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APRIL VISIA S. SITIER-BRAZAS Ph.d Educational Management

1.) Title: “Levels of Participation of the School Stakeholders to the
Different School-Initiated Activities and the Implementation of
School-Based Management”

Author: Jimmy Rey Opong Cabardo

Presented by: Lily Ann Brazas

Reaction: Stakeholders typically refers to one who is associated with the welfare and
success of a school and its students. Stakeholder engagement can help empower people
and create sustainable change. School heads should get stakeholders involved in the
decision-making process. They should engaged stakeholders help inform decisions and
provide the support they need for long-term sustainability because stakeholders shape
the school curriculum implementation.

2.) Title: “A Phenomenological Exploration of Principals' Influence

on Teacher Attrition”

Author: Kellie E. Gebhardt, 2020

Presented by: Sir Dhon Rivera

Reaction: Good teachers need to feel supported. They need to believe that when they
have an issue in their classroom, they will get the help they need from their heads. Just
like an effective teacher, principals must be fair and consistent. They need to have the
same rules and procedures for all staff and students. They cannot allow their personal
feelings or loyalties to cloud their judgment. Most importantly, they should remind
themselves that teachers also needs motivation from them that may affects their
performance as an effective teacher.
3.) Title: “Change is Conflict: Exploring Relationships Between
Preferred Cognitive Styles of University Styles of University
Administrators at a Large Flagship Ceremony”

Author: Sandra L. Gillilan

Presented by: Ma’am Basa

Reaction: I agree personally that by understanding cognitive styles and conflict

management styles provides a solid foundation in managing organizational change.
Cognitive style reflects how individuals solve problems by describe a person's typical
mode of thinking, remembering or problem solving. Whereas, Conflict management
styles reflect how an individual prefers to handle conflict situations. It's important to
remember that there are many strategies we can use in conflict situations but to resolve
a conflict we should use the strategy that is most appropriate for that particular conflict



Author: Lee, Kyle A., 2015

Presented by: Ma’am Debie Papna

Reaction: Collective leadership means everyone taking responsibility for the success
of the organisation as a whole – not just for their own jobs or area but for the welfare of
all the people in the society. I belive that collaboration has an impact not only on
students and teachers, but also on the school as a whole. The role of school principals
must play as leaders in the education process. To help their teachers get involved in a
more open professional community, principals must facilitate collaborative activities
among their teaching staff so that teachers may feel they are acknowledge and recognize
that will result to the effectiveness of their teaching performance.
Author: Judith Johanna VanStaden, 2020
Presented by: Ma’am Bhing Faldas
Reaction: The teaching profession is considered a highly stressful profession.
Teachers deal with a wide variety of stress causes on a daily basis. High job demands,
lack of support, lack of learning opportunities, poor working conditions, lack of work
pleasure and pupil misbehavior causes stress to educators. To teachers experiencing
these stress I can say that their heads should know how to manage the stress of their
teachers so that problems will not arise. Heads should be aware about the mental and
physical health of their teachers because teachers cannot able to perform better if they
are not at ease or disturbed.
Presented by: Sir Benidecto Subaldo Jr.

Reaction: Leadership is a phenomenon produced by culture more than individual

activity since it is shaped in life, it is part of life. Principals should possess humanistic
values in a system that is solely based on technical competencies and exam. It is very
important that principal should be equipped with moral values in order to initiate
change in and out of schools together with the degree of how they meet social
expectations and cultural heritage, and teachers are expected to act as a leader,
constructer of moral society and problem solving techniques instead of violence in class.
Author: Aminu Sanni (Ph.D) and Danladi Momoh (M.Ed) Kogi State University,
Anyigba, Nigeria
Presented by: Pear Kathlene Francisco
Reaction: I agree with the philosophy of Plato that all boys and girls should be
educated to the limit of their abilities in all realms of knowledge and understanding;
including, metaphysics, epistemology and axiology. Boys and girls need to know the
basic skills in order for them to have a higher thinking skill as they grow older. This will
serves as a training ground to prepare them for the challenges that they may encounter
along the way. In addition, I also agree to Plato’s philosophy that encouragement and
motivation inspires individual to perform better and excel in their field of expertise.

8.) Title: “An Exploration of the Relationship between Principal

Leadership Style and Student Academic Achievement in the

Presented by: Ma’am Pudadera

Reaction: Managerial skills of school heads are the key to improve school
performance, particularly of students both academically and discipline wise. Effective
school heads influence a variety of school outcomes, including student achievement,
through their recruitment and motivation of quality teachers, their ability to identify
and articulate school vision and goals, their effective allocation of resources, and their
development of organizational structures to support instruction and learning. Therefore,
the school head has to learn some special skills, which have effect on teachers’ behavior
and attitudes so that the school can be much benefited by their labor.

9.) Title: “The challenges of teacher leadership in the Philippines as

experienced and perceived by teachers”
Presented by: Sir KIMUEL RAY A. AMOLAR

Reaction: Teachers make a profound impact on student learning. I believed that

there are strong empirical grounds for believing that teachers can and do make a
difference and that consistent high-quality teaching, supported by strategic professional
development, can and does deliver dramatic improvements in student learning. If given
a chance when classroom teachers model best practice and develop professional
expertise, they become effective teacher-leaders because they see leadership as their
duty and their due.

10.) Title: “Education during COVID-19 Era: Are Learners in a Less-

Economically Developed Country ready for E-Learning?”
Author: Mark M. Alipio, 2020
Presented by: Ma’am Sharmaine Joy Salvadico

Reaction: Education must continue despite covid-19 pandemic. Knowing that no one
was exempted in time of this pandemic, I believed that it was a challenge for the
economically developed countries to continue the education with E-Learning as a
modality. With the help of the government, NGO’s and other stakeholders, I can proudly
say that pandemic cannot stop education.
Discussion of the chosen topic on Philosophy of Educational Management.

Behaviorism also known as behavioral psychology is a theory of learning, which

states all behaviors are learned through interaction with the environment through a
process called conditioning. Thus, behavior is simply a response to environmental
stimuli. It is only concerned with observable stimulus-response behaviors, as they can
be studied in a systematic and observable manner.
Behavior theorists define learning as nothing more than the acquisition of new
behavior based on environmental conditions. This philosophy is simple to understand
because it relies only on observable behavior and describes several universal laws of
behavior. Its positive and negative reinforcement techniques can be very effective such
as in treatments for human disorders including autism, anxiety disorders and antisocial
behavior. This is often used by teachers who reward or punish student behaviors. It has
become part of the educational process. Teacher have conditioned to sit up straight and
to be quite through looks, grades and physical punishment. When students are
emotionally disturbed, conditioning is one way to develop a step-by-step program
through rewards or punishment.

INSIGHTS From different books that were presented.

1. "Education is not preparation for life, education is life itself."

Book Title: Experience and education-John Dewey
John Dewey was convinced that learning through doing was the best approach to
education. Of course a free exchange of ideas is part of this learning through doing since
people do not learn from experience per se, they learn from reflecting upon their
experiences. For Dewey, "experience" is defined as that which people think and perceive
through the senses and then act upon. According to him, education is not a sequence of
"telling" about ideas and concepts instead it is an active and continual constructive
process. So when students are engaged in experiential learning, they have a personal
investment in the process because of this personal stake in the learning process,
students are able to connect what they understand with the world around them and be
truly educated. This is much like carrying out an experiment and then reasoning about
the outcomes of this experience. There is no duality of the person and the environment
instead, the two are inseparable and influence one another. Thus, life is education just
as education is life.
2. “Don’t give a fuck about everything”
Book Title: The Subtle Art of Not Giving A Fuck-Mark Manson
My First insight from this book is everyone only has a finite number of fucks they
can give before they become useless. If you care too much about every little thing in life,
then you will soon become stressed, overwhelmed, and anxious. This is why if you only
give a fuck about things you care about, the things you truly value, then you will be able
to do what you want to do. By having something important and meaningful in life to
care about, you will be able to focus more energy and time into it and do more of what
you love. However, if you choose carefully what you will truly care about, you will start
to care more about things that matter to you. You will not be bothered all the time by the
small, meaningless things in life. By not caring about unimportant things it allows you to
overcome the challenges that you have to reach your goal.
3. “Have some good values”
Book Title: The Subtle Art of Not Giving A Fuck-Mark Manson
Values are everything. The values we choose to have directly influence what kind
of problems we have. If we don’t value honesty, we won’t have the problem with feeling
guilty about lying. The kind of problems we have determines how you live your life and
the quality of it.
When you value something so much, you are willing to endure pain for it, as
fulfilling that value brings you happiness. For example, if someone valued their health
and well-being, they would be willing to endure the pain of exercising and not mind it,
as exercising would be fulfilling their value. If we have a shitty value, a value that relies
upon a dependent variable that we cannot control, then we will usually fail, as failure is
not determined by ourselves. For example, if one of your values is to become the richest
man in your city, even if you are a billionaire, but not the richest man in the city you will
still consider yourself a failure. This is why when choosing our values, we have to be very

4. “Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own

specified world to bring them up in and i’ll guarantee to take any
one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I
might select – doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant chief and yes, even
beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants,
tendencies, abilities, vocations and the race of his ancestors”.
Book Title: BEHAVIORISM- John Watson.
This is just one of the insights from the book Behaviorism of John Watson.
I choose this insight because I agree with Watson that as what above quote suggests,
strict behaviorists believe that any person could potentially be trained to perform any
task, regardless of things like genetic background, personality traits, and internal
thoughts within the limits of their physical capabilities-all it takes is the right
conditioning. The term behaviorism refers to the belief that behaviors can be measured,
trained, and changed. Also known as behavior psychology, behaviorism is a theory of
learning based on the idea that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning.
Conditioning therefore occurs through interaction with the environment, which then
makes behaviorists believe that our responses to environmental stimuli shape our
5. “ Existence precedes essence.” "Freedom is existence, and in its
existence precedes essence."
Book Title: Existentialism-Jean Paul Sartre
This insight is from the book Existentialism of Jean Paul Sartre. This means
that what we do how we act in our life determines our qualities. According to him, there
is no fixed design for how a human being should be and no God to give us a purpose.
Therefore the onus for defining ourselves, and by extension humanity, falls squarely
on our shoulders. We have the choice to take actions to become who we want to
be and lead the life we want to live. According to Sartre, each choice we make defines
us while at the same time revealing to us what we think a human being should be.
This incredible burden of responsibility that the free man has to bear is what relegates
him to constant anguish.e

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