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The Contributions of Philosophers to Self-awareness and Their Application in

Midwifery: An Unexpected and Exciting Journey at IMAP College

My journey into the world of midwifery took an unexpected turn during my time at IMAP College, a period that was both
challenging and exciting. It all began when my mother was admitted to the hospital due to hypertension, and life as I knew it
momentarily came to a halt. This pause in my education would prove to be a pivotal moment, eventually leading me to the world
of midwifery.

As a student at IMAP College, I grappled with the complexities of my own identity and aspirations. It was a time of self-
discovery, and Socrates' enduring dictum, "Know yourself," echoed in my thoughts. I realized that my personal journey of self-
awareness paralleled the path I would later embark upon in midwifery. Understanding myself was the first step towards
understanding the women I would support during their childbirth journeys.

Plato's belief in innate knowledge became a source of inspiration as I navigated this unexpected journey. I discovered that the
challenges I faced during my mother's health crisis and my temporary hiatus from school were opportunities for contemplation
and growth. Through this introspection, I began to understand that my calling lay in the world of healthcare and supporting
expectant mothers during one of life's most transformative moments.

My mother's struggle with hypertension illuminated the importance of Immanuel Kant's philosophy, which emphasizes the
intrinsic value of each individual. Kant's principles of respect and dignity became tangible as I witnessed the dedicated
healthcare professionals treating my mother with unwavering respect. This experience left an indelible mark on me, shaping my
commitment to treating every patient I would encounter as an autonomous individual deserving of the highest quality care.

René Descartes' maxim, "I think, therefore I am," took on new meaning during my hiatus from school. It was a period where I
contemplated my own existence and purpose, much like Descartes' own philosophical journey. These reflections would later
inform my approach to midwifery, reminding me that the mental and emotional aspects of childbirth are as vital as the physical.

John Locke's theory of personal identity, centered on consciousness and memory, found resonance in my own life. During
those two years away from school, I realized that my identity was not solely defined by academic pursuits but by my ability to
remember and draw from my past experiences. This insight would become invaluable as I supported mothers in creating positive
and memorable birthing experiences.

David Hume's Bundle Theory challenged me to appreciate the complexity of human nature. My experiences at IMAP College
and my mother's health crisis had taught me that each individual carries a unique bundle of experiences, beliefs, and emotions. I
applied this understanding to my future practice, recognizing that each woman I would assist in childbirth had her own bundle of
hopes, fears, and dreams.

St. Augustine's philosophy of love and justice became a guiding light during my journey. It was evident that the healthcare
professionals who cared for my mother approached their work with love, justice, and dedication. This example left a profound
impression on me and became a cornerstone of my commitment to compassionate and just care in midwifery.

In conclusion, my unexpected and exciting journey at IMAP College, which included a pause in my education due to my
mother's health crisis, ultimately led me to the world of midwifery. The wisdom of philosophers, coupled with my personal
experiences, equipped me with the empathy, respect, and ethical considerations necessary to provide holistic and compassionate
care to expectant mothers. Through this unique journey, I found my calling and learned that self-awareness and philosophical
principles could guide me in enriching the childbirth experiences of mothers and contributing to the well-being of both mothers
and newborns.

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