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CLJ mockboard

1. The classes or different classifications or circumstances affecting criminal liability are the following, except:
a. Justifying b. Mitigating
c. Aggravating d. Alternating

2. A person who acts by virtue of a _______ circumstances is deemed not have transgressed the law, and is free from both criminal and civil
a. Justifying b. Exempting
c. Aggravating d. Mitigating

3. One who acts by virtue of ______ circumstances commit a crime but does not incur any criminal liability because of the complete absence of
the condition which make the act voluntary.
a. Justifying b. Exempting
c. Aggravating d. Mitigating

4. A shots B hitting but not mortally, so B grappled for the possession of the gun until B succeeded in wrestling it from A immediately thereafter, B
shot A whom he killed. Prosecuted for homicide, B interposed self- defense. Decide.
a. B can invoke self-defense because the provocation made by A in shooting and wounding B is sufficient to prevent further harm to him.
b. There was no self- defense since A was already disarmed hence there was no more aggression to stop or repel as B shot A
when he was unarmed and defenseless.
c. There was self- defense since A already disarmed hence there was nor more aggression to stop or repels B shot A when he was
unarmed and defenseless

5. Is the accidental killing of by-stander, while X was acting in self-defense, that is, in stopping or repelling the actual aggression by Y against him
criminally liable?
a. Yes, for reckless imprudence resulting to homicide
b. Yes, X is liable for any crimes as he was not committing a felony when he acted in self- defense although the wrongful act done be
different from what is intended to do
c. No, for reckless imprudence resulting to homicide
d. No, X is not liable for any crimes as he was not committing a felony when he acted in self- defense although the wrongful act
done be different from what he intended

6. X was indebted to B when he tried to collect the indebtedness, X insulted him, struck him with the fist and when B moved backward X
continued boxing him and so B drew his bolo and struck A to death. Prosecuted for homicide, B pleaded self- defense. Decide.
a. B is acted in self-defense to prevent or repel the unlawful aggression of X
b. No, because the use of bolo by B may not be considered as a reasonable means to repel X attack who used only his fist
c. Yes, because the use of bolo by B may be considered as a reasonable means to repel X attack who used only his fist.

7. When A saw B rushing towards him holding a bolo and positioned to strike him, he immediately picked up a pointed iron bar and believing that
his life was in danger as B was close enough, he made a trust on B hitting him on the stomach which caused the death of B. note that the truth of
a matter, however, is that B was merely trying to play joke on C. is A criminally liable?
a. No, because he acted in self- defense due to mistake of fact which was committed without fault or carelessness and he had
no more time to verify whether B was only playing joke or not.
b. Liable because he had still time to move backward, I order to check whether B had really the intention of hitting him with a bolo or he
was just playing a joke on him.
c. Not liable because he had still time to move backward in order check whether B really the intention of hitting him with the bolo or he
was just playing joke on him.

8. This allowance is deducted from the period of a prisoner’s sentence: 5 days for each month of good behavior for two years imprisonment:
during the 3rd year confinement. 8 days for each month of good behavior; following years until the 10th year, 10 days for each month of good
behavior; during the 11th year and successive years of his imprisonment, 15 days for each month of good behavior.
a. deduction of loyalty b. amnesty
c. good conduct time allowance d. conditional pardon

9. It is the deduction of 1/5 of the period of the sentence of a prisoner if he, having evaded the service of sentence because of calamity or any
disorder under Art. 158 gives himself up to the authorities within 48 hours following the issuance of a proclamation regarding the passing away of
the calamity
a. amnesty
b. good conduct time allowance
c. conditional pardon
d. special time allowance for loyalty

10. X has been working in Hongkong. Feeling homesick after a long absence, without notice, came home from Hongkong upon arrival in their
residence at about 9:00 Pm, he immediately proceeded to their bedroom where he saw his compadre on the top of his wife, both naked, and
having sexual intercourse. X immediately drew his gun but was beaten to a draw by his compadre who shot and killed him. When prosecuted, X
compadre put up the defense that he killed X in self-defense. Decide.
a. X act in drawing his gun does not constitute unlawful aggression because such act of deceived and an offended husband
because the compadre was
b. Although the compadre is performing a lawful act for having an illicit relationship with X wife, such and still he is justified in killing X as
his life is an actual danger
c. Although the compadre is not performing an unlawful act for having an illicit relationship with X wife, still he is justified in killing X as his
life is an actual danger.

11. X and Y teardown C house to stop the fire which break out in the midst of many houses because if they do not demolish the said house the
fire would spread and burn other houses thereby causing more damage. Are X and Y criminally
a. Yes, because the practical thing for them to do is contact firemen to prevent the spread of the fire
b. No, because they demolished C’s house in order to avoid an evilor greater injuryor preventing thefire spreading many
housespursuant to Article 11, par. 4
c. Yes, because they demolished C’s house in order to avoid an evilor greater injury or not preventing the fire spreading many houses
pursuant to Article 11, par, 4

12. The doctor who had kill a fetus to save the mother where both could not be saved, and he running out of time liable he can invoke is not
criminally liable he can invoke.
a. state of necessity
b. Avoidance or greater evil as the death of the mother isgreater than sacrificing the life of the unborn child
c. he is exempted from criminal liability
d. all of the above

13. X hit Y with his fist inside a running passenger jeep because Y was snatching X watch, and as a consequence Y feel the jeep, his head hitting
the hard pavement causing hist death. X acted in:
a. lawful exercise of right and therefore he is exempted from criminal liability
b. lawful exercise of an office and is exempted from criminal liability
c. lawful exercise of an office and is not exempted from criminal liability

14. The executioner of convicts sentence to die, who would make the lethal injunction on the day and time scheduled by the court does so in the
a. exercise of an office, thus exempted from criminal liability
b. exercise of a right, thus exempted from criminal liability
c. exercise of a right, thus not exempted from criminal liability

15. One-night C, married young woman, was sound sleep in her bedroom when he felt a man on top of her. Thinking it was her husband who
came home early from his business trip; C let him have sex with her. After the act the man said, “I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did” realizing
that he was not her husband, she got furious and so she took her husband’s gun and shot the man. Charge with homicide, C invoke defense of
honor. Decide.
a. Yes, C is justified in killing the man who through deceit and bad faith was able to sex with her
b. No, C is criminally liable because the unlawful aggression against honor had already ceased
c. No, C is justified in killing the man who through deceit and bad faith was able to sex with her

16. In mercy killing is the attending physician criminally liable for deliberately turning off the life support system consequently costing the life of the
patient. Decide.
a. Yes, because euthanasia is neither a justifying nor exempting circumstance
b. No, because he has no intention to kill his patient but only to relieve the patient from further sufferings
c. Yes, because he has no intention to kill his patient but only to relieve the patient from further sufferings

17. In justifying circumstance, the act committed is lawful hence there was no crime committed and there is no _______ offense.
a. crime b. criminality
c. criminal d. crimes

18. In exempting circumstances there is a crime committed, there is criminal but for reason of _______ no penal liability shall be imposed on the
a. criminal b. crime
c. public policy d. public crime

19. Dreaming while sleeping in a state of somnambulism or sleep walking, high fever due to malignant malarias and epilepsy are circumstances
analogous to insanity or imbecility falling under
a. justifying circumstance b. exempting circumstance
c. alternative circumstance d. aggravating circumstance

20. A kleptomaniac was prosecuted for the thief of jewels committed in a jewelry store while she was attacked by her said sickness is, she
criminally liable?
a. No, being a kleptomaniac is analogous to insanity or imbecility at the time of stealing there is complete deprivation of reason of freedom
of the will at the time of its commission of the crime.
b. Yes, because she knows what is right and what is wrong and she even knows that stealing is wrong
c. No, because she knows what is right and what is wrong and the she even knows that stealing is wrong.

21. A man while sleeping dreamed that he was attacked by his enemies suddenly he got up, took his bolo and killed his wife and wounded his
father, is he criminally liable? Decide.
a. The man is liable even if he did not intend to kill his wife and wounding of his father which is analogous to mistake of identity
b. No, because he acted under circumstances which are analogous to imbecile or insanity. As a result, his hallucination was
completely deprived of consciousness of his act.
c. The man is not liable even if he did not intend to kill his wife and wounding of his father which is analogous to mistake of identity

22. A person who was compelled to bury the body of one who was murdered by the killers, striking him with the butts of their guns, threatening to
kill him too if he continuous resisting the order, was compelled to do so, is not criminally liable because..
a. He acted under the compulsion of an irresistible force
b. He acted under the impulse of an uncontrollable fear of an equal or greater injury
c. He acted under the compulsion of a resistible force

23. A with a revolver in his hand threw a knife at B, and ordered him to kill C a person sleeping nearby otherwise he will be shot B to death and
being terrorized B killed C, is B criminally liable?
a. No, because he acted under the impulse of an uncontrollable fear of an equal or injury
b. No, because he acted under compulsion of an irresistible force
c. Yes, because he acted under the impulse of an uncontrollable fear of an equal of injury
d. Yes, because he acted under compulsion of an irresistible force

24. Absolutory causes are provided for under the RPC which exempts a person from criminal liability. They are:
a. He was acting in the performance of a duty
b. He was performing a lawful act with due care when he causes an injury without the intention of causing it
c. B and C only

25. What is the primary source of Philippine criminal law?

a. RPC b. Philippine constitution
b. special law d. procedural law

26. A paramour who was surprised in the act of having sex with a legally married woman cannot invoke self-defense if he killed the offended and
deceived husband who was attack or assault by the offended husband was;
a. Lawful as he deceived by both the paramour and his wife and so he has to defend his honor and rights
b. The paramour knew the he was performing an unlawful and criminal act thereby exposing himself to the vengeance of the
offended spouse
c. All of these

27. The person defending himself must have been attacked with actual physical force or with actual use of weapon. Thus, insulting words, a light
push on the head with a hand, a mere push without physical assault do not constitute unlawful aggression. But a slap on the face constitute
unlawful aggression because;
a. The face represents a person and his dignity and is serious physical attack
b. It disregarded an individual personality
c. All of these

28. The person criminally liable for felonies are;

a. principals b. accessories
c. accomplices d. all of these

29. For light offenses, the person criminally liable are;

a. principals b. accessories
c. accomplices d. A and C only

30. There are three kinds of principals, namely;

a. Principal by induction/ inducement
b. Principal by indispensable cooperation
c. Principal by direct participation
d. All of these

31. Those who participated in the criminal resolution proceeded to the crime scene and personally execute what they agreed upon or executing
said acts, which is directly tend to the same end or purpose they are called;
a. Principal by induction/ inducement
b. Principal by indispensable cooperation
c. Principal by direct participation
d. All of these

32. Those directly induce other to commit the crime and those who directly forces another to perpetrate the offense are called?
a. Principal by induction/ inducement
b. Principal by indispensable cooperation
c. Principal by direct participation
d. All of these

33. Those who cooperate in the commission of the offense by another act without which it would not have been accomplished;
a. Principal by induction/ inducement
b. Principal by indispensable cooperation
c. Principal by direct participation
d. All of these

34. One who, not having participated as principal, cooperates in the execution of the offense by previous or simultaneous act he is sometimes
referred to as accessories
a. accessory b. accomplice
c. principal d. all of these

35. The accessories are those who, having knowledge of the commission of the crime and without having participated as principals or
accomplices, takes part subsequent to its commission in any of the following manner;
a. Profiting themselves or assisting the offender to profit by the effects of the crime or by concealing of destroying the body of the crime or
the effects or instruments thereof to prevent its discovery;
b. By harboring, concealing or assisting in the escape of the author of the crime with the abuse of public functions
c. Whenever a private individual assist in the scape of the offender who committed treason, murder, parricide and attempt to kill the
d. All of these

36. X, Y and Z fire their guns almost simultaneously at the principal victim, resulting in his death and his driver. Is there conspiracy among the
accused in the commission of the crime? Decide.
a. There is conspiracy among the accused X, Y and Z
b. Simultaneous firing indicates unity of action, intention and execution of the act as in conspiracy proof of previous agreement
is not necessary
c. Individual liability only of the focus
d. No conspiracy

37. X is driving his car with duly issued driver’s license, X is in the proper lane and within the limits prescribed by law, who hist a boy who
suddenly darted into the street. X is not liable because of exempting circumstances due to;
a. accident b. absolutory cause
c. prevented to perform lawful cause d. habitual/ reiteration

39. A kidnapped a boy and demanded a ransom of P100,000.00 from the boy’s parents in the time, the ransom was paid and the victim was
released. When X (A’s adopted brother) learned that was being hunted by the police for kidnapping he took A into his house and concealed him. A
was able to elude the police. What is the criminal liability of A if any?
a. No criminal liability as he was within the degree exempt from criminal liability
b. Principal
c. Accessory
d. Accomplice

40. A proposed to B that they rob a certain house, to which B agreed. Later, however, B undertook the robbery alone and made off with
P10,000.00 the following day, after making some shallow explanation, B apologized to A and give the latter P1,000.00 which A somewhat
grudgingly accepted. What is B’s liability if any?
a. principal b. accessory
c. accomplice d. A and B only

41. To be appreciated as mitigating it must be made to person in authority of his agents it may e present if made after the issuance of warrant of
arrest, but before actual arrest s made.

a. voluntary surrender b. recidivism
c. habituality/ reiteration d. treachery

42. It is one which the law existing at the time of its commission and at the time of the application to be admitted to bail may be punished by death,
although a lower penalty than death may be imposed after conviction.
a. complex crime b. civil interdiction
c. capital offense d. continuous crime

43. Is a kind of crime which is committed by a person who perform an act which would be an offense against person or property, were it not for the
inherent impossibility of its accomplishment or on account of the employment of inadequate or ineffectual means.
a. complex crime b. impossible crime
c. prescription of crime d. prescription of penalty

44. This means at least two convictions are enough the crimes are not specified it is enough that they be embraced under the same title of the
a. recidivism b. treachery
c. habituality/ reiteration d. habitual delinquency

45. This kind of aggravating circumstances at least 3 convictions are requiring there are time limits of not more than 10 years between every
conviction the crime is limited to less serious physical injuries, robbery, theft, estafa or swindling and falsification
a. recidivism b. treachery
c. habituality/ reiteration d. habitual delinquency

46. This kind of aggravating circumstances is present when a person commits any of these crimes against person, employing such means or
method in the execution thereof which tend directly and specially to insure its execution without risk to himself arising from the defense of which
the offended party might make.
a. treachery b. ignominy
c. impunity d. cruelty

47. It is one for which the law imposes a single punishment for various offenses it is committed in either of two ways when a single act constitutes
two or more grave or less grave offenses; or when an offense is a necessary means for committing another.
a. continuous offense b. complex crime
c. capital offense d. impossible crime

49. X raped a woman, and Y a public officer with abuse of authority assisted X in his escape, Y is liable as;
a. accomplice b. principal
c. accessory d. all of these

50. Where A knowing that B and C had killed X buried the corpse of X to prevent the discovery of the killing A is liable as;
a. Accomplice
b. Principal by direct cooperation
c. Accessory for destroying the body of the crime
d. All of these

51. A, with a revolver, shot B missing him but bullet hit and killed A’s father A committed the crime of attempted homicide with parricide. What type
of crime was committed?
a. complex crime b. compound crime
c. special crime d. all of these

52. X, a municipal treasurer, received P10,000.00 from a taxpayer. Placed in the duplicate original of the receipt he issued the amount of
P1,000.00 only and then misappropriated the difference of P9,000.00. X is guilty of malversation through falsification of public document.
a. complex crime proper b. special crime
c. compound crime d. all of these


1. This felony is a breach of allegiance, which is the obligation of fidelity and obedience a citizen owes to the government or sovereign in return for
the protection he enjoys and receives.
a. aid and comfort b. treason
c. misprision of treason d. adherence to the enemy

2. A citizen who intellectually or emotionally favors the enemy and harbors sympathies or connections disloyal to his country’s interest or policy is
guilty of:
a. aid and comfort b. treason
c. misprision of treason d. adherence to the enemy

3. This is committed by any person who without authority therefore enters a warship, fort or a naval or military establishment or reservation to
obtain any information, plans, photographs or other data of a confidential nature relative to the defense of the Philippines etc.
a. war crime b. sedition
c. rebellion d. espionage

4. The two-witness rule imports the degree of proof necessary to convict an accused of the crime of:
a. levying war b. treason
c. sedition d. rebellion

5. When a public officer deprives a person of his liberty without any legal ground, such officer may be held answerable for:
a. illegal detention b. expulsion
c. arbitrary detention d. trespass to dwelling

6. A public officer or employee who, not being authorized by judicial order, enters any dwelling against the will of the owner thereof, shall search
the premises without the previous consent of the owner or having surreptitiously entered the dwelling and when asked to leave refuses do so, is
liable for the crime of:
a. expulsion b. violation of domicile
c. probable cause d. trespass to dwelling
7. In this crime, there is public and tumultuous uprising in order to attain by force, intimidation, or any other means, like the prevention of the
execution of laws or the holding of an election.
a. direct assault b. treason
c. rebellion d. sedition

8. When a person attack, employs force, seriously intimidates or seriously resists a person in authority or his agent while engaged in the
performance of official duties or on the occasion of said performance, he can be charged with
a. resistance b. indirect assault
c. direct assault d. sedition

9. The act of diminishing by ingenious mean, the metal content in the coin may give birth to an accusation called
a. forgery b. mutilation of coin
c. falsification d. false or counterfeit coin

10. Person directly vested with jurisdiction whether as individuals or as members of some court or government corporations, board or commission
are denominated
a. Persons in authority
b. Agent of person in authority
c. Public officers
d. All of these

11. This is the willful and corrupt assertion of falsehood under oath or affirmation, administered by authority of law on a material matter
a. fraud b. persons in authority
c. perjury d. story- telling

12. For the act to be punishable in this act of falsification of document, there must be a manifestation that some prejudice or damage to a third
party had been caused or intended to be caused.
a. falsification of commercial document
b. falsification of private document
c. falsification of public document
d. falsification of official document

13. This is the act of a person who knowingly offers in evidence a false witness or testimony in any judicial or official proceeding.
a. perjury b. subornation of perjury
c. false testimony d. indirect bribery

14. A public officer who agrees to commit a criminal offense in connection with the exercise of the powers of his office in consideration of a price,
reward, promise or gift is indicatable for:
a. estafa b. moonlighting
c. direct bribery d. indirect bribery

15. This is the felony wherein a public officer does not account for what he collects as government employee and instead misappropriate the fees
a. malversation b. illegal exaction
c. estafa d. corruption of public official

16. in this crime, a public officer who has under his custody or charge a prisoner- serving sentence by final judgment or detention prisoner and
such officer connives with or consents to the escape of such prisoner.
a. jailbreak b. evasion of service of sentence
c. dereliction of duty d. infidelity in the custody of prisoner

17. A convict who escapes while serving his sentence by final judgment is committing another crime called
a. jailbreak b. evasion of service of sentence
c. descarte d. infidelity in the custody of prisoner

18. A father who intentionally kills his son who is only less than three days old is guilty of the crime of
a. murder b. parricide
c. homicide d. homicide

19. A Moro, with four wives who are all living, who kills by poison the third wife married by him is answerable for
a. parricide b. murder
c. homicide d. death under exceptional circumstances

20. A grandson who kills his illegitimate grandfather is guilty of

a. homicide b. parricide
c. murder d. euthanasia

21. In seduction and qualified seduction, excepting when the victim is either the daughter or sister of the offender, the woman seduced must be:
a. over 10 but less than 16 years of age
b. over 13 but less than 19 years of age
c. over 12 but less than 18 years of age
d. over 15 but less than 20 years of age

22. The taking of personal property against the will of its owner and attended by violence against or intimidation of person or force over things is
a. theft b. estafa
c. robbery d. coercion

23. In this crime, the offender employ ingenuity of cunning in order to deprive the victim of his money or property
a. robbery b. land grabbing
c. theft d. estafa or swindling

24. This felony is characterized by a public and malicious imputation of a crime, or of a vice or defect real or imaginary, or any act, omission,
condition, status or circumstances tending to cause the dishonor, discredit, or contempt of a natural or judicial person, or to be blacken the
memory of one who is dead
a. innuendo b. violation of piracy
c. libel d. black mail

25. Planting of evidence by a police officer on an innocent person arrested by the former constitutes
a. intriguing against honor b. blackmail
c. incriminatory machination d. extortion

26. It is qualified theft when the coconut stolen are taken from the
a. marketplace
b. premises of the coconut plantation
c. residence
d. illegal exaction

27. When a municipal treasurer collects payment of taxes from a citizen issuing receipt therefore, such treasurer is liable for:
a. malversation b. estafa
c. theft d. illegal exaction

28. A concubine once proven guilty is punishable by:

a. 2 years of imprisonment b. estafa
c. destierro d. fine of P3,000.00

29. Removing, concealing or destroying any court record is:

a. malicious mischief b. theft
c. estafa or swindling d. falsification

30. A legitimate grandmother killing her granddaughter who is 3 days of:

a. infanticide b. murder
c. parricide d. homicide

31. Those directly vested with the jurisdiction to govern and execute the laws whether as individuals or as members of some court or government
corporation, board or commission
a. public officer b. person in authority
c. false testimony d. none of these

32. Three men broke into a national authority (Government entity) forcibly destroyed the lock of the warehouse and lamented sufferings of the
people within the area. Thus, they called on the people to help them eating all they could and then to empty the warehouse of all the goods stored
therein. The 3 man did not even help themselves to a single grain of any goods. What crime was committed?
a. direct assault b. indirect assault
c. sedition d. all of these

33. X is a division superintendent of school of the bureau of public schools. While he was working in is office, Y gave him a fist blow on the left
temple. He suffered an injury. The assault was due to a standing grudge of Y for X’s blocking his promotion. If an injury is slight injury, what crime
was committed?
a. direct assault b. indirect assault
c. slight physical injury d. all of these

34. Women who, for money of profit, habitually indulge in sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct re deemed to be?
a. vagrant b. prostitute
c. none of these d. both A and B

Situation 1- A is convicted for homicide and was sentenced to suffer an imprisonment from 14 years and 1 day to 17 years. While serving his
sentence he was alleged to escape from his cell.

35. If the offender is the custodian of the convicted person what crime was committed?
a. infidelity in the custody of prisoners
b. evasion of service
c. delivering prisoners from jail
d. all of these

36. If the offender is not the custodian at the time of the escape of said prisoner. What crime was committed?
a. evasion of service of sentence
b. delivery of prisoner from jail
c. no criminal liability
d. all of these

37. what is liability of the convicted prisoner serving his sentence?

a. evasion of service of sentence
b. delivery of prisoner from jail
c. no criminal liability
d. all of these

38. Any person who, by direct provision of the law, election of appointment by competent authority, shall take part in the performance of public
function in the government or in any of its branches public duties shall be deemed to be a
a. private individual b. public officer
c. none of these d. all of these

39. It is committed by a public officer in charge of the collection of taxes, licenses, fees and demanding an amount different or larger than
that due by the government: failing to issue a receipt as provided by receiving payment objects different from that provided by law
a. illegal exaction b. estafa
c. maturation d. none of these

40. A who is the private complainant in a murder case pending before a regional trial court, gave too the presiding judge a Christmas gift.
Consisting of big basket of assorted goods and fruits as well as expensive imported wines, the judge accepted the gift knowing it came from A.
what crime or crimes committed?
a. direct bribery b. indirect bribery
c. qualified bribery d. none of these

41. A government casher did not bother to put public fund in the public vault but just left in the drawer of his table, which has no lock. What crime
was committed?
a. technical malversation b. malversation
b. no criminal liability d. all of the above

42. A party to a case approached the court’s stenographer and proposed the idea of altering the transcript of stenographic notes. The court
stenographer agreed and he demanded P3,000.00 even before the stenographer could alter his notes. What crime was committed?
a. direct bribery b. qualified bribery
c. indirect bribery d. all of these

43. While manning the traffic lights at the intersection of Espana and Washington St. Patrolman X ordered Y to stop his taxi, threatened to arrest
him and confiscate his driver license for allegedly over speeding and reckless driving. Familiar with the dirty ways of some traffic policeman, Y
pulled out his wallet, picked up his driver’s license with the hidden P200.00 inside the same and handed it to patrolman X thereafter, the patrolman
returned to Y his license and allow him to go. What crime did patrolman X commit?
a. indirect bribery b. direct bribery
c. robbery extortion d. corruption of public official

Situation 2- Under Art. 1560 delivering prisoners from jail, it is possible that three persons are involved. They are stranger, the custodian of the
prisoner and the prisoner. In the case, there are three crimes committed.

44. If the offender is the custodian, the crime committed is ________?

a. Infidelity in the custody of the prisoners
b. No criminal liability
c. Evasion of service
d. None of the above

45. If the offender is stranger even if he is a public officer, the crime committed is?
a. evasion of service of sentence
b. delivering prisoner form jail
c. all of the above
d. none of these
46. If the prisoner who escaped is a convict, the crime committed is?
a. Infidelity in the custody of the prisoners
b. Delivering prisoners from jail
c. Evasion of service of sentence
d. None of these

47. However, if the prisoner is not a convict but a detention prisoner, what is his criminal liability?
a. No criminal liability
b. Delivering prisoners from jail
c. Evasion of service of sentence
d. None of these

48. But if the detention prisoner conspires with the one letting his escape said is liable for _______ as principal by indispensable cooperation.
a. No criminal liability
b. Delivering prisoners from jail
c. Evasion of service of sentence
d. None of these

49. An armed group avowed to overthrow the government authorities, captured fiver officers and members of the AFP and held them in their
hideout for 50 days then voluntarily released them in consideration of the promise of medical treatment to be given to their comrades who were
under detention by the authorities. What crime was committed?
a. rebellion b. sedition
c. coup d’ etat d. all of these

50. In the early morning of January 5, 2020, the troops of soldiers and officers of AFP headed by Colonel Trillones stationed at camp Aguinaldo
Q.C. withdrew firearms and bullets ad attacked , in separate teams , the offices of their chief of staff, deputy chief of staff for operations and
intelligence and other offices, held hostage of some of their senior officers, killed some soldiers, inverted the Philippine Flag, barricaded all
entrances and exits of the AFP. Because of the superiority of pro- government forces. Colonel X and his troops surrendered at 1:00 in the morning
of the day. What crime were committed?
a. rebellion b. coup d’ etat
c. conspiring to commit rebellion d. sedition

51. A group of soldiers and policemen tried to serve a warrant of arrest to a group of persons wanted for several crimes. Instead of surrendering
and submitting themselves to the authorities, they resisted the service of a warrant by force, but later on they were repelled or overpowered. What
crime was committed?
a. rebellion b. sedition
c. conspiracy to commit sedition d. all of these

52. X disobeying a court order, was punished by the judge for contempt. He waited for the judge to go outside his office. Upon seeing the judge, X
hurriedly approached him, and without saying a word struck him his fist causing a slight injury on the face of the judge, what crime was
a. Direct assault upon person in authority
b. Physical injuries
c. Slight physical injury
d. All of the above

53. X was charged with slight physical injuries. He listened attentively as the judge read the sentence. When the judge reached the dispositive
portion and pronounced X guilty, X became angry, git hold f an ashtray, and threw it at the judge hitting him in the eye which is tantamount to
laying hands on the judge who is a person in authority. What crime was committed?
a. Qualified direct assault with serious physical injuries
b. Direct assault
c. Serious physical injuries
d. All of these

54. This crime is committed by a public officer, whenever there is pending before him matter in which a woman is interested of with respect
thereto. He is required to submit a report to or consult with a superior, and he solicits or makes an indecent or immoral advance upon said woman.
a. acts of lasciviousness b. abuses against chastity
c. coercion d. unjust vexation
55. It is the act of a person or marrying for the second time, before the former marriage has been legally dissolved or before the absent spouse
has been judicially declared presumptively dead.
a. polygamy b. bigamy
c. immorality d. all of these

56. It is one containing matters which would, under the law, be considered defamatory and therefore actionable but for the occasion and
circumstances under they are made.
a. libel b. slander
c. blackmail d. privileged communication

57. These acts are punishable by law are either intended to directly impute to an innocent person the commission of crime, or which are
calculated to blemish the honor or reputation of a person by means of intrigue.
a. incriminatory machination b. slander/ oral defamation
c. blackmail d. all of these

58. A police officer surreptitiously placed a marijuana cigarette in the pocket of the polo shirt of a student and then arrested the student for illegal
possession of marijuana cigarette. What crime did the police officer commit?
a. Incriminatory machination with unlawful arrest
b. Illegal detention or arbitrary detention
c. Illegal arrest
d. All of these

59. A woman has given birth to a child abandons the child in a certain place to free herself of the obligation and duty of rearing and caring for the
child. What crime did the woman commit?
a. simulation b. abandoning a minor
c. all of these d. none of these

60. Suppose that the purpose of the woman in abandoning the child is to preserve the inheritance of her child by a former marriage. What the is
the crime committed?
a. Simulation of birth
b. Concealing or abandoning any legitimate child with intent to cause such child to lose
c. All of these
d. None of these

61. Is or may be defined as the speaking of defamatory words or the performance of acts, actuated by malice, which tend to cause dishonor,
discredit or contempt of natural or judicial person to the latter’s reputation: business or trade.
a. Incriminatory machination
b. Blackmail
c. Privileged communication
d. Slander or oral defamation

62. It is a public and malicious imputations of a crime, or of a vice or defect, real or imaginary, or any act omission, condition, status, discredit, or
contempt of a natural of judicial person, or to blacken the memory of one who is dead.
a. Blackmail
b. Violation
c. Innuendo
d. Libel

63. In an article published in a newspaper, the writers called X a bastard, a leper, a coward, a criminal, a rapist and a drug addict. What crime is
a. slander b. libel
c. defamation d. all of these

64. Kissing a girl in public and touching her breast without lewd designs committed by a rejected suitor to cast dishonor on the girl, what crime
was committed?
a. slander b. slander by deed
c. oral defamation d. all of these

65. Calling a person a gangster. What crime is committed?

a. simple slander b. slander by deed
c. libel d. all of these

66. X goes to a sauna parlor and finds a descendant of 2 years old, and despite that, X had sexual intercourse with her. What crime committed?
a. qualified seduction b. seduction
c. consented seduction d. no crime was committed

67. X is the head of a family. Living with them in the house is a cousin of his wife, a virgin under 18 years old but over 12 years. X had sexual
intercourse with the cousin of her wife. What crime was committed?
a. seduction b. qualified seduction
c. seduction with consent d. all of the above

68. X went to the house of his fiancée of 17 years old, her parents being absent, and waiting of that opportunity, with a renewal of his promise to
marry her, he succeeded in having sexual intercourse with her. What crime was committed?
a. seduction b. qualified seduction
c. none of the above d. all of these

69. A, B, C grabbed a girl of 16 years old then dragged her to a nearby town. There she was raped by A, b and C, what crime was committed?
a. kidnapping b. Forcible abduction with rape
c. coercion with rape d. all of these

70. A girl, 16 years old, went to the house of his boyfriend. When the man woke up, he was surprised to find her beside him on the bed. As they
were in love with each other, they have sexual intercourse without the man promising anything to the girl. What crime was committed?
a. abduction b. seduction
c. consented abduction d. no crime was committed

71. When a woman is kidnapped with lewd or unchaste designs, the crime committed is:
a. forcible abduction b. kidnapping
c. illegal detention d. coercion

72. When the kidnapping is without lewd designs, the crime committed is:
a. illegal detention b. coercion
c. forcible abduction d. all of these

73. But where the offended party was forcibly taken to the house by the offender to force her to marry him, the crime committed is:
a. coercion b. illegal detention
c. forcible abduction d. none of these

74. If a girl, below 12 years old, agreed to the elopement, what crime was committed?
a. forcible abduction b. kidnapping
c. illegal detention d. coercion

75. After the voluntary elopement with the girl below 12 years old, she and the man have sexual intercourse, what crime was committed?
a. Forcible abduction with rape
b. Rape
c. Kidnapping with rape
d. None of these

76. X, by means of promises of marriage, induces a minor of 19 years old leave her house and then had sexual intercourse with her and
immediately thereafter she returns to her dwelling, what crime was committed?
a. consented abduction b. seduction
c. rape d. no crime committed

77. A 15 years old girl was induced to leave her home and later forcible raped by the inducers. What crime was committed?
a. Consented abduction with rape
b. Rape
c. Forcible abduction with rape
d. All of these

78. A issued in favor of B for a debt he has incurred a month or so ago. When the check was presented for payment, it was dishonored. What
crime was committed?
a. Estafa
b. Violation of bouncing check law
c. Theft
d. All of these

79. Supposing A approach his friend B and told B to deliver him P10,000.00 and A would issue in his favor a check in the sum of P11,000.00 as it
was Sunday and A needed the cash urgently. B gave P10,000.00 to A having in mind the profit of P1,000.00. when he encashes the check the
following Monday. However, when the check was presented for payment the check bounced or dishonored. What crime was committed?
a. Estafa and violation of bouncing check law
b. No criminal liability
c. Theft
d. All of these

80. This crime is committed in time of peace by raising publicly with arms against the government for the purpose of removing from the allegiance
to said government or its laws, the territory of the Philippines or any part thereof, of any body of land, naval or other armed forces, or depriving the
chief executive or the legislative, wholly or partially, of any of their powers or prerogatives.
a. treason b. rebellion
c. direct assault d. indirect assault

81. There is a public and tumultuous uprising in order to attain by force, intimidation, or any other means, like the prevention to execute laws or
the holding of a popular election.
a. sedition b. rebellion
c. direct assault d. indirect assault

82. This crime is committed by attacking, employing force, seriously intimidating or seriously resisting any person in authority or his agent, while
engaged in the performance of official duties or on the occasion of said performance.
a. direct assault b. rebellion
c. indirect assault d. resistance

83. This crime committed upon a private person who comes to the aid of an agent of a person in authority or direct assault committed against the
a. indirect assault b. direct assault
c. resistance d. all of these

84. Under Art.122, Revived Penal Code, the crime of piracy is committed by:

a. Non-member of the complement of the vessel and non- passenger of the vessel
b. Crew members of the vessel
c. All of the above
d. None of these

85. Under RA 7659, PD 532 and Art.122, RPC, the crime of piracy shall be committed by:
a. Member of the crew
b. Non-member of the vessel
c. Passenger of the vessel
d. B and C only

86. Piracy is committed by attacking the vessel on _______ or seizing it while a vessel, its cargo, equipment or personal belongings of its
complement or passenger
a. high seas b. In Philippine water
c. A only d. A and B

87. The essence of _____________ is robbery in a vessel or using with force upon things or with violence or intimidation against persons or
a. robbery b. piracy
c. theft d. A and C only

88. Whenever the pirates have abandoned or seized a vessel by firing upon it or whenever the crime is accompanied with murder, homicide,
physical injuries or rape the crime committed is:
a. qualified theft b. piracy
c. qualified piracy d. Aand B only

89. RA 6235 is otherwise known as:

a. piracy b. Anti hi-jacking law
b. qualified piracy d A and C only

90. A PAL aircraft s bound for Cebu Pacific. While the pilot and co-pilot are taking their snacks at the airport canteen, some armed men were also
there who followed the pilots in going to the aircraft. As soon the pilot entered the cockpit, they pulled their firearms, and compelled the pilots to fly
the aircraft to Zamboanga and ordered the exterior doors of PAL be closed and so all exterior doors were closed. But in a short while the offender
was apprehended. The crime committed is:
a. Violation of the Anti Hi- Jacking Law because the aircraft is in flight already as the exterior doors were closed
b. The Anti Hi-Jacking Law does not apply because the aircraft is not yet in flight hence, the crime committed is grave threats or
grave coercion
c. Piracy
d. Qualified Piracy

91. After all the passengers of Cebu Pacific aircraft have boarded already and exterior doors were already closed; a passenger was shot or killed
in the course of Hi- Jacking the airplane. What crime was committed?
a. Violation of Anti Hi-Jacking Law
b. Murder as the Ani Hi-Jacking Law does not apply
c. Piracy
d. Qualified Piracy

92. The offenders threatened to explode a bomb inside the airplane after its passengers have already boarded and the exterior doors were closed
if the pilots refused to start the engine and to fly it in communist China. The crime committed is;
a. Anti- Hi-Jacking Law since airplane is already in flight
b. Grave threat and coercion were committed because the Anti Hi-Jacking Law does not apply
c. All of these

93. The pilots of the Cathay Pacific aircraft were approached by 2-armed men and told to proceed to the aircraft to fly it to foreign destination. The
armed men and the pilots went together on board the aircraft and while exterior doors were able to disarm said armed men before they could do
something. What crime is committed?
a. Hi-Jacking is committed in violation of Anti- Hi-Jacking Law because aircraft is of foreign registry
b. Hi-Jacking is not committed because the plane is not yet in flight
c. The crime committed is grave threat or grave coercion

94. The meaning of absence of legal grounds in arresting and detecting a person by a public officer who is vested with authority to arrest and
detain a person
a. No crime was committed by the detained person
b. There is no violent insanity of the detained person
c. The detained person has no ailment requiring compulsory confinement in a hospital
d. All of these

95. A public officer shall commit illegal detention and not arbitrary when:
a. When his duty or function does not include the power to arrest and detain a person
b. Acting in a private capacity r beyond the scope of his official duty
c. He became an accomplice or accessory to the crime committed by a private person
d. All of these

96. A janitor, a public employee at Pasay city hall was assigned to clean toilets in the office of the treasurer. One day, he noticed a fellow urinating
carelessly, partly at the bowl and on the floor. The janitor got angry and so he locked the toilet while the man was still urinating. The man was
freed from the toilet after several hours. The janitor is liable for:
a. arbitrary detention b. illegal detention
c. unlawful arrest d. A and C only

97. When a person is arrested without a warrant, it means that there is no case filed in court yet. If the arrest is by virtue of a warrant, it means
that there is already a case. While delivery of the arrested person to proper authorities does not mean delivery of the arrested person to the court
by simply means;
a. Putting arrested person under jurisdiction of the court

b. By filing the complaint or information against the person arrested in court within 12, 18 or 36 hours, as the case depending on whether
the crime is punished by light, correctional or afflictive penalty or their equivalent
c. All of the above
d. None of these

98. B arrested C without legal grounds and for the purpose of delivering him to the proper authorities. If the arrest is made without a warrant and
under circumstances not allowing a warrantless arrest just so to charge him for a crime he did not commit, the crime committed is.
a. illegal arrest b. illegal detention
c. unlawful arrest d. all of these

99. If the person arrested is not delivered to the authorities, the private individual making the arrest incurs criminal liability for.
a. unlawful arrest b. illegal detention
c. arbitrary detention d. all of these

100. If the offender is a public officer is vested with power to arrest and detain and he detained a person without legal grounds.
a. unlawful detention b. arbitrary detention
c. illegal detention d. all of these


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