Image and Question Bank: English C1

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English C1
Speaking criteria

● Grammar: ability to use correct grammar and sentence

● Vocabulary: ability to understand and use vocabulary words
and phrases
● Fluency: ability to speak quickly, naturally, and without many
● Pronunciation: ability to use correct stress, rhythm, and
intonation patterns
● Comprehension/Task Completion: ability to understand
questions and respond appropriately
The relationships we have in our lives are essential to our
wellness. What do people need to have harmonious
relationships? Name three important things and explain why
they are important for you. UNIT 1-A
For human beings friendships and familial relationships can give us comfort,
happiness and different experiences that make us better people. What do you
think has more influence on you: friends or family relationships? Do you think
these relationships change with age or time?

a. b. c.

d. e. f.

g. h. i.

● Look at the picture. Choose two people and talk

about your impression of each one based on their
clothes and appearance. UNIT 2-A
Choose one of these two famous people. What impression do you have about the
person? Why did you choose him or her? What do you admire the most?

This image is how people in 1970 believed that future would be.
How do you feel about it? What things do we have? What things
are impossible to invent? UNIT 3-A
People have always dreamed with flyings cars. Imagine you have the first
flying car in the world and you have to test it. What problems did you
have with it? What advantages and disadvantages does it have? How
would you improve it?
It is friday 13th, and Tom is a superstitious person. As you can see in the
image he has a lot of charms. Will his lucky charms and superstitions
influence in his daily life? why? What advice would you give? Do you
have any charm that you use ? UNIT 4-A
Colombia is a country with a lot of superstitions. Choose two superstitions and
talk about them (What is the superstition about? How do you think that superstition
was created? Do you or your family believe in that?)

Say how you prefer to watch movies (for example, in a
theater, on TV, on a computer, on a tablet, on a phone; by
buying movies, by renting movies, etc.). Explain why you
prefer this way to others. Include details and examples to
support your idea. UNIT 5-A
Some people avoid TV, thinking that watching television is bad
for adults and even dangerous for children. Other people watch a
lot of television, thinking that TV is OK for any generation. What
is your opinion about TV? Why? UNIT 5-B
Some people believe that only people with natural talent can be
successful musicians. Others believe that people can learn to be
accomplished musicians even if they do not have natural talent.
Which do you believe? Why? UNIT 6-A
Talk about your music preferences: What kind of music do you listen to
on a regular basis? How does listening to this kind of music make you
feel? Is there a certain kind of music that you listen to in the morning?
While you study? Before you go to bed? Why? UNIT 6-B
Describe a situation in which you think it’s a good
idea to resist change. Include details and examples
to support your explanation.
Talk about a current trend: What is the trend? Who follows
this trend? Do you think the trend is positive or negative?
Why? Has the trend had a large impact on your community?
On the world? UNIT 7-B
Describe several features of advertising that you consider the
most effective. Include details and examples to support your
explanation. UNIT 8-A
Some people believe that saving money while shopping is the
most important goal. Others think that supporting local businesses
and fair labor practices is more important than getting the best UNIT 8-B
price. Which do you believe? Why?
Describe ways that you think people can best be in touch
with nature. Include details and examples to support your
Do humans have the right to use animals for their
advantage? Do people have the right to limit other
people’s use of animals? Explain your answers. UNIT 9-B
Talk about effective communicators: What traits do effective
communicators have in order to effectively grab and hold the
audience’s attention? UNIT 10-A
Some people think that slang is the natural evolution
of modern language and should be encouraged. Others think that
preserving formal language is important and that slang should be
discouraged. Which perception do you think is correct and why? UNIT 10-B
Describe the most important character trait of a hero, and
explain why that trait is important. Include details and
examples to support your explanation.
Describe a struggle to achieve something difficult that you have
had in the past. What positive things have you learned from this
struggle, or what bad habits have you gotten rid of?
Some people prefer to work in groups, other people prefer to work
alone. What results do you think can be achieved should each one be

Some people believe that successful companies should
be involved actively with the communities they serve.
Do you agree or disagree? What do you think would the
impact be in the communities should the companies get
involved actively? UNIT 12-B
Some recommendations to keep in mind

1. The questions and the way each teacher starts the speaking test is a
personal choice. This is just a support we provide for making it a
little bit more challenging and dynamic to the students and not only a
question-answer exercise.

1. In some cases it would be interesting if we try to change roles or we

let the students make the questions using the grammar topics.

1. The communicative objectives for each unit are not shown in the
slides. However, they can be found subtly among the annotations.

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