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Tropical Animal Health and Production (2019) 51:1295–1305


Tropical milk production systems and milk quality: a review

E. J. Ramírez-Rivera 1 & J. Rodríguez-Miranda 2 & I. R. Huerta-Mora 3 & A. Cárdenas-Cágal 3 & J. M. Juárez-Barrientos 4

Received: 31 January 2019 / Accepted: 8 May 2019 / Published online: 27 May 2019
# Springer Nature B.V. 2019

We reviewed information on dairy cattle production systems in the tropics, the factors involved, and their influence on milk
composition. Genetic factors had greater influence on milk production; specialized breeds produced more milk, and there was an
inverse relation between the content of fat, protein, total solids, and the amount of milk produced. Season was related to the
availability of forage, and the type of grazing system. Greater pasture area increased individual production, while a greater supply
of feed concentrate did not increase milk production. The number of calvings positively affected milk production through the fifth
calving, with subsequent declines in production. Milk production increased to a maximum and then declined as lactation
progressed. Specialized systems had higher production and better hygienic milk quality; milking and container equipment are
critical for maintaining milk sanitary quality. Factor interaction is highly complex, preventing the generation of specific recom-
mendations and general principles applicable to the specific conditions for each system.

Keywords Feeding . Genetic factors . Milk production and composition . Physiological factors . Zootechnical factors

Introduction in tropical countries, is converted into milk, considered the

most nutritious food known to man. Milk production systems
Ruminant livestock is the main component of agricultural (MPS) are described a group of cows managed in ways that
production systems in tropical countries. The objectives of exploit plant communities using arrays of decisions and ac-
production systems (PS) determine the way in which pro- tions in the selection, breeding, feeding, hygiene, and health of
ducers organize the productive process, which depends on the animals. The systems operate in a physical-biotic and so-
herd size, available resources, and producer socioeconomic cial environment controlled by the producer using techniques
conditions (Vilaboa et al. 2009a). Milk production in tropical and tools with the aim of producing milk for human consump-
climates is a biologically efficient option because large tion (Dufumier 1985; Vilaboa et al. 2009a). Tropical MPS are
amounts of cellulose fiber, which is the most abundant feed characterized by having high complexity and environmental
influence (Navarro 2001), with relevant production manage-
ment and other social and cultural aspects contributing to the
adoption of new technologies in pursuit of improving produc-
* J. M. Juárez-Barrientos tion efficiency (Bedotti et al. 2005; Stup et al. 2006; Moore
and Payne 2007). Milk production takes place under hetero-
Tecnológico Nacional de México, Instituto Tecnológico Superior de geneous technological and socioeconomic conditions (Peralta
Zongolica, Km 4 Carretera a la Compañía S/N, Tepetitlanapa, and Lastra 1999), where the management characteristics in
Zongolica, C.P. 95005 Veracruz, Mexico each region are influenced by agroecological conditions, idi-
Tecnológico Nacional de México, Instituto Tecnológico de Tuxtepec, osyncrasies, traditions, and customs of the producers
Av. Dr. Víctor Bravo Ahuja S/N., Col. 5 de mayo, Tuxtepec, C.P. (SAGARPA 2004). Due to the heterogeneity among MPS,
68350 Oaxaca, Mexico the amount and composition of milk varies significantly due
Tecnológico Nacional de México, Depto. Posgrado e Investigación, to genetics, physiology, animal management practices, and the
Ingeniería de Procesos Biotecnológicos y Alimentarios, Instituto environment (Alaís 2001). There is diverse information relat-
Tecnológico Superior de Tierra Blanca, Av. Veracruz Esq. Héroes de
Puebla, Col Pemex, Tierra Blanca, Veracruz, Mexico ed to the practices and characteristics of MPS and the physi-
4 cochemical and nutritional properties of milk; however, this
Universidad del Papaloapan Campus Loma Bonita, DES Ciencias
Agropecuarias, Av. Ferrocarril S/N, Cd. Universitaria, Loma Bonita, information is scattered. Therefore, the objective of this re-
C.P. 68400 Oaxaca, Mexico view was to synthesize the scientific evidence that would lead
1296 Trop Anim Health Prod (2019) 51:1295–1305

to the identification of consistent patterns between the specific et al. 2000; Lara et al. 2003; Pérez et al. 2003; Trueta 2003)
MPS factors considered in different studies. use a classification based on the levels of production and spe-
cialization highlighting the specialized and dual-purpose sys-
tems, which are described below.
Milk production systems classification
Specialized milk production systems
The MPS are part of the different production systems that
make up the livestock production system. The tropical live- These systems are differentiated based on the husbandry prac-
stock production systems participate with about 1300 million tice and distribution of pasture that varies with the rainfall,
units of production, of which 75% are located in developing season, or cultivated crop (Madut et al. 2009). Its operations
countries that provide 26% of milk supply. In contrast, 25% of focus primarily on the use of specialized dairy breeds such as
the remaining production units are located in tropical devel- the Holstein and crosses with local breeds (Sraïri et al. 2009)
oped countries and contribute 74% of the total milk produced and American-Swiss-Brown and Jersey (Cervantes et al.
worldwide (Otte and Chilonda 2003). These data showed that 2008). The operations are carried out with capital-intensive
even within tropical MPS, the technological, agroecological, with an expensive infrastructure (Villegas 2003) and making
and socioeconomic conditions are heterogeneous, for this rea- use of advanced technology and development strategies on
son and to improve their living conditions and increase their genetics, infrastructure, and feeding aspects focused exclu-
quality of life, producers may be interested in using the same sively on milk production (Funes-Monzote et al. 2009). It
techniques or adopt other (Dufumier 1990). Because of this, has a high degree of integration from balanced food supply
the technologically advanced systems and specialized MPS to commercial marketing, because they are supply branches
can coexist with numerous family production units (usually for large commercial dairy businesses. Milk production under
subsistence), causing a high level of technological unevenness this system requires a lot energy inputs to ensure the quantity
(SAGARPA 2010). There is no single universal classification and quality of milk and maintain the physical condition of the
for tropical MPS, since the authors consider several factors cows (Cervantes et al. 2001). The major components contrib-
such as land, livestock, climatic zones, and population uting to the energy inputs are fertilizers and pesticides, molas-
density. In this regard, Leeuw et al. (1999) described seven ses, and by-products from the agricultural industry, concen-
milk production systems in the tropics. Two systems in Sub- trate, fuel, and human labor (Funes-Monzote et al. 2009).
Saharan Africa (arid/semi-arid and subhimid/humid), three in Such energy inputs guarantee that production levels remain
Asia (pasture-based, rainfed, and irrigated crop livestock), and relatively constant throughout the year, that in conjunction
two for Central and South America (pasture-based and crop with the use of technology such as milking machines, process-
livestock). On the other hand, Ruiz (1997) proposed a classi- ing equipment and agricultural machinery minimize the influ-
fication of four groups, considering the link between the en- ence from climatic factors, reducing seasonal production
vironment and animal production. The first group is that of peaks (Cervantes et al. 2001).
pastures of humid and subhumid tropical and subtropical re-
gions with exclusively cattle activity. In this system, there is a Dual-purpose system
high dependence between the availability of pasture and the
milk production level, besides a high incidence of parasitic This system is characterized by small to medium-sized
diseases of the cattle and little access to the market. The sec- units of land distributed among natural grasslands, culti-
ond system is the agricultural-livestock mix of rainfed in high vated pastures, and agricultural crops (Vilaboa et al.
altitude tropical areas, which presents a vulnerable environ- 2009a). Zebu breeds are used (Villegas 2003) as are their
ment with contaminated water presence and there is little crosses with Holstein, American Brown Swiss, and
knowledge regarding the use of crops and agricultural by- Simmental (Cervantes et al. 2008) Bos taurus × Bos
products. The third system is the mixed agricultural- indicus (Magaña et al. 2006), although recent studies in
livestock of rainfed in humid and subhumid tropical areas, in the Mexican tropics have documented that the most com-
which the level of milk production is seasonal as it depends mon cross is American Brown Swiss × Zebu (Vilaboa
heavily on the time of year, which determines the availability et al. 2009a, b; Noyola et al. 2011). This system focuses
of food, in addition to existing competition for capital and on the milk production and calves at weaning and animal
labor between livestock and crops. The fourth system is the waste for obtaining meat; actions taken to reduce stocking
mixed agricultural-livestock of rainfed in arid and semi-arid rates especially during the dry season (Carrillo et al. 2002;
tropical areas. This is susceptible to deforestation and presents Briñez et al. 2003; Magaña et al. 2006) but the producer
few opportunities to intensify production because there is no decides to direct his production towards milk or meat
well-defined productive purpose, so it has little knowledge according to market conditions (Juárez-Barrientos et al.
about the use of trees and shrubs. Other authors (Espinosa 2015). Seasonally milking only a proportion of the cows
Trop Anim Health Prod (2019) 51:1295–1305 1297

having recently given birth has shown a higher milking Milk yield, quality, and factors that affect
ability (Cervantes et al. 2001), generally keeping the them
young with the mother until weaning (Cortés et al.
2003). Small producers that manage the bovine compo- Milk yield is the amount of milk produced in a given period,
nent associated with other farming systems as a strategy while milk quality considers two components, the chemical
to minimize risks mainly characterize this system (Ruiz component and hygienic component. The chemical quality of
1997). Family labor and the use of natural resources is a raw milk is defined primarily based on the fat and protein
key component in managing this system with low produc- content, which are key to determining the potential use of milk
tion costs (Albarrán-Portillo et al. 2015). The diet of dairy in the industry. The hygienic quality is based on pollution
cattle is based on extensive grazing of native grasses levels and distribution of specific microorganisms, which di-
(Ruiz et al. 2004), and it is the supplementation in dry rectly affects the shelf life of the product and consumer accep-
season that represents the largest expense for milk produc- tance (Sraïri et al. 2009). Milk yield and milk quality on MPS
tion (Albarrán-Portillo et al. 2015). There are large pro- covers factors diverse and their interactions in a complex
duction peaks during the rainy season (Peralta and Lastra system and dynamic that is important to analyze because the
1999), but in some lowland areas production declines due quality of milk determines its price. Magariños (2000) classi-
to the difficulties in managing and milking of cattle in fied these factors as genetic, environmental, and
grazing areas prone to flooding (SAGARPA 2004). Even physiological. Alaís (2001) consider factors such as food
with low productivity, this system has a high number of and climate to be different and include various zootechnical
cows (Villegas 2003); most cattle farms in Latin America factors such as milking and handling. In this review, we ana-
can be categorized as being of this type (Holmann et al. lyzed genetic, nutritional and environmental, physiological,
2001). and diverse zootechnical factors.
This classification describes the specialization of the
system; however, these can vary in terms of the intensity
of the management, which can be extensive, semi-inten- Genetic factors
sive, or intensive. In systems with extensive management,
livestock are maintained in transhumance for the use of The selection between breeds or crossbreeding is a specific
natural pastures and trees after grazing, complementing procedure in which the breed or the cross between breeds for a
their feeding with fodder sorghum and soy straw only in proposed objective is chosen. The selection within a breed in
dry seasons. In intensive management systems, livestock the MPS focuses on selecting the high yielding breeds
remain in confinement, using in addition to natural grass (Thornton 2010) which has resulted in the domination of pure
and sorghum, protein concentrates, which implies higher Holstein cows, but the superiority in yield might be
production costs (Albarrán-Portillo et al. 2015). The inten- questioned when reproductive indices are considered (El-
sification in the MPS results in a higher level of produc- Tarabany et al. 2018). On the other hand, dairy breeds are
tion, but cannot be adopted by most small producers. It is typical of temperate climates, so that in tropical MPS it is more
also necessary to take into account that its management viable the crossbreeding between dairy breeds with local
must be scrupulous since it is related to the appearance cows, which results in animals adapted to the resources and
and spread of animal diseases, including zoonotic patho- environmental conditions of the tropics, since it exploits the
gens, in addition to the use of specialized breeds contrib- complementarity of breeds (Thornton 2010; Sengar et al.
utes to the loss of genetic diversity of livestock (Robinson 2018). Besides, the crossbreeding may mitigate the fertility
et al. 2011). Undoubtedly, the intensity level management and longevity problems that can occur because of selection
is a critical factor affecting the overall productivity of MPS practice in dairy breeds (El-Tarabany et al. 2018).
(Mezgebe et al. 2018); however, the producer decides what The Holstein breed provided a higher total yield (up to
level of intensity to adopt, seeking to increase their profits, 9000 kg in 305 days and 31.6 kg per day) when compared
and within the limitations of available resources on the with other pure breeds such as Jersey (5317 kg of total yield)
farm. This decision is directly related to sociological as- and Brown Swiss (7700 kg in 305 days and 25.1 kg per day)
pects of the producer, the information it has, and the level (White et al. 2002; Echeverri et al. 2011; El-Tarabany et al.
of technology that is able to adopt (Solano et al. 2000). 2018). This high yield generally is accompanied by an inverse
Regardless of the production system and management, pattern of variation between production and the content of fat,
MPS are an efficient alternative to take advantage of available protein, and total solids (Washburn et al. 2002; White et al.
biomass and transform it into available protein for human 2002; Delaby et al. 2009; Ponce 2009; Echeverri et al. 2011;
consumption (Derner et al. 2017); however, it is necessary to Hernández et al. 2011; El-Tarabany et al. 2018). Some authors
analyze the main factors involved in the MPS to maintain a explain this behavior as a dilution effect of the solids by in-
balance between yield and quality of milk obtained. creasing production (Briñez et al. 2003; Briñez et al. 2008;
1298 Trop Anim Health Prod (2019) 51:1295–1305

Sraïri et al. 2009). Table 1 presents the percentages of fat, cattle in the tropic, and there is a consensus on the potential for
protein, and total solids for the Holstein, American Brown obtaining varying levels of milk production efficiently and
Swiss, and Jersey breeds. stably from an economic perspective (López and Vaccaro
The content of fat, protein, and total solids in milk from 2002; Briñez et al. 2008; Salamanca and Bentez 2012).
Holstein cows is usually less than to milk from American Most often, Holstein crossbred cows have a higher production
Brown Swiss and Jersey cows. In addition, Holstein breed in than Zebu cows when mated with Jersey or American Brown
tropical conditions has a high susceptibility to abnormal milk Swiss (Aranguren et al. 1994; Isea 1994; Acosta et al. 1998;
secretion, which is reflected in high somatic cell counts (great- Ponce 2009; Echeverri et al. 2011). Other studies have indi-
er than 100,000 cells/mL), which leads to an increase in bo- cated higher production in American Brown Swiss compared
vine serum albumin (BSA) that goes from blood to milk to Holstein (Chirinos et al. 1995; Briñez et al. 2003; Briñez
(Litwińczuk et al. 2011). Milk from Holstein cows has a low et al. 2008), which is attributed to the difficulty of Holstein
fat content which can be increased by crossing with the Jersey cows adapting to tropical conditions (Aguilar et al. 2000;
breed (Sánchez et al. 1996) to obtain a significantly higher Holmann et al. 2003; Pérez and Gómez 2005; Campos et al.
milk fat content (Holstein-Jersey F1: 3.3, pure Holstein: 2007). The differences in the results are genetic since the
2.9%). The American Brown Swiss breed is intermediate for productive performance of each breed or cross (phenotype)
milk production, with a higher content of fat, protein, and total is the result of the combination and interaction between genet-
solids than Holstein. However, El-Tarabany et al. (2018) re- ic capacity (genotype) and environmental opportunity, the
ported that there were no significant differences in fat genotype-environment interaction (Ochoa 1991). However,
(Holstein-Brown Swiss F1 3.59%, pure Holstein 3.44%), pro- the trend over the years is to continue the advances in the
tein (Holstein-Brown Swiss F1 3.63%, pure Holstein 3.66%), genetic field, perfecting techniques such as artificial insemi-
and total solids (Holstein-Brown Swiss F1 12.9%, pure nation to raise livestock with superior genetic traits, crossing
Holstein 12.8%) content. The Jersey breed is characterized to achieve heterosis, and currently using DNA technology and
by its superior fertility, calving ease, and longevity (Bailey RNA for the selection of desirable genetic characteristics
et al. 2005; VanRaden et al. 2007; Heins et al. 2008; (Derner et al. 2017).
Echeverri et al. 2011); however, it has a lower calf survival
rate and increased susceptibility to mastitis (Caraviello et al.
2005; Echeverri et al. 2011). Nutritional and environmental factors
These Bos taurus breeds comprise the tropical MPS, but
they have problems adapting to conditions associated with Livestock nutrition in tropical MPS is one of the main chal-
tropical climates, primarily the low dry matter intake, low lenges faced by the producer (Edson et al. 2018) due to the
quality of forage, and reduced consumption due to heat stress dependence on pasture consumption, whose performance is
(Aguilar et al. 2000; Holmann et al. 2003; Pérez and Gómez directly related to environmental factors such as temperature
2005; Campos et al. 2007). Bos indicus, generally exploited in and rainfall. These two factors determine the main problems
tropical Latin America, have low milk production, but are facing tropical MPS. The dry season which extends up to
better adapted to agroecological conditions, since it shows a 6 months causes a decrease in pastures in terms of quantity
genetic adaptation that allows it to have good respiration rates and quality, since they usually have a low content of crude
and rectal temperature lower than B. taurus when exposed to protein (< 80 g ∙ Kg−1), low apparent and high digestibility
similar thermal stress conditions (Kumar et al. 2016). Thus, a coefficient neutral fiber detergent content (Reyes et al. 2006).
viable alternative for genetic improvement has been to cross This causes nutritional stress in cattle due to an energy and
the breeds (Aguilar et al. 2000; Vite et al. 2007; Echeverri protein deficit (Madzimure et al. 2011; Mwendia et al. 2018);
et al. 2011; dos Santos et al. 2018). Genetic improvement in therefore, some animal body reserve proteins must be mobi-
the tropics takes place by crossing high-productive animals lized to support the synthesis of milk components (Reyes et al.
from temperate environments with animals adapted to tropical 2006). This causes a decrease in milk production that limits
conditions (Córdova et al. 2005; Camargo et al. 2007). the productive potential and avoids the total exploitation of the
According to Sengar et al. (2018), the adaptation of the capacity of livestock even of improved breeds (Mwendia et al.
B. taurus × B. indicus crosses manifests as a defense system 2018).
(antioxidant enzyme activity) in terms of preventing cell pro- This seasonal nutritional deficit is usually mitigated by
liferation and maintenance of cellular homeostasis and is ge- supplementation with commercial protein concentrates
netically expressed by the MicroRNA bta miRNA-103-2. (Cervantes et al. 2001; García et al. 2001; Reyes et al.
Similarly, Kumar et al. (2016) detected a point mutation in 2006). This practice increases production costs, and is not
g.1209A > G locus associated with the physiological parame- profitable primarily for small producers (Mendieta-Araica
ters that give B. indicus greater thermos-tolerance. The et al. 2011; Edson et al. 2018); however, some studies have
B. taurus × B. indicus breeds are the most popular for dairy shown their efficiency to prevent seasonal variation in milk
Trop Anim Health Prod (2019) 51:1295–1305 1299

Table 1 Percentage composition

of milk specialized breeds Fat Protein Total solids Reference


3.70 N/I 5.9 3.20 N/I 3.5 12.4 N/I 14.1 Johan 1990
3.60 4.00 4.7 3.10 3.5 3.7 N/I N/I N/I Van Tassell 1999
3.40 4.00 5.3 3.30 3.6 3.9 12.2 12.4 14.9 Magariños 2000
3.40 4.00 5.4 3.30 3.6 4.0 12.2 12.4 15.0 De los Reyes et al. 2010
3.44 4.01 N/I 3.66 3.79 N/I 12.8 13.7 N/I El-Tarabany et al. 2018

H Holstein, SB Swiss Brown, J Jersey, N/I no information regarding the classification

production since they provide sufficient additional nutrients to low crude protein content, which is complemented by the high
avoid nutritional stress (Vite et al. 2007) thereby increasing protein content of legumes. The combined use of Z. mays
production in dairy cows grazing tropical systems up to silage with legumes resulted in a higher milk yield as well as
1.4 kg·day−1 (Sheen and Riesco 2002). In this regard, it is a higher content of proteins and non-fat solids in the milk.
important to determine the amount of concentrate that is sup- Reiber et al. (2013) established that the use of silage has been
plied, in order to maintain a positive balance in production adopted by some producers as a strategy that increases milk
costs, since it has been established that the use of concentrates production and improves the body condition and fertility of
at high levels does not always reflect increased potential for livestock; however, costs represent up to 66% of income over
milk production because of the effect of heat stress on dry feed costs. dos Santos et al. (2018) evaluated the effect of a
matter intake (Aguilar et al. 2000). high-energy diet and a low-energy diet on milk yield and
Due to the high productive costs represented by the use of composition. In this study, it was established that a high-
commercial concentrates, several investigations have been energy diet leads to a higher milk production, attributed in this
carried out focused on the development of alternative feeding case to the high-energy diet that provided a higher content of
strategies for dairy cattle, taking advantage of the crops of the ruminal propionate, derived from a high concentration of non-
tropics to sustain the milk yield without affecting the compo- fibrous carbohydrates in the diet. However, the increase in
sition of milk in times of scarcity of fodder. Table 2 summa- milk production was reflected in a dilution of milk solids, such
rizes the results of some studies carried out between 2006 and as fat, protein, and non-fat solids. Mwendia et al. (2018) re-
2018. Reyes et al. (2006) proposed supplementing the feeding placed the use of grass P. purpureum and maize stovers for
of dairy cows based on the grazing of Brachiaria brizantha forages of Avena sativa and Vicia villosa in cows fed with 3 h
with the use of fodder trees such as Moringa oleifera as an of free grazing and supplemented with dairy meal and min-
alternative to increase the amount and quality of food in the erals. Through the intervention carried out, they increased the
dry season. Complementing grazing with M. oleifera signifi- milk production by 20% with a tendency in the increase of the
cantly increased milk yield by up to 63% (without significant solids content in the milk.
differences when supplemented with 2 or 3 kg daily) com- During the rainy season, there is an increase in the quantity
pared to cows fed only on grazing, without significantly af- of forage available for cattle and a decrease in fat content,
fecting the milk composition. Mendieta-Araica et al. (2011) despite the more abundant forage, which has high moisture
replaced Pennisetum purpureum-based feed and commercial and low fiber content (Sánchez et al. 1996). Besides the abun-
protein concentrate with the use of fresh and ensiled dance of forage, temperatures near 18 °C and moderate winds
M. oleifera in Brown Swiss cows in their second or third during the rainy season improve metabolism, body growth,
lactation in their fourth week of lactation. Dairy yield was and milk production, which generally increase the values of
similar for cows fed P. purpureum grass and cows fed fresh cryoscopy (Vite et al. 2007; Briñez et al. 2008). Milk quality
or ensiled M. oleifera. Although M. oleifera has a higher can be affected negatively during this season, since the mud
protein content than grasses, this did not translate into a produced by rain dirties the udder during milking, worsening
higher milk production or a higher protein content, since the conditions and causing further acidification from the microbi-
excess nitrogen is excreted in the urine and the protein content al fermentation of lactose, and thus a decline in pH (Sánchez
of the feeding does not correlate with the protein content of et al. 1996; Briñez et al. 2008). However, during the dry sea-
milk. Edson et al. (2018) evaluated the effect of feeding Zea son, high temperatures facilitate bacterial growth, a decline in
mays and silage of Z. mays mixed with forage legumes on pH, and an increase in titratable acidity (Álvarez et al. 2012).
milk production and its quality in hybrid Holstein-Friesian The above are just some examples of feeding strategies,
and Jersey cows in the second trimester of pregnancy. The since each strategy must be adapted to the particular condi-
results showed that Z. mays silage are rich in energy, but with tions of each system and according to the resources and raw
1300 Trop Anim Health Prod (2019) 51:1295–1305

Table 2 Different feeding

strategies for dairy cows and their Feeding strategy Yield (kg∙day−1) Fat % Protein % SNF %
effect on milk yield and
composition Pennisetum purpureum, dairy meal supplement, and 6.90 2.30 1.89 5.56
minerals. Free grazing 3 h per daya
Avena sativa, Vicia villosa, dairy meal supplement, 8.30 2.72 2.20 6.48
and minerals. Free grazing 3 h per daya
Zea mays silageb 11.3 3.20 2.90 8.03
Zea mays-Vigna unguiculata silage (70:30)b 20.7 3.45 3.20 8.43
Zea mays-Lablab purpureus silage (70:30)b 18.6 3.50 3.03 8.36
Zea mays-Mucuna pruriens silage (70:30)b 19.43 3.49 3.20 8.30
Zea mays and dairy meal with 16% of crude proteinb 24.3 3.45 3.26 8.57
High energy diet (HED)c 19.5 4.25 3.09 4.65
Low energy diet (LED)c 21.2 3.80 2.83 4.53
Pennisetum purpureum and protein concentrated 13.9 3.49 3.45 8.71
Fresh Moringa oleiferad 13.6 3.53 3.46 8.77
Moringa oleifera silaged 13.7 3.51 3.42 8.79
Brachiaria brizantha haye 3.10 4.18 3.38 9.03
Brachiaria brizantha + 2 Kg of Moringa oleiferae 4.91 3.98 3.35 9.14
Brachiaria brizantha + 3 Kg of Moringa oleiferae 5.07 3.87 3.46 9.19

SNF solids not fat; HED based on Zea mays silage, Glycine max meal, ground Zea mays, and urea with net
energy = 8.1 MJ/Kg; LED based on Zea mays silage, Glycine max meal, ground Zea mays, and urea with net
energy = 7.1 MJ/Kg
Mwendia et al. (2018)
Edson et al. (2018)
dos Santos et al. (2018)
Mendieta-Araica et al. (2011)
Reyes et al. (2006)

materials available to be used as livestock feed and in this of milk (Mwendia et al. 2018) the nutritional needs of
sense it is important to take into account some considerations. cows are changing and depend on some physiological
The protein content in the food does not determine the protein factors. For example, at calving and early lactation, cows
content in the milk (dos Santos et al. 2018) even, the excess of cannot compensate for the increasing demands of energy
nitrogen must be excreted by the animal through urine, which through food, resulting in a negative energy imbalance,
translates into an energy cost (Mendieta-Araica et al. 2011). A which can begin even before birth and reach their maxi-
high concentration of non-fibrous carbohydrates in the food mum of 2 weeks after delivery, which leads to the mobi-
promotes a greater production of ruminal propionate, which lization of animal body fat as a reserve of energy for the
can be reflected in a higher milk production (dos Santos et al. synthesis of milk. That is why a diet high in energy is
2018). It is necessary to take into account the content of tan- more efficient for cows in the early postpartum period
nins and fat of the raw material selected to feed livestock. The since it facilitates a positive energy balance (dos Santos
presence of tannins reduces the degradation of cellulose caus- et al. 2018).
ing a low concentration of volatile fatty acids, which are es-
sential for the synthesis of milk. Likewise, they reduce the
digestibility of the cell wall since they inactivate cellulases
and prevent the adhesion of rumen bacteria to cellulose fibers. Physiological factors
On the other hand, a high-fat content in the diet causes a toxic
effect in the rumen, especially affecting the cellulolytic bacte- The production phase for dairy cows begins at lactation (first
ria, which causes a deficiency in the fermentation of the fiber calving) and lasts until the animals are removed due to illness
and leads to an imbalance in the acetate/propionate ratio, re- or poor performance (Cedeño and Vargas 2004). Effects from
ducing the fat content in milk (Madzimure et al. 2011). physiological factors are discussed below such as number of
It is necessary to consider that, despite the fact that calving, lactation stage, and diseases that affect the productive
food has immediate results on the production and quality life of cows and influence milk composition.
Trop Anim Health Prod (2019) 51:1295–1305 1301

Calving number and lactation stage to higher protein content, predominantly globulins (immuno-
globulins and microglobulins), and strongly increases basic
First calving and early calving in cows produce less milk cations, which could have a buffering effect on milk (Briñez
because they have not reached adult size, have poor develop- et al. 2003, 2008; Ponce 2009; De los Reyes et al. 2010).
ment of the udder and organs in general, and spend part of
their diet on the completion of growth. This trend is accentu-
ated when feeding is poor at the time of calving (Acosta et al. Diseases (mastitis)
1998; Pérez and Gómez 2005; García et al. 2007; Vite et al.
2007). In addition, early calving cows in the tropics have Mastitis alters milk composition and increases the concentra-
problems with anoestrus and subsequent lengthening of tion of somatic cells, but this increase may also be due to breed
breastfeeding which is normalized birth to birth (Acosta (Cerón et al. 2007). Mastitis causes a decline between 3 and
et al. 1998). Milk production volume increases as cow calving 50% in milk production, depending on the degree of udder
experience increases because they are reaching physiological inflammation (De los Reyes et al. 2010; Ramírez et al. 2011).
maturity (Acosta et al. 1998; Briñez et al. 2003, 2008; Pérez As well, sodium and chloride content increase, while lactose
and Gómez 2005; García et al. 2007; Vite et al. 2007), as well decreases, providing a slight salty taste. The absolute values
as substantially increasing the parenchymal cells of the udder for protein do not change significantly, as the reduction suf-
tissue between the first and second calving (Pollot 2000; fered by synthesized protein in the udder is supplemented by
García et al. 2007). Milk production peaks between the second increases in serum protein content, such as serum albumins
(Briñez et al. 2003; Briñez et al. 2008), third, and fourth calv- and immunoglobulins, which get into the milk because of
ing, decreasing gradually between the fifth and seventh calv- increased capillary permeability (Blowe and Edmondson
ing (Acosta et al. 1998; Pérez and Gómez 2005; García et al. 1995; Brito 1995; De los Reyes et al. 2010). Mastitis treatment
2007; Vite et al. 2007; Salamanca and Bentez 2012). This can affect milk quality since it is possible to observe antibiotic
trend depends on factors such as calving season and initiation residues caused by intra-mammary administration (Allison
of lactation which is related to food availability (Tadesse and 1995; Noa et al. 2009).
Dessie 2003; García et al. 2007), and breed or degree of cross-
ing, which directly affect the lactation curve (Ponce 2009).
Milk from early calving cows has a higher content of protein
and total solids and lower cryoscopic values, coinciding with Diverse zootechnical factors
lower milk production. The content of protein and total solids
then decreases, coinciding with the increase in production. Production systems and specialization level
The fat and lactose content increases gradually as cows initiate
new lactations (Briñez et al. 2003, Briñez et al. 2008). Intensive production systems produce more milk with better
The most general trend regarding stage of lactation is that hygienic quality and efficiency due to the use of specialized
milk production increases to a peak between 30 and 85 days, breeds and concentrated feeding. Extensive systems have
and then decreases during the course of lactation until cows no lower milk production due to the use of dual-purpose breeds
longer lactate; in practice, however, the results do not always that consume more fibrous and less energetically dense
conform to this pattern (typical lactation curve). Table 3 shows grasses, have poor udder health (Pérez 2011) and are eco-
the variation in a lactation curve in terms of production (kg· nomically limited (Sánchez et al. 2008). The milk produced
day−1) for Holstein and Zebu breeds as well as 5/8 H × 3/8 Z. from cows in extensive systems is higher in fat and protein
Milk fat content increases gradually during lactation, and the (Pérez 2011) that can be attributed to low production
content of protein, total solids, and lactose significantly increase (Briñez et al. 2003; Briñez et al. 2008). Producers, for which
at the end of lactation, coinciding with a decrease in milk pro- dairy is a primary source of income, tend to be more spe-
duction. This concentrates milk components and cryoscopy cialized and produce milk with relatively higher values in
consequently declines. Acidity declines and pH increases due total solids (Bernal et al. 2007).

Table 3 Behavior of production

and milk components at the Indicator Holstein Zebu 5/8 Holstein × 3/8 Zebu
beginning, middle, and end of
lactation Milk Peak, 21–84 days. No shows peak milk or Peak between 14
(kg/day) It depends on body ight between 7 and 21 and 60 days
condition and food days, steady decline
at home

Source: Ponce 2009

1302 Trop Anim Health Prod (2019) 51:1295–1305

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