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Calculus Name___________________________________

23-24 Procedural Motion, Related Rates, and L'Hospital's Rule Review

A particle moves along a horizontal line. Its position function is s(t) for t ≥ 0. For each
problem, find the velocity function v(t), the acceleration function a(t), the intervals of time
when the particle is moving left and moving right, and the times t when the acceleration is 0.

1) s(t) = t 2 − 21t + 110 2) s(t) = t 3 − 16t 2 + 64t

3) s(t) = −t 3 + 4t 2 + 60t 4) s(t) = −t 2 + 17t − 72

5) s(t) = t 4 − 11t 3 6) s(t) = −t 3 + 12t 2

7) s(t) = t 2 − 9t − 52 8) s(t) = t 3 − 14t 2

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©R d2L0c2I3` nKiuItxar WSEokfBtvwxaPr[ef \LkLCCH.o b LA`ldll vrgidg\h^tdsz jr_eYsvewrYvseFdQ.J p pM^aBdhei awFi^tvh_ ZImnLfTixnpiHtJeW ICMaFl^cuuVlauLsl.

Solve each related rate problem.

9) A spherical balloon is inflated so that its radius (r) increases at a rate of cm/sec. How
fast is the volume of the balloon increasing when the radius is 5 cm?

10) Water slowly evaporates from a circular shaped puddle. The area (A) of the puddle
decreases at a rate of in²/hr. Assuming the puddle retains its circular shape, at what
rate is the radius of the puddle changing when the radius is 3 in?

11) A conical paper cup is 10 in tall with a radius of 20 in. The cup is being filled with water
so that the water level rises at a rate of 4 in/sec. At what rate is water being poured into
the cup when the water level is 8 in?

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©A \2r0s2v3t bK[u_tlaP USOoif^tRwHaVrbec RLXLvCA.L t vAhlTlU TrSi[gEhitus` XrieTs_eprxvceXdf.V a lMkaYdren Mwvixt`h] PIGnpfViWn]istFem TCoazlac[uSlbuls`.

12) A crowd gathers around a movie star, forming a circle. The area taken up by the crowd
increases at a rate of 36π ft²/sec. How fast is the radius of the crowd increasing when the
radius is 9 ft?

13) A hypothetical cube grows at a rate of m³/min, where V is the volume of the cube.
How fast are the sides of the cube increasing when the sides are 2 m each?

14) A conical paper cup is 10 cm tall with a radius of 10 cm. The bottom of the cup is
punctured so that the water level goes down at a rate of 2 cm/sec. At what rate is the
volume of water in the cup changing when the water level is 4 cm?

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©F y2^0M2J3G xKquetvaq MSfoefXtOwkaEreeh jLJLOCJ.g \ yACldlq brGiMgphdtJsu [rkeKsXeqrVvTeGdB.[ t SMGaadoeO xwdi]tqhg VIwnWfoidnXiStBew uC[aGlechu^lQuBs[.

15) Oil spilling from a ruptured tanker spreads in a circle on the surface of the ocean. The
radius of the spill increases at a rate of 5 m/min. How fast is the area of the spill
increasing when the radius is 3 m?

16) A hypothetical square grows so that the length of its sides (s) are increasing at a rate of
yd/min. How fast is the area of the square increasing when the sides are 9 yd each?

Evaluate each limit. Use L'Hôpital's Rule if it can be applied. If it cannot be applied, evaluate
using another method and write a * next to your answer.

4(e − 1 − x)
4 ln x x
17) lim 18) lim
x→1 x−1 x→0

x −x 3
e −e ln x
19) lim 20) lim
x ln ( x + 1)
x→0 x→ ∞ 5

5( x − 1) x
e −1
21) lim 22) lim
x→1 ln x x→0 sin ( x)

2 2
2x 3x
23) lim x
24) lim x
x→ ∞ x→0
e e −1−x

Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC

©Z J2j0h2S3M TKSuVt\aK nSloqf_tVwOacrKeR zLJLOCn.I P IAAlolw _rKiygkhvtPsB FrHeMsAeZrGvEecd].E p ^MIa_dfey gwXibtUhD NI\n`f^imnmintne\ LCMaAlrcluolhuNsU.

ln ( x + 4) ln x
25) lim 26) lim
x→ ∞
ln x
2 x→1 x

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©i H2Y0q2k3q VKiuutna_ [S`opfzttwCasrmeX AL]LTCi.p h qAClelF jrJi[gAhktbsq Krqefs^edrsvZegdz.N x pMtaYdjeJ pwWiJtaho TI]nZfXi_nEintjek mCbatlRcru`lXuDsU.

Calculus Name___________________________________

23-24 Procedural Motion, Related Rates, and L'Hospital's Rule Review

A particle moves along a horizontal line. Its position function is s(t) for t ≥ 0. For each
problem, find the velocity function v(t), the acceleration function a(t), the intervals of time
when the particle is moving left and moving right, and the times t when the acceleration is 0.

1) s(t) = t 2 − 21t + 110 2) s(t) = t 3 − 16t 2 + 64t

v(t) = 2t − 21, a(t) = 2 v(t) = 3t 2 − 32t + 64, a(t) = 6t − 32
21 21 8 8
Moving left: 0 ≤ t < , Moving right: t > Moving left: < t < 8, Moving right: 0 ≤ t < , t > 8
2 2 3 3
Acceleration zero: Never
Acceleration zero at: t =
3 { }
3) s(t) = −t 3 + 4t 2 + 60t 4) s(t) = −t 2 + 17t − 72
v(t) = −3t 2 + 8t + 60, a(t) = −6t + 8 v(t) = −2t + 17, a(t) = −2
Moving left: t > 6, Moving right: 0 ≤ t < 6 17 17
Moving left: t > , Moving right: 0 ≤ t <
Acceleration zero at: t =
3 {} 2
Acceleration zero: Never

5) s(t) = t 4 − 11t 3 6) s(t) = −t 3 + 12t 2

v(t) = 4t 3 − 33t 2 , a(t) = 12t 2 − 66t v(t) = −3t 2 + 24t, a(t) = −6t + 24
33 33 Moving left: t > 8, Moving right: 0 < t < 8
Moving left: 0 < t < , Moving right: t >
4 4 Acceleration zero at: t = {4}
Acceleration zero at: t = 0,
2 { }
7) s(t) = t 2 − 9t − 52 8) s(t) = t 3 − 14t 2
v(t) = 2t − 9, a(t) = 2 v(t) = 3t 2 − 28t, a(t) = 6t − 28
9 9 28 28
Moving left: 0 ≤ t < , Moving right: t > Moving left: 0 < t < , Moving right: t >
2 2 3 3
Acceleration zero: Never
Acceleration zero at: t =
3 { }

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©X I2F0w2C3H ^KDuktuaL sSMo[fZtowLaHrHe` sLqLBCl.U c cAjlElH Qr^ifgdhutKsv xrwevsDekrfvDejdO.Y C `MMaydQez owXiYtrhS oIHnXfZionkiRtueI RCXayl[cmuKlZunsJ.

Solve each related rate problem.

9) A spherical balloon is inflated so that its radius (r) increases at a rate of cm/sec. How
fast is the volume of the balloon increasing when the radius is 5 cm?
V = volume of sphere r = radius t = time
4 3 dr 4 dV
Equation: V = πr Given rate: = Find:
3 dt r dt
dV dr
= 4πr 2 ⋅ = 80π cm³/sec
dt dt

10) Water slowly evaporates from a circular shaped puddle. The area (A) of the puddle
decreases at a rate of in²/hr. Assuming the puddle retains its circular shape, at what
rate is the radius of the puddle changing when the radius is 3 in?
A = area of circle r = radius t = time
2 dA 81π dr
Equation: A = πr Given rate: =− Find:
dt A dt
dr 1 dA 3
= ⋅ =− in/hr
dt 2πr dt 2π

11) A conical paper cup is 10 in tall with a radius of 20 in. The cup is being filled with water
so that the water level rises at a rate of 4 in/sec. At what rate is water being poured into
the cup when the water level is 8 in?
V = volume of material in cone h = height t = time
4πh 3 dh dV
Equation: V = Given rate: = 4 Find:
3 dt dt
dV dh
= 4πh 2 ⋅ = 1024π in³/sec
dt dt

Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC

©X d2r0g2Y3b gKtuTtPan pSTobfktdwSavrMeh qLhLlCs.^ d lAglUlK orAiWgXhPtcsu IrSeCssefrAvuehdB.L ^ CMBaHdaep zwji^tjhU vIwnBfuiknri`teee _CoaOl\cGuwlHuxsu.

12) A crowd gathers around a movie star, forming a circle. The area taken up by the crowd
increases at a rate of 36π ft²/sec. How fast is the radius of the crowd increasing when the
radius is 9 ft?
A = area of circle r = radius t = time
2 dA dr
Equation: A = πr Given rate: = 36π Find:
dt dt
dr 1 dA
= ⋅ = 2 ft/s
dt 2πr dt

13) A hypothetical cube grows at a rate of m³/min, where V is the volume of the cube.
How fast are the sides of the cube increasing when the sides are 2 m each?
V = volume of cube s = length of sides t = time
3 dV 8 ds
Equation: V = s Given rate: = Find:
dt V dt
ds 1 dV 1
= 2⋅ = m/min
dt 3s dt 12

14) A conical paper cup is 10 cm tall with a radius of 10 cm. The bottom of the cup is
punctured so that the water level goes down at a rate of 2 cm/sec. At what rate is the
volume of water in the cup changing when the water level is 4 cm?
V = volume of material in cone h = height t = time
πh 3 dh dV
Equation: V = Given rate: = −2 Find:
3 dt dt
dV dh
= πh 2 ⋅ = −32π cm³/sec
dt dt

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©v `2T0P2V3I GKMuHtfaB FSPoCfdtpwFaSrHeX tLILaCY.l R OAxlRl` urNiagIhItGsv ]rlessFeyrivVeLdY.\ K FM^a\dWeA Bwmi\tFhr bIpn^fBiInpiOtmei hCJaqlfcZuTlmuysw.

15) Oil spilling from a ruptured tanker spreads in a circle on the surface of the ocean. The
radius of the spill increases at a rate of 5 m/min. How fast is the area of the spill
increasing when the radius is 3 m?
A = area of circle r = radius t = time
2 dr dA
Equation: A = πr Given rate: = 5 Find:
dt dt
dA dr
= 2πr ⋅ = 30π m²/min
dt dt

16) A hypothetical square grows so that the length of its sides (s) are increasing at a rate of
yd/min. How fast is the area of the square increasing when the sides are 9 yd each?
A = area of square s = length of sides t = time
2 ds 2 dA
Equation: A = s Given rate: = Find:
dt s dt
dA ds
= 2s ⋅ = 4 yd²/min
dt dt

Evaluate each limit. Use L'Hôpital's Rule if it can be applied. If it cannot be applied, evaluate
using another method and write a * next to your answer.

4(e − 1 − x)
4 ln x x
17) lim 18) lim
x→1 x−1 x→0

4 2
x −x 3
e −e ln x
19) lim 20) lim
x ln ( x + 1)
x→0 x→ ∞ 5

2 3
5( x − 1) x
e −1
21) lim 22) lim
x→1 ln x x→0 sin ( x)
5 1
2 2
2x 3x
23) lim x
24) lim x
x→ ∞ x→0
e e −1−x
0 6
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©H n2h0c2g3s QKoubtKac OSkoEfftpwWaFrVet YL]LWCz.u A EAtlulM vraiugQhUt_sr rrBeOsUewrxvZeBdw.O k IMJaBdieM cwkiJtGh] VIdnlfbipnyintGeP _CPa[lwcguGlOuRsn.

ln ( x + 4) ln x
25) lim 26) lim
x→ ∞
ln x
2 x→1 x

1 0 *

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©X y2e0H2x3_ TKauntTah pSpo\fOtywpaBrieA XLiL^CK.B U vA\lIlh lrEilghhFtcsD Craers^eprdvaezdW.k M WMyaLdpeV iwXi]tGhe lIenUfeiBnyiftpeB RCQaDlLcVu]lpucsN.


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