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Ph.d Educational Management Professor

Test I - Reflection/Reaction for each of the ten chosen news articles

shared by your classmates in the context of Philosophy of Educational
1.) News Article: “The Pandemic is Reshaping Education, here's How
the Philippines is Coping”
Reported by: Sir Brandon Rivera
This school year is very challenging for us in the field of education. Educators are
challenge how to continue the education amidst pandemic. Despite the negative
reactions, coming from different sector, stakeholders and the problems we are facing
now I can say that Filipino’s are resilient and can able to survive whatever challenges
will come along the way.
2.) News Article: “Education in time of a pandemic: What students and
teachers are in for this coming school year”
Reported by: Perlita S. Rostique

With the shifting of traditional classroom set up to distance learning, all sectors
finds the school setting difficult to bear with. Learners prefer the face-to-face set up for
they cannot learn effectively on the different modes of learning especially with the
modular. For the parents it gives extra expense considering their payment for the
internet connections and towards the modular modality, some finds it difficult to assists
their children on their lessons for they are busy for their living and they do not have
time for the education of their children. As for the teachers, they are required to apply
extra effort to reach students and it is very challenging to deliver quality education to all
the learners.
3.) News Article: “TESDA establishes training centers, gives relief amid
Reported by: Debie P. Papna
TESDA is an agency of the government that make people and communities
productive through excellent training programs and services. Despite the crisis, TESDA
continued giving assistance to their trainers. I would like to commend the effort and the
initiative of the TESDA by producing facemasks, face shield, sanitizers, protective suits
and even food packs made by their trainers. They don’t just trained but they also showed
compassion to every Filipino.
4.) News Article: “Is The Pandemic Destroying Philippine Education?”
Reported by: Jean Angelitud - Alborote
Deped contends that there is no need for a large-scale or nationwide academic
freeze instead schools are implemented “academic ease” measures. School year now will
about to end then therefore I conclude that whatever crisis will come it cannot destroy
the mission and the objectives of the Department of Education. Indeed, education
despite any crisis must go on for I believed that education is a continuous process.
5.) News Article: “Philippines Faces “Learning Crisis” After Yearlong
School Shutdown”
Reported by: Lily Ann Brazas
COVID-19 is affecting all school systems in the world but here it is even worse.
Many students are falling even further behind and those even had dropped out and
some did not come back to resume their education. Moreover, classroom closures also
leave children at greater risk of sexual violence, teenage pregnancy, and recruitment by
armed groups based on the news. Aside from that unfortunately, millions of Filipinos
live in deep poverty and those doesn’t even mind to prioritized education.
6.)News Article: “Education Frontliners”
Reported by: Ma’am Loyola D. Osano

When COVID-19 hits the country teachers were also called frontliners of
education. The task of teachers during this time doubled. I can say that we are under
pressure knowing that the modality of learning is not face to face therefore it is very
challenging how to give better quality education to every Filipino learners.
Unfortunately and with all honesty I can say that we are unsure that learning is really
effective with the distance learning. The grades of the learners is not reliable and valid.
Based on my experience from first quarter up to this third quarter I am saddened of the
fact that some of my learners were not the one who answered their modules. Their
family members are the ones who answered their tests and activities where in fact their
were supposed to be the facilitators of learning. They will just assist and guides learner
but the truth is they were the one who even right the activities.
Reported by: Ma’am Corazon

Internet load/connection is a crucial part of teacher’s life especially in this time of
pandemic. Knowing that the learning modality is not face-to-face then teachers are
obliged to buy load from their own pocket. In addition to that, teachers are required to
join webinars and required to submit online reports given only a short period of time to
comply. It is a big help to us teachers for it lessens our expenses in this trying time.

8.) News Article: Coronavirus Pandemic Highlights Failures of Philippine

Reported by: Ma’am Mirasol

The coronavirus pandemic has turned the spotlight on one of the problems that has
not been resolved until now that makes education accessible to all, under any
circumstances. As what I have said that quality of education in this time of pandemic is
difficult to assess. With the distance learning, there are parents who are no read, no
write. They are sending their children to school because they don’t want children to be
like them. Who would teach the students now at home? This kind of modular learning is
really difficult. Not all parents are capable of guiding their children so I guess this is just
one of the reason why corona virus caused failures to Philippine education.

9.) News Article: “Digital Learning Dispatch: Teacher Training in the

Philippines During the Covid-19 Pandemic”
Reported by: Sir Junerhee
Despite challenges with technology access and connectivity, Filipino teachers learned
to adapt computer skills. Thanks to those NGO’s who helped traditional teachers to be
confident in using computers. With these teachers were able to apply what they have
learned as the opening of the school year started on October. It was really a big help to
all the teachers who undergone the trainings and to their learners as well.

10.) News Article: School Management in a Pandemic

Reported by: Marivic
An educator once said, “We must plan for the unplanned. We must be able to
pivot based on evolving circumstances by altering duties, expectations, procedures,
calendars, schedules, curricula and operational practices.” When COVID-19 pandemic
spread rapidly across the globe, many schools struggled to react both quickly and
adequately. Schools were one of the most important societal institutions affected by the
pandemic. However, most school leaders have little to no training in crisis leadership,
nor have they dealt with a crisis of this scale and this scope for this long. Despite these
school leaders were able to become resilient of course with the help of different sectors
such as stakeholder, NGO’s, LGU’s, parents and the teachers. By having communication
from each other, schools were able to perform their learning continuity plan for the
welfare of all Filipino learner. It is good to know that despite of the crisis we have now
education continues. It is indeed education is the key to success.

Test II
Formulation of your Philosophy/philosophies of Educational Management
and with explanations.

The philosophy that I want to adopt in managing a new or existing educational

institution, department or office to attain a better educational management in today's
world is behaviorism. Behaviorism is a branch of psychology that, when applied to a
classroom setting, focuses on conditioning student behavior with various types of
behavior reinforcements and consequences called operant conditioning.
If someday with God’s grace that I will have my own school or I will become the
secretary of education the approach that I am going to practice is the behavioral
approach. I believed that behaviorism has a major impact on education. I will have to
make sure that educators in charge of curricula use many behaviorist principles in
creating new programs. Curriculum specialists should adopt procedures to increase the
likelihood that each student will find learning relevant and enjoyable. When new topics
or activities are introduced, connections should be built on students’ positive
experiences. Things about which each student is likely to have negative feelings should
be identified and modified, if possible, to produce positive results.
I believed that the curriculum should be organized so that students can master
the subject matter. So I will make sure that educators will be highly prescriptive and
diagnostic that they will they rely on step-by-step, structured learning methods. For
students who have difficulty learning, curriculum and instruction can be broken down
into small units with appropriate sequencing of tasks and reinforcement of desired
In general, combining behaviorism with learning includes careful analysis and
sequencing of learners’ needs and behaviors. Principles of testing, monitoring, drilling,
and feedbacking will be practiced. The learning conditions needed for successful
outcomes will be carefully planned through small instructional steps and sequences of
responses that increasingly approximate the desired behavior or learning. These basic
principles tend to coincide with today’s basic-skills training programs in reading and
language development, as well as methods of individualized instruction, direct
instruction, mastery learning, instructional training or design and competency-based
education. I will emphasize that these programs and methods involves remediation, skill
acquisition, matching instructional materials to learners’ abilities, step-by-step
activities, repetition, practice, drill, reinforcement, and review.

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