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AC Circuits Part 2 Polyphase Systems PART Il: THREE PHASE (36) SYSTEM Balanced Three-Phase (36) System ~ Abalanced three-phase supply connected to a set of balanced three-phase loads. Balanced Three-Phase Supply Balanced Three-Phase Load ~ Set of three sinusoidal voltages with the same _- Set of three single phase loads with the same ‘magnitude and frequency with a phase complex impedance and thus taking the same difference of 120° amount of current and power from the supply. ‘Types of Connection of a Three-Phase System 1. Wye (Star) Connection U, Delta (Mesh) Connection Let Vay fg 0°, Vay = Vy-Z-120°, Vey = Vy2120° Vlge-30" Van = Vau — Von = Vg20° = Voe~120° = V3 V,230° Van ~ Vou = Voe=120" — Vqc120° = V3 Vy2-90" = Iq20° = V3 Vye~150" Vou ~ Van = Vp£120° — Vqc0° = V3 Vp 150° Ig-120" = V3 19290" where : Vay, Vow, Ven ~> phase voltages (Vg) where Ia Iyile = line currents (I) Vas: Vac, Vea ~ line voltages (V,) Typ lgcebea ~> phase currents (I,) le = lew Vas = Van's Voc= Wore» Vea = Vet where Ip Ipc ~ line currents (I,) here : Vy, Voc Verw > phase voltages (Vy) Tawsby Hen ~ phase currents (Ip) Van. Ve, Vea ~ line voltages (V,) Therefore, Therefore, Magnitude v= V3 V5] = 14] Magnitude ean I, = Vike] Phase Angle : Line voltage and Phase voltageare Phase Angle : Line voltage and Phase voltage are outof phase by 30°, equal, hence in phase. Line current and Phase eurrentare Line current and Phase current are equal, hence in phase. ut of phase by 30°. For balanced load, For balanced load, By = Uy = Dy = Ze = 2y = Ry EK Za = Zap = Zpc = en = Dy = Ry Ry ‘AC Cieute2 Page| Phase Sequence ~ Fora three-phase system, phase sequence is the order in which the sinusoidal voltage reach or attain their maximum values. Positive (+) Phase Sequence ABC BCA CAB wye AN-BN-CN. BN-CN-AN CN-AN-BN Delta AB-BC-CA, BC-CA-AB CA-AB-BC For Y-connection, the line voltages lead their corresponding phase voltages by 30° or the phase voltages lag their corresponding line voltages by 30° For Q-connection, the line currents lag their corresponding phase currents by 30” or the phase currents lead their corresponding line currents by 30° Note: For Y-connection, the line currents are equal to their corresponding phase currents, hence the phase difference is zero. On the other hand, for A-connection, the line voltages are equal to their corresponding phase voltages, hence the phase difference is also zero. ‘AC Chreute 2 Pape |2 Negative (-) Phase Sequence ACB BAC CBA we AN-CN-BN. BN-AN-CN. CN-BN-AN Delta AB-CA-BC. BC-AB.CA CA-BC-AB For Y-connection, the line voltages lag their corresponding phase voltages by 30° or the phase voltages lead their corresponding line voltages by 30° k ke) he » For A-connection, the line currents lead their corresponding phase currents by 30° or the phase currents lag their corresponding line currents by 30° Impedance A Wye (Y) to Delta (A) Conversion LetN = ZaZq + Zpbe + Leha Zn N N tas =7 Delta (A) to Wye (Y) Conversion CX : an] ayn Bentaw gy Tanne g, _ ose D D ‘AC Cheute2 Page |3 IF the load is balanced, 2y = Zq Ecand Zy = Zag = Zac = Zea N Lh tbh th Teh he For pure R, Forpure L, For pure C, By = By Raoy ea ~) ~(se) sLi(sa)l 3. Note: Impedance Triangle is still applicable, as long as the given resistance, reactance, and impedance are per phase. Admittance Triangle is also applicable, as long as the given conductance, susceptance, and admiltance are per phase. 6248, jptanty By = Ypain8y Y_c088y| Ry tant Ro = Zp sin®,| Power in a Balanced Three-Phase Systems For a balanced three-phase system, the power taken by each phase are the same. Then, the ‘three-phase power will be three times the single phase power taken by each load. And since the total power is just a multiple ofthe single phase power, then the power triangle is stil applicable as long as all power given (real, reactive, and apparent) are either all single phase values or all three-phase values, = 3% = Vly 088, = VIN, cosy = Aly? Ry] Qe = 3, = BVoly sin yy = V3V,5in8pr = Bly Xo) - S, 31e"2 & where total or three-phase real power ZN d Qr > total or three-phase reactive power Py Sy ~ total or three-phase apparent power P, ++ per phase real power Q,,> per phase reactive power Sq > per phase apparent power pe power factor angle Note: In solving for power factor angle, make sure that you use corresponding voltage and current and they are per phase, that is phase A voltage with phase A current, etc. Yeconnection: Be = Ov, ~ Big = @vay ~ =O A-connection: By Van — an = Ove ete ot onic, the ower ahr il Side ear evan ‘AC Cheute 2 Page| 4 Power Measurement for Three-Phase Systems |. One-Wattmeter method — usually used to measure power in a balanced three-phase system. Methods Used in one-wattmeter method A. Potential-Lead Shift Method B. Attificial-Neutral Method C. T Method D. Current Transformer Method I. Two.Wattmeter method — usually used to measure power in a balanced or unbalanced three-phase three-wire system. Bp Hos canons cl 3b SUPPLY LOAD [W, = Waclllale0s(6 vq, — 9) watts (W) We = [acl ltel c05(@vpc — Sie) watts (W) Aw, i= WW, wats OW) [r= VSiw, — Ww; VARS] fang = | Notes 1. IFW, current coil is in phase A, W, current coil is in phase B, common phase is phase C, or if W; current coll isin phase B, W; current coll is in phase C, common phase is phase A, or if W; current coll isin phase C, Wz current coll is in phase A, common phase is phase B, For positive sequence, If W; > W:, the power factor is lagging, iW: < Ws, the power factor is leading. For negative sequence, iW: > W:, the power factor is leading, if Ws < Ws, the power factor is lagging. 2. Ifthe power factor Is unity, the wattmeter readings are equal. Ifthe power factor is 0.866, one of the wattmeter readings is twice of the other. Ifthe power factor Is 05, one of the wattmeter readings Is zero. Ifthe power factor Is less than 0.5, one of the wattmeter reading Is negative. Ifthe power factor is 0, the wattmeter readings are equal but opposite (one positive, one negative). Ill, Three-Wattmeter Method — usually used to measure power in a balanced or unbalanced three-phase, four-wire system. 3b LOAD 3 SUPPLY W, = Venle 208(Oyey — Orc) ‘AC Cheute 2 Page | Unbalanced Three-Phase (3) System Fortescue’s Theorem — states that a set of three unbalanced phasors can be represented by three systems of three balanced phasors. For an unbalanced three-phase system, the unbalanced voltages or currents can be resolved into three balanced ‘symmetrical components: positive sequence component, negative sequence component, zero sequence component. Positive Sequence Component — set of phasors equal in magnitude, displaced from each other by 120 degree in phase, and have the same phase sequence as the otiginal unbalanced phasors, Negative Sequence Component — set of phasors equal in magnitude, displaced from each other by 120 degree in phase, and have the opposite phase sequence as the original unbalanced phasors, Zero Sequence Component — an identical set of phasors equal in magnitude with zero displacement from each other. Phase to Sequence Conversion For Voltages ‘(Wa + Ve + Vo) (Va + ay +a2Ve) (Va +8°Vp +a) In Matrix Form, Vo) 11 Va vy, 4: a | LV. | Sh at Vo. Sequence to Phase Conversion For Voltages W=VotW Vy % =Votaty tay, fy + aVy +a'Vy In Matrix For, [Ya] loa Ya} Nol Lh a Ma. an Vp > zero sequence voltage of phase A V, + positive sequence voltage of phase A V, ~+ negative sequence voltage of phase A Vq > phase A voltage Va > phase B voltage Ve > phase C voltage a3 12120, a? = 12240° For Currents. 1 lla tle le) 1 a gla tal + 4c) i =a tel tal.) flea & apy 19) oa? alle. I, taeh $al, KiB 2 sy ly > zero sequence current of phase A I, = positive sequence current of phase A 1, > negative sequence current of phase A Ig > phase A current Ig > phase B current Ig > phase current ly = [at lp + 1c > neutral current Note: These equations are based on the assumption that the sequence is ABC and phase Ais the reference. If we change the reference (1. we use B as reference) then the equation will rotate (ie. Va becomes Vp, Vs becomes Ve, Ve becomes Vs, etc). ‘AC Chute 2 Page |8 10. " In a balanced three-phase Y-connected system, the line voltage and the corresponding phase voltage are displaced from each other by A.0° B. 30° C80" D. 120° REE - Sept. 2017 What is Vey in this balanced three-phase in which Vay = 7200220° and Vow = 72002~100°? A. 7202-80" B. 72002 120° C. 7200290" D. 72002140" REE - Sept. 2018 / April 2019 Three 6.66 0 resistors are connected wye. What is the equivalent of each delta connected resistors? A.2.220 B.200 ©. 11.540 D100 REE - Sept. 2015 / Sept. 2016 Convert the delta connected impedances of 12236 © to balanced wye connected impedances. A, 336° B.6236°0 ©. 4.36°0 D. 12.36°0 REE - Sept. 2017 4157-V rms, three-phase supply is applied to a balanced Wye-connected three-phase load consisting of three identical impedances of 38.4 + j28.8 ohms. Taking the phase to neutral voltage Van as reference. What is the phasor current for phase B in Ampere/s? A, 45.98 + 19.64 B.-45.98 +)1964 C. 45,98-]19.64 _D. -45,98 - 19.64 REE - April 2018 / Sept. 2019 A symmetrical three-phase 240 v supplies a balanced delta-connected load of 6 — j8 ohms per phase. What is the line current? A. 32 + j25A B.32-j25A ©. 25-324 D.25+)32A REE — Sept. 2013 Power in a three-phase delta system with balanced load is equal to A. V3 Vil. (p-f) B. ¥3 Vole (9.f) C. 3Vel. (p-F) D. 3Vih (pf) REE - Sept. 2017 Find the average power absorbed by a balanced three-phase load in an ABC circuit in which Vow = 208215" and ls = 32110"? A. 1,080 W B.624W c.358 W D.620W REE — April 2005 Three heater units each taking 1,500 watts are connected delta to a 120 volt three phase line. What is the resistance of each unit in ohms? A968 B54 C.88 D75 REE - Sept. 2013 A 240 v balanced 3 source supplies a purely resistive impedance of 11.52 ohms per phase. What is the total power drawn if it is Y-connected? AS KW B. 15 kW ©. 20kW D.30kW REE - Sept. 2007 A balanced three-phase, wye-connected load of 150 kw takes a leading current of 100 A, ‘when the line is 2,400 v, 60 HZ. What is the capacitance per phase? A21 mF B.21 HF C. 205 mF D. 205 uF ‘AC Cheute2 Page |7- REE ~ April 2004 12. Its required to increase the power factor of a 750 KW three-phase balanced load from 70% tagging io 90% lagging. The ine volagef 6,800 vats, 60 He, Spec the capacitor required jorease the power factor of this wye-connected load in microfarad per phase. 208 B. 22.39 C. 18.58 D. 17.22 REE - May 2010 13. A balanced three-phase source serves three loads: Load 1: 24 KW, 0.6 lagging p-f. Load 2: 10 KW, unity pf Load 3: 14 KVA, 0.8 leading pf If the line voltage of the load is 208 v rms at 60 Hz, find the line current. A. 143A B. 139A C.141A D.137A REE - Sept. 2009 14. In two-wattmeter method of power measurement, the readings of the two wattmeters were 6,717 watts and 2,658 watts, respectively. Find the power factor. A.0.90 8.0.70 C.0.60 D.0.80 REE — April 2005 15, The total power consumed by a balanced 34 load is 3,000 watts at 80% power factor, Two wattmeters W, and Ws are connected to the line. What is the reading of Wa? A, 2,150 watts B. 2,000 watts . 1,500 watts D. 2,500 watts REE - Sept. 2019 16. The readings of the wattmeter will be same in the two-wattmeter method when A. load in one phases is zero . power factor is unity B. power factor is 0.50 D. neutral is grounded REE — Sept. 2015 / April 2019 17. For an unbalanced load which connection is suitable? A, 3-wire open delta C. 3-wire delta connection B, 4-wire wye connection D. 3-wire wye connection REE - Sept. 2009 18. A three-phase, wye-connected system with 240-v per phase is connected to three loads: 10 ohms, 18.79 + j6.84 ohms, 9.83 — j6.88 ohms to phases A,B, and C, respectively. Find the current in phase C. A174 +)19.92 A B.-1.744j19.92A C.-1.74-19.92A D.174—j19.92A REE ~ April 2005 19. A 3-phase 4-wire system has the following unbalanced loads: Z; = 10 + j§ 0, 2.=8+j49, and 2; = 20 + j0 Q. The line to neutral voltage of the system is 120 volts. What is the reading of the wattmeter in watts in 2)? A900 B. 720 . 1,000 D. 1,050 REE — April 2019 20. What is the value of 1 +a + 2°? Ao BH c-4 De ‘AC Cheute 2 Page | a 22. 23, 24, 25. REE — April 2019 / Sept. 2019 Given the following phase currents: la = 3.5 + j3.5; Ib = -j3; and Ic = -2.6 + 1.5. Determine the negative sequence current for phase A. A.0.313 + j0.678 B.-0.313-j0.678 C.-0.313 + j0.678 D.0.313-j0.678 REE - Sept. 2007 For the following phase currents |, = 34.64, |, positive sequence for phase c? A 12,44 ~ 21.55 B.12.444)21.55 C.-12.444]21.55 D.-12.44—j21.55 10 - j17.32, |, =-10 + j17.32. What is the A wye-connected, three phase system has the following sequence components of current: Zero sequence current = 12.5 cis 30° Positive sequence current = 28 cis (- 45°) Negative sequence current = 20 cis (-32°) Determine the current flowing in the neutral wire. A. 4.17 cis 30° B. 37.5 cis 30° ©. 35,7 cis (60°). 22.5cis 10° REE — April 2007 Given the following sets of symmetrical components, determine the phase current for phase B. lo=tat75deg In =tattSdeg la = 1 at-45 deg A. 0.259 + 0.966 B.0516+j1.931 C.1.932+j0518 =D. 1.414 +j1.414 REE - Sept. 2006 / April 2017 ‘One conductor of a three-phase line is open. The current flowing to the delta-connected load through line a is 20 A. With the current in line @ as reference and assuming that line c is ‘open, what is the negative sequence current of phase a? A. 10+ 5.78 B. 10 - 5.78 ©. j11.55 D.-10 + 5.78 ‘AC Cheute 2 Page |

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