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| Electrical Transients ELECTRICAL TRANSIENT ~ Electrical transients the response (voltage, current, charge, power, energy, etc) of the capacitors and inductors to sudden changes in DC or AC supply when connected to a resistor. Classification of Disturbances 1. Initiation Transient — these are produced when an initially unenergized circuit is suddenly connected to a supply. 2, Subsidence Transient - these are produced when an initially energized circutt is suddenly disconnected from the supply causing the circuit to discharge the energy stored, 3. Transition Transient - these are produced when a there is a sudden change of supply in a circuit. 4. Complex Transient — these are produced when a circuit is simultaneously subjected to two different disturbances 5. Relaxation Transient— these are produced when states transition cyclically, which may become unstable ift continues. DC TRANSIENT Series RL Circuit Case I: Initiation Transient Rm) io L vo Kirchoff's Voltage Law ( E=valt) +vi) E= KVL), ai i+ LG, Variable Separable ‘The currentiin an inductor cannot change instantaneously. That is i(0*) the circuit is initially open. 1 t = FINE Rill wT (0) =0Asince Note: ‘Then we can divide the current into two components, E isg = 7 Steady-state component E R where the steady-state components the one that stays in the circuit after a long time and the transient ‘component is the component that decays to zero overs EQ-e%) =oa #(t- er ten) p= Ee-E + transient component att=0, (0) mp as t+ $00, 1(400) Electreal Traneonts Page| For the resistor voltage, For the inductor voltage, va(® = RiCd) = 10 va =8(1—e"F) wit =U fe (- val =E-Eet it) = Be Yass =E Var = Bett Vise att=0, — va(0)=0V att=0, VL) ast $o,vql $00) = E> Vass ast $00,y, (400) Note: For DC transient, the inductor acts as a short circuit at steady state. For the power across the resistor, Farts power acroae the ductor, asco = vce =[e(1-e"#) f(t] RO = v(010) = [te [F(a —e 8] Be = = R no = F(-et) no =E(et ee att RO =ow ar=0, AO) =OwW ersengae™ ye AG ey ZOw For the eneray stored in the inductor, ‘ av, =nar=vyer=(U) ae wa an, [ua Note: The energy will be maximum when i = Ijnax = Wena = Time Constant (1) - a measure of delay before an electrical circuit achieves the steady state condition For first-order circuits (RL or RC), this is the amount of time it takes a quantity (voltage, current, etc) to increase by 63.2% ofits final value or decrease by 63.2% of its initial value 7] For RL circuits,|r = =|. Then Wo =F(1-eF) wo =bek 1 =i, (1-64) v0 =vige = att=1t, ates atts 1s, 1G) = gg (1-074) = 0.632ig vO = Yass (1- W635 (TD) = Vp = 0.368Vig Increased by 63.2% offinal value Increased by 63.2% of final value Decreased by 63.2% of intial value Electreal Transonts Page |2 att=5t, att= St, 1G =1,(1-e°*) ¥aGOD =Vase(1-0"*) Gr) = 093i, vaSt) = 0993¥ R45 ‘Almost steady state ‘Almost steady state ‘Therefore, after 5 time constants, the circuit is almost at steady state. Case Il : Subsidence Transient @ fies 19) 1 3 ae 0,using KVL val 4 ett) = att=0, i) ale EO= Oo ast + 40,i(b) di Ri + LG, = 0 ~ Variable Separable Since the time constant, 1) = he In summary, for DC transient of series RL circuit, sy (nr) neon intone Jje°t + current decay - subsidence transient Electreal Traneonts Page |3 Series RC Circuit Case: Initiation Transient aot R va) ‘| T c ~ 44,9 oy, E+ 8 + Variable Separable Note g(t) = CE—(CE-Q,)e Fe We can divide the charge equation into two ‘components, ‘Assume that the capacitor is initially charged to Q,, 8 dq IaCE—4 = Lae 1 =InlcE=al 18, = get In|CE = q| — In|CE Qo “ke=ol a ee = CE ~ steady-state component Gy = (CE~ Qy)eRe + transient component att=0, w (0) = CE- (CE-Qu)e"RE = Qu ast> 40, (+20) = CE = (CE- Qo) Qe ii where att =0,i(0) = enRe For the resistor voltage, va(t) = RIC) = Rye Fe @ ),va(O) = Rie RC Gey hye RE = OV att hy as t+ +09, vq(-te0) isthe inital current in the circuit, then ea) lr ast > +00,i(¢00) pen RO = 0A For the power across the resistor, FO = vaCOiCO = (Ber Fe) (Ie) PaCt) = (Riy2)o™ Rel att=0, RCO) =(RkZJe Re = Rl? as t+ 400,P4(+0) = (Rh )'o" HE = OW Etetiea jt anelonts Page| 4 For the capacitor voltage, ca (6b= ape" ve 2 = SE=CE= Oo ve =B-(B-S)erte where E22 isthe inal volage drop across the Q resistor, which means E~—* = Rly. Then, lve(t) = E—Rhe Fe @ att = 0,v¢(0) = E—Rlye FC = E— Rly Gay ast +00, ve(-4ea) = E— Rie Re = E Note: For DC transient, the capacitor acts as an open It the capacitor is initially uncharged, Qy = 0 Note: For RC circuits, the time constant, t = RC then Ifthe capacitor is intially uncharged, a(t) = as5(1-°*) i =het vx vue Vel) = ves(1-e where Yes For the energy stored in the capacitor, dWe = Peat = vei dt = Assuming that the capacitor is initially uncharged att = and at t= tq = q¥c = v,We = We For the power across the capacitor, Pe = veCWIC® = (E~ Rie“ #2) (pe Pe(t) = Elye” RC — Rl, 2e™Re| att=0, P.(0) = Ele At — RIj2e 8 (0) = Ely Rly? ICE = RJ, (initially uncharged capacitor), Pe(0) ast +e, Gey 242) Pe(+o0) = Elye” RE —Rly2e" RE = OW circuit at steady state, If the capacitor is initially charged, 4 = 4s — Gos — Que i() =hent watt) volt) = Yess —Vro® * Vane Veo Vou =E (eG) We = [ “ove de + Note: The energy will be maximum when q = Qinax = dss: then’ 1. Electreal Transients Page | Case Il : Subsidence Transient iw @ |Se att < O,ifthe circuit achieved steady state att = 0°, then 4(0-) = cE since the voltage in the capacitor cannot change instantaneously, which means the charge won't change Instantaneously as well Qo = 9(0") = gO) = CE att> 0,using KVL ve(t) nfo Si Variable Separable att = 0,900) = Q In summary, for DG transient of series RC circuit Que ~ Ges —Qu)e™* > charge growth with an offset — initiation transient (initially charged) a(t) das (1-674) - charge growth withoutan offset - initiation transient (initially uncharged) Qge"t + charge decay - subsidence transient Electreal Transonts Page | Series RLC Circuit ©. Ly By, Letp=4, a E=valt)+vi() +vc(t) eaRitited a ~~ a “at a = fieteg allnglirige” di ai dq ‘Therefore, the characteristic equation is O= RH Le ‘ac* “ar * Cat R41 o= need mete ae atta tc Using the quadratic formula, oi Radi 1 second-order ae * Tart ic! = °° differential equation Ry Ry’ 1 at ba' te * net 2a) Ry 1 at (Go ~ie : : Case lil : Underdamped Case Case |: Overdamped Case Case Il: Critically Damped Case (Oscillatory Case) ¥(fy {Ltenthergots tbe p( RJ" thenthe roots be vealand distinet 1 then the roots will be TC’ complex conjugates ic’ realand equal ‘The solution for currentwillbe The solution for current willbe The solution for current will be i() = Ae™* + Bemt i() = Ae** + Bte™ iC) = kye™" + kye™ I) = AclerBt 4 Belen I@=e(A4BD 1(0) = kyo Kel ee," + Kyei94) (aot + Be“) i) (A coswt + Bsin wt) i@ i where A,B,k,, lt > arbitrary constants frequency of oscillation Electreal Transients Page |7 Note: For parallel RLC circuit, the conditions for damping are Case lll : Underdamped Case (Oscillatory Case) (ae) maximumemf a1 angular frequency Ai _,non-vatiable separable @y ~ phase angle atthe instant of switching Epain(at 6) = Riv LS + first-order linear DE Particular Solution (Steady State Component) Homogeneous Solution (Transient Component) di similarto series i-+icey Similarto seties Bl Ew E=-Beby=Eeby, 2. =R+Jul=2,20, ae" subsidence brancient v2 wee: Then, ol ae ty = Aerts will decay to Dover time £(By — 82) where A + constant Therefore, i) = ip + iss = Reale 'te 0) = AcE + Bincat+ by —6) Ew Fsin(ot + By — 82) Note : To solve for the constant, A, use the initial condition > att = 0,1 = 0 Electrical Transients Page | Series RC t=0 R eo! @ = “2 o E,ysinwt + Oy) where Eq maximumemf —w—> angular frequency @y— phase angle at the instant of switching Particular Solution (Steady State Component) =! soy— Edy, Ze v2 where En E _ yg v2_Em =V2-o=y2-2= 2, v + Oz Tn = V2 i v2 Te fc +8; En log = Iq sin(wt + 0)) = Fsin(wt + Oy + 62) Note : To solve for the constant, A, use the intial condition > att = 0, exo R vat) T vet) Using KVL, e@ =Ri+2 = nd, 4, non-variable separable Bm sin(est + By) = dt °C” firstorder linear DE Homogeneous Solution (Transient Component) 4 _ gf4_, similar toseries RL > Rat ~ subsidence transient daa arc Then, ge a Ip = Ae" Re > will decay to 0 over time where k,,A — constant Therefore, i = inti co = ar amare +8 iq ~ initial current Electreal Transonts Page 19 REE — April 2019 1. Transient current in a circuit results from A, voltage applied to the circuit B, impedance of the circuit C. changes in the stored energy in inductors and capacitors D. resistance of the circuit REE ~ Sept. 2012 2. What is the time constant of a series RL circuit? A.RIL B.UR CRE D.WRL REE - Sept. 2003 3. In an RL circuit having @ source voltage of 100 V, the resistance is 400 Q and the inductance is 20 H. What is the time constant? A, 20 B. 0.05 C.0.2 0.0.25 4. A series RL circuit with R = 50 ohms and L = 10 H has a constant voltage E = 100 v applied at t= 0 by the closing of a switch. Find the time at which va= W.. A. 0.6931 sec B. 0.1386 sec C. 2.3026 sec D.0.2773 sec 5. The field winding of a separately-excited dc generator has an inductance of 60 H and a resistance of 30 ohms. The discharge resistance of 50 ohms is permanently connected in parallel with the winding which is excited from a 200 V supply. Find the value of the decay current 0.6 sec after the supply has been switched off. Aaa B.3A C.2A DIA REE — Sept. 2019 6. A certain capacitor, in series with a resistor, is being charged. At the end of 10 ms its charge is half the final value, What is the time constant on this process in ms? A.23 B. 10 C.69 0.14 REE - April 2006 7. A capacitor of 8 pF is to be charged by a voltage of 400 v through a resistor of 100 Kohms. How long will it take for the voltage across the capacitor from its initial zero value to reach 300 v? A. 1.05 B.1.10 c.099 D.1.00 REE — April 2004 8. A series circuit with 10-ohm resistor and 50 uF capacitor is suddenly connected to a de source of 120 volts. What is the current at one time constant? A12A B.2.44 A, C.76A D44a 9. A charged capacitor is being discharged through a resistor. At the end of one time constant the charge has been reduced by (1-1/e) = 63% of its initial value. At the end of two time constants the charge has been reduced by what percent of its initial value? A. 82% C. 100% B, 86% D. Between 90% and 100% REE — Sept. 2019 10. The energy that is stored in a 25 microF is W(t) = 12 sin* (377t) joule. Determine the current in A in the capacitor. A 6 cos 377t B.6 sin 37t C.9.23 sin wt D.9.23.cos wt Electreal Transonts Page | 10 " 12, 13, 14, REE - May 2008 A series RLC circuit contains a resistor R of 2 ohms and a capacitor C = 1/2 farad. Determine the value of the inductor so that the circuit is critically damped A2H B.1/2H C.1H D.32H REE — Sept. 2006 ‘What is the current through a 0.02 microfarad capacitor at t = 0 if the voltage across it is 2sin2pi x 10 to the 6" x t? A.0.3142 A B.0.2513A ©. 0.1885 A D.0.1256 A REE - Sept. 2008 The current to a capacitor is given by i= 2t +3, The ‘coulombs. Find the charge when t= 1 second? A. 16 coulombs B. 12.13 coulombs —C. 8.13 coulombs D. 4 coulombs | charge on the capacitor is 8.13 REE - Sept. 2010 The voltage across a 25 H inductor is given by v = 8.9 + (3t)"1/2. Find the current in the inductor at 5 seconds if the initial current is 1 A. A38A B.23A C.33A D.27A Electrical Transients Page | 11

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