1107修改TRK HEI AC 00P0 110 418 012 ABoileroverallhydraulicpressuretestplan

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lApplication form of construction scheme

PROJECT :印度尼西亚达来⽢纸⼚ 2X150MW

⽣物质耦合掺烧⾃备电⼚ : NO. TRK-HEI-AC-00P0-110-B09-012-20231002
Tarakan 2X150MW biomass co-combustion captive power plant in Indonesia
单位⼯程名称 Boiler installation 单位⼯程编号 NO. FDINE-TARAKAN-GL-01
To: PT Phoenix Resources International:
Report theoverall hydraulic test schemeoftheboiler, please review it.

Attachment Boileroverallhydraulicpressuretest plant.


Project Manager:

建设单位审查意⻅ PRI Review Comments:

): (
PRI Stamp
PRI Representative:

Note: This form is in triplicate and shall be filled out by the project Department of FHC. PRI, HEI, FHC shall keep one copy
印度尼西亚达来⽢ 2*150MW ⽣物质耦合掺烧⾃备电⼚项⽬
Tarakan 2X150MW Biomass Co-combustion Captive Power Plant in Indonesia

Boiler overall hydraulic pressure test plan
No.: TRK-HEI-AC-00P0-110-418-012-A

Harbin Electric International Company Limited

CRBC Tarakan Power Plant Project, Indonesia

Tarakan 2X150MW Biomass Co-combustion Captive Power Plant in Indonesia

Boiler overall hydraulic pressure test plan

No.: TRK-HEI-AC-00P0-110-418-012-A




⽇ 期:

Harbin Electric International Company Limited

CRBC Tarakan Power Plant Project, Indonesia
⽬ 录
1.⼯程概况和⼯程量 Project overview and project quantity ....................................................... 1
2. 编制依据 Basis of compilation ............................................................................................ 2
3. 施⼯准备 Construction preparation ................................................................................... 3
4. ⽔压⽤⽔和试验压⼒ Hydraulic water and test pressure ................................................ 7
5. 施⼯前具备的条件 Conditions prepared before the construction ........................... 8
6. ⽔压试验必须具备的技术资料 Technical information required for hydrostatic
testing ........................................................................................................................................... 10
7. 主要施⼯⽅法和步骤 Main construction methods and steps ......................................... 12
8. 质量标准和⼯艺要求 Quality standard and technology requirement ........................ 20
9. 安全措施 Safety method ....................................................................................................... 21
10. 应急预案 Emergency plan .................................................................................................... 23
印尼达来⽢ 2× 150MW ⽣物质耦合掺烧⾃备电⼚项⽬ 施⼯⽅案
Tarakan 2X150MW Biomass Co-combustion Captive Power Plant in Indonesia Construction

1. ⼯程概况和⼯程量 Project overview and project quantity

1.1⼯程概况 Project Overview
本项⽬⼚址位于加⾥曼丹北部的达来⽢岛西北⻆,濒临⼤海。印度尼西亚达来⽢纸⼚ 2
*150MW ⽣物质耦合掺烧⾃备电⼚项⽬是作为达来⽢纸⼚的⾃备电⼚建设,电⼚规划 3

*150MW 流化床发电机组,本期建设 2*150MW 机组,本期⼯程配置 2*670t/h 的循环流化床

锅 炉 , 锅 筒 设 计 压 ⼒ 16.35Mpa,设 计 温 度 350°C,⼯ 作 压 ⼒ 15.5Mpa,⽔ 压 试 验 压 ⼒

P=24.53Mpa,给⽔温度 240.9°C,压⼒ 18.7Mpa 。

The project site is located in the northwest corner of Tarakan Island in the north of

Kalimantan, near the sea. Indonesia Tarakan Paper Plant 2*150MW biomass coupled

combustion self-contained power plant project is as a self-contained power plant

construction of Tarakan Paper plant, the power plant planning 3*150MW fluidized bed

generator unit, the current construction of 2*150MW units, this project is equipped with

2*670t/h circulating fluidized bed boiler. Cylinder design pressure 16.35Mpa, design

temperature 350° C, working pressure 15.5Mpa, hydraulic test pressure P=24.53Mpa,

feed water temperature 240.9° C, pressure 18.7Mpa.

1.2⼯期和⼯程量 Duration and quantity
1.2.1 ⼯程⼯期 Duration

所有受热⾯和其附属连接管道均已经焊接完成,全部焊⼝⽆损检测合格,计划 2023 年
12 ⽉ 23 ⽇进⾏#1 锅炉整体⽔压试验,计划于 2023 年 2 ⽉ 23 ⽇进⾏#2 锅炉整体⽔压试验。
All the heating surfaces and their auxiliary connecting pipes have been welded, and all the welding

joints have passed the nondestructive testing. It is planned to carry out the overall water pressure test

of #1 boiler on December 23, 2023, and it is planned to carry out the overall water pressure test of #2

boiler on February 23, 2023.

锅炉⽔压试验范围 Boiler water pressure test range:

印尼达来⽢ 2× 150MW ⽣物质耦合掺烧⾃备电⼚项⽬ 施⼯⽅案
Tarakan 2X150MW Biomass Co-combustion Captive Power Plant in Indonesia Construction
1)Water cooling system: drum, centralized precipitation pipe, dispersed precipitation
pipe, water wall, water cooling screen, etc.
2)Superheating system: saturated steam connection pipe, separator, wall superheater,
low temperature superheater, medium temperature superheater, high temperature
superheater; Superheated steam connection pipe (including desuperheater), etc.;
3)Economizer system: economizer hanging pipe, economizer feed pipe, economizer
recirculation pipe, economizer;
4)Main steam pipeline: from high superheater outlet to water pressure test primary
5)Air piping to primary valve;
6)Drain the water pipe to the primary valve;
7)Steam water sampling, furnace water dosing line to primary valve;
8)Continuous blowdown, regular blowdown pipeline to primary valve;
9)Boiler emergency water discharge line to primary valve;
10)Superheater primary and secondary reducing warm water to primary valve;
11)Boiler ash blowing steam source pipeline to the primary valve;
12)Drum accessories two-color water level gauge to primary valve;
13)All the pressure instrument lines in the system range are to the primary valve;
14)The safety valve adopts the special spool provided by the manufacturer .

2. 编制依据 Basis of compilation

2.1《 电⼒建设施⼯质量验收规程第 2 部分:锅炉机组》 DL/T5210.2-2018
2.1 “ Code for construction quality acceptance of electric power construct- Part 2: boiler

印尼达来⽢ 2× 150MW ⽣物质耦合掺烧⾃备电⼚项⽬ 施⼯⽅案
Tarakan 2X150MW Biomass Co-combustion Captive Power Plant in Indonesia Construction
unit)” DL/T5210.2-2018
2.2《 电⼒建设施⼯技术规范第 2 部分:锅炉机组》 DL/T5190.2-2019
2.2 “ Technical specification for thermal power erection andconstruction - Part 2: Boiler
unit” DL 5190.2-2019
2.3《 ⽕⼒发电⼚汽⽔管道设计技术规定》 DL/T5054-2016
2.3“ Technical regulation of the Thermal power plant steaming-water piping design”
2. 4《 电⼒基本建设热⼒设备化学监督导则》 DL/T 889-2019
2.4“ Guideline for chemistry supervision of thermal equipments during power station
capital construction” DL/T 889-2019
2.5《 ⽕⼒发电⼚焊接技术规程》 DL/T869-2019;
2.5“ The welding code of practice for power plant” DL/T869-2019 ;
2.6《 ASME 动⼒管道》 B31.1-2019
2.7《 电⼒建设安全⼯作规程第 1 部分:⽕⼒发电⼚》 DL5009.1-2014;
2.7“ Code of safety operation in power engineering constructionPart 1: Steam power”
DL5009.1-2014 ;
2.8《 ⼯程建设强制性条⽂(电⼒⼯程部分)2016 版》 ;
2.8“ The Compulsory Provisions of EngineeringConstruction Standards ” ( electricity
part )2016;
2.9《 锅炉本体说明书》 F0310BT001M251
2.9“ Boiler Unit Instruction” F0310BT001M251
2.10《 锅炉安装说明书》 F0310AZ001M251
2.10“ Boiler Installation Manual” F0310AZ001M251

3.施⼯准备 Construction preparation

作业⼈员准备 Operator preparation

3.1.1 作业⼈员 Operator

序 号 作业⼈员⼯种 数量 资格要求 qualification

No. type of work quantity requirements
施 ⼯ 负 责 ⼈ 熟悉⽔压试验的全部流程,能有效组织好施⼯⼈ 已进场
person in charg
员按照作业指导书的要求施⼯,熟悉安装质量和 on site
印尼达来⽢ 2× 150MW ⽣物质耦合掺烧⾃备电⼚项⽬ 施⼯⽅案
Tarakan 2X150MW Biomass Co-combustion Captive Power Plant in Indonesia Construction
e of constructio 环境要求。
n Familiar with whole process of girder lifting,
according to the requirements of construction
scheme to organize construction personnel
effectively. Familiar with installation quality
and environmental requirements
技术员 1 Master lifting process and lifting drawing of 已进场
technician girder, master the technical requirements of on site
专职安监⼈员 了解⽔压试验的危险源、施⼯前进⾏安全交底
3 full-time safety 1 Master lifting technical requirements, have 持证
safety management experience for large parts certificated
班组⻓ 求。
4 1 Familiar with process of girder lifting, 已进场
monitor according to the requirements of construction on site
scheme to organize construction personnel
effectively. Familiar with installation quality
and requirements
架⼦⼯ 专业技术熟练、了解⽔压试验作业的施⼯特点。 持证,已进场
5 4 Familiar with professional skills, understand certificated,
lifting feature of girder. on site
电⼯ 熟悉电⽓知识,业务熟练,持有电⼯合格证书。 持证,已进场
6 2 Familiar with electrical knowledge and certificated,
skilled, hold electrician qualified certificate on site

3.1.2 作业⼈员分⼯及职责 Division of labor and responsibilities of operators

序号 作业⼈员/⼯种 数量 职责
No. Types of worker quantity duty

总指挥 1
General director In charge of boiler hydraulic pressure.
副总指挥 协调、组织⽔压试验的实施⼯作。
2 2 Coordinate and organize implementation works of
Vice director-general
hydraulic test.
3 操作组负责⼈Operation 控制⼯作。
2 In charge of all the operation commands and control
group director
works related to water filling, pumping cease inspection,
boost, pressure relief and so on.
阀⻔操作负责⼈Valve 负责⽔压过程中阀⻔操作的安排及检查⼯作。
4 2 Responsible for arranging and inspection work pressure
operation director
during the valve operation.
⽔泵操作负责⼈ 升压泵的检查及维护⼯作。
5 The pump operation 2 In charge of charging pump, booster pump launch and
director halt operations, and inspection and maintenance
operations about charging pump and booster pump.
6 ⽔箱加药负责⼈ 1
Water tank dosing In charge of demineralized water tank dosing operation,
印尼达来⽢ 2× 150MW ⽣物质耦合掺烧⾃备电⼚项⽬ 施⼯⽅案
Tarakan 2X150MW Biomass Co-combustion Captive Power Plant in Indonesia Construction
director and the dose quantity record before water charging.

升压⼒记录⼈ 负责⽔压期间⼀次系统升压及泄压记录⼯作。
7 1 Responsible for primary system pressure boost and
Pressure recorder
pressure relief record during water pressure period.
供电负责⼈ 负责⽔压期间锅炉照明、上⽔泵、升压泵的电⼒保障⼯作。
8 2 In charge of power supply for boiler illumination, charging
Power supply director
pump and booster bump during water charging.
检查组负责⼈ 查情况进⾏记录并报告操作组负责⼈。
9 Inspection group 2 In charge of equipment inspection, personnel
director organization and checking operation in every stage and
record all the inspection result, report to operation
膨胀检查记录⼈ 负责⽔压期间膨胀检查、膨胀指⽰记录⼯作。
10 Expansion inspection 1 In charge of recording about expansion inspection,
recorder indication during hydraulic test.
物资供应负责⼈ 负责⽔压药品合格证提供⼯作。
11 Material support 3 In charge of procurement and supplying for whole
director hydraulic equipment, material, meter and chemicals,
ensure hydraulic chemicals certification presentation.
后勤保障负责⼈ 负责⽔压期间各项后勤保障⼯作,负责应急救护⼯作。
12 Logistical support 3 In charge of various logistical service during water
director charging and emergency rescue.
安全组负责⼈ Safety 负责整体⽔压前及过程中的安全检查及验收⼯作。
13 group inspection 4 In charge of safety inspection and acceptance before
director and during whole water charging.
14 取样检验负责⼈ 1
Sampling director In charge of hydraulic test water sampling and inspection.
检查验收组 取证及签证办理⼯作。
1. in charge of pressure meter calibration inspection and
15 Quality supervision 4 certification acquirement; 2. in charge of hydraulic
group chemicals certification preservation and declaration; 3.in
charge of hydraulic test water sampling and certification
acquirement; 4, in charge of quality test, acceptance
inspection and certificates applying before and during
whole hydraulic test.
操作⼈员 2
16 Be responsible for the implementation hydrostatic test
Operator Several
all the valves in the process of work.
17 检查⼈员 6 ⼈。In charge of inspection work at every stage during
Inspector Several water charging, and report the found issues to inspection
group director.

18 救护⼈员 2
Rescue personnel In charge of site emergency medical rescue.

3.2 施⼯机具准备 Preparation of construction equipment

3.2.1 主要施⼯机具 Main construction equipment
印尼达来⽢ 2× 150MW ⽣物质耦合掺烧⾃备电⼚项⽬ 施⼯⽅案
Tarakan 2X150MW Biomass Co-combustion Captive Power Plant in Indonesia Construction

序 名称 规格 材质 单位 数量 备注
号 Name Specification Material Unit Quantity Remark
⽆缝钢管 升压管道
1 seamless steel Φ28× 5 20G m 60
Booster line
⽆缝钢管 上⽔管道
2 seamless steel Φ70× 5 20G m 20
Watersupply pipe
⽆缝钢管 压缩空⽓管道
3 seamless steel Φ57× 3 20G m 20
Compressed air pipeline
⽆缝钢管 升压泵进⼝管道
4 seamless steel Φ32× 3 20G m 30
Booster pump inlet pipeline

截⽌阀 个 升压系统
5 DN20 PN32 8 Superheater steam booster
stop valve piece

截⽌阀 个 上⽔管路
6 DN200 PN1.6 2 Superheater steam water
stop valve piece
filling pipeline

截⽌阀 DN50 PN1.6
个 1
stop valve piece Using for air pressure test

截⽌阀 DN20 PN1.6
个 1
stop valve piece Booster pump inlet pipeline

针型阀 DN10 PN32
个 2
needle valve piece Boostersystem

压⼒表 1.0 级 ,50MPa 个 4
pressure gage piece Boostersystem
压⼒表弹形弯 压⼒表⽤,配压⼒表锁⺟
Shape bending 套 3
Using for pressure gage,
of pressure pair match with the pressure
gage gage lock net

紫铜垫 个 与压⼒表锁⺟配套
12 20 match with the pressure
Copper cushion piece
gage lock net

槽钢 [18 Q235A m 20
u-bar Using for support
90° 弯头 只
14 DN50 PN1.6 20G 6
90° elbow piece

90° 弯头 DN50 PN1.6 20G
只 3
90° elbow piece

90° 弯头 DN25 PN1.6 20G
只 6
90° elbow piece

除盐⽔ Qualified m³ 700
desalted water
印尼达来⽢ 2× 150MW ⽣物质耦合掺烧⾃备电⼚项⽬ 施⼯⽅案
Tarakan 2X150MW Biomass Co-combustion Captive Power Plant in Indonesia Construction
序 名称 规格 材质 单位 数量 备注
号 Name Specification Material Unit Quantity Remark

氨⽔ 浓度 25%
18 Concentration L 1500
Ammonia water

升压泵 50MPa
台 1
booster pump set
上⽔泵 ,
300m3/h Lift 台
20 feed-water 2
120m set

PH 试纸 本 10
PH test strip book
空压机 BK37-8G,排⽓压 台 ⽓压试验压⼒ 0.2MPa
Air compressor ⼒ 0.8MPa set

储⽓罐 1.0m³ ,0.84MPa
台 1
Air storage tank set
温度计 个
24 Temperature Range-20~100℃ 1
巴顿海图记录 台
25 仪 Barton chart set

4. ⽔压⽤⽔和试验压⼒ Hydraulic water and test pressure

4.1 根据规范、规程要求,⽔压试验⽤⽔温度 20℃ -70℃ 。
4.1 According to the specifications and regulations, the water temperature for

hydraulic test is 20 ℃ --50℃ .


0.2ppm/L, PH 值 8~10。

Water quality indicators: demineralized water is used for the hydraulic pressure test.

The composition and content of the liquid are: chloride ion content in the water is less

than 0.2mg/L, and the pH value is8~10 .

4.3 ⽔容积 Water volume

名称 Name 锅炉正常运⾏⽔容积 ⽔压试验时的⽔容积
Water volume when Water volume when
boiler operation boiler test
⽔冷壁 Water wall 126 m3 126 m3
省煤器 Economizer 68 m3 68 m3

印尼达来⽢ 2× 150MW ⽣物质耦合掺烧⾃备电⼚项⽬ 施⼯⽅案
Tarakan 2X150MW Biomass Co-combustion Captive Power Plant in Indonesia Construction

汽包 Steam drum 15.8 m 3 38 m3

过热器 Super heater 0 92.5 m3
总计 Total 209.8 m 3 324.5m3
其它: 约 100t (包括⽔箱低⽔位)合计: 424.5t
所有⽤⽔量为:除盐⽔ V 总=324.5+100=424.5t
Others: About 100t (including the low water level of the water tank) Total: 424.5t

All water consumption is: desalted water V total = 324.5 + 100 = 424.5t

4.4 药品计算 Chemical Calculation

4.4.1 加氨量计算:

a.氨( NH3)加药浓度按 500ml/L 计算;

b.所以每⽴⽅⽶加药量为: 1× 103× 500× 10 =0.5 L; -6

c.锅炉⽔压总容积为 424.5m (包括临时管道),所以需要 25%浓度药量为:


424.5× 103× 500× 10-6÷ 25%=849L

按 20%备⽤需要药品量为:25%浓度氨(NH3)1019L。
根据图纸和技术规范要求,⽔压试验压⼒以锅炉汽包设计压⼒ 16.35Mpa 的 1.5 倍即
24 .53MPa 进⾏⽔压试验。

试验⽤⽤压⼒表选⽤ 1.0 级;50Mpa
4.4.1Calculation of ammonia addition:
a. Ammonia (NH3) dosing concentration is calculated at 500 mg/L;
b. So the dosage per cubic meter is: 1× 103× 500× 10-6=0.5kg;
c. The total volume of boiler water pressure is 424.5m3 (including temporary pipes),
so 25% concentration is required:
424.5 x 103 x 500 x 10-6 present 25% = 849 kg
According to 20% reserve required drug quantity: 25% concentration of ammonia
(NH3) 1019kg.
According to the drawings and technical specifications, the hydraulic test pressure is
carried out with the boiler drum design pressure of 16.35Mpa1.5 times, that is 24.53MPa.
The hydraulic test pressure is subject to the drum local pressure gauge.
The pressure gauge used for the test is 1.0 grade; 50 Mpa 。
5.施⼯前具备的条件 Conditions prepared before the construction
印尼达来⽢ 2× 150MW ⽣物质耦合掺烧⾃备电⼚项⽬ 施⼯⽅案
Tarakan 2X150MW Biomass Co-combustion Captive Power Plant in Indonesia Construction
5.1 ⽔压试验⽅案编制完成,经审批合格 。
5.1 The hydraulic test construction scheme shall be completed and approved.
5.2 Welding work for all pressure parts all over in the hydraulic test scope, and the
non-destructive testing and heat treatment have been completed, rework mouth has been
completely processed and inspection qualified. Material of all alloy elements has through
checked and confirms there is no misuse phenomenon ,and all the Quality Test Package
must be completed before the hydaustatictest will start , all pipeline welded with high
pressured pipeline have been installed,including safety valve,drain pipe and desuper
pipeline and water sampling pipeline and nitrogen pipeline and I&C instruments and
measuring point sampling pipelines.
5.3 锅炉密封装置⼀次密封件安装、焊接完毕.
5.3 Primary sealing devise of boiler have been welded.
5.4Boiler accessories are installed (mainly including soot blowing hole, fire hole,

manhole, thermal measuring point sealing box, flame TV monitoring hole, etc.)
5.5 所有吊杆受⼒均匀,临时加固⽀撑件全部拆除,悬吊部件全部处于⾃由状态。
5.5 All suspender force evenly, remove all temporary strengthening strutting pieces,
suspension parts all in a state of freedom.
5.6 向⽕⾯打磨、销钉安装及保温针安装⼯作事故完毕;
5.6 The accident of grinding the fire surface, pin installation and heat preservation
needle installation was completed.
5.7 临时上⽔管施⼯结束,排⽔通畅,楼梯通道畅通安全,炉膛内外照明良好。
5.7 Temporary water supply pipeline construction finished, drainage unobstructed,
stair channel is unimpeded and safe, lighting good on the interior and exterior of the
5.8 ⽔压试验临时管路冲洗完成,⽬测⽔质澄清,上⽔泵、启动升压泵经试转合格。
5.8 Flushing complete for the temporary pipeline in the hydraulic test, visual inspection
the water clean without sundry and quality well, through test run the feed-water pump and
start-up booster pump qualified.
印尼达来⽢ 2× 150MW ⽣物质耦合掺烧⾃备电⼚项⽬ 施⼯⽅案
Tarakan 2X150MW Biomass Co-combustion Captive Power Plant in Indonesia Construction
5.9 All the expansion indicator installation finished and adjusted to zero , Expansion
indicators of water wall lower header and wall cage/enclosure lower header shall be
correctly and firmly installed for convenient/easy observation and with pointer set to zero.
Expansion clearance of boiler heating surface shall be adjust to comply with designed
dimension and actual expansion requirements .
5.10 800m³ 除盐⽔箱除满⾜⽔压⽤⽔量和⽔质要求。锅炉整体⽔压试验要求环境温度不
得低于 20℃ ;
5.10 Demineralized water of 800m ³ demineralized water tank meet the requirements
of the hydraulic test water consumption and the water quality. The required environmental
temperature cannot less than 20℃ in the whole boiler hydraulic test.
5.11 The pressure gauge, thermometer and other instruments that is used in the
hydraulic test through the calibration qualified, the installation position is reasonable, and
are equipped with a spare table, to prevent pressure gauge damage because of the
pipeline vibration during raising pressure.
5.12 The temporary blocking plate must pass intensity checking that used for the
hydraulic test, during the hydraulic test the non-working personnel shall not enter the site,
stop all construction within the scope of boiler.
5.13 在⽔压试验前对受压部件进⾏⻛压试验,⻛压试验压⼒为 0.2MPa,试验介质为压缩
5.13 Making the air pressure test for the pressure parts before the hydraulic test, the
pressure of the air pressure test is 0.3 MPa, the test medium is compressed air.
5.14 The security, technology, and quality measures of the hydraulic test have
disclosure and deal with relevant formalities, hydraulic test organization structure and

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personnel division of labor have been implemented. The system, valve, water pump and
electrical operation equipment that are involved and related to the hydraulic test shall be
clearly marked, and hang a temporary identity card. Operation card have been prepared
completely, the operator has been mastered.
5.15 ⽔压试验系统图、升降压曲线图、组织机构图已张挂于现场。
5.15 The hydraulic test system diagram, the lifting pressure curve, and organization
chart have been hanged in the site.
5.16 锅炉注⽔前和注⽔过程以及注⽔后与业主⼀同对锅炉钢结构的沉降观测点进⾏检查。
5.16 Inspect the settlement observation point of boiler steel structure with the owner
before boiler strat to fill water and during filling water and after finishing filling water.
5.17 压⼒表安装必须按照图纸要求,安装在管道或集箱的最⾼点和最低点。
5.17 The pressure gauge must be installed at the highest and lowest of pipe and
5.18 ⽔压试验的安全阀应按照制造商的说明进⾏调节和锁紧。
5.18 The safety valves for hydaustatictest must be adjusted and locked according to
the manufacture factary specification and regulations.

6. ⽔压试验必须具备的技术资料 Technical information required for

hydrostatic testing

6.1 各承压受热⾯设备的安装及验收签证结束。
6.2 锅炉钢结构安装及验收签证结束。

6.3 本次⽔压试验范围内的受检焊⼝的检查记录⻬全。

6.4 本次⽔压试验范围内的设备缺陷检查记录⻬全。

6.5 ⽔压试验⽤的⽤⽔⽔质检验报告。

6.6 ⽔压试验⽤的压⼒表校验报告。

6.7 ⽔压试验压⼒表 50MPa,精度等级 1.0 级

6.1 The installation and acceptance of each pressure heating surface equipment are


6.2 The boiler steel structure installation and acceptance visa is completed.

6.3 The inspection records of the inspected welding joints within the scope of this

hydraulic test are complete.

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6.4 The equipment defect inspection records within the scope of this hydraulic test are


6.5 Calibration report of the pressure gauge used in the hydraulic pressure test.

6.6 Hydraulic test pressure gauge 50MPa, accuracy level 1.0

6.7 Boost pump outlet pressure gauge 50MPa, accuracy level 1.0

7.⽔压试验前检查事项 Inspection to check before hydraulic pressure test

7.2 检查⽔压试验必须具备的技术资料是否⻬全、正确。

7.3 检查⽔压试验的临时设施、系统是否安装完毕,调试结束并具备投⽤条件。

7.4 检查汽包等⼈孔⻔是否封闭。

7.5 检查恒吊及弹簧吊架、受压件吊杆受⼒是否均匀,弹簧是否已锁定。(包括有炉顶吊

7.6 检查受热⾯设备是否能⾃由膨胀,影响膨胀的构件应拆除。

7.7 ⽔压试验前的遗留问题事项必须整改完成。

7.8 ⽔压试验前的质量验收⽂件必须三⽅完成签字验收。

7.9 ⽔压试验升压泵必须正确安装和调试,满⾜试验需求。
7.1 Check whether the necessary conditions for the hydrostatic test are met, including
the removal, grinding and defect treatment of temporary lifting lugs, the welding slag of
the welding joints of pressure-bearing parts and seal welds has been removed, and the
appearance inspection is qualified.
7.2 Check whether the technical information necessary for the hydrostatic test is
complete and correct.
7.3 Check whether the temporary facilities and systems for the hydraulic pressure test
have been installed, debugged and ready for use.
7.4 Check whether the steam drum and other manhole doors are closed.
7.5 Check whether the constant crane, spring hanger, and pressure-bearing boom are
evenly stressed and whether the springs are locked. (Including furnace top hanging, down
pipe hanging, down branch pipe hanging, main steam hanging device, etc.)
7.6 Check whether the heating surface equipment can expand freely, and components
that affect expansion should be removed .

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7.7 Punch list between HEI and PRI must be finished to rectify.
7.8 All QC test package documents must be approved by HEI and PRI.
7.9 The boosting pump shall be completed installed and qualified for operation

8. 主要施⼯⽅法和步骤 Main construction methods and steps

8.1 施⼯⼯艺流程 Construction technology process
flow diagram of the whole boiler hydraulic test

承压部件设备、系统检查 返修、缺陷处理
equipment and system of the back repair and defect
pressure-containing member treatment

升压泵检修 inspection ⽔压临时系统安装

and maintenance of temporary system installation of
the booster pump the hydraulic test

锅炉沉降检测、记录 临时系统严密性实验
inspection and record of rigor test for the temporary system,
the boiler sedimentation

上⽔前膨胀值测量,记录 否
measurement and record of the 系统⻛压试验 返修、缺陷处理
expansion value before filling air pressure test of the back repair and

Acceptance 是 Acceptan

上⽔后膨胀值测量,记 锅炉上⽔
录 measurement and filling with water of the boiler
record of the
expansion value after
filling with water
升压⾄试验 10% 初检 initial
inspection when increasing the
pressure to the 10% of the test

否 返修、缺陷处理
overpressuretest back repair and
Donˊt defect treatment
Acceptanc 是 Acceptan
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system pipeline of the
decompression and flushing

decompression and draw off the

remove the temporary system of the hydraulic

steam-water system

8.2 锅炉整体⽔压试验临时系统布置及说明:
8.2 Instruction and layout of the temporary system of the whole boiler hydraulic test
8.2.1 The water filling system and booster system of the boiler are as far as possible
simple and direct, as far as possible using the have completed construction and formal
pipeline to make water filling and raising pressure, to reduce the construction quantity of
the temporary pipeline , open all vents of pipe and header,stop pump air until the air
overflow from all vents.
8.2.2 Regulating valves, flowmeters and orifice plates within the range of water
pressure are temporarily installed slowly, and temporary short pipes with the same
specifications as pipelines are welded and connected. After the water pressure is
completed, the regulating valve, flowmeter and orifice plate are installed and welded with
the pipeline.
8.2.3 锅炉临时上⽔泵布置在锅炉零⽶。系统上⽔:由 800m³除盐⽔箱来⽔,经锅炉临时
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上⽔泵出⼝管接⾄汽包事故放⽔管道,上⽔管道采⽤规格为φ70× 5 的⽆缝钢管。在⽔压试验
8.2.3 The temporary boiler water pump is arranged at zero meters of the boiler. Water
supply of primary steam system: the incoming water from 800m³ debrine tank is
connected to the drum emergency water discharge pipe through the boiler temporary
water pump outlet pipe. The water supply pipe is made of seamless steel pipe φ70× 5.Cut
the temporary pipes and tees for the hydaustatictest connection use, grinding well the raw
pipe from factory according to the drawing.
升压系统由 30m³临时⽔箱、1 台升压泵及其相关管路组成。升压管路:采⽤φ28×
4 的临时升压管,接⾄集中降⽔管集箱排污⼝,作为系统升压管路。
8.2.4 The booster system consists of a 30m³ temporary water tank, a booster pump,
and related pipelines. Pressure boost pipe: The φ28× 4 temporary pressure boost pipe is
connected to the sewage outlet of the centralized precipitation pipe header as the system
pressure boost pipe
8.2.5 由空压机临时接⼀路 DN50 的管道⾄临时上⽔泵出⼝管作为⽔压试验前⻛压预检⽤。
8.2.5 The air compressor temporarily connects a DN50 pipeline to the temporary upper
pump outlet pipe as a pre-test of wind pressure before the hydraulic test.
8.2.6 系统的冲洗及放⽔通过疏放⽔管道和临时放⽔管排放⾄污⽔处理站。
8.2.6 The flushing and discharge of the system are discharged to the sewage
treatment station through the drainage pipe and temporary drainage pipe.
8.2.7 在升压泵出⼝联箱上安装⼀块 50MPa 的防震压⼒表,作为⽔压试验的参考压⼒;
8.2.7 Installing one shockproof pressure gauge with 50 Mpa on the booster pump
outlet header, as the reference pressure for the hydraulic test.
8.2.8 在过热蒸汽出⼝管道的正式就地压⼒表接头位置,安装⼀块 50MPa 的防震压⼒表。
8.2.8 Install a 50MPa shock-proof pressure gauge at the official local pressure gauge
connector of the superheated steam outlet pipe.
8.2.9 锅筒上安装⼀块 50MPa 的防震压⼒表,⽔压试验压⼒以此压⼒表为准。
8.2.9 Install a 50MPa shock-proof pressure gauge on the drum. The pressure gauge
shall prevail in the water pressure test.
8.3 锅炉整体⽔压试验临时系统安装:
8.3Temporary system installation of the whole boiler hydraulic test

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8.3.1 上⽔系统材料的选⽤:
8.3.1material selection of the water filling system
锅炉⽔压上⽔临时系统的管道强度计算按照《 电⼒建设施⼯技术规范第 2 部分:锅炉机组》
DL/T5190.2-2019 计算
The pipeline strength of the boiler water pressure temporary system is calculated
according to "Technical Specification for Electric Power Construction Part 2: Boiler Units"
升压系统材料的选⽤:Material selection of the booster system
All components and parts of the boiler hydraulic test raising pressure temporary
system are based on the system’s work pressure, such as pipeline, pipe fittings, and valve.
And refer to the Harbin boiler factory drawing to choose and use the pipeline with same
specifications and material.
8.3.3. 临时升压系统材料强度计算 Strength calculation of the temporary booster system
⽔压试验升压管校核:checking for the hydraulic test booster pipe
升压管道选⽤⽆缝钢管φ28× 4,20G,⽔压升压管道校核:
The booster pipe using seamless steel tube with φ28× 4, 20#, checking for the
hydraulic test booster pipe:

=24.53*28/ 2*1*196+24.53 )

=1.6mm 4mm

: 直管或直管道的理论计算厚度(mm)
:Theoretical calculation thickness of straight pipe or straight pipe (mm)
P: Design pressure,(MPa)
D : 管⼦或管道的外径( mm)

Dw:Outside diameter of pipe or pipeline (mm)

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[σ]: 许⽤压⼒(MPa)
[σ]: Allowable pressure

: 焊缝减弱系数,对于⽆缝钢管取为 1.0

: Weld weakening coefficient, seamless steel pipe is 1.0

规格为Φ28× 4 的⽆缝钢管,20G 可以⽤于⽔压试验的升压管道。
The seamless steel pipe with the specification of φ 28× 4, 20G can be used as the
booster pipe for hydraulic test.
⽔压试验前的⻛压检测试验 Wind pressure test before water pressure test
8.4.1 在⽔压试验前对受压部件进⾏⻛压试验。将系统⽔压试验范围内的疏⽔、取样、充
8.4.1 Perform wind pressure test on the pressurized parts before water pressure test.
The primary door and the outlet valve of the upper pump of the drainage, sampling,
nitrogen charging, emptying, ignition and exhaust steam and pressure signal pipelines
within the range of the system water pressure test are all closed. Start the air compressor
and open the valve to fill the compressed air.
当⻛压试验压⼒达到 0.2MPa,组织检查⼈员分组进⾏各系统区域的检查,每组由
8.4.2 When the wind pressure test pressure reaches 0.2MPa, the inspection personnel
shall be organized into groups to carry out the inspection of each system area, and each
group shall be responsible for the special person, including the furnace top area, furnace
(inside and outside) area, cyclone separator (inside and outside) area, and rear shaft
(inside and outside) area.
8.4.3 检查⽅法采⽤以下⽅式:
8.4.3 Taking the below ways for inspection method:
Listen: general at the leakage position if there is air leak out will make sharp hiss
Touch: put the trail think paper on the leakage positions there will be slight shock.
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Watch: for the position that has slight leakage or maybe leakage, at its around
painting with soap-suds, if there is leakage, then will form soap bubbles at the leakage
8.5 锅炉整体⽔压试验程序及技术要求
8.5 The program and technology requirements of the whole boiler hydraulic test
参⻅⽔压试验系统图:See also the hydraulic test system drawing:
8.5.1 ⽔压上⽔ Hydraulic test filling with water 锅炉上⽔前、和过程中以及上⽔后作好钢架的沉降和⼤板梁挠度记录。 Make records of the steel frame sedimentation and board girder deflection
before and during and after the boiler filling water . ⽔质和⽔温要求 of the water quality and water temperature
⽔压⽤⽔为除盐⽔,⽔质应满⾜以下要求:氯离⼦含量⼩于 0.2mg/L(符合⼚家技术标
准要求); PH 值为 8~10(通过氨⽔调节)。环境温度不得低于 20℃ ;⽔压试验过程中,
⾦属壁温不得低于 21℃ ;
Water pressure is used to remove saline, and the water quality should meet the
following requirements: the content of chloride ion is less than 0.2 mg/L (complied with
the requirements of the manufacturer's technical standards); the pH value is 8~10
(through ammonia water regulation). The ambient temperature must not be lower than 20
℃ ; during the hydraulic test process, the metal wall temperature must not be lower than 21
℃; 除盐⽔箱上⽔ water tank filling with water
(1)将合格除盐⽔注⼊⽔箱⾄约 400 m³。
Shall qualified desalted water inject into the water tank to the400m3.

(2)打开 800m³⽔箱顶部的⼈孔⻔,按⽐例倒⼊氨⽔(NH3· H2O )。

Opening the manhole valve on the800m3 water tank top, in proportion to pour into
ammonium hydroxide(NH3 ·H2O)
(3)从 800m³⽔箱取⽔,⽤ PH 试纸检验 PH 值,当 PH 值达到 10〜10.5 之间时,符合⽔压
Take water from the 800m³ water tank and test the PH value with PH test paper. When the
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PH value reaches between 10 and 10.5, it meets the requirements of water pressure and
has the water supply conditions.
系统上⽔ System watering
Start the upper pump and water on the boiler system.
When continuously having water out from the exhausting pipe and no air ( that is,
visual inspection do not carry bubbles), then it shows already has been full filled with
water, then closing the first valve of exhausting pipe. And so on, until all the first valves of
exhausting pipe are closed of superheater steam system.
Stop the boiler temporary pump, close the accident water main door, stop water.
⽔压试验 Hydraulic test
系统上⽔结束后,把所有阀⻔关闭, 打开临时⽔箱补⽔⻔,进⾏补⽔。打开升压泵进出
⼝阀⻔,准备进⾏锅炉⽔压试验。After the primary steam system is filled, close all valves
and open the temporary water tank water supply door for water refill. Open the inlet and
outlet valves of the booster pump and prepare for boiler hydraulic test.
系统⽔压试验 System hydraulic test
时间进⾏,升压速度不得超过 0.3Mpa/分钟。
(1)Start the booster pump, open the pressure door, and start to increase the system.
The boost process is strictly followed by the time specified in the booster curve diagram,
and the boost speed must not exceed 0.3MPa/minute.
(2)当汽包就地压⼒表处的压⼒显⽰为 2.453Mpa 时(即试验压⼒的 10%),关闭升
When the pressure at the local pressure gauge of the steam drum shows 2.453Mpa
(i.e. 10% of the test pressure), close the outlet door of the booster pump, stop the booster
pump, and conduct a preliminary inspection of the whole system.
(3)检查⽆缺陷后打开升压泵出⼝⻔,启动升压泵,继续升压⾄汽包⼯作压⼒ 15.5Mpa
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(3) After checking that there is no defect, open the outlet door of the booster pump,
start the booster pump, continue to boost the pressure to the drum working pressure of
15.5Mpa, close the booster pump outlet, stop the booster pump, and check the whole
system again .The rate of boosting and decline see attahment(boost and decline curve for

hydaustatictest),And Use Barton chart recorder, to record hydrotest
慢升压速度,升压速度不⼤于 0.1Mpa/min。当压⼒升⾄试验压⼒ 24.53Mpa(压⼒读数以汽
包压⼒表处为准)时,关闭升压泵进出⼝⻔,同时停升压泵,并在该压⼒下保持 20 分钟。观
察压⼒变化情况,如果没有压降,则对系统进⾏降压。20 分钟保压时间能够满⾜检查所有系
(4) After checking the non -defect, turn on the outlet door of the booster pump, start the
booster pump , and perform the super pressure test. Try to slow down the voltage speed
during the ultra -pressure test. When the pressure rises to the test pressure 24.53MPa (the
pressure reading is subject to the pressure sheet at the steam bag), the entrance and exit
door of the booster pump is closed, and the pressure pump is stopped at the same time,
and the pressure is maintained for 20 minutes under the pressure. Observe the changes in
pressure. If there is no pressure drop, the system will be reduced.20 minutes is enough to
check whether all system pipe is leakage or not.
Note: Any inspection and knocking storm during the ultra -pressure test.
度⼩于 0.1Mpa/分钟;压⼒泄⾄汽包⼯作压⼒ 15.5Mpa 时,关闭系统放空阀⻔,进⾏全系统
(4) Slowly open the system to put the empty valve, and perform pressure according to the
time specified in the boost curve map. When the pressure pressure speed is less than
0.1MPa/minute during the pressure, when the pressure is leaked to the auto bag work
pressure of 15.5MPa, the system is closed to put the empty valve and perform the entire
system for the entire system. Check. At this time, check all the doors in the water pressure
range. The metal wall and welds of the components are not leaked and moist. There is no
obvious residual deformation of the pressure components, and it is deemed to be qualified
for hydraulic tests.
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(6) There are no water drops and water mist on the metal wall and welded metal walls and
welded components; when the welded mouth is dropped to the welding mouth, no water
droplets are dropped; after the hydraulic test, no residual deformation is found, it is
considered that the hydraulic test is qualified.
系统泄压 System leakage
打开放空阀⻔继续泄压,泄压过程中降压速度不得超过 0.3Mpa/分钟。压⼒泄⾄过汽包
Open the empty valve to continue the pressure, and the lower voltage speed during
pressure should not exceed 0.3MPa/minute. When the pressure gauge is leaked to the
operating pressure gauge of the auto bag, it is displayed at a time when it is displayed.
8.6 锅炉整体⽔压试验组织机构
8.6 Organization structure of the whole boiler hydraulic testing
领导⼩组组⻓:王墙 范世钰
Leader of the leading group:Wang Qiang Fan Shiyu
领导⼩组副组⻓:刘振国 薛国华 杜宗太 杨培波
Deputy Leader of the leading group: Liu Zhenguo Xue Guohua,Du Zongtai,Yang Peibo
领导⼩组成员: 边成⽂ 刘万宝 刘学成 陈钦钦
Members of the leading group: Liu Wanbao, Liu xuecheng,Ouyang, Peng Sheng, and
Chen Qinqin
Chief Conductor: Yang Peihuan
副总指挥:彭可超 张拴华 张安科
Deputy Commander:Peng Kechao, Zhang Yanhua Zhang Anke
Head of operation group: Qin Panpan
Valve operator: Yan Yafei

The pump operation director lilaiyu
Water tank dosingdirector: caojiangjiang
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Pressure recorder: 郭永利
Power supply director :wuyonghui
Inspection director: mengguangkun
Inflation inspection recorder: zahngqian
物资供应负责⼈: 杨锦
Material support director: yangjin
Logistical suppor director: yangfuyuan
Safety inspection director: wangrui
Sample inspection director: xiezongwei
Quality supervision: lishiwei

9.质量标准和⼯艺要求 Quality standard and technology requirement

9.1 质量标准 Quality standard
9.1.1 受压元件⾦属壁和焊缝⽆泄漏及湿润现象。
9.1.1Metal wall and welding seam of the pressure parts are no leakage and moist
9.1.2 受压元件没有明显的残余变形。
9.1.2 Pressure parts are no obvious residual deformation.
9.2 涉及到的强制性条⽂ Compilation basis
9.2.1 试压泵周围应设置围栏,⾮⼯作⼈员不得⼊内。
99.2.1 Shall set up the fences around pressure test pump, non-work personnel shall
not enter.
9.2.2 进⽔时,管理空⽓⻔及上⽔⻔的⼈员不得擅⾃离开岗位。
9.2.2 when feed water, the personnel who manage the air door and water filling valve
cannot leave without authorization.

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9.2.3 升压前,施⼯负责任必须进⾏全⾯检查,待所有⼈员前部离开后⽅可升压。
9.2.3 Before rising pressure, construction director must make complete inspection,
after all personnel leave then can raise pressure.
9.2.4 ⽔压试验时,⼈员不得站在焊缝处、堵头的对⾯或法兰盘的侧⾯。
9.2.4 When doing hydraulic test, personnel cannot stand at the weld joint, opposite of
the plug, or side of the flange plate.
9.2.5 在升压过程中,应停⽌试验系统上的⼀切⼯作。
9.2.5 During the rising pressure process, shall stop all works on the test system.
9.2.6 超压试验时不得进⾏任何检查⼯作,应待压⼒降⾄⼯作压⼒以下后⽅可进⾏。
9.2.6 in the over-pressure period, cannot make any inspection work, shall carry out
inspection after pressure reduce to the under of the work pressure.

10. 安全措施 Safety method


10.2 在升压期间,停⽌受热⾯附近与试验⽆关的⼀切⼯作,试验⼈员⼀律挂牌上岗,⾮试

悬挂“ 正在⽔压试验” 、 “ ⾮操作⼈员, ” 禁⽌⼊内⽂字标志牌。升压泵等⾼压设备附近设
置安全围栏并挂“ ⾮操作⼈员、禁⽌⼊内” 标志牌,该设施应提前⼀天完成并经过验收。⾮
10.3 ⽔压试验时,严禁乱开阀⻔,严禁对已受压管件进⾏敲打。

10.4 参加⽔压试验⼈员必须认真学习本措施,熟悉图纸,认真作好记录。

10.5 参加⽔压试验⼈员必须严格遵守各项安全规程和制度。

10.6 当发现部件有渗漏时,如压⼒继续上升,检查⼈员应远离渗漏地点,并设警戒区域,
10.7 炉内应搭设牢固脚⼿架,并设有爬梯,照明充⾜;⽔压试验过程中通讯应畅通可靠。

10.8 电源应可靠,检查时使⽤ 12V 的安全灯或⼿电筒。

10.9 在整个⽔压试验区域内(含检查通道)应有⾜够照明。

10.10 每次检查结束,检查⼈员应尽快撤出检查地点,以免在继续升压过程中发⽣意外。

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10.12 ⽔压试验前,⽔压试验系统范围内相关单位应进⾏系统完善情况会签。

10.13 升压泵进⽔管路与泵体连接前,必须进⾏内部⽔冲洗,并加装滤⽹。升压泵应有

10.14 所有临时管路⽀吊架必须符合设计,形式规范、牢靠,⽔压前应全⾯检查。

10.1During the hydraulic pressure test, the person operating the valve must be

provided with a guardian to prevent misoperation. Valve operators and those monitoring

system pressure are not allowed to leave their jobs without authorization.

10.2 During the pressure increase period, stop all work near the heating surface that is

not related to the test. All test personnel will be posted on duty, and all non-test personnel

will leave the site. Special personnel will be assigned to guard the passage leading to the

hydraulic test boiler, and warning barriers will be installed. Hang signs with the words

"Hydraulic pressure test in progress" and "Non-operators," written on the barrier. Set up

safety fences near high-pressure equipment such as booster pumps and hang

"non-operators, no entry" signs. This facility should be completed and accepted one day in

advance. Non-equipment operators are not allowed to enter this warning area.

10.3 During the hydraulic pressure test, it is strictly forbidden to open the valve

indiscriminately, and it is strictly forbidden to knock the pressure-pressure pipe fittings.

10.4 Personnel participating in the hydraulic pressure test must study this measure

carefully, be familiar with the drawings, and make careful records.

10.5 Personnel participating in the hydraulic test must strictly abide by various safety

regulations and systems.

10.6 When leakage is found in a component, if the pressure continues to rise,

inspectors should stay away from the leakage site, set up a warning area, and hang danger


10.7 Sturdy scaffolding should be erected in the furnace, with ladders and adequate

lighting; communications should be smooth and reliable during the hydrostatic test.

10.8 The power supply should be reliable, and a 12V safety light or flashlight should

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be used during inspection.

10.9There should be sufficient lighting in the entire hydraulic test area (including the

inspection channel).

10.10 At the end of each inspection, the inspectors should evacuate the inspection

location as soon as possible to avoid accidents during the continued pressure increase

process. At the end of each inspection, each group of personnel should count the number

of people.

10.11 During the pressure boosting process, inspectors or relevant personnel are

strictly prohibited from standing opposite the head or on the side of the flange.

10.12 Before the hydraulic pressure test, relevant units within the scope of the

hydraulic pressure test system should countersign the system improvement status.

10.13 Before connecting the water inlet pipe of the booster pump to the pump body,

the internal water must be flushed and a filter must be installed. The booster pump should

have a product certificate and be inspected and maintained before use. Before starting,

the air inside the water inlet pipe must be drained to prevent the pump from emptying. The

pump body should have reliable reinforcement measures.

10.14 All temporary pipeline supports and hangers must comply with the design, be

standardized in form, and be solid, and should be fully inspected before hydraulic pressure.

11. 应急预案 Emergency plan

10.1.1 应急⼩组
组 ⻓: 范世钰
常务副组⻓:薛国华 边成⽂
成 员: ⾼原、王刚、张会⽣、郭进亮、⽯俊⻰、李登攀、王宪朋、David、李建鲁、
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Group leader: Fan Shiyu

Executive Deputy Head: Xue Guohua Bian chengwen (HEI Person)

Deputy team leaders: Yuan Shuai, Shi Lei, Li Dezhen, Du Zongtai and Yang Peibo.

Members: Gao Yuan, Wang Gang, Zhang Huisheng, Guo Jinliang, Shi Junlong, Li Dengpan, Wang

Xianpeng, David, Li Jianlu, Wu Chunbo, Yang Lei, An Yuanhai, Zhang Xiaobo, Zhou Weiming, Song

Shuanghe and other members of the project department and on-site responsible personnel of the

cooperative unit.
Responsible for the organization and command of emergency rescue at the scene of the accident,

and report the development of accidents or disasters and emergency rescue to the superior emergency

leading group and the local government department in time.

Organize the preparation and internal review of the emergency plan and on-site disposal plan of the

project department and report them to the company for approval and filing.
10.1.2 应急领导⼩组下设应急专业组,包括抢险救援组、后勤保障组、对外联络组。
The emergency leading group consists of emergency professional groups, including emergency

rescue group, logistics support group and external liaison group.

抢险救援组:Emergency rescue team
组 ⻓:杨培波、王睿
成 员:张拴华、陈欣欣
Group leader: Yang Peibo Wang Rui.

Members: Zhang Shuanhua, Ouyang Pengsheng, Li Shiwen, Chen Xinxin and Shi Hongyu.
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(1) Be responsible for eliminating dangerous situations and rescuing people and property in


(2) Be responsible for organizing the implementation of the emergency rescue action plan to curb

the deterioration and expansion of the accident.

(3) Be responsible for maintaining the order of the scene of the accident and protecting the scene

of the accident (if it is necessary to move the objects on the scene due to rescue personnel, preventing

the accident from expanding and dredging traffic, signs shall be made, a sketch of the scene shall be

drawn and recorded in writing, and important traces and material evidence on the scene shall be

properly preserved).
后勤保障组:Logistics Support Group:
组 ⻓:杨培欢
成 员:史红⾬、李世⽂
Group leader: Yang Peihuan

Members: Shi Hongyu Li Shiwen

(1) Be responsible for accident scene protection and vigilance, prevent non-emergency rescue

personnel from entering the scene and assist in evacuation.

(2) Responsible for providing emergency communication, transportation, medical care, materials

and office supplies, etc., and solving the accommodation problems of emergency rescue personnel

and on-site staff.

(3) Give first aid to the injured in time and notify the relevant medical departments or send them to

the hospital. Do a good job in other logistics support.

对外联络组:External liaison group:
组 ⻓:宋双鹤、李登攀
组 员:周伟明、安东尼、分包单位现场负责⼈员
Group leader: Song Shuanghe Li Dengpan
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Members: Zhou Weiming, Anthony, on-site responsible personnel of subcontractors.
Responsible for external contact and conveying instructions and requirements from superiors.
10.1.3 The person in charge of the construction site is the main person in charge of the safety of

the construction site, and is responsible for implementing the on-site emergency response plan. Other

personnel shall perform emergency duties according to their posts. The person in charge of the site

should control the development of the accident at the first time, and report the development and

rescue of the accident disaster to the subordinate unit and the project department in time.

应急处理措施 Emergency treatment measures


10.2.1 当现场发⽣⼈员坠落、坠物伤⼈、触电、机械或设备事故、⽕险、重⼤成品破坏

10.2.2 当现场发⽣着⽕时,要第⼀时间将其周围易燃物隔离开,并寻找灭⽕器将⽕源扑

10.2.3 当发⽣漏电事故时,要及时将电源切断,随后检查漏电设备。

10.2.4 现场施⼯负责⼈或施⼯⼈员汇报险情及报警后应⽴即按指令及预定操作程序组织

10.2.5 ⾼处作业必须有⽅便⼈员上下的安全通道或垂直爬梯,⼀旦发⽣紧急情况必须保

10.2.6 现场备灭⽕器,且⼈员要会熟练使⽤,如发⽣⽕灾可以即时扑灭。

10.2.7 发⽣⼈员伤害或⽕险时,及时组织⼈员撤离现场,降低⼈员伤亡,并使⽤灭⽕器

灭⽕,防⽌事态进⼀步扩⼤,同时拨打⽕警电话 113 及急救电话发 118,进⾏报警和求助。

10.2.1 When people fall, falling objects hurt people, get an electric shock, mechanical or

equipment accidents, fire hazards, major finished product damage and other emergencies, first aid

measures should be taken, and the project leader should be informed at the first time, and the

ambulance should be contacted to send the wounded to the designated hospital for rescue.

10.2.2 When there is a fire at the scene, it is necessary to isolate the flammable materials around it
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at the first time and find a fire extinguisher to put out the fire source. Inform the fire management

personnel in time after using the fire extinguisher to supplement the fire extinguisher.

10.2.3 In case of leakage accident, cut off the power supply in time, and then check the leakage


10.2.4 The person in charge of on-site construction or construction personnel shall immediately

organize the evacuation of people and protect the scene of the accident according to the instructions

and predetermined operating procedures after reporting the danger and giving an alarm.

10.2.5 When working at heights, there must be a safe passage or a vertical ladder that is

convenient for people to get up and down. In case of emergency, the passage must be unblocked to

ensure the safe evacuation of people.

10.2.6 Fire extinguishers shall be prepared on site, and personnel shall be skilled in using them. In

case of fire, they can be put out immediately.

10.2.7 In case of personal injury or fire danger, organize personnel to evacuate the site in time to

reduce casualties, and use fire extinguishers to put out the fire to prevent the situation from further

expanding. At the same time, call the fire alarm number 113 and the emergency number 110 to give an

alarm and ask for help.

10.3 应急汇报流程

图 8.3-2 ⼀航院境外突发事件电话报告系统图
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图 8.3-3 达来⽢项⽬到医院线路图
最近医院名称:Bhayangkara 电话:08115926888。救援路线:从⼯程所在地到最近的
医院共 8.7 公⾥,驾⻋⾏驶约 22 分钟。
Name of the nearest hospital: Bhayangkara Tel: 08115926888. Rescue route: It is 8.7 kilometers
from the project site to the nearest hospital, and it takes about 22 minutes by car.
⽕警:113 急救:118
Fire alarm: 113 First aid:118

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附图 Attachment:(备注:在⽔压试验的不同阶段,⽓压试验-锅炉上⽔-⽔压试验-试验完成后排⽔图中,阀⻔涂绿⾊代表该阀⻔为开启状态,阀

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上⽔图 Feed water diagram

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⽓压试验图 Compressed Air test diagram

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⽔压试验图 Hydraulic water test diagram

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试验完成排⽔图 Drain water diagram after test

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⽔压试验升降压⼒曲线 Water pressure rise and decline

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Organization FHC
ITP Cover Sheet

Scope Boiler water pressure test scheme

Loc./structure 1# 2# Boiler
Change Control

Rev.1 2023.09.30 A Sample inspection 样品检验

H Hold point 停⼯待检点
W Witness point/100% Inspection ⻅证点

S Surveillance 监督
R 100% Review 100%审查

I Inspection 检查
P Perform 履⾏

C Civil

M Mechanical

FHC HEI PRI E Electrical

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Signature I&C Instrument and control

Date QC Quality control

序号 ⼯程名称及检验项⽬ 参考依据 质量标准 验收单位 Acceptance unit

Sr. Project name and inspection item code/reference Criteria
1 锅炉整体⽔压试验 Boiler overall hydaustatictest
⽔压⽤⽔ DL/T5210.2-2018
采⽤除盐⽔ I R R
Water used in the hydraulic test Using desalted water

氯离⼦含量 符合⼚家技术标准要求
Meet the requirements of the
chlorine ion content
manufactory technology standard
⽔压⽤⽔ 联氨含量 the content of
1.2 water used in the DL/T5210.2-2018 0.5 ppm I W W
the hydrazine
hydraulic test
PH 值 〜
8 10
PH value

1.3 管道冲洗签证 Pipe flushing visa DL/T5210.2-2018 I W W

严密性检查 DL/T5210.2-2018
Without leakage and deformation
Sealing inspection fracture at the pressure-bearing parts,
and all weld joint, manhole, hand spike,
flanges, valves and other places.

试验后恢复 系统恢复后报 SDI 验收; After system

1.5 restoration, report to the SDI I W W
Recover after test

锅炉⽔压试验签证 DL/T5210.2-2018 I W W
Approval of the boiler hydraulic test

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3 ⽂件审查 Document check

All document dossier required as per contract shall
be collected and submitted to owner , hard file and
3.1 soft file I R R

1All of inspection as per this ITP has been done and
the inspection report has already been generated
3.2 and signed I R R
所有 检验项⽬都被执⾏,且检验报告已经⽣成并
2All NCR or any deviation of contract already closed
3.3 an documented I R R
3 all drawing change already updated in as built or
3.4 mark up drawing I R R

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Hydraulic pressure test of boiler
⼯程编号 project No.: 表 sheet4.4.72
⼯序 单 质量检验结果 结论
检验项⽬ 性质 位 质量标准 The quality
inspection item property quality standard inspection
s unit n

主控 ⼯作压⼒(试验压⼒)Working
试验压⼒ Pressure(Test Pressure)
test pressure main 15.5MPa(24.53MPa)
control See pressrure curve for details
⽔压⽤⽔ 蒸汽压⼒≥
Water 9.8MPa 主控 采⽤除盐⽔
used in the Steam main
Using desalted water
hydraulic pressure ≥ control
test 9.8MPa
氯离⼦含量 mg/ 不⼤于 0.2
chlorine ion
L no less than 0.2
⽔质 联氨含量 主控
the content
of the

200 300

⽔ hydrazine

压 PH
PH value

8 10
试 ⽔温 ℃ 不⼩于 No less than 20℃
验 water temperature
environmental ℃ ≥20
Hydrau temperature of the test
lic test 承压件及所有焊缝、⼈孔、⼿孔、

严密性检查 主控 Without leakage and
main deformation fracture at the
Rigor inspection
control pressure-bearing parts, and all
weld joint, manhole, hand spike,
flanges, valves and other
试验后恢复 Should timely draw off the
Recover after test water, and timely eliminate
defects that are found in the
hydraulic test.

The use of tools and inspection code

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Hydraulic Test Process:

Boiler started to be filled with water at the time of 8:00am ; is full at the time of 10:00am ; is pressured at time of

11:00am ; has reached pressure of 15.5 Mpa at time of 13:00pm and is continuously boosted after inspection to

reach design pressure 24.53 Mpa at the time of 15:30pm ; ; it is then kept at the pressure for 20

minutes; pressure is then reduced to 15.5 Mpa; pressure is reduced to operational pressure at the time of

18:00pm for full inspection; At time of full inspections are finished and pressure is reduced and water is drained until

it reaches zero; at the time of 19:30pm water is drained off.

Acceptance of the results

验收单位 签字
approval unit The Signature




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Tarakan 2X150MW Biomass Co-combustion Captive Power Plant in
Approval form of the boiler hydraulic test
project name

分部⼯程 ⼯程编号 检验批名称

Name of the
Sub-project project code
inspection lot
试压⽔容积 环境温度
锅炉型号 Water capacity
Boiler model in the pressure
压⼒表 系统内⽔温
压⼒表型号 精度等级 Water
pressure gauge Accuracy class temperature in
model of the pressure the system
压⼒表校验编号 设计压⼒ design 试验压⼒
verification code of
pressure test pressure
the pressure gauge
检验项⽬ 检验项⽬ 检验结果
inspection item
检验结果 inspection result inspection
inspection result
上部压⼒表安装位置 除盐⽔质指标
Water quality
index of the
positionof the upper
pressure gauge
下部压⼒表安装位 试验⽤⽔指标
置 installation Index of the
positionof the lower water used in
pressure gauge the test
Test process:

Inspection result:

验收单位 验收意⻅ 验收签字

approval unit acceptance opinion acceptance signature

年 ⽉ ⽇
Year Month Day

年 ⽉ ⽇
Year Month Day

印尼达来⽢ 2× 150MW ⽣物质耦合掺烧⾃备电⼚项⽬ 施⼯⽅案
Tarakan 2X150MW Biomass Co-combustion Captive Power Plant in Indonesia Construction
制造单位 年 ⽉ ⽇
Year Month Day

年 ⽉ ⽇
Year Month Day

印尼达来⽢ 2×150MW ⽣物质耦合掺烧⾃备电⼚项⽬

Tarakan 2X150MW Biomass Co-combustion Captive Power Plant in
Pipe flushing visa
project name
分部⼯程 Name of ⼯程编号
the project
inspection code
环境温度 冲洗介质 冲洗⽇期
Environmental Flushing Rinse
temperature medium Date
Inspection records

Inspection result:

验收单位 验收意⻅ 验收签字

approval unit acceptance opinion acceptance signature

印尼达来⽢ 2× 150MW ⽣物质耦合掺烧⾃备电⼚项⽬ 施⼯⽅案
Tarakan 2X150MW Biomass Co-combustion Captive Power Plant in Indonesia Construction





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