Edu 413 New by Plato

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1. Mental retardation can otherwise be called ______ A. Mental

Incompetence B. Mental Disorder C. Mental Impotence D.
Intellectual disability
2. Nigerian government started the involvement of the persons with
disabilities in ____ A. 1960 B. 1961 C. 1963 D. 1974
3. The first University that started special education for hearing
impaired in Nigeria is _____ A. University of Ibadan B. University of
Lagos C. Lagos State University D. University of Ilorin
4. All but one is not a problem faced by an autistic person A.
communication B. social problem C. behavioural problem D.
perception problem
5. A child that is born deaf is called ____ deafness A. adventitious B.
acquired C. aspired D. congenital
6. ____ defines Intellectual Disability as a significant limitation in
intellectual functioning and adapting behaviour A. AID B. AAID C.
7. All except one is not a classification of Intellectual Disability A. totally
dependent B. trainable C. educable D. dependable
8. ____ are devices designed to help people with disabilities to perform
tasks or facilitate learning A. Assisted Technology B. Assist
Technology C. Assistance Technology D. Assistive Technology
9. The first deaf man to have PhD is _____ A. Peter Andrew B. Mba
Andrew C. Andrew Foster D. Peter Mba
10. University of Ilorin is an example of ____ A. inclusive B.
exclusive C. segregated D. mainstreaming
11. Hands flapping is an early characteristics of _____ A. Schizophrenia
B. Osteoporosis C. Leprosy D. Autism
12. TDD means ____ A. Technological Device for Disabled Children B.
Technological Devices for Disabilities C. Technological Devices for
Development D. Technological Devices for the Deaf
13. Highly precocious children or adult are called _____ A. Exceptional
B. Extremeness C. Basic D. Giftedness
14. Which of the following is not a neuro-muscular disability? A. cerebral
palsy B. spinal bifida C. stroke D. leprosy
15. A person who cannot read or write after adoption of all corrective
techniques is called ____ A. partially sighted B. totally sighted C. low
vision D. the Blind
16. The colour part of the eyes that regulates light in the eye is called
____ A. cornea B. lens C. retina D. iris
17. ____ is a learning disorder that involves difficulty reading due to
problems identifying speech sounds and learning how they relate to
letters and words A. Dyscalculia B. Apraxia C. Aphasia D. Dyslexia
18. Physical disability is grouped into ____ types A. 5 B. 6 C. 4 D. 2
19. Early signs of Autism usually appear in children at age ____ A. 4 C.
5 C. 6 D. 2
20. The Kwara State school for the Deaf and the Blind was
established in ____ A. 1976 B. 1975 C. 1973 D. 1974
21. All are examples of Assistive Technology except ____ A. Mouse B.
telephone typewriters C. Braille D. Digital books
22. The following are Musculo-skeletal disability except ____ A.
stroke B. muscular dystrophy C. ontogenesis dysfunction D. loss of
deformity of the limb
23. There are ____ types of hearing impairment A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
24. All of the following is not an example of Visual Impairment A.
Glaucoma B. Myopia C. Astigmatism D. Hyper-myopia
25. There are ____ categories of intellectual disability A. 3 B. 4 C. 5
D. 6
26. Peri-natal stage of child birth can be affected by all of the
following except ____ A. wet birth B. dry birth C. use of forceps
27. Federal college of Education in Oyo was established in ____ A.
1977 B. 1978 C. 1979 D. 1980
28. Special education was brought to Nigeria through the help of
____ A. Andrew Foster B. Peter Mba C. Louis Edet D. Thomas
29. Special Education in spain started through ____ A. Pedro
Pounce De Leon B. Federick Leon C. Peter Pounce De Leon D.
Andrew Petrovic
30. The ____ mission were the first to show concern for the
intellectually challenged children A. Catholic B. Romans C. Anglican
D. Wesleyan
31. University of Ilorin started special education for hearing impaired in
Nigeria in ____ A. 1990 B. 1991 C. 1992 D. 1993
32. ____ is a serious mental disorder in which people interpret
reality abnormally A. schizophrenia B. delusions C. apraxia D. autism
33. Braille was named after ____ A. Louis Braille B. Jack Braille C.
Peter Braille D. Lois Braille
34. A language disorder that deals with loss of ability to speak A.
aphasia B. dyslexia C. dysgraphia D. dyscalculia
35. _____ is a neuro-developmental disorder characterized by
persistent deficit in social communication, interaction, interest or
activities and restrictive pattern of behaviour A. Autism B. Cerebral
palsy C. allergies
36. All are Post-natal causes of hearing impairment except ____ A.
air drums B. drugs C. diseases D. infections
37. The following are characteristics of visual impairment except
____ A. Not holding an object too close to the eyes B. lack of hand
eye coordination C. yellowing of the eye D. Rolling of the eyes
38. All are types of physical disability except ____ A. partial loss B.
poor manual C. loss of sight D. hearing loss
39. SEN means _____ A. Special Education Needs B. Social
Exception Needs C. Social Education Needs D. Social Education
40. A provision for education for the children with special needs
can be done through ____ A. inclusive education B. special schools
C. integrated education D. mainstreaming
41. Special education is a branch of education that deals with _____ A.
instructions designing for students with special needs B. educating
children in special schools C. to provide opportunity of special
education to students D. education for preparation of students for
special jobs
42. Approximately ____ of children with specific learning
disabilities have dyslexia A. 80% B. 50% C. 40% D. 25%
43. Children with disabilities display a variety of behaviours that
are considered problematic. This can affect their development,
socially and academically. Which one of the following is not a
considered a variable in a child’s development? A. All B.
Environmental factors C. Genetics D. Parental education
44. Trisomy 21 is more commonly known as _____ A. Down
syndrome B. Cerebral palsy C. Epilepsy D. Autism
45. Special education is instruction specially designed to meet the
needs of a child with a disability A. True B. False
46. Learning styles are affected by the ______ abilities of the
students A. cognitive B. affective C. physiological D. all of the above
47. In ___, the special education unit became a full department at
the University of Ibadan A. 1971 B. 1972 C. 1976 D. 1975
48. Cerebral Palsy can be classified into the following except ____
A. Diplegia B. Quadriplegia C. Hemiplegia D. Stroke
49. Formal education for leprosy began in Nigeria in ____ A. 1906
B. 1894 C. 1945 D. 1914
50. The instrument used by the virtually impaired students are
called _____ A. Brass B. Brail C. Brazen D. Braille
51. Person with low vision means ____ A. legal blind with residual
vision B. impairment of visual functioning even after treatment of
standard refractive correction C. functional vision loss D. refractive
52. Which of the following is an example of a peri-natal cause of
intellectual disability when there is a significant period without
oxygen occurring during or immediately after delivery? A. Pronoxia
B. Anoxia C. Anaphylaxia D. Dysnoxia
53. Individuals with Down Syndrome often have moderate to severe
intellectual impairment with a measurable IQ usually between ____
A. 45-50 B. 25-35 C. 55-60 D. 35-55
54. The most common type of neurological impairment in children
and a recurrent convulsion caused by abnormal brain electricity is
____ A. Trauma B. Epilepsy C. Leprosy D. Stroke
55. Imbeciles have ____ Intelligent Quotient A. 30-35 B. 35-55 C.
50-85 D. 30-45
56. Which of the following criteria can be used to describe
Intellectual Disabilities? A. significantly below average intellectual
functioning B. All of the options C. Impairments in adaptive
functioning generally D. these deficits should be manifest before the
age of 18 years
57. Which of the following is a technique used to address
stuttering? A. Purposeful speech B. Prolonged speech C. Delayed
speech D. Practical speech
58. Which is not considered as a physical disability? A. spinal cord
injury B. osteoporosis C. cerebral palsy D. multiple sclerosis
59. ____ is an example of a Specific Learning Disability A. Mental
retardation B. Autistic spectrum disorders C. ADHD D. Dyslexia
60. _____ is an example of intellectual disability A. ADHD B.
Dyslexia C. Autistic spectrum disorders D. Mental retardation
61. The major aim of special education is ____ A. to develop vocational
education B. to develop motor movement skills C. to develop
cognitive and psycho-motor skills of children D. to develop a realistic
self-concept in children with special needs
62. Scope of Integrated Education include ____ A. cognitive
development B. interpersonal relationships C. guidance and
counselling D. all of the above
63. Visual impairment can be categorized under ____ A. manually
sighted, low vision and the blind B. partly sighted, poor vision and the
blind C. partially sighted, blur vision and the blind D. partially
sighted, low vision and the blind
64. Visual impairment is also known as ____ A. Vision defect B.
Visual defect C. Visual disorder D. All of the above
65. The partially blind are those who have a visual acuity of ____
A. 20/20 B. 20/90 C. 20/60 D. 20/70
66. Unable to see objects clearly, commonly called near-sighted or
short-sighted is known as ____ A. Night blindness B. Colour
blindness C. Tunnel vision D. Myopia
67. Blindness in children may be due to ____ A. intellectual
impairments B. high exposure to bright light C. poor living condition
and low socio-economic D. birth defects and nutritional deficiencies
68. Acquired causes may lead to hearing loss at any age, such as A.
maternal infections including pregnancy B. infectious diseases
including meningitis, measles and mumps C. low birth weight D.
birth asphyxia
69. Speech defects are mostly the results of ____ A. hearing loss B.
cleft palate C. cerebral function D. all of the above
70. Major causes of stuttering and stammering is ____ A. birth
defects B. anaemia C. physical defects in the mouth and lips D. neuro-
muscular in co-ordination in the brain cortex
71. The difference between speech disorders and language disorders is
that language disorder is characterized by ____ A. impairment of
understanding words or being able to use words B. rapid rate of
speech which makes it difficult to understand C. inconsistent
production of speech sounds D. difficulty in producing specific speech
72. A physical disability is a limitation on a person’s _____ A.
physical functioning, mobility, dexterity or stamina B. intellectual
functioning C. socialization and communication D. reasoning and
73. The term “Cerebral Palsy” is used to describe a group of chronic
conditions which affect ____ A. body movements and muscle
coordination B. emotional and behavioral regulation C.
communication abilities D. social judgement and decision making
74. Psychological classification of Mental Retardation is based on
____ A. Levels of IQ B. Age C. Causes D. Symptoms
75. Symptoms of mental retardation may appear at birth or later in
____ A. Childhood B. Adulthood C. Adolescence D. Infancy
76. Which of the following is the main neurological birth syndrome
cause by anoxia? A. Cerebral palsy B. Fragile X syndrome C. Cerebral
vascular accident D. Down syndrome
77. Children who learn rapidly and easily, and can display rich common
sense are called _____ A. gifted children B. creative children C.
advanced children D. intelligent children
78. Another name for Giftedness is called ____ A. Precociousness
B. Specialness C. Relativeness D. Intelligentsia
79. The first and most important step in the diagnosis of mental
retardation is to obtain _____ A. comprehensive patient and family
history B. intelligence test result C. academic achievement result D.
observation of parent
80. Which among the following can result in post-natal cause of
mental retardation? A. sudden onset of fever and convulsions B. RH-
incompactibility C. brain malfunctioning D. maternal iodine
81. A deviation in a particular organ of the body is called _____ A.
disability B. impairment C. handicap D. handicapping
82. The bringing together of children with disabilities and those
without disabilities is called ____ A. Intensive B. Mainstreaming C.
Extensive D. Special inclusion
83. Psychological method of educating children with intellectual
disability was developed by ____ A. Maria Montessori B. Edward
Seguin C. John Dewey D. Froebel
84. All are the essential features of Giftedness except ____ A. Good
memory retention B. Less curiosity C. High IQ D. Intelligence
85. Learning disabilities include the following except ____ A.
Dyslexia B. ADHD C. Dyscalculia D. Asphyxia
86. Education for hearing impaired was first established by ____
A. Andrew Foster B. Thomas Gathardet C. Peter Mba D. Itard
87. There are ____ types of hearing loss A. 4 B. 3 C. 5 D. 6
88. ____ is used for testing hearing levels A. Bells B. Decibels C.
Decipher D. Barometer
89. Autism comes from a ____ word A. Latin B. Greek C. German
D. French
90. Autism is from the word _____ A. automation B. autos C. auto
D. automatic
91. ASD means ____ A. Autistic spectrum disorder B. Autism spectrum
disorder C. Automation system disorder D. Automatic specific
92. There are ____ categories of Autism A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7
93. Autism was first used by _____ A. Asperger B. Eugen Bleuner
C. Kanner Carter D. B. S Bloom
94. There are ____ types of Intellectual Disability A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D.
95. Historically, people with disabilities are placed in ____ A.
market B. asylum C. schools D. quarantine
96. ____ places importance for physical ability and agility A.
Athens B. Spartans C. Spain D. Greece
97. There are ____ kinds of special education A. 3 B. 4 C.5 D. 6
98. Child Guidance Clinic was established in ____ A. Ikoyi B. Yaba
C. Onitsha D. Aba
99. Origin of special education in France can be traced to _____ A.
Louis Braille B. Charles L’eppe C. Pedro Pounce De Leon D. David
100. Oyo special was established in _____ A. 1976 B. 1977 C. 1978
D. 1799
101. Conductive hearing loss is from ____ to ____ A. outer to
middle B. inner to outer C. inner to middle D. middle to inner
102. The best way to teach in special education is called ____ A.
systematic technique B. system technique C. systematic technology D.
system technique
103. Dysgraphia is a problem associated with ____ A. writing B.
reading C. calculation D. production of speech
104. ____ is a chronological neurological development disorder A.
autism B. schizophrenia C. delusion D. cerebral palsy
105. Problems faced by Autism children are the following except
____ A. aggression problem B. communication problem C. social
problem D. behavioral problem
106. ____ is the loss of ability to execute skilled movement despite
having the physical ability and desire to perform them. A. apraxia B.
aphasia C. dyslexia D. dysgraphia
107. Short-sigtedness can also be called ____ A. myopia B. hyper-
myopia C. color blindness D. astigmatism
108. Waling stick, mobility skill and ability to identify new voices is
called ____ A. surviving skill B. rehabilitation C. mobility skill D.
receptive skill
109. The following are types of physical disability except ____ A.
osteogenesis B. damage to one or more organ in the body C.
impairment in the upper or lower limb D. poor manual dexterity
110. ____ is a physical or mental condition that limits an individual
from performing normal activities A. disability B. handicapping C.
impairment D. bifida palsy
111. ___ is not curable and can make one lose the normal
functioning of the arms A. spinal cord B. spinal bifida C. leprosy D.
112. ____ is the first to use systematic technique A. Ibraheem B.
Hazard C. Petrovic D. Itard
113. Mixed hearing impairment is both ____ and ____ A. mild and
severe B. conductive and mild C. profound and severe D. sensory and
114. All of the following are degree of hearing impairment except
______ A. mild B. severe C. moderate D. acute
115. The following are types of disability under muscular skeletal
disability except ____ A. loss of the limbs B. osteogenesis dystrophy
C. manual dystrophy D. muscular dexterity
116. ____ is a progressive loss of muscle strength A. muscular
dexterity B. osteogenesis C. arthritis D. muscular dystrophy
117. ____ is as a result of defective development of the connective
tissues A. arthritis B. osteoporosis C. cerebral palsy D. osteogenesis
118. Head injury can result to A. Brain damage B. Mental
retardation C. Hemiplegia D. All of the above
119. A person who cannot read or write printed materials after all
optical corrective measures have been taken is _____ A. low vision
B. visually impaired C. partially sighted D. the blind
120. _______ is the loss or abnormality of psychological,
physiological or anatomical structure or function A. handicap B.
disability C. giftedness D. impairment

1. D 61. D
2. D 62. D
3. D 63. D
4. D 64. D
5. D 65. D
6. D 66. D
7. D 67. D
8. D 68. D
9. D 69. D
10. D 70. D
11. D 71. A
12. D 72. A
13. D 73. A
14. D 74. A
15. D 75. A
16. D 76. A
17. D 77. A
18. D 78. A
19. D 79. A
20. D 80. A
21. A 81. B
22. A 82. B
23. A 83. B
24. A 84. B
25. A 85. B
26. A 86. B
27. A 87. B
28. A 88. B
29. A 89. B
30. A 90. B
31.A 91. B
32. A 92. B
33. A 93. B
34. A 94. B
35. A 95. B
36. A 96. B
37. A 97. B
38. A 98. B
39. A 99. B
40. A 100. B
41.A 101. A
42. A 102. A
43. A 103. A
44. A 104. A
45. A 105. A
46. D 106. A
47. D 107. A
48. D 108. A
49. D 109. A
50. D 110. A
51. B 111. D
52. B 112. D
53. B 113. D
54. B 114. D
55. B 115. D
56. B 116. D
57. B 117. D
58. B 118. D
59. B 119. D
60. B 120. D


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