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English B2

Think of two different types of families (nuclear family, single

parent family, grandparents family, etc). Mention the
advantages and disadvantages of growing up in your two
specific selections.

Who is the person you admire the most in your family? What
characteristics does this person have?

Mention one difficult experience you or your family went through. How
was the situation resolved?

Nowadays the internet may be the first source of information for people
all over the world. There are some fishy news, though. Please describe
how you get the news and why that is the best source for you.

Mention what characteristics should a smart city have.

Also, name which ones need to be improved where you live.
Unit 3-B

Colombia has hundreds of magical places. Please select three of them,

describe them properly and tell us which one is the best place to live in, the
best place to visit and which one is the best one to have fun.
Unit 4-A

Look at the pictures, which one are you ? Why does it work for you?
Modern life requires that most of the people
stay active for a long time, and this could be 4B
tough for sure. Name some strategies that you
use when you feel sleepy or when you are
running out of energy during the day.
Unit 5

Describe a conversation you overheard and you wish you

hadn't heard. What did they say?
Colombians have some typical behaviors; these Unit 5B
behaviors may vary depending on the place you were
born/raised. Please select two places in Colombia ( E.
G :Bogota/Medellin) and tell us about what is
customary / not customary for people to do there.
Unit 6-A

Have you ever experienced or witnessed an emergency,

robbery, or unfortunate event?
We’ve been in a pandemic for two years. Please use the
Unit 6B
unit’s vocabulary to tell us about What has happened/
What has been happening in the world during these
pandemic years.
Unit 7-A

Technology has had a positive impact in our lives.

As a matter of fact, it’s hard to imagine how we
could live without our computers, smartphone and
apps! Nevertheless, there are some technology
issues that represent a serious threat for many

What are some ways in which technology can be

wrongly used and become a threat?
Unit 7-B

One of the most controversial facts of the

modern world is how online sites generate
revenue by selling our information to

What's your take on social networking

sites using their users' information for
marketing purposes?
Unit 8-A

Select one of the occupations from the pictures and mention traits that a
person in that position should have so they can be successful.
Unit 8-B

Do you, your family or friends have any hidden talents?

What are some traits that creative people usually have?
Unit 9-A

Look at the pictures, why

some people do not follow
the crowd?

Is not following the crowd

only a trait of teenagers and
young people? Can adults
not follow the crowd as
Unit 9-B

Tell me about a stressful time in your life and what you

would/used to do everyday to keep up with stress.
Unit 10-A

What is something that drives you crazy in regard to the health care system/
public transportation/ job market/ neighbors in your city or country?
Unit 10-B

Tell me about a time when you had to complain to somebody

because you felt insulted/ enraged.
Unit 11-A

Dilemmas are a bittersweet part of the human experience. They can teach
us a lot , though.
What do you learn from everyday dilemmas?
Unit 11-B

Is there a moment in you life when you regret being indifferent?

selfish? insensitive?
Unit 12-A

Our culture shapes the way we live, work, and spend our time, and it makes a
difference in how we see ourselves and others. It affects our values and what we
consider right and wrong.
What do you think it would change in your life if you had been born in a different
Unit 12-B

Travelling gives you a new perspective, it provides a new way to perceive life. When
you travel, you meet new people, cultures, experience new things and embark on all
sorts of adventures.
Which traits of other cultures amaze you the most? What have you learned from your
travelling experiences ?
Final Exam

Let’s talk about:

★ Positive and
negative features of
★ Tourism
★ Unfortunate events
accidents, etc.)
★ The future of public
Final Exam
Let’s talk about people who...

★ have positively influenced

your life
★ have given you a hand in
difficult moments
★ do not follow the crowd
★ have a creative occupation

And let’s talk about you:

What’s the most significant

experience you’ve had at
Some recommendations to keep in mind

1. The questions and the way each teacher starts the speaking test is a
personal choice. This is just a support we provide for making it a
little bit more challenging and dynamic to the students and not only a
question-answer exercise.

1. In some cases it would be interesting if we try to change roles or we

let the students make the questions using the grammar topics.

1. The communicative objectives for each unit are not shown in the
slides. However, they can be found subtly among the annotations.

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