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Part- A: Spreadsheet (Excel) Lab5.

1. OFFSET function

Create a reference offset from given starting point

Return value
A cell reference.


 reference - The starting point, supplied as a cell reference or range.

 rows - The number of rows to offset below the starting reference.

 cols - The number of columns to offset to the right of the starting reference.

 height - [optional] The height in rows of the returned reference.

 width - [optional] The width in columns of the returned reference.


To reference C5 starting at A1, reference is A1, rows is 4 and cols is 2:

=OFFSET(A1,4,2) // returns reference to C5

To reference C1:C5 from A1, reference is A1, rows is 0, cols is 2, height is 5,

and width is 1:

=OFFSET(A1,0,2,5,1) // returns reference to C1:C5

It is common to see OFFSET wrapped in another function that expects a range.

For example, to SUM C1:C5, beginning at A1:

=SUM(OFFSET(A1,0,2,5,1)) // SUM C1:C5

In the screen below, we use OFFSET to return the third value (March) in the second
column (West). The formula in H4 is:

=OFFSET(B3,3,2) // returns D6
Example #2
In the screen below, we use OFFSET to return the last value (June) in the third
column (North). The formula in H4 is:

=OFFSET(B3,6,3) // returns E9

Example #3
Below, we use OFFSET to return all values in the third column (North). The formula
in H4 is:

=OFFSET(B3,1,3,6) // returns E4:E9

Example #4
Below, we use OFFSET to return all values for May (fifth row). The formula in H4 is:

=OFFSET(B3,5,1,1,4) // returns C8:F8

2. MAX Function

The Excel MAX function returns the largest numeric value in the data provided. MAX ignores
empty cells, the logical values TRUE and FALSE, and text values.


 number1 - Number, reference to numeric value, or range that contains
numeric values.

 number2 - [optional] Number, reference to numeric value, or range that

contains numeric values.

Mixed arguments
The MAX function can accept a mix of arguments:


3. SORT Function


 array - Range or array to sort.

 sort_index - [optional] Column index to use for sorting. Default is 1.

 sort_order - [optional] 1 = Ascending, -1 = Descending. Default is ascending


 by_col - [optional] TRUE = sort by column. FALSE = sort by row. Default is


Basic Examples
To sort a range by the first column in ascending order:

=SORT(range) // sort by column 1, ascending

=SORT(range,1,1) // sort by column 1, ascending
=SORT(range,1,-1) // sort by column 1, descending
=SORT(range,2,-1) // sort by column 2, descending

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