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Dear Ethan,

Hi Ethan! If you are thinking who would be writing you this

letter it’s me, Cashew.
First of all, my health is pretty good but I think you shall try
to sue the manager here at the pet boarding because he we
can’t even go out into the open and have some fresh air and
isn’t it not healthy?
Second of all, I was going to ask you about how you are
doing at the other end of the world, while I am stuck here in
pet boarding being looked after by that nasty guy. However,
the next time you go on holiday would you please take me
on your trip I beg you so I am not locked up here in a cage
so squished up. Did you buy me more snacks and toys for
me because I would prefer Purina 1 snack foods and toys
with bells on it.
Thirdly, I would love to have more than just me at home
because there is nothing to do at home so for this
Christmas, I would want to be putting this on my Christmas
list at least one cat to play with me at home because I could
communicate with the other cat and we could help each
other when we need help and we could play some nasty
tricks on people.
Well goodbye for now I hope you come and pick me up
tomorrow I can’t survive this any longer

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