Pinch Analysis - Intergation

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Table of content:

1. Pinch analysis

2. Study

3. Pre-calculations

3.1. CP value calculation for components

3.2. Average CP value calculation for Streams

4. Pinch analysis calculation

4.1. Composite curves

4.2. Grand composite Curve

4.3. Heat Exchange Network

5. Heat pump incorporation with Distillation Columns

6. Results and Savings

7. Conclusion
Pinch analysis:
Pinch analysis is a methodology for minimizing energy consumption of Chemical processes
by calculating thermodynamically feasible energy targets and achieving them by optimizing
heat recovery systems, energy supply methods and process operating conditions.
We have used Pinch Analysis for analyzing the possibility of Energy saving from the streams
obtained for Formic Acid production from ASPEN.
In total, we have 61 streams, with Mole fraction of each components obtained in an excel
data sheet from ASPEN.
Out of 61 streams, we have in total 23 streams (12 Cold streams + 11 Hot streams), that have
potential for heat exchange among themselves.

For our study, we have made Composite curves (Cold and Hot), followed by Grand
Composite Curve (GCC), and finally Stream to stream heat exchange possibilities with
Minimum Heat exchanger area targeting.
Also, at the end we have shown strong sense of Integrating Heat pump across the Pinch as a
way to Decrease Heating and Cooling Utility requirement by spending Lesser amount of Heat
pump energy.

Pre-Calculations before Pinch analysis:

Although the Cp values of compound depend on Temperature and is given by Empirical
formula (given below), where A, B, C, D and E are Constants for respective Liquids and

Cp = A + BT + CT 2 + DT 3 + ET 4 (for Gases)
Cp = A + BT + CT 2 + DT 3 (for Liquids)

But, for our study, we have taken the average values of the components. The Average values
of Cp of different components are given below.


N2 14
O2 9.31
CH4 35
H2O 35
CO2 32.5
CO 28
H2 28.64
CH3OH 61.76
HCOOCH3 73.11

Also, for our study, we have Phase change involved for Water, and is very significant for our
process and integration.
So, we have considered the value as:


Average Cp value calculations for the streams:

The streams that we have obtained from ASPEN have respective components in Mole
fraction. Hence, for our study, we were most obliged to find an average value of the obtained
streams. Also, along with Average Cp value, we have also calculated the mole/sec of Water in
the stream, that will account for latent heat of Vaporization of Water for the stream.
Cp value calculation
Calculation of Cp values of respective Cold streams are given below with temperature of inlet
and outlet:

Cold Moles/sec ΔH Latent

CP(KW/K) Inlet T (K) Outlet T (K)
Streams of H20 Vaporisation(KW)
1 0.905 298 873
2 0.302 298 1223
5 0.160 298 1223
7 0.292 303 873 0.32 12.9
13 2.924 343 426 0.09 3.8
18 0.592 317 873
20 0.495 317 623 0.47 19.2
25 3.396 336 353 0.95 38.9
36 4.761 319 393 42.42 1730.7
41 2.486 334 358
51 2.393 359 373 9.90 404.1
59 0.603 298 623 17.22 702.7

Calculation of Cp values of respective Hot stream streams are given below with temperature
of inlet and outlet:

Hot Inlet T Outlet T Moles/sec ΔH Latent

streams (K) (K) of H20 Vaporisation(KW)
6 0.882 1273 303 17.20 701.6
8 2.932 1073 303 0.32 13.0
11 0.599 303 265
21 1.068 623 426
22 1.006 317 306
23 0.149 323 306
27 2.661 323 307
34 2.381 303 265
37 4.879 393 346 9.99 407.7
60 0.603 298 265
61 1.693 392 298 1.98 80.8
Distillation Column:
For our case Distillation column has almost 35-40 % of Heating and Cooling requirement of
the total Heating and cooling requirements, and this is very obvious for our formic acid
production plant, where separation of liquids is required by taking into account the Relative
Distillation columns DC-01 DC-02 DC-03 DC-04 Total
Reboiler heating required (kW) 2566.8 5207 50.821 956.7 8781.3
Condenser cooling required (kW) 1932.5 4518 918.7 836.3 8205.5
Distillate T (K) 303 334 350 375
Bottom T (K) 331 360 366 392

Calculations of Pinch anlaysis:

Composite curves:

For obtaining the Hot and the Cold composite curves, we have Sorted the streams in the
Temperature intervals from lowest to highest temperature. In the intervals, we have
accommodated the falling streams (along with streams including latent heat of vaporization
of water) and Reboiler and Condenser Streams.
We have plotted ΔH(KW) versus T(K) on the graph, respectively for Hot and Cold curve.
Below is the Plot for Hot and Cold curve;

Composite Curve







0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000
Then, These curves(Hot and Cold) are positioned relative to each other in such a way that
the Hot Composite Curve is always above the Cold Composite Curve with ΔTmin = 10 K
between them.
so after necessary adjusted in the previous, the new Composite Curve obtained is;

Composite curve(Pinch adjusted)








0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000

The Overlapping region of Hot and Cold streams represents the possibility of exchange of
Heat between Hot and Cold streams.
Our calculations estimate that after pinch exchange methodology, Total Heating required is
7530 KW and Total Cooling Required is 6730 KW, which is notably almost half as that
Without Pinch analysis (The Total heating required is 13693 KW, and the Total cooling
required is 13310 KW.)
Hence, there is 45% decrease in Total Heating required, and about 50% decrease in Total
cooling required.
Therefore, just by incorporating, Heat exchangers facilitating Exchange between of Heat
between Hot and cold stream, we are potentially able to decrease Totally Energy requirement
by about 50%.

Grand Composite Curve:

For obtaining the Grand Composite Curves, we have Sorted the Hot and Cold streams in the
Temperature intervals from lowest to highest temperature. In the intervals, we have
accommodated the falling streams (with streams including latent heat of vaporization of
water), along with Reboiler and condenser streams.
In all the intervals, we have obtained Net Cp Value, and then we calculated Total ΔH(KW) in
all intervals, and after that we calculated ∑H from lowest temperature to highest
The arrows in GCC curve signifies the Pockets of Heat exchange.
For pinch point, we checked for the most negative value of ∑H obtained, and Temperature
corresponding to the same was obtained to be TPINCH= 329K
For our case study, Pinch temperature was obtained at 329 K.





Total Heating required(LP) = 7530 kW


Total Cooling required(CT) = 6730
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000

Heat Exchange Network:

For Heat Exchange Network, the exchange feasibility criteria between two streams is decided
with CP Inequality Rule.

CP Inequality rule: CPEXIT > CPINLET

Above Pinch, we see that CPEXIT is corresponding to Cold streams, and CPINLET is
corresponding to Hot streams. While, for Below pinch, it’s the vice versa.
Pinch of the system is at 329k.
Pinch temperature of hot streams is TPINCH + (DTMIN / 2), and for Cold streams is TPINCH -
(DTMIN / 2).
Given below is Pinch corresponding Pinch tempratures.
Pinch Temperature of system 329 K
Pinch Temperature for Cold streams 324 K
Pinch Temperature for Hot streams 331 K

All the possibilities of exchange and calculations related to heat transfer is done in the excel
sheet, and the Heat Exchange Network is Draw on AutoCAD for Below and Above the
We have noticed that Total heat exchange below pinch is very less as compare to above the
In total, there are 10 small Heat exchangers below pinch and 16 Heat exchangers above the

After heat exchange, there’s significant reduction of Heat and Cold utility(almost 45%).

Area reserved Parking for Heat Exchange

Heat exchanger Below and above pinch
Area targeting:
Composite Curve(Adjusted)





200 Cooling required Heat Exchange Region

0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000

For minimum heat exchanger area required calculations, we have divided the Heat exchange
Region between Hot and Cold stream (From composite curves) into 12 sub-regions.
Heat transfer between Hot and cold streams is calculated of respective 12 regions along with
Area calculation is done using LMTD Method.
For our case, we have estimated Overall heat transfer coefficient as:
Overall heat transfer
coefficient (W/m2. K)
Gas to Gas 100
Liquid to Liquid 1000

Therefore, Total minimum Heat exchange Area is around 950 m2,

And total Heat transfer is 6569 kW.
Heat pump integration with Distillation column:
After Pinch analysis, and Heat exchange Area targeting, we see an inevitable
opportunity to integrate Heat Pump across the Pinch.
From Grand composite curve, we can conclude that because the temperature
gradient between the streams are less, so Heat pump is quite feasible according to
COP calculations given below.

COPCARNOT = QIN/ (QOUT- QIN)…………….Equation(1)

COPACTUAL = η * COPCARNOT Where 0.5 <η<0.7

Assuming η=0.6

Heat pump from H2 to C2:

H2 is condenser at 334K, hence condensation temperature is TC = 334-5= 329K,

And whereas C2 is reboiler at 360K, hence Boiling temperature is TH= 360+5= 365K

Heat required by C2 = 4339.06 kW ; Heat available with H2= 4518.14 KW

Therefore, COPCARNOT= TC / (TH- TC) = 329/ (365-329) = 9.14

Therefore, COPACTUAL = η * COPCARNOT = 0.6 * 9.14 = 5.484

We note from above that, H2 can give amount of heat that’s required by C2,
therefore we can incorporate a Heat pump across Condenser and Reboiler.

From Equation (1);

QOUT = Heat required by C2= 4339.06 KW
Therefore, QIN = (COPACTUAL * QOUT)/(1+ COPACTUAL) = 3669.86 KW
Hence, Left heat with H2 = 4518.14 - 3669.86 = 848.28 KW

Heat pump from H2 to C1:

H2 is condenser at 334K, hence condensation temperature is TC = 334-5= 329K,

And whereas C1 is reboiler at 331K, hence Boiling temperature is TH= 331+5= 336K

Heat required by C1 = 1648.12 kW ; Heat available with H2= 848.28 KW

Therefore, COPCARNOT= TC / (TH- TC) = 329/ (336-329) = 47

Therefore, COPACTUAL = η * COPCARNOT = 0.6 * 47 = 28.2

We note from above that, H2 can give only 848.28 KW to C1.

From Equation (1);

QIN = Heat available to H2= 848.28 KW
Therefore, QOUT = (1 + COPACTUAL) * QIN)/(COPACTUAL) = 878.35 KW
Hence, Heat requirement Left with C1 = 1648.12 - 878.35 = 769.8 KW

Heat pump from H1 to C1:

H1 is condenser at 303K, hence condensation temperature is TC = 303-5= 298K,

And whereas C1 is reboiler at 331K, hence Boiling temperature is TH= 331+5= 336K

Heat required by C1 = 769.8 KW; Heat available with H1= 1908.64 KW

Therefore, COPCARNOT= TC / (TH- TC) = 298/ (336-298) = 7.842

Therefore, COPACTUAL = η * COPCARNOT = 0.6 * 7.842 = 4.70

We note from above that, H1 can give amount of heat that’s required by C1,
therefore we can incorporate a Heat pump across Condenser and Reboiler.

From Equation (1);

QOUT = Heat required by C1= 769.8 KW
Therefore, QIN = (COPACTUAL * QOUT)/(1+ COPACTUAL) = 634.74 KW
Hence, Left heat with H1 = 1908.64 - 634.74= 1273.26 KW

Area reserved Parking for Distillation

column design with heat pump

Heat (Before Left heat (after

heat pump) heat pump)
H1 -1908.64 -1273.26KW
H2 -4518.14 0
H3 0 0
H4 0 0
C1 1648.12 0
C2 4339.06 0
C3 0 0
C4 0 0

After heat pump installation:

Total cooling utility required= -1576 KW

Total heating utility required= 1543 KW
Economics, Results and Savings:

For cost of Hot and cold utilities we have taken the values from Aspen HYSYS Utilities
database. For our case, we have only Low-pressure Heat duty.

Low Pressure High Pressure Cooling Tower Electricity

(LP) (HP) (CT)
Euro/kWh 14.95 19.63 6.12 0.076

Without Cost With Cost PINCH Cost

PINCH (Euros/year) PINCH (Euros/year) Analysis (Euros/year)
Analysis Analysis Incorpor
(kW) (kW) ating
Total 13,693 1,793,262,666 7,530 986,143,860 1,576 206,396,112
Total 13,310 713,565,072 6,730 360,803,376 1,543 82,722,081
Heat - - 834 555,244
Total 27,000 2,506,827,738 14,260 1,346,947,236 3,953 289,673,437
Decrease - 45% Savings of 88% Savings of
in Total decrease 807,118,806 decrease 1,586,866,554
Heating Euros/yr Euros/yr
Decrease - 50% Savings of 88% Savings of
in Total decrease 352,761,696 decrease 630,842,991
Cooling Euros/yr Euros/yr
Decrease - 47% Total savings 85% Total savings
in Total decrease of decrease of
energy 1,159,880,502 2,217,709,545
(%) Euros/yr Euros/yr
Below given is the Utilities load and their comparisons:
Series 1: Without Heat integration
Series 2: With Heat integration by Pinch analysis
Series 3: Incorporating Heat Pump
27,000 Utilities load


15,000 13,693 13,310 14,260


5,000 3,953
1,576 1,543
0 0
1 2 3

Below given is the Cost of Utilities and their Comparisons:

Series 1: Without Heat integration
Series 2: With Heat integration by Pinch analysis
Series 3: Incorporating Heat Pump

Cost of utilities





1 2 3
9. Conclusion:
The data clearly suggests one has to minimize heat requirements (Cold and Hot utility)
by Using pinch analysis, that without Incorporating heat exchangers would be lost to
We can note that incorporating Heat exchangers will decrease the total utility by almost

Also, our study has included the incorporation of Heat pump in distillation Columns,
that has reduced the energy demand significantly, and is inevitable.
It’s worth nothing that, by using Heat exchangers and Heat pumps, we are able to save
almost 85% of total Utility.
Feasibility of Heat pump can be recognized by lower temperature gradient between
Condensers and reboilers.


1. Braz. J. Chem. Eng. vol.17 n.4-7 São Paulo Dec. 2000


ASPEN HYSYS utilities database

Linnhoff, B. User Guide on Process Integration for the Efficient Use of Energy, The
Institution of Chemical Engineers, UK, 1994.

Smith, R., Chemical Process Design, McGraw-Hill inc., 1995.

Economic application of heat pumps in integrated distillation systems

Author links open overlay panel Z.FonyoP.Mizsey∗

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