Module 1 - Lecture 1 (Introduction)

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Introduction to Offshore Structures

OE 6200

Dr. S. Nallayarasu
NPTEL course 1
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36

Introduction to Offshore Structures

Loads on Offshore Structures
Wind Loads; Wave and Current Loads; Calculation based on
Maximum base Shear and Overturning Moments; Design Wave
heights and Spectral Definition; Hydrodynamic Coefficients and
Marine growth; Fatigue Load Definition and Joint Probability
distribution; Seismic Loads;

Concepts of Fixed Platform Jacket and Deck

Jacket concepts, redundant framing arrangement; Launch and Lift
jackets; Simple Deck configurations for Lift and float-over
installations; In-service and Pre-service Loads and analysis

Steel Tubular Member Design

Principles of WSD and LRFD; Allowable stresses and Partial Safety
Factors; Tubular Members, Slenderness effects; Column Buckling,
Design for Hydrostatic pressure; Design for combined axial and
bending stresses (API RP 2A guidelines);
Dr. S. Nallayarasu
NPTEL course 2
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36

Introduction to Offshore Structures

CONTENTS – Contd..

Tubular Joint Design for Static and Cyclic Loads

Simple tubular joints, design using allowable loads; stress
concentration factors; S-N curves and fatigue damage calculations

Jackup Rigs
Configuration and operation of jackups; Simplified analysis; Spudcan
penetration and extraction; Spudcan – pile interaction; Design of
jackup legs;

Design against Accidental Loads (Fire, Blast and

Behaviour of steel at elevated temperature; Fire Rating for
Hydrocarbon fire; Design of structures for high temperature; Blast
Mitigation-Blast walls; Collision of Boats and energy absorbtion;
Platform survival capacity and Plastic design methods

Dr. S. Nallayarasu
NPTEL course 3
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36

Introduction to Offshore Structures

Oil and Gas Exploration/Exploitation

Dr. S. Nallayarasu
NPTEL course 4
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36

Introduction to Offshore Structures

Hydrocarbon Production and Transportation

Well Fluid

Tie-in Spool

Conductors (wells)

Dr. S. Nallayarasu
NPTEL course 5
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36

Introduction to Offshore Structures

Dr. S. Nallayarasu
NPTEL course 6
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36

Introduction to Offshore Structures


The overall oil and gas project can be classified into following three
segments from drilling to final product at refinary
 Upstream Production
- Reservoir assessment and Drilling
- Oil, water and gas separation from 3 phase fluid
- Heating, compression and pumping
 Transportation
- Transporting Crude oil and natural gas to land
 Downstream Refining
– oil refinery, which converts crude oil into high-octane motor
fuel (gasoline/petrol), diesel oil, liquefied petroleum gases
(LPG), jet aircraft fuel, kerosene, heating fuel oils,
lubricating oils, asphalt and petroleum coke;
- natural gas processing plant, which purifies and converts
raw natural gas into residential, commercial and industrial
fuel gas, and also recovers natural gas liquids (NGL) such
as ethane, propane, butanes and pentanes;
Dr. S. Nallayarasu
NPTEL course 7
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36

Introduction to Offshore Structures


Dr. S. Nallayarasu
NPTEL course 8
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36

Introduction to Offshore Structures


Field development concepts highly depends on the technology available
and the capacity of the reservoir. The concepts generally revolve around
processing and pumping schemes and their economic consideration

 Onshore Field
- Both upstream and downstream activities on land and
could be optimised to obtain good results.
 Offshore - Shallow water Fields
– Involves conventional fixed platform structures with all
processing technology similar to onshore concepts.
Sometimes special processing and pumping technology
 Offshore - Deep water Fields
– Involves latest technology in both offshore installations
and processing concepts;

Dr. S. Nallayarasu
NPTEL course 9
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36

Introduction to Offshore Structures

Oil and Gas Exploration

 Seismic Survey and Block Identification

 Exploratory Drilling and Reservoir Estimate

 Exploratory Drilling
 Reservoir Depth
 Fluid Composition
 Reservoir Assessment

 Development Concept

 Techno-Economic Feasibility Study

 Process Concept
 Project Development Definition
 Detailed Project Report
 Final Implementation
Dr. S. Nallayarasu
NPTEL course 10
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36

Introduction to Offshore Structures


Dr. S. Nallayarasu
NPTEL course 11
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36

Introduction to Offshore Structures

Wellhead platforms

Dr. S. Nallayarasu
NPTEL course 12
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36

Introduction to Offshore Structures

Process platforms

Dr. S. Nallayarasu
NPTEL course 13
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36

Introduction to Offshore Structures

As we move away from shallow water depth, the safety

in design revolves around economy and new technology

Wellhead and Process, Living Wellhead, Process, Living

platforms separated by a distance facilities in a single platforms

Dr. S. Nallayarasu
NPTEL course 14
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36

Introduction to Offshore Structures

Fixed Offshore Structures

Dr. S. Nallayarasu
NPTEL course 15
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36

Introduction to Offshore Structures

What it means…
Offshore Structures subjected to most onerous and severe loading
 Storm Wind, Waves and Currents
 Water Depths in excess of 600m for fixed structures
 Water Depths in excess of 3000m for floating structures
 Operating in Temperature far below normal temperature
 Special Materials required resist corrosive environment
 Loads are cyclic and fatigue loading will be important

Dr. S. Nallayarasu
NPTEL course 16
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36

Introduction to Offshore Structures



Dr. S. Nallayarasu
NPTEL course 17
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36

Introduction to Offshore Structures


Platforms are as
high as skyscrapers

Dr. S. Nallayarasu
NPTEL course 18
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36

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