Evaluation of The Combined Effect of Osmotic and Refractance Window Drying On The Drying Kinetics, Physical, and Phytochemical Properties of Beet

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Drying Technology

An International Journal

ISSN: 0737-3937 (Print) 1532-2300 (Online) Journal homepage: https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/ldrt20

Evaluation of the combined effect of osmotic and

Refractance Window drying on the drying kinetics,
physical, and phytochemical properties of beet

Carolina Calderón-Chiu, Cecilia Eugenia Martínez-Sánchez, Jesús Rodríguez-

Miranda, José Manuel Juárez-Barrientos, Roselis Carmona-García & Erasmo

To cite this article: Carolina Calderón-Chiu, Cecilia Eugenia Martínez-Sánchez, Jesús Rodríguez-
Miranda, José Manuel Juárez-Barrientos, Roselis Carmona-García & Erasmo Herman-Lara
(2019): Evaluation of the combined effect of osmotic and Refractance Window drying on the
drying kinetics, physical, and phytochemical properties of beet, Drying Technology, DOI:

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/07373937.2019.1655439

Published online: 20 Aug 2019.

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Evaluation of the combined effect of osmotic and Refractance Window

drying on the drying kinetics, physical, and phytochemical properties
of beet
n-Chiua , Cecilia Eugenia Martınez-Sancheza , Jesu
Carolina Caldero s Rodrıguez-Mirandaa ,
e Manuel Juarez-Barrientos b
, Roselis Carmona-Garcıaa
, and Erasmo Herman-Laraa
Depto. de Ingenierıa Quımica y Bioquımica, Tecnologico Nacional de Mexico/Instituto Tecnologico de Tuxtepec, Tuxtepec, Oax,

Mexico; bDepto. de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad del Papaloapan, Loma Bonita, Oax, Mexico


The effect of osmotic dehydration (OD) with different sucrose concentrations and tempera- Received 23 March 2019
tures was studied in combination with drying by Refractance WindowTM (RW) in beet slices Revised 7 August 2019
with thicknesses of 1 and 5 mm. The color, texture, total polyphenol content (TPC), total fla- Accepted 8 August 2019
vonoid content (TFC), and antioxidant capacity (AC) of the beet with OD, RW, and OD-RW
combined drying were evaluated. The best results of water loss (WL) and solid gain (SG) Osmotic dehydration;
with OD were obtained with 65% sucrose solution at 60  C. OD partially reduced the water Refractance WindowTM;
content of the slices, decreasing the drying time with RW at 85  C. However, the retention drying kinetics;
of qualities such as color, texture, TPC, TFC, and AC in beet was obtained with combined physicochemical properties
drying by OD-RW at 60  C under OD conditions of 65% sucrose at 45  C. These conditions
afforded a stable product retaining its physical and chemical properties.

Introduction solutions, is based on the natural and nondestructive

phenomenon of osmosis through membranes.[4] It is
Beet (Beta vulgaris L.) has a high content of natural
effective even at room temperature and useful in the
pigments, such as betalains, that have beneficial effects
on health through their antioxidant activity [1] and is conservation of the nutritional, sensory and functional
rich in other valuable compounds, such as polyphe- properties of foods. Generally, foods pretreated with
nols, flavonoids, carotenoids, betacyanins, glycine OD are further dried by convective drying, freeze-dry-
betaine, saponins, and folates. Hence, beet ingestion ing or microwave drying.[5] However, new technolo-
may have cancer preventive effects as long as these gies such as drying by Refractance WindowTM (RW)
valuable compounds are preserved. However, fresh could be more effective in foods pretreated by OD.[6]
beet is susceptible to spoilage due to its high moisture When RW is used, the material to be dried, generally
content, making it a highly perishable food. Drying is in the form of pulp, juice or slices, is placed on a
a preservation method that ensures the microbial plastic film with special refractance characteristics
safety of biological products.[2] However, conventional (MylarTM film). The film floats on the surface of the
drying uses high temperatures and long dehydration hot water so the thermal energy for the evaporation
times, leading to various undesirable changes in the of the moisture in the food is transferred from the
physical characteristics of products (e.g., in texture, hot water to the wet material mainly by infrared radi-
color, shrinkage and deformation, and crack develop- ation. RW technology uses high temperatures, short
ment), as well as reductions in sensory, nutritional, times, and high thermal efficiency all at low cost to
and chemical properties that can decrease consumer provide dehydrated products of better quality.[7]
acceptance.[3] Osmotic dehydration (OD) is used as a Currently, there is no information on the combination
pretreatment to remove a portion of the water from a of OD-RW drying of food, especially for foods such
food. This method, involving the elimination of water as beet that have thermosensitive components.
from plant tissues by immersion in hypertonic Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate

CONTACT Erasmo Herman-Lara erasmo_hl@hotmail.com Depto. de Ingenierıa Quımica y Bioquımica, Tecnol

ogico Nacional de Mexico/Instituto
Tecnologico de Tuxtepec, Av. Dr. Vıctor Bravo Ahuja s/n, Tuxtepec, Oax, CP 68350, Mexico.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at www.tandfonline.com/ldrt.
ß 2019 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

this type of combined drying process on the physical Table 1. Experimental conditions for obtaining osmotic dehy-
and chemical properties of beet. dration kinetics in fresh beet.
Slice Sucrose Temperature
Treatment thickness (mm) concentration (%) ( C)
Materials and methods T1 1 35 30
T2 1 35 45
Beets with commercial maturity were obtained from the T3 1 35 60
T4 1 50 30
local market in the city of Tuxtepec in Oaxaca State, T5 1 50 45
Mexico. Samples were selected to be uniform in color, T6 1 50 60
T7 1 65 30
shape, and size, and then they were washed and cut into T8 1 65 45
3.5-cm diameter slices with thicknesses of 1 and 5 mm. T9 1 65 60
T10 5 35 30
T11 5 35 45
T12 5 35 60
Osmotic dehydration T13 5 50 30
T14 5 50 45
Sucrose solutions at 35, 50 and 65% were used at temper- T15 5 50 60
atures of 30, 45 and 60  C with a product:solution ratio T16 5 65 30
T17 5 65 45
of 1:15 (w/v). Table 1 shows the experimental conditions T18 5 65 60
for the OD of beet slices 1- and 5-mm thick. A heating Note: The treatments were performed in duplicate.
plate (Thermo Scientific Cimares, SP131325, USA) was
used for heating and stirring. A 2.5-L crystallizer contain- The experimental and predicted data were analyzed
ing the osmotic solution was placed over the heating
based on their determination coefficient (R2).
plate with an external temperature controller (Johnson B
Controls Inc., A419, USA). The samples were immersed WL o SG ¼ eðAtÞ (3)
and removed from the solution at different time intervals
where, A and B are constants of Page’s model, and t
until equilibrium was reached, and the excess solution
is the OD time in minutes.
was removed with absorbent paper. The moisture content
was determined with the 925.09 method[8] using an oven
(Binder, ED 115, Germany). Water loss (WL) and solid Refractance Window drying
gain (SG) were calculated with the Equations (1) and (2) The RW drying of the beet slices without and with
respectively used by Garcıa-Toledo et al.[9] pretreatment OD was carried out with the RW equip-
ðM0 ÞðXa:0 ÞðMt ÞðXa:t Þ ment (manufactured by Institute Tecnol ogico de
WL ¼ x 100 (1)
M0 Tuxtepec, Mexico) as reported by Hernandez-Santos
where, WL (g water/g fresh beet), M0 is the initial et al.[3] according to Figure 1. The water bath was
weight of the sample in g, Mt is the weight of the maintained at 70 ± 2 and 98 ± 2  C to obtain tempera-
sample at a given time in g, Xa.0 is the mass fraction tures of 60 and 85  C on the surface of the MylarTM
of initial water in g water/g dry solids, and Xa.t is the film, respectively. The initial moisture content of beet
mass fraction of water at a given time in g water/g was obtained with method No. 925.09[8] employing an
dry solids. oven (Binder, ED 115, Germany). RW drying was per-
formed using a removable MylarTM film to be con-
ðMt Þð1Xs:t ÞðM0 Þð1Xs:0 Þ
SG ¼ x 100 (2) tinually weighed. The film was held by two metal
M0 aluminum pins by the longer sides of the tray until
where, SG (g solids/g fresh beet), M0 is the initial contact with the heating water. The total weight of the
weight of the sample in g, Mt is the weight of the 1-mm thick slices was initially obtained and distrib-
sample at a given time in g, Xs.0 is the mass fraction uted in a monolayer on the surface of the MylarTM
of initial solids in g solids/g dry solids and Xs.t is the film, which was previously weighed. Weight loss of
mass fraction of solids at a given time in g solids/g the samples along with the weight of the film during
dry solids. the kinetics was recorded at regular time intervals
The experimental kinetics prediction of the WL (excess water under the film before being weighed was
and SG was performed with Page’s model (Equation 3) removed) until a constant weight was reached
because of its goodness of adjustment of experimental employing a digital balance with an accuracy of
results and their simplicity applied in various 0.001 g (Sartorius TE 4101 AG Gottingen, Germany,
foods[3,9,10] by nonlinear regression using the software 2010). The drying kinetics were obtained by plotting
MATLAB Version (Math Works Inc., USA). the dimensionless moisture content (WÞ against time

Figure 1. Schematic description of the RW dryer.

(min). W was calculated with the Equation (4) Liu.[12] The sample was blended at the highest speed
described by Wang et al.[11] for 5 min in a blender (Osterizer, Oster-4655,
Xt Xe Mexico). Five grams of sample were placed in an
W¼ (4) Erlenmeyer flask, and an 80% acetone-water mixture
X0  Xe
was added at a sample-solvent ratio of 1:10 (w/v) and
where Xt represents the moisture content at time t, Xe homogenized at 6000 rpm for 3 min using the hom-
the equilibrium moisture content and X0 the initial ogenizer (Virtis, Gardiner, New York) in darkness.
moisture content of beet, all represented in g water/g The supernatant was recovered, and the solvent was
dry solids. evaporated using a rotary evaporator (B€ uchi
Rotavapor R-100, Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA).
Color and texture measurements The total polyphenol content (TPC) was deter-
mined using the Folin-Ciocalteu method [13] following
The color was measured with a colorimeter
the procedure described by Heimler et al.[14] To
(UltraScan Vis, Hunter Associates Laboratory Inc.,
125 mL of sample extract, 500 mL of distilled water and
USA) employing a standard white filter (L ¼ 99.32,
125 mL of Folin-Ciocalteu reagent were added. The
a ¼ 0.14 and b ¼ 0.04), reference to an illumin-
mixture was allowed to stand for 6 min. Subsequently,
ant D65 at a visual angle of 10 using EasyMatchQC
1.25 mL of 7% Na2CO3 solution and 1 mL of distilled
software. The CIELCH system, which uses L (lumi- water were added. The mixture was allowed to stand
nosity), C (chromaticity), h (hue angle), DE (total for 90 min in the dark at room temperature and the
color difference), a and b, was used. C, h , and DE absorbance at 760 nm was read using a spectropho-
were calculated with Equations (5)–(7) as described by tometer (Cary 60 UV Vis, Agilent Technologies Inc.,
Garcıa-Toledo et al.[9] Italy). The aforementioned procedure was also per-
C ¼ ða2 þ b2 Þ1=2 (5) formed using distilled water as blank. TPC was
ho ¼ arctanða =b Þ (6) expressed as equivalent micrograms of gallic acid
(GAE) per g of dry solids (mg GAE/g dry solids). A
DE ¼ ðDL2 þ Da2 þ Db2 Þ1=2 (7)
calibration curve with gallic acid at concentrations of
The texture was measured as puncture strength 20–500 mg/mL was used. The total flavonoid content
(PS) using a texturometer (TA-XT plus, Stable (TFC) of the sample was performed using the proced-
Microsystems Inc., UK) by penetration tests with a 2- ure described by Heimler et al.[14] At 250 mL of sam-
mm cylindrical probe (P/2N), and the maximum ple extract, 75 mL of 5% NaNO2 solution, 150 mL of
penetration force in Newtons (N) was reported. The freshly prepared solution of 10% AlCl3 and 500 mL of
pretest and test speed were 2 mm/s, the posttest speed 1 M NaOH were added. The volume was adjusted to
was 10 mm/s, the contact force was 0.01 N, and the 2.5 mL with deionized water and allowed to stand for
compression distances were 8 and 12 mm for slices of 5 min. The absorbance at 510 nm was read. The afore-
1 and 5 mm, respectively. mentioned procedure was also performed using dis-
tilled water as blank. The TFC was expressed as
equivalent micrograms of catechin (CE) per g of dry
Total polyphenols, total flavonoids contents, and
solids (mg CE/g dry solids). A calibration curve with
antioxidant capacity
catechin at concentration of 20–500 mg/mL was used.
The fresh and dried sample extracts were obtained The in vitro antioxidant capacity was spectrophoto-
with the methodology described by Jiratanan and metrically evaluated as the DPPHþ scavenging activity

Figure 2. Experimental and simulated kinetics of osmotic dehydration for water loss (WL): (a) 35, (b) 50, and (c) 65% of sucrose at
different temperatures and thicknesses.

according to the method developed by Brand- Results and discussion

Williams et al.[15] and described by Ala~
non et al.[16]
Osmotic dehydration experimental and
with modifications. 100 lL of dilutions of extracts
simulated kinetics
were added to 2.9 mL 0.06 mM of DPPHþ methanolic
solution. The samples were vortexed for 15 s and The OD experimental and simulated kinetics for WL
allowed to stand for 30 min at room temperature. and SG are presented in Figures 2 and 3, respectively.
Subsequently the absorbance was read at 515 nm. A They increased when the solution concentration and
reference blank containing 100 mL of methanol and temperature were increased. The WL and SG at the
2.9 mL of DPPHþ solution was used. The antioxidant beginning of the OD were controlled by the high
capacity (AC) is expressed as the % inhibition of the osmotic pressure exerted by the solution on the beet
extract and was calculated with Equation (8), where cells as a result of the large difference in the driving
ASample is the absorbance of the sample and ABlank is force between the food sap and the surrounding
the absorbance of the blank. osmotic solution. Changes in the permeability of the
cell membrane and the viscosity of the osmotic
% Inhibition of the extract
  (8) medium favored higher water transfer at higher tem-
¼ 1ðASample =ABlank Þ X 100
perature.[17] The experimental and simulated kinetics
of WL and SG showed average R2 values of 0.9851
and 0.9243, respectively, indicating an adequate
Statistical analysis adjustment by Page’s model. The best results of WL
The results were analyzed using analysis of variance and SG were obtained with 65% sucrose solution at
(ANOVA), and a Fisher’s test was performed to deter- 60  C, and similar results were found by Garcıa-
mine the minimum significant difference between Toledo et al.[9] for ginger. Azarpazhooh and
means (p < 0.05) using Statistica software (StatSoft Ramaswamy[18] also found that increasing the concen-
Inc., version 10, 2011). tration of the osmotic solution and the temperature

Figure 3. Experimental and simulated kinetics of osmotic dehydration for solids gain (SG): (a) 35, (b) 50, and (c) 65% of sucrose at
different temperatures and thicknesses.

increased the diffusivity of moisture towards the Refractance Window drying kinetics
osmotic solution and the solids in apple. Slices 1-mm
Figure 4 shows the RW drying kinetics of beet without
thick showed the highest WL and SG, reaching equi-
OD at 60 and 85  C, respectively. It was observed that
librium in less time than was required for the 5-mm beet drying was influenced by the drying temperature,
slices. Reducing the thickness of the slices increased reaching equilibrium at 100 and 40 min at 60 and 85  C,
the contact surface with the osmotic solution. A respectively. The difference drying time required between
superficial layer of solutes could have formed on the these drying temperatures was 60 min, represented a
5-mm thick slices, interfering with the concentration
gradient across the product-solution interface and act-
ing as a barrier for WL and SG.[17] The average initial
moisture content of fresh beet as control was 7.6281 g
water/g dry solids. The final moisture contents in
equilibrium for 1-mm slices were 6.2553 and 3.9689 g
of water/g dry solids for the treatments with 50%
sucrose at 30  C and 65% sucrose at 60  C respect-
ively, considering a final equilibrium time of 75 min.
While, the final moisture contents in equilibrium for
5-mm slices were 7.2476 and 4.7454 g water/g dry sol-
ids obtained for the treatments of 35% sucrose at
30  C and 65% sucrose at 60  C respectively, consider-
ing the same final equilibrium time of 75 min.
Because of the better results obtained with the 1-mm Figure 4. Experimental drying kinetics by Refractance Window
slices, only these slices were dried by RW. of fresh beets at different temperatures.

Figure 5. Experimental drying kinetics with Refractance Window at 60 (a, b, and c) and 85  C (d, e, and f) of 1 mm thickness fresh
beet slices with and without osmotic dehydration pretreatment at different temperatures and sucrose concentrations.

drying time of 150% more than the time required at RW for drying carrot slices. Similarly, for the RW drying of
temperature of 85  C. The final moisture contents in tomato powder, Castoldi et al.[21] indicated that the infra-
equilibrium for 1-mm slices with RW drying were 1.0722 red radiation emitted by the hot water on the MylarTM
and 0.4074 g of water/g dry solids at 60 and 85  C film contributed to the increased evaporation of water in
respectively, considering a same final equilibrium time of this food. Nevertheless, Caparino et al.[22] obtained lower
40 min. This behavior could be due to the energy effi- drying times than those of this work when drying mango
ciency of the water used to heat the MylarTM film, which puree. This was attributed to the fact that beet has a
was between 85 and 98  C depending much on the type more solid and complex structure than the mango mash
of food to be dried, regardless of if the food is solid, (semiliquid product), and there was continuous RW dry-
semisolid or liquid. In addition, high heat and mass ing. However, the results obtained in this study demon-
transfer is observed in both thin film and thickness of the strated the ability of a batch RW dryer to dehydrate
sample employed.[7,19] In RW, the heat transfer occurs 1-mm beet slices in a relatively short time.
via infrared radiation through a window facing the wet
material. RW produces simultaneous water evaporation
Experimental kinetics of osmotic dehydration-
throughout the whole system; when the food dries, the
Refractance Window combined drying
infrared radiation window closes, and the heat transfer
then occurs via conduction by evaporating the remaining Figure 5 shows the RW experimental drying kinetics
water, resulting in shorter drying times.[20] This behavior at 60 and 85  C of 1 mm thick beet slices with and
was similar to that found by Hernandez-Santos et al.[3] without OD. It was observed that at the beginning of

Table 2. Color parameters of 1 and 5 mm thickness beet slices pretreated osmotically at different tem-
peratures and concentrations of sucrose.
Treatment 1 mm of thickness
L C h DE
Control 26.78 ± 1.24a 21.13 ± 1.82a,b,c 20.05 ± 0.82a 0.00 ± 0.00
T1 24.80 ± 1.05b,c 26.42 ± 3.70d 18.69 ± 1.57a,b,c 6.57 ± 3.92a,b,c
T2 23.96 ± 0.08c,d,e 24.04 ± 1.67b,c,d 18.80 ± 0.67a,b,c 4.96 ± 1.16a,b,c
T3 22.99 ± 0.44d,e,f 18.10 ± 0.64a,e 14.84 ± 0.44d,e,f 5.35 ± 1.72a,b,c
T4 25.52 ± 0.99a,b,c 24.81 ± 3.51b,c,d 18.67 ± 1.37a,b,c 4.10 ± 2.86a,b,c
T5 24.46 ± 0.72b,c,d 20.66 ± 2.14a,b 17.63 ± 1.54a,b,c 3.68 ± 2.30a,b
T6 25.45 ± 0.44a,b,c 22.66 ± 2.72b,c,d 16.06 ± 1.06c,d,e 2.80 ± 0.47a
T7 24.48 ± 0.80b,c,d 23.38 ± 2.43b,c,d 18.47 ± 1.38a,b,c 4.48 ± 1.61a,b,c
T8 25.70 ± 1.41a,b 25.13 ± 4.97b,c,d 19.46 ± 1.54b,c 4.54 ± 2.63a,b,c
T9 22.39 ± 0.60e,f,g 16.12 ± 1.13e,f 12.44 ± 1.71f 7.17 ± 1.01a,b,c
5 mm of thickness
Treatment L C h DE
Control 26.78 ± 1.24a 21.13 ± 1.82a,b,c 20.05 ± 0.82a 0.00 ± 0.00
T10 19.22 ± 0.96j,k 11.89 ± 0.06f,g,h,i 16.14 ± 1.07c,d,e 12.02 ± 1.59e,f
T11 20.04 ± 1.68h,i,j 14.78 ± 4.17e,f,g,h 16.66 ± 1.63b,c,d,e 9.39 ± 2.98d,e
T12 17.93 ± 1.19k 5.72 ± 2.16j 18.89 ± 5.50a,b,c 17.81 ± 2.84g
T13 19.70 ± 1.17i,j 11.46 ± 1.43g,h,i 16.45 ± 1.45b,c,d,e 12.07 ± 3.62e,f
T14 19.70 ± 0.43i,j 8.15 ± 2.11i,j 14.12 ± 2.21e,f 14.90 ± 3.86f,g
T15 21.58 ± 0.63f,g,h 14.48 ± 2.03e,f,g,h 17.85 ± 0.34a,b,c,d 8.59 ± 3.17c,d,e
T16 21.02 ± 1.89g,h,i 15.70 ± 1.07e,f,g 17.89 ± 1.05a,b,c,d 8.19 ± 1.31b,c,d,e
T17 20.08 ± 1.06h,i,j 11.25 ± 2.74h,i 17.53 ± 0.19a,b,c,d 11.99 ± 0.96e,f
T18 18.98 ± 1.07j,k 9.02 ± 4.12i,j 16.84 ± 2.53b,c,d,e 14.53 ± 6.02f,g
Note: The results are the average of three repetitions. Different letters in the same column indicate significant differ-
ence (p < 0.05).

the drying process, there was a rapid decrease in the consistent with what was reported by Kowalski and
moisture content for samples with and without OD, Łechtanska[24] during beet osmo-convective drying.
and this decline was caused by the high initial drying
speed, and the magnitude of this effect decreased as
Color changes with osmotic dehydration,
the moisture content of the samples decreased.[23] At
Refractance Window, and combined osmotic
high sucrose concentrations, the OD reduced the slice
dehydration-Refractance Window
moisture content, which consequently decreased the
RW drying time compared with the untreated samples The results of color parameters in beet slices with dif-
(without OD). The drying times required were 70, 60 ferent thicknesses and osmotically dehydrated at dif-
and 40 min for 35, 50 and 65% sucrose solutions with ferent sucrose concentrations and temperatures are
RW at 60  C, as shown in Figure 5(a–c), respectively. shown in Table 2. It was observed that increasing the
The lowest moisture content in equilibrium was concentration and temperature of the osmotic solution
0.0529 g of water/g dry solids for OD-RW combined decreased the L values, probably due to an increase
drying with OD treatment of 65% sucrose at 60  C in the concentration gradients of pigments darkened
and final temperature of RW at 60  C, considering a the product surface favored by WL. A similar trend
final equilibrium time of 40 min. Overall, the time was found by Almeida et al.,[25] who reported that L
decreased as the concentration of the solution and the decreased as the temperature of the osmotic solution
temperature used during the OD increased. Slices pre- increased, and this temperature change also promoted
treated with OD at 35, 50 and 65% sucrose and dried oxidation reactions of phenolic compounds, mainly
with RW at 85  C, presented in Figure 5(d–f), showed enzymatic oxidation resulting in banana darkening.
the same behavior. However, they presented shorter The best results were observed in 1-mm thick slices in
drying times of 40, 40 and 30 min, respectively. In the the T4, T6 and T8 treatments, and these results were
same way, the lowest equilibrium moisture content not significantly different from the control (p < 0.05).
was 0.0097 g of water/g dry solids for OD-RW com- This result was related to the greater SG in these sli-
bined drying with OD treatment of 65% sucrose at ces, possibly creating a protective effect on the pig-
60  C and final temperature of RW at 85  C, consider- ments in the beet. The results with the 5-mm slices
ing a final equilibrium time of 30 min. This was due were significantly different from that of the control
to the increased RW temperature (from 60 to 85  C) (p < 0.05) in all treatments. The C values showed a
causing rapid WL at the beginning of the drying slight increase in the 1-mm thick slices in all treat-
period, favoring this decrease in drying time, which is ments, but the differences were not significant

Table 3. Color parameters of 1 mm thickness beet slices osmotically dehydrated and dried with
Refractance WindowTM at 60 and 85  C.
RW 60  C
Treatment L C h DE
Control 26.78 ± 1.24a,b,c 21.13 ± 1.82a,b,c,d 20.05 ± 0.82a,b,c,d 0.00 ± 0.00
T1 25.50 ± 0.25i,j,k 11.14 ± 1.28m,n 19.11 ± 8.74a,b,c 10.27 ± 0.46f,g
T2 26.75 ± 0.22a,b 11.58 ± 2.10l,m,n 24.00 ± 6.57f,g,h 9.77 ± 2.88e,f,g
T3 25.53 ± 0.34h,i,j,k 11.05 ± 1.27m,n 22.86 ± 3.08d,e,f 10.28 ± 2.95f,g
T4 27.75 ± 0.58c,d,e 14.72 ± 3.35h,i,j,k 32.84 ± 9.66j 7.80 ± 5.38c,d,e,f,g
T5 27.59 ± 0.32b,c,d 15.28 ± 0.87h,i,j,k 23.41 ± 1.23e,f,g 6.10 ± 2.45a,b,c,d,
T6 33.58 ± 0.23g 22.19 ± 3.92b,c,d,e 15.27 ± 2.21a,b,k 8.25 ± 0.86d,e,f,g
T7 25.04 ± 0.58j,k,l,m 10.55 ± 0.55n 20.21 ± 3.63a,b,c 10.77 ± 2.41g
T8 27.23 ± 0.16a,b,c 16.74 ± 0.54g,h,i,j,k 21.79 ± 2.17c,d,e 4.65 ± 2.08a,b,c,d
T9 27.66 ± 0.46b,c,d 18.36 ± 3.00a,b,g,h,i 18.57 ± 3.61a,b,c 3.37 ± 2.40a,b
Without OD 26.73 ± 0.72a,b 16.21 ± 1.88h,i,j,k 16.82 ± 0.92a,b,c 5.19 ± 2.00a,b,c,d
RW 85  C
Treatment L C h DE
Control 26.78 ± 1.24a,b,c 21.13 ± 1.82a,b,c,d 20.05 ± 0.82a,b,c,d 0.00 ± 0.00
T1 25.69 ± 0.13h,i,j 14.46 ± 4.14i,j,k 20.91 ± 0.99b,c,d 6.86 ± 5.95a,b,c,d
T2 24.57 ± 0.29k,l,m,n 14.26 ± 2.16j,k,l,m,n 21.01 ± 1.47b,c,d,e 7.33 ± 2.36b,c,d,e
T3 25.69 ± 0.60h,i,j 11.05 ± 1.05m,n 27.96 ± 1.45i,j 10.41 ± 1.32f,g
T4 26.49 ± 0.48a,h 13.59 ± 3.76k,l,m 26.15 ± 6.54h,i 7.81 ± 3.20c,d,e
T5 26.26 ± 0.26a,h,i 15.39 ± 0.47h,i,j 24.54 ± 2.72g,h,i 6.08 ± 2.23a,b,c,d
T6 28.71 ± 0.62e,f 18.04 ± 2.36a,g,h 19.92 ± 3.77a,b,c,d 4.19 ± 1.03a,b,c,d
T7 28.32 ± 0.31d,e 18.61 ± 2.03a,b,g 24.39 ± 3.67f,g,h,i 4.54 ± 1.89a,b,c,d
T8 25.16 ± 0.38j,k,l,m 14.77 ± 0.11h,i,k 22.28 ± 1.56d,e,f,g 6.64 ± 1.95a,b,c,d
T9 26.76 ± 0.19a,b 16.62 ± 0.86h,i,j,k 21.63 ± 6.70c,d,e,f 5.10 ± 2.26a,b,c,d
Without OD 29.38 ± 0.49f 18.49 ± 0.78a,b,g,h 18.84 ± 2.34a,b,c,d 4.09 ± 0.36a,b,c,d
Note: The results are the average of three repetitions. Different letters in the same column indicate significant differ-
ence (p < 0.05).

(p < 0.05) except with treatments T1 and T9. This observed with increasing solution concentration, indi-
increase was probably due to the beet pigment con- cating a slight color lightening was produced by the
centration produced by the shorter OD time. impregnation of sugar due to the large amount of
However, in the 5-mm slices, the leaching of pigments crystals that precipitated on the slice surface. The
was higher with longer OD times, resulting in C val- treatments showed no significant difference (p < 0.05)
ues significantly lower than that of the control with respect to the control with RW at 60  C, except
(p < 0.05) for all the treatments. Regarding h , the val- for treatments T1, T3, T6, and T7. However, with RW
ues of this parameter decreased in all the treatments at 85  C, most treatments provided significantly differ-
for both thicknesses. The violet color was maintained ent results than those with the control. Samples with-
in the samples. The best results were obtained in the out OD did not show significant differences (p < 0.05)
1-mm thick slices, and the results were not signifi- relative to the control after drying with RW at 60  C.
cantly different from the control (p < 0.05) in the However, the samples dried with RW at 85  C without
treatments with the osmotic solution at lower temper- OD showed the opposite effect. On the other hand,
atures. The 5-mm slices had lower values of h com- C decreased during OD-RW combined drying, sug-
pared to those of the 1-mm slices, indicating more gesting that the pigment concentration was influenced
pronounced darkening as the sucrose concentration by the elimination of the free water in the beet slice
increased. In L, C and ho, this is attributed to the combined with the Maillard reaction, resulting in a
fact that because the samples are smaller, the contact lower saturation. These results were similar to those
area with the osmotic solution is substantially reported by Stojanovic and Silva.[28] Regarding h ,
greater,[26] which leads to shorter exposure times with most OD-RW combined treatments involving drying
the osmotic solution and less leaching of the pigments at 60 and 85  C did not cause significantly different
contributing to the smaller losses in tone and lumi- results (p < 0.05) relative to the control, and the sam-
nosity.[27] Finally, the DE values with respect to the ples showed a violet tone. For the samples not sub-
control indicated that the 1-mm thick samples were jected to OD, there was no significant difference
lower at almost half the value compared with the val- (p < 0.05) with different RW temperatures. The
ues of the 5 mm thickness. Table 3 shows the color increase in temperature decreased this value only with
results of the 1-mm thick slices without OD and with sucrose concentrations of 50 and 60%. Despite the
OD-RW combined drying at 60 and 85  C. During the variations in L, C and h , due to the inhomogen-
OD-RW combined drying, an increase in L was eous structure of beet, the DE values indicated that

the best results were obtained with OD-RW combined

drying at high concentrations of sucrose, where treat-
ments T8 and T9 at 60  C and T6 and T7 at 85  C of
RW presented the lowest DE values. This was attrib-
uted to the presence of sugar on the sample surface
following OD preventing oxygen transfer, reducing
enzymatic darkening.[29] Regarding beet not subjected
to OD, the DE value from the sample dried at 85  C
with RW was lower than those obtained from the
OD-RW combined drying treatments. This was attrib-
uted to the RW operation mode evaporating the water
quickly, avoiding pigment degradation due to over-
heating, which was reported by Caparino et al.,[22]
who concluded that RW produced mango powder
with a high quality comparable to that obtained by

Texture changes with osmotic dehydration,

Refractance Window, and combined osmotic
dehydration-Refractance Window
The texture results based on puncture strength (PS) in
different thicknesses of beet slices following OD at
different concentrations of sucrose and temperatures
are shown in Figure 6(a). It was observed that PS after
the OD under all the treatment conditions decreased Figure 6. Results of puncture strength (PS) of beet slices: (a)
osmotically dehydrated at different concentrations, tempera-
significantly (p < 0.05) with respect to the control for tures and thicknesses and (b) 1 mm osmotically dehydrated sli-
both thicknesses. This was due to the WL in the slices ces and dried with Refractance Window at 60 and 85  C.
because when fresh vegetables are submitted to OD,
the cell walls become distorted, presenting cytoplasmic
swelling due to the turgor loss.[30] On the other hand, underwent OD-RW combined drying at 85  C had a
the lower SG was also a key factor since they pro- more compact structure and showed an increase in PS
duced low PS values, presenting decreases of 46.77 probably due to the increase in the drying tempera-
and 70.03% in the 1- and 5-mm slices, respectively, ture with RW as well as the higher WL during OD.
on average. The lowest PS values were observed in The amount of solid and high-speed moisture loss at
1-mm thick slices subjected OD, and no significant the beginning of the drying period contributed to the
differences were observed among them (p < 0.05). crystallization, resulting in lower porosity and greater
However, the lowest PS values in the 5-mm thick rigidity in the structure of the beet samples. It was
slices subjected to OD were at 65% sucrose at all tem- observed in the OD-RW combined drying at 85  C
peratures. Figure 6(b) shows the PS results for the that as the temperature of the OD increased at any of
1-mm thick beet slices without OD and with OD-RW the tested sucrose concentrations, the PS decreased.
combined drying at different concentrations of Therefore, the best OD-RW treatment was at 85  C
sucrose and temperature and dried with RW at 60 with the highest concentration of sucrose (65%) and
and 85  C. The slices subjected to OD-RW combined temperature (60  C) with OD. For the samples not
drying at 60  C did not show a significant difference subjected to OD that were dried only with RW at 60
(p < 0.05) relative to the control regardless of the and 85  C, it was observed that at 60  C, there was no
sucrose concentration and the temperature used. The significant difference (p < 0.05) with respect to the
above due was attributed to the tissue shrinkage control. However, an increase in the PS was observed
caused by the reduction in the internal stress and due to the increase in RW temperature at 85  C,
destroyed cell walls, creating cavities and resulting in which is consistent with the results found by
a general loss of tissue structure and reducing the Rodrıgues et al.[32] in the drying of osmotically dehy-
resistance to rupture.[31] However, the slices that drated plums.

Figure 7. Results of the total polyphenols content (TPC), total flavonoids content (TFC), and antioxidant capacity (AC): a, b, and c
with osmotic dehydration in 1 and 5 mm slices and d, e, and f with osmotic dehydration-Refractance Window (OD-RW) combined
drying in 1 mm slices.

Total polyphenol content, total flavonoid content, of the bioactive compounds into the osmotic solution
and antioxidant capacity with osmotic caused by the larger contact surface area. At both
dehydration, Refractance Window, and combined thicknesses, the TPC and TFC values decreased as the
osmotic dehydration-Refractance Window OD temperature increased under all sucrose concen-
trations, and all sets of treatment conditions resulted
The TPC, TFC, and AC in beet slices of different
in significantly different (p < 0.05) values for the two
thicknesses osmotically dehydrated with sucrose at dif-
thickness employed. AC is attributed to the retention
ferent concentrations and temperatures are shown in
of TPC and TFC during the OD, and the % inhibition
Figure 7(a–c). After OD, the TPC and TFC of all
of fresh beet was 75.36%. After OD, the best treat-
treatments were significantly different from those of
ment in terms of AC was those using a temperature
the control (p < 0.05) under all operation conditions
of 30  C in all sucrose concentrations for the 5-mm
used. The TPC and TFC after OD were lower in thin
slices, in which there were no significant differences
slices than in thick slices, perhaps due to the leaching

with the control (p < 0.05). The decreases in TPC, TPC, TFC, and AC. Rodrıguez et al.[32] reported that
TFC, and AC were attributed to the increase in the plums osmotically dehydrated with glucose and sorb-
temperature, which favored cell collapse, reducing itol, and dried with hot air at 70 and 80  C showed
membrane permeability and selectivity, and favoring higher phenol and flavonoid content than those
the leaching of these compounds into the osmotic obtained in fresh samples, which was reflected in a
solution.[33] In addition, Bchir et al.[34] reported a high antioxidant capacity. They attributed this
decrease in polyphenols and anthocyanins in pom- increase to the fact that polyphenols at an intermedi-
egranate seeds after OD, reducing the AC. The 5-mm ate stage of oxidation have greater antioxidant power
thick slices showed the best results for TPC, TFC, and and that high-temperature processes can lead to the
AC. This may have been because during OD, the cells formation of new compounds with greater antioxidant
of the thicker slices were less altered; therefore, less activity. This is essentially the case of the Maillard
pigment, including the antioxidant compounds, reaction, whose derivative products are formed by
leached from the center of the slice into the osmotic stronger antioxidants such as hydroxymethylfurfu-
solution. Some authors have established that the ral,[36] which can be formed during prolonged heat
impact of OD on the chemical properties of the final treatments. In addition, heating weakens cell walls
product depends on the proportion of cells altered facilitating the extraction of antioxidant com-
and non-altered cells during the OD.[35] In agreement pounds,[37] especially free polyphenolic compounds
with Lech et al.,[2] the bioactive potential of beet slices since many antioxidant compounds in plant materials
subjected to OD can be affected by the distribution of
are covalently bonded with insoluble polymers.
temperature within the samples of different shapes
Therefore, it is suggested that heat treatment may
and volumes, indicating that the retention of TPC,
alter the cell wall and release antioxidant compounds,
TFC, and AC could depend on the sample shape and
which, in turn, increases the set of bioaccessible anti-
the solution temperature. Figure 7(d–f) shows the
oxidant compounds.[38] The samples with the best val-
TPC, TFC and AC results of 1-mm thick beet slices
ues of AC without OD treatment were those dried by
without OD and with OD-RW combined drying at 60
RW at 60  C. This was attributed to the fact that the
and 85  C. In the OD-RW combined drying, the TPC,
low temperature prevented the degradation of antioxi-
TFC and AC values decreased as the OD temperature
dant compounds and that the MylarTM film allowed
increased for all sucrose concentrations. Lower values
the rapid transfer of heat, causing the release of phen-
of these chemical properties were obtained with OD
(Figure 7(a–c) than with OD-RW combined drying. olic compounds linked to the cellular matrix. Kaspar
These values were increased when RW was applied, et al.[39] mentioned that RW drying was the most
reaching values above those of the control with most cost-effective processing for maximizing the retention
of the treatments. OD-RW combined drying treat- of bioactive compounds in potatoes.
ments at 60  C resulted in significantly (p < 0.05)
higher TPC and TFC values than those obtained at Conclusions
85  C, except in the TPC following treatment with
50% sucrose at 60  C with OD. The best treatments in Increasing the sucrose concentration and the tempera-
terms of TPC and TFC with OD-RW combined dry- ture favored WL and SG during OD in beet samples
ing at 60 and 85  C were with 35% sucrose at 30  C of both thicknesses. A decrease in the slice thickness
with OD. These OD-RW combined treatments pro- improved the WL and SG, allowing equilibrium to be
vided TPC and TFC values that are significantly dif- reached in less time. OD partially reduced the water
ferent from those obtained when RW at 60 and 85  C content of the beet slices. A shorter drying time was
was applied without OD. Finally, the AC was mostly required at the highest temperature with RW drying.
increased in the combined OD-RW drying at both However, qualities such as color, texture, total content
temperatures of RW (60 and 85  C), with % inhibi- of polyphenols and flavonoids, and antioxidant cap-
tions higher than that of the control. The best acity in beet were better retained with combined OD-
OD-RW treatments were obtained at all sucrose con- RW drying at 60  C employing OD conditions of 65%
centrations at 30 and 45  C. The AC values obtained sucrose at 45  C. These conditions afforded a stable
following OD-RW combined drying were significantly product that retained its physical and chemical prop-
higher (p < 0.05) than the best values obtained follow- erties. However, despite retaining with the OD-RW
ing drying by RW at 60 and 85  C without OD. combined drying the total content of polyphenols and
According to the above, OD favored the retention of flavonoids is recommend studying the effect of

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