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Coastal Erosion: Marine and Coastal Processes


* Coastal erosion is the wearing away of land along the coast.

* It is a natural process that is caused by the forces of waves, tides, currents, and storms.

* However, human activities, such as coastal development and climate change, can accelerate coastal

Marine and Coastal Processes

Waves are the primary force that drives coastal erosion.

Waves are generated by wind and tides, and they can be very powerful.

Waves erode the coastline by breaking against the shore and carrying away sediment.

Tides are the rise and fall of sea level caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and sun.

Tides can also contribute to coastal erosion by exposing the coastline to wave action.

Currents are the movement of water in the ocean.

Currents can erode the coastline by carrying away sediment.

Storms, such as hurricanes and typhoons, can cause severe coastal erosion by generating high waves and
storm surges.

Types of Coastal Erosion

There are two main types of coastal erosion:

Abrasion: This is the wearing away of the coastline by the friction of waves and currents.

Attrition: This is the breaking down of rocks and sediment into smaller particles by wave action.
Impacts of Coastal Erosion

Coastal erosion can have a number of negative impacts, including:

Loss of land: Coastal erosion can lead to the loss of beaches, cliffs, and other coastal features.

Damage to infrastructure: Coastal erosion can damage roads, bridges, and other infrastructure that is
located along the coast.

Flooding: Coastal erosion can make coastal communities more vulnerable to flooding.

Saltwater intrusion: Coastal erosion can allow saltwater to intrude into freshwater aquifers, which can
contaminate drinking water supplies.

Loss of habitat: Coastal erosion can destroy coastal habitats, such as coral reefs and mangrove forests,
which support a variety of marine life.

Managing Coastal Erosion

There are a number of ways to manage coastal erosion, including:

Hard engineering solutions: These solutions involve building structures, such as seawalls to protect the
coastline from wave action.

Soft engineering solutions: These solutions involve using natural materials, such as sand dunes and
mangrove forests, to protect the coastline from wave action.

Managed retreat: This involves relocating people and infrastructure from areas that are at risk of
coastal erosion.


Coastal erosion is a serious problem that is affecting coastlines around the world.

Human activities, such as coastal development and climate change, are accelerating coastal erosion.

There are a number of ways to manage coastal erosion, but it is important to choose the right solution
for each specific situation.

**Thank you for your time.**


* Slide 2: Image of coastal erosion

* Slide 3: Image of waves breaking on the shore

* Slide 4: Image of abrasion and attrition

* Slide 5: Image of a flooded coastal community

* Slide 6: Image of a seawall and groyne

* Slide 7: Image of a sand dune and mangrove forest

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