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MCQ’s Key
1. Greenish PM lividity is seen in:
a. carbon monoxide poisoning
b. opium poisoning
c. H2S poisoning
d. phosphorus poisoning
e. arsenic poisoning

2. “The thing speaks for itself” refers to:

a. civil negligence
b. criminal negligence
c. Res Ipsa Loquitor
d. third party negligence
e. contributory negligence

3. “Dichotomy” means:
a. fee sharing
b. moral misconduct
c. abuse of doctor privilege
d. abuse of doctor patient relationship
e. abuse of professional knowledge

4. Milk as demulcent is contra indicated in:

a. acute arsenic poisoning.
b. acute lead poisoning.
c. acute mercury poisoning.
d. acute phosphorus poisoning.
e. acute dhatura poisoning.

5. White vitriol refers to:

a. magnesium sulphate.
b. zinc sulphate.
c. copper sulphate.
d. zinc chloride.
e. zinc phosphate.

6. Yellow coloured vomiting and stools are caused by:

a. colocynth.
b. calotropis.
c. marking nut.
d. abrus precatorius.
e. croton tiglium.

7. Wernicke’s encephalopathy is observed in:

a. cocaine poisoning.
b. cannabis poisoning.
c. alcohol poisoning.
d. lead poisoning.
e. mercury poisoning.

8. Boric acid is a toxic substance found in:

a. baby powder
b. baking powder
c. rat pastes
d. furniture polish
e. moth balls

9. The corrosive poison which is used to erase writing in attempt of forgery is:
a. sulphuric acid
b. nitric acid
c. phenol
d. oxalic acid
e. caustic potash

10. The microscopic examination of urine shows “envelope shape” crystals in:
a. arsenic poisoning
b. mercury poisoning
c. antimony poisoning
d. oxalic acid poisoning
e. carbolic acid poisoning

11. Chalk is used as antidote in:

a. arsenic poisoning
b. mercury poisoning
c. antimony poisoning
d. oxalic acid poisoning
e. carbolic acid poisoning

12. “Mee’s line” on the nails is seen in:

a. thallium poisoning
b. chronic mercury poisoning
c. chronic antimony poisoning
d. chronic phosphorus poisoning
e. plumbism

13. Hydrocyanic acid causes toxicity by:

a. inhibiting choline esterase
b. inhibiting cytochrome oxidase system
c. combining with sulphydryl enzymes
d. stimulating anterior horn cells of spinal cord
e. increasing dopamine production in brain

14. The poison which causes baldness on scalp and lateral two third of eye brows is:
a. arsenic
b. mercury
c. oxalic acid
d. aluminium
e. thallium

15. “Red velvety appearance” of gastric mucosa is found in:

a. acute arsenic poisoning
b. acute mercury poisoning
c. acute antimony poisoning
d. acute phosphorus poisoning
e. acute lead poisoning

16. The vomitus and stool are luminous in dark in:

a. acute arsenic poisoning
b. acute mercury poisoning
c. acute antimony poisoning
d. acute phosphorus poisoning
e. acute lead poisoning

17. Escharotic appearance of mouth and tongue is seen in:

a. acute arsenic poisoning
b. acute mercury poisoning
c. acute antimony poisoning
d. acute phosphorus poisoning
e. acute lead poisoning

18. “Bitter apple” is the other name of:

a. dhatura
b. colocynth
c. ergot
d. calotropis
e. plumbago

19. Brown sugar refers to:

a. morphine
b. pethidine
c. heroin
d. nalorphine
e. DDT

20. Tetraethyl pyrophosphate (TEPP) is one of the:

a. somniferous poisons
b. Deliriant poisons
c. spinal poisons
d. organophosphorus poisons
e. cardiac poisons

21. “Kunkel’s test” is performed to diagnose:

a. strychnine poisoning
b. arsenic poisoning
c. mercury poisoning
d. carbon monoxide poisoning
e. hydrogen sulphide poisoning

22. “Casper dictum” refers to:

a. drowning.
b. death.
c. suspended animation.
d. putrefaction
e. electrocution

23. Samples for toxicological analysis are preserved in:

a. rectified spirit.
b. 10% formalin.
c. Zenker’s fluid.
d. normal saline
e. water

24. All are correct about saponification except:

a. is modification of process of putrefaction.
b. fatty acids are converted into unsaturated body fats.
c. occurs in damp places.
d. needs diminution of air
e. common in fatty bodies

25. Postmortem caloricity is seen in:

a. sun stroke and pontine hemorrhage
b. drowning
c. myocardial infarction
d. arsenic poisoning
e. opium poisoning

26. “Syncope” refers to:

a. cause of death
b. manner of death
c. mechanism of death
d. mode of death
e. circumstances of death

27. All are correct about postmortem lividity except:

a. present on the dependant parts of the body
b. uniform in color when developed
c. does not show swelling
d. caused due to extravasation of blood
e. can show the cause of death in some cases

28. All are correct about mummification except:

a. common in infants
b. warm and dry atmospheric conditions favor it
c. skin is hard, dry, shrunken
d. common in cases of chronic arsenic poisons
e. the body is more foul smelling than normal putrefaction

29. “Algor mortis” refers to:

a. cooling of the body
b. pm lividity
c. rigor mortis
d. putrefaction
e. secondary flaccidity

30. PM & DC gives punishment to RMP in cases of:

a. lack of proper care in treatment
b. lack of proper skill
c. breach of duty
d. absence from duty
e. moral turpitude

31. Evisceration during autopsy examination means:

a. opening of body cavity.
b. examination of viscera.
c. removal of viscera from body cavity.
d. reconstruction of dead body.
e. examination of all internal organ in their anatomical position

32. "Volitional activity" means:

a. physical activity of victim during fatal period.
b. physical activity of a healthy person.
c. activity of perpetrator of crime when he is committing it.
d. physical activity during sleep.
e. any activity which provokes a person for murder

33. The medical negligence which can be attributed to the patient is called:
a. civil negligence
b. criminal negligence
c. contributory negligence
d. third party negligence
e. Res Ipsa Loquitor

34. The most virulent bacteria for causing putrefaction is:

a. streptococci
b. esch. coli
c. clostridium welchii
d. B proteus
e. staphylococci

35. “Taches Noires” occurs in the eye in:

a. cornea
b. sclera
c. retina
d. optic disc
e. anterior chamber of eye

36. A victim died in the custody of police. There is history of oligouria and subsequently
anuria before death. On autopsy examination multiple bruises were found on various parts
of the body. The likely cause of death is:
a. Neurogenic shock
b. fat embolism
c. air embolism
d. infection
e. crush syndrome

37. Mode of death refers to:

a. hanging, strangulation, choking
b. homicide, suicide, accident
c. coma, syncope, asphyxia
d. electrocution, shock, etc
e. drowning, suspended animation

38. The corrosive acid commonly used for causing disfigurement is :

a. sulphuric acid
b. nitric acid
c. hydrochloric acid
d. oxalic acid
e. carbolic acid

39. “Acid of sugar” is the other name of:

a. sulphuric acid
b. nitric acid
c. hydrochloric acid
d. oxalic acid
e. carbolic acid

40. Marking nut is also called as:

a. ricinus communis
b. croton tiglium
c. semecarpus anacardium
d. calotropis
e. claviceps purpurea

41. The corrosive poison which causes yellow discoloration of body tissues is:
a. sulphuric acid
b. nitric acid
c. hydrochloric acid
d. oxalic acid
e. carbolic acid

42. Tartaric acid is toxic substance found in:

a. baking soda
b. baking powder
c. ink remover
d. shoe polish
e. baby powder

43. “Oil of wintergreen” refers to:

a. sodium salicylate
b. methyl salicylate
c. acetyl salicylate
d. copper sulphate
e. zinc oxide

44. “Vermilion” is:

a. lead acetate
b. lead carbonate
c. lead tetroxide
d. lead sulphide
e. lead oxide

45. “Surma” is:

a. lead acetate
b. lead carbonate
c. lead tetroxide
d. lead sulphide
e. lead oxide

46. Basophilic stippling of RBC’s is seen in:

a. chronic arsenic poisoning
b. chronic mercury poisoning
c. chronic antimony poisoning
d. chronic phosphorus poisoning
e. Plumbism

47. “Dry belly aches” is a feature seen in:

a. chronic arsenic poisoning
b. chronic mercury poisoning
c. chronic antimony poisoning
d. chronic phosphorus poisoning
e. Plumbism

48. Foamy liver is seen in:

a. starvation.
b. drowning.
c. putrefaction.
d. cirrhosis of liver
e. electrocution

49. Bloating of features during putrefaction is due to:

a. loss of secondary relaxation of muscles
b. pressure effect of putrefactive gases
c. progression of marbling and skin slip
d. autolysis
e. skin slip

50. Cyanide poisoning results in:

a. anoxic anoxia
b. histotoxic anoxia
c. stagnant anoxia
d. anemic anoxia
e. mechanical anoxia

51. Vomiting is least likely in acute poisoning caused by:

a. sulphuric acid
b. nitric acid
c. phosphorus
d. carbolic acid
e. oxalic acid

52. Carbolic acid is one of the:

a. mineral acids
b. organic acids
c. vegetable acids
d. alkalis
e. animal poisons

53. "Corpus delicti" means:

a. emeciated dead body.
b. essence of the crime.
c. frank case of murder.
d. dead body during autopsy examination.
e. litigation in the court resulting in conviction.

54. Acquired hypersensitivity to a substance refers to:

a. idiosyncrasy.
b. allergy.
c. synergism.
d. tolerance.
e. addiction

55. Mee’s Lines and rain drop pigmentation are the features seen in:
a. chronic arsenic poisoning
b. chronic mercury poisoning
c. chronic antimony poisoning
d. chronic cocaine poisoning
e. chronic alcohol poisoning

56. Anesthetics are:

a. somniferous poisons.
b. Deliriant poisons.
c. inebriant poisons.
d. spinal poisons.
e. peripheral poisons
57. The suitable time for conducting exhumation is:
a. early morning
b. before dawn
c. after dusk
d. after noon
e. Midnight to have ideal privacy

58. Smokey green color of urine is observed in poisoning due to:

a. Oxalic acid
b. Carbolic acid
c. Arsenic
d. Mercury
e. Phosphorus

59. N – acetylcysteine should be given in moderate to severe poisoning of:

a. Opiates
b. Hydrocyanic acid
c. Paracetamol
d. Barbiturates
e. Methyl alcohol

60. Aseptic autolysis is found in:

a. Adipocere
b. putrefaction
c. Mummification
d. Maceration
e. Baby born with congenital anomalies
61. Following conditions are correctly matched with causing agents except:
a. Muttering delirium---dhatura
b. Run amok--- morphine
c. Delirium tremens--- alcohol
d. Mee’s line --- arsenic
e. Risus sardonicus ---strychnine

62. Marsh test is performed to diagnose:

a. Mercury Poisoning
b. Arsenic Poisoning
c. Lead Poisoning
d. Copper Poisoning
e. Thallium Poisoning

63. The corrosive poison which is used to erase writing in attempt of forgery is:
a. sulphuric acid
b. nitric acid
c. phenol
d. oxalic acid
e. caustic potash

64. Marking nut is also called as:

a. ricinus communis
b. croton tiglium
c. semecarpus anacardium
d. calotropis
e. claviceps purpurea

65. Nymphomania is commonly observed in:

a. chronic cannabis poisoning
b. plumbism
c. chornic cocaine poisoning
d. chronic alchohol poisoning
e. chronic mercury poisoning

66. “Risus sardonicus” is clinical feature seen in:

a. phosphorus poisoning.
b. arsenic poisoning.
c. strychnine poisoning.
d. thallium poisoning.
e. dhatura poisoning.

67. Artificial bruise can be caused by:

a. colocynth.
b. Calotropis.
c. marking nut.
d. abrus precatorius.
e. croton tiglium.

68. The medicolegal system which is in vogue in Pakistan is:

a. coroner system
b. medical examiner system
c. continental system
d. modified continental system
e. a combination of coroner & medical examiner system

69. Malathion causes toxicity by:

a. inhibiting cholinesterase.
b. combining with sulphydryl enzymes.
c. stimulating anterior horn cells of spinal cord.
d. causing tissue cellular anoxia.
e. inhibiting cytochrome oxidase system.
70. The acid which causes “xanthoproteic reaction” when poured on body tissues is:
a. sulphuric acid.
b. nitric acid.
c. hydrochloric acid.
d. oxalic acid.
e. carbolic acid.

71. The dead body is lying on autopsy table. There is leathery, fine, tenacious, and persistent
froth at mouth and nostrils. The death is likely to be due to:
a. Opium poisoning
b. barbiturate poisoning
c. Throttling
d. Drowning
e. Traumatic asphyxia

72. A surgeon doing surgery on a patient is very wreck less which results in death of the
patients. The surgeon is guilty of:
a. Civil medical negligence
b. Criminal medical negligence
c. Ethical malpraxis
d. Therapeutic misadventure
e. Contributory medical negligence

73. A person after ingesting a toxic agent is in a state of Narcosis. The pupils are contracted.
However, on pinching the neck the pupils dilate initially and slowly return to their original
size. The toxic agent is:
a. Barbiturate
b. Alcohol
c. Strychnine
d. Organophosphate
e. Carbolic acid

74. “Bad Trips” are observed in:

a. Alcohol psychosis
b. Hashish psychosis
c. LSD psychosis
d. Morphine psychosis
e. Dementia

75. Methyl alcohol is:

a. Ototoxic
b. Nephrotoxic
c. Ophthalmotoxic
d. Cardiotoxic
e. Myotoxic
76. The first internal sign of putrefaction is usually discoloration seen on:
a. Bases of lungs
b. Base of brain
c. Lower poles of kidneys
d. Under surface of liver
e. Under surface of spleen

77. Korsakoff’s psychosis is a syndrome found in:

a. chronic arsenic poisoning
b. chronic mercury poisoning
c. chronic alcohol poisoning
d. chronic cocaine poisoning
e. chronic phosphorus poisoning

78. Thiopentone sodium is:

a. long acting barbiturate
b. intermediate acting barbiturate
c. short acting barbiturate
d. ultra short acting barbiturate
e. locally acting barbiturate

79. The poison which causes alternate contraction and dilatation of pupil is:
a. carbolic acid
b. oxalic acid
c. Organo phosphates
d. barbiturates
e. morphine

80. Chromogenic (red) tears are found in:

a. opium poisoning
b. barbiturate poisoning
c. Organo phosphorus poisoning
d. aconite poisoning
e. arsenic poisoning

81. Atropinization is the antidote therapy used in poisoning due to:

a. opium poisoning
b. barbiturate poisoning
c. arsenic poisoning
d. Organo phosphate poisoning
e. phosphorus poisoning

82. Mithazahar is the other name of:

a. aconite
b. yellow oleander
c. nicotine
d. cocaine
e. carbon monoxide

83. Chloracetophenone is a war gas which is:

a. lacrimator
b. asphyxiant
c. vesicant
d. nasal irritant
e. paralysant

84. Rati poison refers to:

a. Calotropis
b. marking nut
c. capsicum
d. abrus precatorius
e. colocynth

85. “Bitter apple” is the other name of:

a. Calotropis
b. marking nut
c. capsicum
d. abrus precatorius
e. colocynth

86. The substance which is used to differentiate gold from other metals is:
a. sulphuric acid
b. nitric acid
c. oxalic acid
d. thallium
e. zinc

87. Desferrioxamine is a chelating agent used in the treatment of:

a. lead poisoning
b. arsenic poisoning
c. copper poisoning
d. zinc poisoning
e. iron poisoning

88. All of the following substances are emetics except:

a. warm water
b. musturd powder
c. potassium permanganate
d. apomorphine
e. syrup ipecac

89. “Christison’s saying” is about:

a. carbolic acid
b. oxalic acid
c. arsenic
d. mercury
e. thallium

90. Excessive salivation, swollen gums and loosening of teeth are the features seen in:
a. chronic arsenic poisoning
b. chronic mercury poisoning
c. chronic phosphorus poisoning
d. chronic alcohol poisoning
e. chronic cocaine poisoning

91. Hatter’s shake is found in:

a. chronic arsenic poisoning
b. chronic mercury poisoning
c. chronic phosphorus poisoning
d. chronic alcohol poisoning
e. chronic cocaine poisoning

92. Run amok is observed in:

a. chronic arsenic poisoning
b. chronic mercury poisoning
c. chronic phosphorus poisoning
d. chronic alcohol poisoning
e. hashish insanity

93. Oxalic acid is one of the:

a. Mineral acids
b. organic acids
c. vegetable acids
d. alkalis
e. inebriants

94. “Phossy Jaw” is a feature seen in:

a. chronic arsenic poisoning
b. chronic mercury poisoning
c. chronic phosphorus poisoning
d. chronic alcohol poisoning
e. hashish insanity

95. Reaction time is increased in:

a. arsenic poisoning
b mercury poisoning
c. phosphorus poisoning
d. alcohol poisoning
e. hashish insanity
96. Macewan sign is seen in:
a. arsenic poisoning
b mercury poisoning
c. phosphorus poisoning
d. alcohol poisoning
e. hashish insanity

97. Magnan’s symptom is observed in:

a. chronic arsenic poisoning
b. chronic mercury poisoning
c. chronic phosphorus poisoning
d. chronic alcohol poisoning
e. chronic cocaine poisoning

98. The substance which has a very rapid effect used in robbery and rape is:
a. chloral hydrate
b. phenobarbitone
c. barbitone sodium
d. dhatura
e. nitrous oxide

99. “Oil of vitriol” refers to:

a. nitric acid
b. hydrochloric acid
c. sulphuric acid
d. oxalic acid
e. carbolic acid

100. The fatal dose of strychnine is:

a. 1 – 2 mg
b. 2 – 5 mg
c. 5 – 10 mg
d. 10 – 15 mg
e. 15 – 30 mg

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