. He loves humans and so his punishment is to never see them
good or happy only destroy each other.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:14:00 No.141781616 ▶ >>141781667

Yeah once Charlie learns how to go apeshit on people he's screwed.

If she's an overlord she's a sinner.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:14:17 No.141781620 ▶

I don't think this guy has a functioning frontal lobe. He's very emotional and doesn't consider that this
girl or her parents could rip him to shreds if he gets out of line. He's betting it all on them having the
extraordinary patience to suffer his shittery.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:15:03 No.141781637 ▶

File: 1704850631976.png (1.56 MB, 1920x1080)

Velvet and Vox need to get rid of this retarded moth FAST, it's only a matter of
time before his stupid ass gets all of them in trouble

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:16:05 No.141781656 ▶ >>141781709 >>141781730 7/28
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Is anyone going to address the fact that Husk chopping the ends off their gun barrels by throwing playing
cards like shurikens isn't going to stop the guns actually firing?

It'll make them less accurate sure, but at that distance it might not matter. So an especially stupid move
when their most probable reaction to that attack is to just pull the trigger. Viv doesn't know how guns work.
What a surprise.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:16:59 No.141781666 ▶

Velvette seemed well-reasoned in her first appearance, short as it was. She was a victim of Val's tard
tantrum and called Vox to wrangle him because she couldn't.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:17:01 No.141781667 ▶ >>141781697 >>141782076

>If she's an overlord she's a sinner
Not necessarily, Rosie is an overlord and a natural hellborn

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:18:17 No.141781690 ▶ >>141781858 >>141781918 >>141782034

In actual Christian lore, doesn't Lucifer despise Humanity?

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:18:43 No.141781697 ▶ >>141782040

Why would a hellborn want to be an overlord and basically be stuck in the pride ring?

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:19:05 No.141781702 ▶ >>141781728

Would his contract bind Charlie despite her being light years ahead of power? Also why is this retard
trying to promise riches to the literal fucking princess of hell.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:19:47 No.141781709 ▶ >>141782252

Chopping gun barrels off to disable them is an old norm in cartoons. It's a loop hole to gave better
action scenes in kid media. You can have people li e aiming real guns but they dont fire.

We are just used to it existing and accept it

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:21:05 No.141781728 ▶

>"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. -Wayne Gretzky -Michael Scott." -Valentino

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:21:06 No.141781730 ▶ >>141781746 >>141782252

Maybe the intent was just to surprise and distract them for a few seconds. They immediately ran
outside after.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:21:41 No.141781736 ▶

File: 1705632749792.jpg (403 KB, 2067x1723)

>"Angel, I'll release you

from your contract, But..."
>"I just need you to star in
one more film!...." 8/28
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>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:22:08 No.141781746 ▶

I think it was just horny and creepy in a fun way. It's there for aestetics

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:22:18 No.141781750 ▶

It'd be nice if Husk and Angel just had a vitolic buddy friendship. But you know, platonic love doesn't
exist anymore in media and Husk will be balls deep in Angel by episode 8...

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:22:50 No.141781757 ▶ >>141781796 >>141781898

>>141780638 (OP)
> Alastor got BTFO'd
Did the episode you watched took place in your head ?

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:23:29 No.141781764 ▶ >>141781928 >>141782376

File: IMG_6333.jpg (105 KB, 664x394)

>>141780638 (OP)
So this cartoon is basically an American Panty
and Socking?

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:24:07 No.141781774 ▶ >>141781960

If Luci can't break contracts he's even more pathetic.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:24:33 No.141781782 ▶

And her daughter's name is Odette. Hardly subtle.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:25:41 No.141781796 ▶ >>141781930

He's talking about the part "no one wondered where you've been"

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:27:22 No.141781814 ▶ >>141781881 >>141782234 >>141782334 >>141782371

File: GELRXUFWgAAGnpm.jpg (181 KB, 1537x1080)

Charlie having gay thoughts

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:29:25 No.141781840 ▶ >>141781892 >>141781904 >>141781956 >>141782130

Lucifer in this hell is less like a French Absolutist monarch of Chinese emperor and more like a King of
England after the English Civil War or basically any currently still existent European monarchy - He’s a 9/28
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total figurehead.
People like the Seven Deadly Sins, Ars-Goetia and Overlords in descending order of magnitude hold all
the actual power.

Charlie showing up and actually trying to pull the ‘I’m royalty I do as I please’ card is delusional on her

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:30:00 No.141781851 ▶

>>141780638 (OP) [Embed]

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:30:33 No.141781858 ▶

Yes, but more by proxy because God made humans in His image.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:31:34 No.141781878 ▶ >>141782093

File: and_touch_my_parts_flashi(...).jpg (135 KB, 1280x890)

>Tags: ugly_bastard, fat_man

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:31:47 No.141781881 ▶ >>141782140

What thots? the wolf has no ass.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:32:20 No.141781892 ▶

I don't think thats exactly the case as the Sins are still fuck you powerful and even Ozzy said he can
just beat the fuck out of anyone sans other Sins if they had an issue with his stuff.

Charlie is implied to be packing power but won't let it loose and Lucifer is probably the same way in
this setting. Really set him off and the likes of Valentino would shit their pants

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:32:36 No.141781897 ▶

Yes, but only because he believes Charlie is a doormat.
I'm sure we're gonna have the obligatory episode where he pisses off Charlie enough and she
demonstrates exactly why she's the Princess of Hell. Then we go through the typical trope of her
believing she's no fit to redeem anyone.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:32:36 No.141781898 ▶

Have you seen the bitchy face he made when other overlords said they don't give a shit about his

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:32:58 No.141781903 ▶ >>141781968 >>141782112 >>141782455 >>141783707

File: Spoiler Image (173 KB, 490x616)

I will take requests on a list. I aint drawin in 5eva so don't expect quality.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:32:59 No.141781904 ▶ 10/28
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Lucy and Charlie have real overwhelming power so politics dont mean shit to them

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:34:01 No.141781918 ▶ >>141781937 >>141782140

Officially, he's jealous of humanity for, among other things, having free will, which is fucking stupid
because he also had the free will to disobey. I'm no religion hater. I attend services. But I always
thought that bit made it obvious that the stories are manmade and poorly thought out.
Some of the other things he's jealous of are the fact that humans can "create life," something angels
(and later, demons) can't do. He also hated the idea that he was meant to bow to man.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:34:32 No.141781928 ▶

File: __stocking_and_panty_pant(...).jpg (76 KB, 850x638)

How would they (and the demon sisters)
fare in the helluverse?

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:34:41 No.141781930 ▶

Well then sure if him being slightly annoyed is him getting BTFO then I guess he has been BTFO
several time already, including in the pilot

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:35:22 No.141781937 ▶ >>141782012 >>141782026

I thought the devil hated God and wanted control over all creation

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:36:41 No.141781956 ▶

It seems like Sinners have no respect for hell royalty at all, I imagine the actual Hellborn do since HB
shows them all respecting and fearing the Sins.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:36:46 No.141781960 ▶

He'll need to build up more absolutism for that

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:37:25 No.141781968 ▶ >>141782059

File: GEKkpJAXkAAM-af.jpg (155 KB, 1074x1214)

Can you do some stuff with her?

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:40:09 No.141782000 ▶ >>141782049 >>141783200

File: kktt.png (2.64 MB, 1920x1080)

Where the voice changes on these two done just to annoy people who bitch
about casting changes?

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:40:48 No.141782012 ▶ 11/28
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He's just pissy towards god favoring mankind

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:41:00 No.141782020 ▶ >>141783967

File: GENS68cXwAAgNvZ.jpg (430 KB, 1920x1080)

>Her shoes are made of angelic

stuff too

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:41:29 No.141782026 ▶

Sure, but the question was whether Satan hated humanity, which he does, so I expanded on that.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:42:22 No.141782034 ▶ >>141782107 >>141782366

You mean in the bible? Satan was never shown to personally give a fuck about humans and only
seems to deceive them to make God angry.

Satan despising humans and having a rivalry with them is from Islam. Satan being just a being whose
job is to judge and punish humans under God orders is from Judaism

Christianity Satan is surprisingly very distant from humans. Western writers never write him accurate
to the bible because this Satan would probably just say something like "who the fuck cares about
humans, I just want to beat Jesus and Michael"

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:42:46 No.141782040 ▶

because most other places in Hell also suck and becoming a criminal boss is pretty much the only way
to rise up in power as a Hellborn because there seems to be a rather strict social caste system among

You could be a mobster don like Crimson in Helluva Boss, though that probably requires an excessive
amount of effort and cruelty to make other Hellborn actually scared of you enough to listen, or you
could just go be an Overlord and prey on desperate Sinners eager to sign over their souls for
protection from the culling. It's the easiest power grab possible in their setting.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:43:18 No.141782047 ▶ >>141782232 >>141783493 >>141783514

File: apps.22027.90071992670376(...).jpg (30 KB, 300x300)

Ep 1-4


>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:43:26 No.141782049 ▶

Funny how interest in Katie completely plummeted after this

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:43:48 No.141782059 ▶

File: FemFizz2.png (446 KB, 479x749)

It's on the list already, actually, I like
FemFizzaroli a lot. 12/28
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>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:45:28 No.141782076 ▶

File: GDgpmwZXIAAbi2j.jpg (306 KB, 1536x2048)

>Rosie is an overlord and a natural
Oh yeah... just that... she's surely nothing
else ha ha ha...

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:45:35 No.141782079 ▶

bumping this where is the mega

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:46:42 No.141782093 ▶

File: 1471752968500.jpg (74 KB, 753x733)

someone is into the flashing slug NPC that
showed up for 10 seconds.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:47:20 No.141782107 ▶

he appears by name only twice right? the temptation of Jesus and the taking orders from god to hurt

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:47:41 No.141782112 ▶

File: Fmi_jiYXoAES4_m.jpg (196 KB, 1598x2048)

Do something with my wife
Lute pls

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:49:02 No.141782130 ▶

He could probably have absolute power if he wanted to but he seems to not give a shit about hell at
all. Not surprising considering that he used to be one of the most powerful angels and even being the
king of hell is like being the king of a pile of poo in comparison.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:49:29 No.141782140 ▶ >>141782231

>which is fucking stupid because he also had the free will to disobey 13/28
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except when he tried that, he got banished to hell for all eternity, that doesn't sound like free will to me,
that sounds like tyranny

mankind meanwhile was not only god's favorite creation, but could do whatever they wanted except eat
from the tree, with no repercussions - and even when this order was disobeyed, man was still punished
far less harshly than Lucifer was

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:53:31 No.141782201 ▶

File: Charlie_full_demon.jpg (140 KB, 653x842)

>What makes you think you can TREAT HIM LIKE THAT?!
Seeing Charlie go full mama bear for Angel was great. I hope we get to see her go
ape shit on someone this season

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:55:37 No.141782231 ▶ >>141782261

>>which is fucking stupid because he also had the free will to disobey
>except when he tried that, he got banished to hell for all eternity, that doesn't sound like free will to
me, that sounds like tyranny
I have the free will to murder someone
If I get punished for it it isn't free will its tyranny

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:55:40 No.141782232 ▶

thank you!

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:55:42 No.141782234 ▶

Where are the cheeks?

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:56:24 No.141782243 ▶

Happy to hear I'm not the only one who hates his guts

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:56:51 No.141782252 ▶ >>141782382

I don't recall ever seeing it before. Can you give me any examples?

"Surprise" is generally not something you want to do to someone with a gun aimed at you. Kinda feels
like this: [Embed]

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:57:38 No.141782261 ▶ >>141782280 >>141782400

He got punished for thought crimes, he didn't do anything wrong besides express displeasure with his
life situation

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:58:10 No.141782267 ▶ >>141783944

Indeed, if this were a Marxist show it'd be thought provoking. 14/28
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>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:58:50 No.141782280 ▶ >>141782400 >>141782441

IRL he led a rebellion against God , joining a 1/3 of Angels to come join, alongside doing other things

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)19:59:38 No.141782291 ▶

File: GEN1VeUbIAAYbqb.jpg (239 KB, 1848x1500)

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)20:03:19 No.141782334 ▶ >>141782498

Charlie is a furry ? That knocks her more than a few points in my book

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)20:03:49 No.141782340 ▶

File: 1705671186275110.png (345 KB, 1140x760)

current cast ranking

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)20:05:59 No.141782366 ▶

I think Mephisto from Goethe's Faust was a good interpretation of the christian devil. He only fucks
around with Faust, because of a bet he made with God.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)20:06:10 No.141782371 ▶ >>141782399

>no buttcheecks
I warned you that this show wouldn't give us a female bare ass

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)20:06:35 No.141782376 ▶

it wishes

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)20:06:41 No.141782382 ▶ >>141782507

I cant name any. I just think I saw them. It feels like something that would happen in a batman tas

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)20:07:41 No.141782399 ▶ >>141783165

dogs don't have cheeks

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)20:07:46 No.141782400 ▶

He was punished for thinking he could do God's job of ruling the universe better than God Himself. It
was his pride that earned him Hell more than anything 15/28
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>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)20:11:03 No.141782441 ▶


>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)20:12:43 No.141782455 ▶

File: Crn_0mWW8AATKV_.jpeg.jpg (184 KB, 1476x647)

Another sexy background
character for the collection

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)20:16:18 No.141782498 ▶ >>141782728

File: GCxnCBtXYAIvcct.jpg (493 KB, 2048x2048)

Holy fuck, Vaggie better NOT let Charlie anywhere near a certain hellhound
named Loona if she wants to keep her gf

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)20:16:52 No.141782507 ▶

I think I've seen something along the same lines, but where it's knocking it out of their hands or slicing
through the chamber, which makes more sense.
And the level of 'cartoon' logic is relevant here. If Husk had shoved his finger in the barrel to make it
backfire like Bugs Bunny, that obviously wouldn't work either, and instead imply some kind of
indestructability or other power on Husk's part at best. Which is to say, it does kinda matter. The only
good thing is it goes by pretty fast, so people are probably going to assume it's less of a problem than
it would be if they actually absorbed what literally happened.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)20:18:50 No.141782538 ▶ >>141782621 >>141782643 >>141782700 >>141782816


I'm looking through Prime Video and Hazbin is literally not listed anywhere on the main page despite
being a new arrival. You have to actively do a search for "Hazbin Hotel" if you want to find it. What's
the deal?

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)20:23:42 No.141782621 ▶ >>141783235

Amazon clearly knows that this shit is ONLY going to be viewed by Viv's specific audience, normies
and anybody unfamiliar with her obviously aren't going to give two fucks about this show

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)20:25:02 No.141782643 ▶ >>141782700

I think it's just you. I see it in the giant scrolling banner of new stuff at the top of the page. It's also
further down, in the actual listings.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)20:25:57 No.141782662 ▶ >>141782710 >>141782725 >>141782760 >>141782804


So what do you guys think of Velvette ? certainly not the characterization I was expecting but her song
is catchy.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)20:28:03 No.141782700 ▶ >>141782861 >>141783040 >>141783237

File: vox-amazon.png (402 KB, 604x439)

>>141782538 16/28
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This is what they recommended for me.

Is THIS any good?

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)20:28:41 No.141782710 ▶

Would prefer her to be that crazy girl from Pilot. Like maybe her fashion company is basically her
playing like a girl with dolls who are Sinners controlled by her like toys. A demented idea of a child of
what business like that is like. It would make hell feel more surreal where shit like that is the business
instead of just doing social media bits. But as she is, she is entertaining.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)20:29:25 No.141782725 ▶

She’s a brat and needs correction.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)20:29:36 No.141782728 ▶

Off I meant to say off. Who gets aroused by an animal ? Well Charlie apparently

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)20:31:33 No.141782760 ▶ >>141784038

File: FgsQ2xpXEAET5wG.jpg (514 KB, 2308x4096)

Bratty zoomer demon needs RAPE

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)20:33:05 No.141782786 ▶ >>141782880

>>141780638 (OP)
so im not much of a lore expert but Lilith and Alastor connected? Lilith has been missing for 7 years
and Alastor shows up after 7 years of also missing and the first thing he does is get involved in
Charlie's pet project

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)20:33:51 No.141782804 ▶

seems like the v's are the more interesting characters in the show, and if they're planning to provoke
the overlords into war, while showing how lazy and fat they've gotten i'm with them
if hell power is based on belief, having the meeting transmitted all over hell would catapult them to the
top tier status

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)20:34:19 No.141782816 ▶

Same. I thought as a new release it would be front and center, but I actually had to search for it.
Maybe I have some content settings set I'm unaware of, but I see other mature audience stuff so I
don't know what the deal is.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)20:37:21 No.141782861 ▶

Yes actually. 17/28
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>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)20:37:43 No.141782864 ▶ >>141782925 >>141782962 >>141782975 >>141783077
>>141783247 >>141783371

>awww, Carmilla is a loving and protective mother!

>then realizing her and her daughters were such shit people in life the whole family got sent to hell
It’s pretty jarring when you remember all these compelling and sympathetic characters are all bad and
deserve to be in Hell.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)20:38:23 No.141782880 ▶

Not confirmed but most assume that to be the case. Think there was some "leak" implying that Lilith is
masquerading as Rosie

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)20:38:51 No.141782886 ▶

Angel Dust is a household name level porn star. He’s not normal.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)20:40:54 No.141782912 ▶ >>141782980 >>141783136

File: Screenshot (2).png (1.86 MB, 1209x1176)

This is what I see on the front page. Not logged in, and I
never use prime video.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)20:42:08 No.141782925 ▶ >>141783030

They were bad in life, but some of them have been in Hell for many lifetimes, maybe centuries or
thousands of years in some cases. Bad people have changed for the better over the case of one
lifetime, who is to say people can't improve themselves afterwards or start to get a different
perspective? It's like the entire thesis of the show, that one lifetime shouldn't decide your eternity and
that you should be able to change.

Besides, people in this setting go to hell for the likes of suicide or doing drugs, it doesn't take much.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)20:44:00 No.141782952 ▶

I like her. I felt like she was going to be the redundant V, the one who is just there while the other two
carry the group, but she seems to have a unique role among them. I like that she's the one who
volunteers for stuff that matters. I think she's the only V who doesn't have to put on a public persona,
because her public persona is just how she is, which is a huge bitch. That allows her to speak more
honestly than the others and probably why they trust her to speak for them at the meeting. She's also
keen enough to read people and situations. She had an outburst at the meeting, but unlike Val and
Vox's outbursts, hers seems calculated. She wanted to shock Carmilla into giving an unfiltered
reaction. She could be an interesting character to watch in the future. I hope they don't ruin her.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)20:44:48 No.141782962 ▶ >>141783009 >>141783121

yeah the whole premise is kind of skewed because you're supposed to sympathise with these
characters but then you have to wonder what they did to deserve hell
because until we learn more about it, we have to assume that people are able to get into Heaven so
even though Adam's an asshole, there's still a way to go there

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)20:45:44 No.141782975 ▶

To be honest I'm expecting it to be revealed that it's completely random who goes where and the 18/28
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Winners/Sinners thing in Adam's song is literal.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)20:45:56 No.141782980 ▶ >>141783136 >>141783214

That other faggot lied to us on 4chan? No! I don't think I can ever recover from this betrayal.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)20:47:37 No.141783009 ▶

Yeah like look at Sir Pentious, he’s a kooky silly guy we all have a laugh at and enjoy, but he’s in hell
for a reason, like imagine if he worked orphans to death in his 19th century London factories or some
shit, makes it hard to look at him the same way.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)20:48:45 No.141783030 ▶

Suicide was considered sinful, because it was seen as an insult to Jesus' sacrifice. And technically it's
against the 6th Commandment.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)20:49:26 No.141783040 ▶


>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)20:51:52 No.141783077 ▶ >>141783177 >>141783273 >>141783275

Considering this is the same hell where there are deaf demon kids with hopes and dreams, it's clear
that it's mostly hell in name only, and just an excuse for Vivzie to create whatever wacky character or
scenario she wants. It's not following the usual rules and just seems to be a place for anyone who has
ever done any lesser crime.
The show has also not adressed yet what to do with pedophiles, rapists and racists if they want to be
"redeemed". Is Charlie okay letting that kind of sick freak into her hotel?

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)20:54:42 No.141783121 ▶

The premise is screwed, because Hell and Heaven are a Vivzie fanfic version.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)20:55:39 No.141783136 ▶

File: front page.jpg (697 KB, 1800x1423)

This is what's on the front page for me and Hazbin isn't listed anywhere if you
scroll through the huge banner on the top or the "Amazon Originals and
Exclusives" list. The only other thing I've ever used Prime to watch was Invincible
so you'd think they'd recommend another animated show to me but I guess not.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)20:56:56 No.141783165 ▶

Does this mean Loona and Beelzebub have nothing to hide underneath their clothes?

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)20:57:36 No.141783177 ▶ >>141783288 >>141783368 >>141783505

Viv said hell is like prison, draw your own conclusions

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)20:58:55 No.141783200 ▶ 19/28
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The Katie voice change was the worst change in the series by far. She sounds like a man now.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)20:59:50 No.141783214 ▶

It's too much for me honestly. Going to go die real quick.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:01:08 No.141783235 ▶

Also hoping to stay off Fox News's radar.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:01:11 No.141783237 ▶ >>141783287

Yes. A bit of a rough start but gets good

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:01:55 No.141783247 ▶

File: 115047510_p0.png (1005 KB, 2000x2000)


>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:02:59 No.141783266 ▶

I'm actually enjoying this so far but I can't deal with the forced songs. It's cringe.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:03:29 No.141783273 ▶

Charlie literally said it herself that she trusts everyone, so if a rapist pedo nazi walked up to the hotel
saying he wanted to get redeemed she would welcome them with open arms.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:03:46 No.141783275 ▶ >>141783324

I just want uncle Adolf and red Joe to make an apperance at the Hotel and in a Vivzie work, bros.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:04:36 No.141783287 ▶ >>141783321 >>141783428

OK, so a few other anons are saying yes, but then Anons are willing to say the same thing about

Is this like Arcaine good? Castelvania good? or Kevin Smith He-Man good?

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:04:39 No.141783288 ▶

The majority people there are black?

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:07:21 No.141783321 ▶ >>141783342

It's quite literally an animated D&D campaign where everyone can say "fuck". There's really not much
more I can tell you to sell it any harder 20/28
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>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:07:29 No.141783324 ▶ >>141783397
File: E_FfMs4XEAcOhjF.jpg (272 KB, 2000x2100)

This is as good as you are gonna

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:08:41 No.141783342 ▶ >>141783419

>Hazbin is a disney musical that says fuck
That literally does nothing to sell it for me anon. I don't want to invest time into something that'll piss
me off.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:10:07 No.141783368 ▶

I know she’s implying that pedos all get the shit kicked out of them or murdered in Hell, but I seriously
doubt that a place full of unrepentant monsters would care.
Like they have a district literally called Cannibal Town, there’s probably a Pedo Alley somewhere in

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:10:10 No.141783371 ▶

I feel like they're going with South Park's take on heaven and hell, meaning that most of the people
that go to Heaven are those who live a very modest life like the mormons while you can go to Hell
even for enganging in masturbation more than once.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:11:41 No.141783397 ▶

is he going to get the pineapple scene?

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:13:12 No.141783419 ▶ >>141783604

Well VM isn't a musical if you don't count Scanlan's antics, and I'd hardly call it woke. It's your usual
fantasy adventure with an ensemble cast of veteran voice actors playing thier tabletop characters and
having fun with it. If that doesn't work for you, dunno what else to say other than try new things
already, ya fuckin' whiner

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:13:43 No.141783428 ▶ >>141783464 >>141783604

I don't think any of those are good comparisons. Its just a D&D campaign made into a cartoon literally
with adult humor and violence. Like I said the first ep or so is a bit crass although to be fair this is
introducing a cast technically midway through a campaign way after they became a crew. Some
people I think made fun of the cgi dragon but I thought it was fine. It picks up once the big plot starts
after they take on the storm dragon and head out to do Percy's loyalty quest which is about where the
big plot started in the actual campaign.

Second season is good. I found it fun on its own but you'd get more out of it if you are familiar with the
source material

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:14:49 No.141783447 ▶ >>141783461 >>141783493

>>141780638 (OP)
Where are the links? Mega? 21/28
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>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:16:00 No.141783461 ▶

You can torrent it.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:16:04 No.141783464 ▶ >>141783488 >>141783499

File: Mighy_Nein_by_Ariana_Orner.png (426 KB, 1199x849)

I for one am waiting patiently for The Mighty
Nein show

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:17:05 No.141783478 ▶

>>141780638 (OP)
Halving seen the new episode, is it wired i care a million times move about the overlords meeting then
anyone at the hotel.

Also the problem of introducing this new charaters that viv seems to think people outsdie her fandom
know. Like the old english spider guy, I i know about him is he old, freind with carmile, and Alister likes

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:17:38 No.141783488 ▶

Caduceus ruined Firbolgs.
Now everyone plays them as freakshit cow people.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:18:01 No.141783493 ▶


>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:18:18 No.141783499 ▶

I hate how smooth and clean everyone is. Looks bizzare as hell. Tumblr shit.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:18:29 No.141783505 ▶

You don't get to become a rich overlord who owns souls in prison.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:19:15 No.141783514 ▶ >>141783623

Link dead.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:20:12 No.141783526 ▶ >>141783583 >>141783641

File: mpv-shot0001.jpg (293 KB, 1920x1080)

>Knows how big of a deal a dead angel is
>Doesn't attempt to hide the body, left it sitting out in the open
for a week
>The Vees
>Also know how big of a deal a dead angel is
>Only take the head and leave the rest of an extremely valuable find
The body was lying there a week and no one thought it was a good idea to pick it up?

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:23:53 No.141783583 ▶ >>141783658 22/28
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I don't think Carmilla killed the angel, however I do see the V's planting the evident to upstage Carmilla
and the old english spider dude. They seem to be the oldest overlords in hell, and from what we seen fear
the old man in a sports for the young. Also, Alastar definaly going to use this information to blackmail,
Carmilla into helping with the war in heaven.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:24:57 No.141783604 ▶ >>141783645

well i asked, is it castelvania good or arcaine good? I still wanna check out invincible, cause I'm
interested in that story a lot, but I wanna be in the right mood for it.
I'm hesitant because I'm feeling it's gonna be cringe like The Boys: Diabolical. you can't tell me it's got
swears and that be a selling point. I'm not into D&D as a concept.

I'll give it chance, and I don't care if something is woke or not. Just be good and take yourself seriously
enough that you're not trying to fill out a mad lib of cliche tropes.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:26:08 No.141783623 ▶ >>141784089 >>141784101

File: 1000011276.jpg (212 KB, 1080x1724)

no it's fine!

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:27:48 No.141783641 ▶

I thought the Vees only found the head? It doesn't make sense that Carmilla didn't try to hide the body
though, if she knew what the reaction would be. I guess maybe she was hoping the angels would see
it the way the old guy did, as potentially just some mishap during the extermination and not something
a sinner necessarily did. Still doesn't make sense though. If they hid the body, that angel would be
considered missing but it wouldn't seem as big of a deal.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:28:03 No.141783645 ▶

You'd probably get that vibe from the first two eps and Scanlan's general antics in season 1 but I'd say
stick it out until they hit Percy's home when the vampire arc starts which is basically what season 1 is

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:28:56 No.141783658 ▶ >>141783708

>I don't think Carmilla killed the angel
Wasn't her song entirely an admission that she did?

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:32:21 No.141783707 ▶

Anything with her >>141781814

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:32:22 No.141783708 ▶ >>141783754 >>141783972

No, it was a song about protection the loved onces, with Vaggie for some reason?

However, they mine have going the weapon that can kill an angel, but never used it because it would
destroy the balance of power in hell. Also, still think it werid that the V definely want the old generation
gone. 23/28
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>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:34:58 No.141783740 ▶

What would (You) do if (You) ended up in Viv hell?

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:35:04 No.141783742 ▶

I don't know what's going on with Vaggie's voice actor, but that scene where she pretends to be a drill
sergeant and she sounds like she just figured out what yelling was yesterday was terrible.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:36:20 No.141783754 ▶ >>141783812

She was basically screaming that she did it. It was so obvious that it's probably a misdirect though.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:36:21 No.141783756 ▶ >>141783764 >>141784072 >>141784077

File: 20200205_111718.jpg (100 KB, 321x451)

>Viv confirmed God isn't a thing in Hellaverse

>characters are still saying "God damnit" and "Christ" as an
Questions are raised.....

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:36:32 No.141783759 ▶ >>141784122

File: 5373096_400272_sperezart_(...).png (3.46 MB, 3619x4152)


>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:37:18 No.141783764 ▶


>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:40:28 No.141783812 ▶ >>141783851

Same, but knowing viv this is to obvious that there has to be a twist. I still of the camp that carmile
weapons can kill angel, and Alsiater going to blackmail her into helping with with the war?

Also the V's are definaly planning something about overthrowing them. Why introdicte the two oldest
overlords if not to try to take them down.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:41:43 No.141783830 ▶

Better than being a dyke

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:43:06 No.141783851 ▶ >>141783971

>Alsiater going to blackmail her into helping with with the war?
Is this something we know Alastor wants? I think we can assume that Alastor will use this info
somehow, but he hasn't expressed actual motivations for anything he does yet. 24/28
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>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:46:44 No.141783917 ▶

Power in Hell appears to be based entirely on merit, so of course the ones the story revolves around
(and are therefore interesting) are going to have some sort of power or connections.
>In Viv's world, there is NO attempt to over throw the status quo and let the monarchs of hell be
Are we watching the same shows? There are power plays happening in half the episodes, it's just that
none of them have come to fruition yet.
>They're all "good" on the inside really. It's all HEAVENS Fault!
This is never implied.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:47:10 No.141783931 ▶

File: GELJbKqWwAApjUY.jpg (168 KB, 2048x1160)


>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:47:44 No.141783944 ▶

Retarded faggot commie

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:48:59 No.141783967 ▶

Hey, when you're the one leading the blackmarket with high class weapons that can hurt the nobles,
you'd treat yourself something nice too

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:49:19 No.141783971 ▶

It's mostly because the finally of the show will be a battle between haven and hell. So, how do you get
one of the oldest overlords on your sign but blackmail. Also, because he seem to like Carmille more
then the V.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:49:22 No.141783972 ▶

>I always thought that I would keep blood off my face
>But when that thing attacked, I had to act
>To cross that line and keep them safe
>But if anyone knew, then all of Hell would rise to war
>And who's to say who'd survive the fray?
>I might lose the ones that I was killing for
It's a song about protection of loved ones prompted with a pretty blatant admission that she did it.
Although maybe Viv is taking us on some wacky ride where yet another new character will be
introduced and immediately make an admission. I'm going to take this at face value for now because
there's not enough time for too many redirects in this plotline.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:50:15 No.141783992 ▶ >>141784179

File: 1705602537368684.jpg (449 KB, 2000x2000)

Sexo with the mother and her


>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:52:33 No.141784038 ▶ >>141784063 >>141784111 25/28
1/19/24, 9:59 PM /co/ - Hazbin Hotel - Comics & Cartoons - 4chan
How the fuck can a zoomer be an overlord? Her death was extremely recent yet shes an overlord?

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:52:56 No.141784046 ▶

File: SleepySir5.jpg (186 KB, 1080x606)

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:54:10 No.141784063 ▶

She cancelled a overlord and took their place.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:54:12 No.141784065 ▶

>>141780638 (OP)
Alastor has shown more power than anyone else in the show period
This includes the rulers of every circle of hell
The show is retarded beyond comprehension already, helluva boss had an assassin with angel
weapons get defeated three times by the team and the last time it was a joke

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:54:33 No.141784072 ▶

The Cherubs literally had a motivational poster of a quote from God.
Everyone seems to be buying Charlie’s story from the first two minutes as gospel when it clearly
sounds like bullshit some parents would tell their kid why they aren’t totally the bad guys.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:54:38 No.141784074 ▶

>Bitchmade by a Deerfag

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:54:41 No.141784077 ▶

>Power in Hell appears to be based entirely on merit
It seems to be based on power level, the phisically strongest will have more power.

Lucifer and the Sins are in charge because they are far more powerful than everybody else, the
nobles and charlie are rich because they are naturally stronger than other demons

The Overlords in the other hand seems to hold a monopoly on their industries because they have
superpowers that allow them to fully control those products, no one can use a radio without Alastor
permission because he can snap his fingers and make it stop working, so they end up richer than
everybody but the Sins themselves who get money from taxes. Everybody else can only make money
by being hired by the goverment, an overlord or making some small business not related to the
overlords monopolies so naturally they could never be as rich as the higher class demons.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:55:28 No.141784089 ▶

I died

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:56:10 No.141784101 ▶

>Episode 4 thumbnail is AD getting ass raped
Like pottery 26/28
1/19/24, 9:59 PM /co/ - Hazbin Hotel - Comics & Cartoons - 4chan
>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:56:54 No.141784111 ▶ >>141784153

Being an overlord is less about age and more about controlling turf and the souls within it. It doesn't
matter how you do it, you just have to be able to take it and keep it. The Vees are less about raw
power and more about persuasion and coercion, which doesn't take that long to utilize. It's just a
matter of outdoing the competition.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:57:43 No.141784122 ▶ >>141784252

anon I...

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)21:59:39 No.141784153 ▶

But anon older people have a longer time to logically acquire power and territory hence the
Boomercracy in every fucking nation on Earth. Vox is obviously a millennial but Velvette is absolute

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)22:01:29 No.141784175 ▶

So, is Alistor supposed to be a Wendigo

>deer theme
> Obsessed with consumption
>cannibalism theme
I think he is also one of the few characters who actually eat in the show
>I bet he never gets to feel full either no matter how much he eats

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)22:01:33 No.141784179 ▶ >>141784204

File: F8IcFErWcAEcd0D.jpg (82 KB, 1979x1125)

Her old hairstyle was infinitely

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)22:02:47 No.141784204 ▶

Everything was better in the pilot.

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)22:03:34 No.141784225 ▶ >>141784261

The realization that not all sinners die in an extermination causes all sorts of questions like where are
the sinners from 500 years ago?

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)22:04:07 No.141784236 ▶

File: 1572899367562.png (300 KB, 680x383)

>calls the literal Devil a manlet to his

Somebody put a stop to this madman
before it's too late! [Embed]

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)22:04:48 No.141784252 ▶

File: Fd_xJMmXkAIxUZE.jpg (324 KB, 1800x2000)

What? 27/28
1/19/24, 9:59 PM /co/ - Hazbin Hotel - Comics & Cartoons - 4chan

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)22:05:09 No.141784261 ▶

Few and far between most likely, but also likely they're Overlord tier if they've managed to survive
centuries of purges

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)22:06:37 No.141784285 ▶

File: com.oculus.shellenv-20240(...).jpg (154 KB, 1024x1024)

ok today me and my babies are going to watch

the rest of habbo hotel

>> Anonymous 01/19/24(Fri)22:07:15 No.141784297 ▶

File: GEKyl6yWcAAGH1Q.jpg (170 KB, 1929x1080)

Viv wtf...

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